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BigWillie last won the day on February 25

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  1. Just watched WFAA news at 10 and they actually mentioned NT football because of AAC media day. Really surprised we were the only college team that got a mention. Even a little clip of Morris.
  2. Maybe it is just me, but does he look like Devin Harris?
  3. This has to be the reason he is leaving. Not that I don't love our school, but Drake was 28-7 last season and went to the NCAA. It is very exciting he chose us over 2 SEC teams though! In Hodge we trust!! I can't wait to see this guy play, I think he will pick up where JE left off. Maybe he will be better in the culture too!
  4. No, I was trying to say his comparison of loyalty to hopping jobs. A company would drop any one as an employee without the bat of an eye. There is no loyalty on the business side.
  5. You do realize that most companies are only loyal to making money, right?
  6. Looks like we offered back in 2020 also. Wonder what happened then.
  7. The good ole "it's hard to recruit at North Texas". Football has been going through this for many, many years. Not saying I disagree with you, just always comes back to that.
  8. Honestly, this didnt even cross my mind after one year, but........
  9. Maybe Drez, but I am still a TP fan. I am on the side of taking a quarter of a million dollars as a college student.
  10. That's what I was going to ask!
  11. Can we have a 5th option.... "Don't care"?
  12. I would check out Tech under Mac. I think pretty much their whole starting 5 entered the portal.
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