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8 games in: what do we now know of the Hodge era?


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Yesterday was a tough loss.  How about we talk about what we know, now that we are 8 games into this new regime.

I thought @Censored by Laurie said something notable: we have no offense and no closer.  Under Grant, we had no offense but at least we had a closer.

I was thinking about last night.  Granted, I'm no X-and-O guys, but it just seems to me a paradox: how are we (seemingly) so good at moving the ball around the perimeter, but for the life of us we are awful at positioning ourselves underneath the basket for a layout or an up-close jumper?  I feel like we are helpless and have no idea how to get the ball inside.  Sometimes a guard, like Jones, Noland, and/or Edwards gets it done, but it's not consistent.  They disappear for long, inconvenient stretches.

Sussoko needs to develop.  He is hurting us more often than not.

....or am I seeing this wrong?

Hodge needs to grow.  I like to think we have some pretty capable offensive skills on the court, and we are not showing it.

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I wouldn't be surprised if we have more of a learning curve than we all wanted to see. Hodge is billed as a great defensive mind, but he has to enable his offenses to get things going, and that's going to take some adjustments to his game strategies. I see us likely shooting for the 20-win season with decent conference tournament performance, but not making a postseason tourney. Next year, when Scott, Jones, and the rest of this crew are more mature and Hodge makes offseason adjustments, we'll see some good progress and compete for the conference again. 

In sum: too early to judge Hodge, but still very optimistic. 

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Basically we're similar to how we've been the last several seasons (outstanding energy, great defense, and a true never back down mentality), we just don't have a closer.  Hopefully one of the guys develops into one.  We're really close, but until we can finish games we'll probably be mid-pack, at best, in the AAC.

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Hodge is fine.  I have no concerns with him leading. 
Sussoko has to improve. We have had some really good people at his position the past 6 years but we have taken a step back. I was hopeful that it wouldn’t be the case when he held it sufficiently during the NIT run. 
And we will need to find a closer come next year. I am not holding my breath for this year.  Sadly a few of our games like last night where we have the lead under two and can’t finish it out.  
I don’t blame the coaching on this one like some have. we just don’t have what got us over the hump last year with losing KH and TP. 

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As far as last night, we had this one won, but when our top 2 scorers fouled out we came up with a goose egg after that and Boise went on a run to close it out. Boise is not an easy place to win anyway. Team is still coming together. Boise was favored to win and they did. Still, we should have pulled this one out. I am not to concerned about MG going forward. btw Boise State's losses are to Clemson, Va. Tech and Butler. 

Edited by mgk
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41 minutes ago, Jason Howeth said:

I wouldn't be surprised if we have more of a learning curve than we all wanted to see. Hodge is billed as a great defensive mind, but he has to enable his offenses to get things going, and that's going to take some adjustments to his game strategies. I see us likely shooting for the 20-win season with decent conference tournament performance, but not making a postseason tourney. Next year, when Scott, Jones, and the rest of this crew are more mature and Hodge makes offseason adjustments, we'll see some good progress and compete for the conference again. 

In sum: too early to judge Hodge, but still very optimistic. 

You are assuming that all of these guys come back. We now know that is foolish to think we won't lose some of our best guys. I'm really proud of Ruben for staying for his senior year. Going to be cool when he breaks the record for most wins by a player in their career at one school. His record may stand for a really long time with the age of the portal. 

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The pieces are still gelling, especially the new guards.  They will get better as they get more games together and start settling into more defined roles.

Our posts are generally providing only rebounding, with almost zero threat to score.  We weren't a whole lot better at the position last year, but we need to find a way to get them involved more consistently.

It will be a bumpier road than we're used to in the regular season, but I still expect this team to be pretty salty by the time we get to the AAC tournament.

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I don't think the issue is not having a closer, it is not having a great player on the team.  Perry is close to not being replacable, and there is no one on the team close to his skill level.  

Obviously, in the Boise game; NT went went into a coma at the end of the game.  Nothing worked and I think it was a combination of NT players losing focus, bad coaching, very questionable refereeing, and an inspired Boise team.  Having your best players foul out lost the game.  


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29 minutes ago, GrandGreen said:

I don't think the issue is not having a closer, it is not having a great player on the team.  Perry is close to not being replacable, and there is no one on the team close to his skill level.  

Obviously, in the Boise game; NT went went into a coma at the end of the game.  Nothing worked and I think it was a combination of NT players losing focus, bad coaching, very questionable refereeing, and an inspired Boise team.  Having your best players foul out lost the game.  


Closer=Great Player

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1 hour ago, GrandGreen said:

I don't think the issue is not having a closer, it is not having a great player on the team.  Perry is close to not being replacable, and there is no one on the team close to his skill level.  

Obviously, in the Boise game; NT went went into a coma at the end of the game.  Nothing worked and I think it was a combination of NT players losing focus, bad coaching, very questionable refereeing, and an inspired Boise team.  Having your best players foul out lost the game.  


We also had a horrible shooting night from 3. That is not the norm for these guys. Perry and Hamlett were special players that loved being in those end of game situations. Last night Perry was having a horrible shooting night but busts a step back 3 to win it in overtime. Confidence to take the shot when you're having an off night is essential. We don't really have anyone that has had to be that guy for their team. Hopefully someone will grow into it. 

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I haven’t lost hope. Last year at this time Kai Huntsberry was very slow to take off and once conference started he turned into a monster. 
Hoping the same thing can happen with CJ Noland. He looks overweight and out of shape to me. The guy can barely make a layup right now. 
If this team has any kind of chance in conference, we need him to step up and be the player he is supposed to be. 

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8 games in - Thoughts - Heavy is the head.....

Really wanted to see 10 games, but technically they have played 10 (closed scrimmage & Exhibition).  However, my thoughts are subject to change with another 2 data points.  Here goes.....

CRH is learning on the job.  Heavy is the head that wears the crown.  He's the head guy now.  The seat is different, and if you ask him he will say the same.  This isn't JUCO where he had the luxury of having really good teams and this isn't the same as being an assistant.  I loved how he took accountability for his coaching lapse in last night's game.  Post game pressers tell you nothing while telling you everything.  The immediate outlook on CRH remains high.

The team or shall I refer to them as the pieces - they are in Oz now.  Decisions must be made that could spell success or lead to a rebuild.  Individually they ALL bring a vital needed element to the game, but they are not meshing.  I've tried to put my finger on it and I want to be wrong - so very wrong for what I "think". Kai, Tylor, and Abou are gone and the reigns have been handed over to Rubin & A-Scott.  Sissoko has been asked to continue his "March Madness" level of play.  A-Scott is the "draft prospect" and Rubin is the heir apparent.  Step back 6 months and none of the guys were asked nor expected to lead this team.  Heavy is the head.... It takes stones (no Matt 'my favorite player' Stone pun intended) to take shot clock beating, game tying, game winning last second shots less more deliver on them.  There is a lot of pressure to continue what they (carry over coach/players) started last year.  I see that pressure or so I think I do.  I also THINK (and I yell THINK) that a player is seeing "ghosts of players past".  And that is what worries me most and I don't want to be right - I need to be wrong. Only time will tell.

The pieces need to check egos (stolen from another CRH presser) and to play to win as a team at UNT and not play to win individually in the portal.  Once the pieces do this, they could be a team to be reckoned with.  Until then, they will remain good pieces that can play well in spurts, but don't have an identity to win meaningful games.

Quite a bit to unpack from last nights game, but the OP inquired as to thoughts on the first 8.



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Hodge is doing an outstanding job. Period. No question about it. He has fielded a team that has been very competitive with every team we've played this season despite several of those schools having resources that dwarf our own. 

This is incredible for a first year coach in what could only be described as a rebuilding year. It shows the impressive leadership that Rubin and Aaron have assumed and the dedication the newcomers have exhibited.

The only, ONLY fault that I could find with this year's basketball team is that they allow poor leadership in our athletics department to select uniforms that negatively impact their performance. It's not just cosmetic, it has led to some humiliating defeats because the "tough and trashy look" inspires officiating calls to be made against our team. I'm not saying that the right thing to do, but it's obvious it happens. And one more thing, these deviant color uniforms do an extremely poor job of representing our school.

There's absolutely no doubt we would have beaten Boise State last night if we had worn our Green uniforms. And we would have looked good doing it.


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15 minutes ago, HoosMeanGreen said:

8 games in - Thoughts - Heavy is the head.....

Really wanted to see 10 games, but technically they have played 10 (closed scrimmage & Exhibition).  However, my thoughts are subject to change with another 2 data points.  Here goes.....

CRH is learning on the job.  Heavy is the head that wears the crown.  He's the head guy now.  The seat is different, and if you ask him he will say the same.  This isn't JUCO where he had the luxury of having really good teams and this isn't the same as being an assistant.  I loved how he took accountability for his coaching lapse in last night's game.  Post game pressers tell you nothing while telling you everything.  The immediate outlook on CRH remains high.

The team or shall I refer to them as the pieces - they are in Oz now.  Decisions must be made that could spell success or lead to a rebuild.  Individually they ALL bring a vital needed element to the game, but they are not meshing.  I've tried to put my finger on it and I want to be wrong - so very wrong for what I "think". Kai, Tylor, and Abou are gone and the reigns have been handed over to Rubin & A-Scott.  Sissoko has been asked to continue his "March Madness" level of play.  A-Scott is the "draft prospect" and Rubin is the heir apparent.  Step back 6 months and none of the guys were asked nor expected to lead this team.  Heavy is the head.... It takes stones (no Matt 'my favorite player' Stone pun intended) to take shot clock beating, game tying, game winning last second shots less more deliver on them.  There is a lot of pressure to continue what they (carry over coach/players) started last year.  I see that pressure or so I think I do.  I also THINK (and I yell THINK) that a player is seeing "ghosts of players past".  And that is what worries me most and I don't want to be right - I need to be wrong. Only time will tell.

The pieces need to check egos (stolen from another CRH presser) and to play to win as a team at UNT and not play to win individually in the portal.  Once the pieces do this, they could be a team to be reckoned with.  Until then, they will remain good pieces that can play well in spurts, but don't have an identity to win meaningful games.

Quite a bit to unpack from last nights game, but the OP inquired as to thoughts on the first 8.



Wow, very well written, reminiscent of the old days when Tasty Greek and Quoner would pontificate on here, but missing all the dark humor. I've been reading these boards so often that I am slowly beginning to accept good as an adverb, alot as a real word, and that assure, ensure, and insure all mean the same thing.

Then again, I was one that loved the sarcasm and satire even when I was the target.

Please post more often.

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I feel there’s no head to the snake right now. We’re competing, but can’t finish. If only we could see this team with our TCU transfer pg at the helm (sorry…forgot his name). Maybe he wouldn’t make that much of a difference, but it shifts everyone down a spot for depth. We wouldn’t have Ruben and CJ TRY to run the offense, but look for their offense instead. 

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6 hours ago, CMJ said:

Basically we're similar to how we've been the last several seasons (outstanding energy, great defense, and a true never back down mentality), we just don't have a closer.  Hopefully one of the guys develops into one.  We're really close, but until we can finish games we'll probably be mid-pack, at best, in the AAC.

Exactly this! 100% my take. I would like to see Rubin try to be the closer. 

A Scott's offense is too inconsistent, Jason Edward's decision making is not good. Sissoko is not polished yet. Buggs has still not shown a ton. Noland might be the only other option. 

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6 hours ago, Cooley said:

Closer=Great Player

Not necessarily, Rodman, Chamberlain, for example were great players; not sure they were great closers.  Rodman was a great closer on the defensive end, but certainly not on the offensive end.   Chamberlain seldom made free throws, so I am not sure anybody would call him a great closer.

NT's D. J. Draper on the other hand was someone that most wanted shooting critical shots, but I don't think many would classify him a great player.  

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