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CMJ last won the day on April 1

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About CMJ

  • Birthday 07/13/1978

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  1. There was a three hour delay at halftime for lightning. Up to halftime it was full.
  2. Nice to get the win. Road underdog wins are always good.
  3. Oregon State isn't that far removed from playing in a Regional Final. Even though they've had a rough few years, this is a great get scheduling wise.
  4. Most scientists still believe it was natural rather than man made, but both camps have plenty of things to point to. https://www.science.org/content/article/virologists-and-epidemiologists-back-natural-origin-covid-19-survey-suggests
  5. LOL, nothing has been proven with any certainty about the origins of the virus and to those who believe the Lab Leak Theory, it's generally thought to have been an accidental leak, not some sort of weapon made by the Chinese against the West. People still debate where the Spanish Flu originated with over a century of research, it's unlikely people will ever be 100% sure where this came from either.
  6. This was during our era. Of course back then we had a very limited membership. Talons has way more membership and much more money now, but that Scrap'em Eagles thing probably forgotten about after us - we tried to use it, but GMG was much more catchy..
  7. Scrap'em is (or was) a thing. I remember in the late 90s there was some sort of Administration decision that "Scrap'em Eagles" would be our official battle cry. Probably only a few people were ever aware of it, but Talons got the memo.
  8. It's probably the easiest place in the country to recruit since you literally never have to leave your own city and you are playing in the most famous venue in the world, in arguably the best basketball league in the country year to year (though I believe that's the ACC). Any coach who gets that job will be able to afford living in NYC given they pay handsomely there. They are 9th in all time wins, have numerous NIT championships (some when it was arguably the better tournament than the NCAA and could be considered National Championships), 30 NCAA appearances, nine Sweet 16s, two Final Fours, etc.. Yes, SJU has been down as of late, but is one of the best jobs in the country.
  9. The last 6-8 games of his career he was all world. I wonder why he never put it together before that.
  10. St. Johns is still one of those jobs where the right coach could get things rolling.
  11. St. Johns is one of the great sleeping giant jobs in the nation. They have a fantastic basketball history (they haven't been that great for the last generation or so, but the Johnies do have a helluva tradition) going back about 80 years and they play in NYC at MSG.
  12. Well, if you're going that route I'd argue they aren't a stand alone city either given many people do both them and Santa Fe since they're about an hour away from each other. Throw in all the other places that aren't too far away like Taos, the National Forest, etc. and there's plenty to see and do in that part of the country.
  13. My point is the place isn't just a lousy city where nothing is going on (which has been used both to say there is nothing but basketball to do there or why would anyone go there) like has been bandied about. More people visit there for tourism in a given year than Denton probably gets in ten.
  14. Albuquerque has a lot of tourism videos out there. Hell, my wife and I just went through there recently and stopped at Petroglyphs National Monument and took the Sandia Tramway. I LOVE Denton, but Denton doesn't have a National Monument or a tramway that goes up to 10,300 feet to watch the sunset. Albuquerque's also an hour away from Santa Fe which is a great place to visit. Would I rather live there than Denton? No. But I can see why many would and I can definitely see why a 20 year old would.
  15. They're a good basketball school and have been for some time. For that matter NMSU has some decent basketball tradition too, even if they had a down year.
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