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BigWillie last won the day on February 25 2024

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  1. Kinda sad to see the conference we left be above us.
  2. To add to my own comment, Tulane will probably win their game tomorrow as they are playing UTSA, and now it makes the top 5 spots in the standings VERY close. Not much room for any more errors (losses).
  3. After processing this loss, I feel like this is still just a bump in the road. The next 2 games are bigger though. You can't go anything less than 2-0 now before getting some rest. If we go 1-1, I will start being a little concerned. Especially if they go 3 losses in a row.
  4. People tend to carry the football mentality over here. It's win or nothing. For football, I agree until they prove it. Basketball has a MUCH longer leash. We were in both games, regardless of how it happens, this usually means the teams are fairly equal. I haven't looked at previous meetings scores, but I would probably say it has been the case for a while. It's just a great match up. Honestly, I hope we can avoid them in the tourney. If they are 2nd and we are 3rd, we might have a chance to bypass them.
  5. I feel like part of this is the lack of play calls for him in the first half.
  6. Maybe this is just what he needs. Another game against UAB.
  7. Honestly. I would probably not want to be UAB in this game. I expect NT to come out pissed.
  8. Hahaha, I miss this show. It pushed the limits, but it was hilarious. I wonder why they didn't know. Honestly, I wouldn't have known if I didn't go to the last 2 games, but the email just came out about it this week I think. Seems we should be doing more here!
  9. This is a big part of it. One of the post game interviews I think it was Tin that said this team is like a family and they all get along and have fun. That's not always the case when you have completely new faces. I would like to think this has to do with what Hodge fosters in these guys.
  10. I know there isn't a one size fits all system, but if the committee values Q1 wins so much, why don't they reflect in the NET? We have 0, yet we are still 45th in the country. IMO, it shouldnt weigh so heavily on that metric since the true measure of a team should be many factors (which the NET takes into account), not whether you can win on one night against a team. Let's use the system as it's intended instead of picking and choosing what parts of it we want to pick. Yes, completely agree with this which is why it shouldnt be the ONLY metric in the decision for an at large.
  11. If only there was a system in place that automatically ranked teams you could just follow. If that were the case, you would expect the committee to use it to pick the top teams..... I think you posted in the wrong section. Football is a different section of the site. Yes. I feel football fans try to carry that over to basketball and it isn't the same.
  12. The other thing is #2 shouldn't play #1 until the Championship if all goes according to plan. That would help with not seeing Memphis until our revenge game.
  13. 100% this. Is football as a sport THAT much bigger that people would rather watch two teams that shouldn't matter in a Dallas Cowboys dominated area?
  14. This was the NIT Sissoko and even better. I wish he would have been this way last year, but beggars can't be choosers!
  15. Is this a school thing or a Maniacs thing? If school, I have heard 0 promotion for it.
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