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  1. Yes, but only until they realize they misunderstood what the site was all about
    14 points
  2. Classy move of Johnny to allow our Bleed Green squad to practice at his TSU facilities prior to the game tonight in Houston. Should be a fun game tonight. Go Bleed Green!
    12 points
  3. Class act all the way. Years ago I was on a business trip in San Jose. Nevada team came through and I saw him, said hello and we talked for several minutes. He went out of his way to say hello, ask my name, etc. I told him, everybody at North Texas knows who you are and remembers what you did for us. Good times.
    12 points
  4. According to 247SPORTS, Lewis is a 3⭐️ WR from Bryan, TX. Welcome to the Mean Green!
    9 points
  5. This is exactly what it is. Every rule/policy being implemented helps the well to do programs, and we have UNT people coming on here, all drooling at the mouth and what not, agreeing with the complete destruction of collegiate athletics.
    9 points
  6. Just watched WFAA news at 10 and they actually mentioned NT football because of AAC media day. Really surprised we were the only college team that got a mention. Even a little clip of Morris.
    9 points
  7. Graduates??? I just hope he actually enrolls😩😂
    8 points
  8. You guys can hate Biden all you want (I am not a huge fan either) but please take a minute to understand this 81 year old just served 4 years in the worst, most difficult job in the country. His ability to withdraw is noble, and I wish him a peaceful remainder of his life. Politics aside.
    8 points
  9. What do you mean forced? Also Reece finished his season yesterday. He's on the way. The whole airplane Microsoft thing mucked it up. He's coming from Venezuela
    8 points
  10. They need to advertise better. Noone even knew about it.
    7 points
  11. Reminds me of the old days, prior to 1973, when schools like UT would have 150+ players and recruit many just to keep them away from other schools.
    6 points
  12. Best news this country has received in a long time
    6 points
  13. Always good things. Oh, are we still talking football???
    6 points
  14. Not NIL but another “giving” event:
    5 points
  15. No kidding. If you really want this to be successful then have it on Friday or Saturday.
    5 points
  16. Tuesday at 6p in Bartonville is a tough ask.
    5 points
  17. If it was at Scotty B's, I would be there. Talking to you Marty. GMG
    5 points
  18. I have an honest question regarding Kamala Harris that I will preface with the facts below: 1. She was so disliked in the Democratic Party that she was the first candidate to drop out of the '20 primary with single digit approval ratings. 2. A year ago, media members were questioning the Democratic Party about potentially replacing her on the '24 ticket because of her ineffectiveness, etc... So, how did she become so popular in the last 4 or 5 days? Is she really the best the Democrats have to offer?
    5 points
  19. Sure, you have rich goobers that can buy blocks of tickets....buy no real fans that will actually use the tickets...
    5 points
  20. Probably one of the many SMU fans we have on our board. (but we are not their rival....) Ha
    5 points
  21. Their Death Penalty already ensured their elite status in college sports history. Buying their way into a conference just labels them as rich, but not actually worthy...
    5 points
  22. Abner Haynes played football here when the playing part was the easy part. The abuse he had to deal with, likely every day, must have made him wonder why he chose to come here in the first place. Abner Haynes and his teammate Leon King blocked so that others could run. They carried the ball so that the ball later generations carried was lighter. And thank you to the University of North Texas (NTSC, NTSU) for offering these opportunities some 10 years before those opportunities became fashionable. My Dad took me to see my first football game. I’ll never forget him saying we were going to see “Little Abner.” There should be a statue to Abner Haynes next to Joe Greene’s. I’m just sorry Abner wont see it.
    5 points
  23. I will not be able to make it to the event at Marty B's tonight. Hopefully there will be a good turnout. Who will be attending tonight?
    4 points
  24. Rod Brown is who I am assuming you are referring to when you state "we have a defensive tackle that goes 5-11..." He has been one of our most consistent players on the DL for the past two years. We still have Vailea and added VJ Bronson from Arkansas St. and some size in the freshman class. I think the biggest change is our DE's are now true DE size.
    4 points
  25. You mention this "defensive line" from last year. I know not what you are talking about. Defensive line. What is that?
    4 points
  26. Must be a bunch of old men yelling at the clouds working for Nike now. I’ve read on this board for several years now that we have to wear the ridiculous uniforms or it will hurt recruiting. So now, in less than a year, uniforms don’t matter? So recruiting isn’t going to tank because we aren’t wearing all black or worse, gray?
    4 points
  27. You are wildly overrating them. Nobody who spent time at a big SEC football school on gameday would think to themselves, "this reminds me of SMU." Their deep football history is so deep it's six feet under. Today's Mustang fans only know the life of a G5 underachiever and getting mad at all the fans disguised as empty seats.
    4 points
  28. The confused emoji confuses me. The event has been advertised for a long time. What is the confusion? Event Calendar — MARTY ★ B's (martybsplace.com)
    4 points
  29. SMU brings a lot of money and glitz, but no real fan base. Their attendance will not improve significantly with their new conference alignment. I am talking about actual butts in the stands, not ticket purchase that is never used by their fans.
    4 points
  30. Getting quality RB's to come to Denton has never been an issue.
    4 points
  31. As of now, the highest-rated commit in this class: https://247sports.com/recruitment/terrence-lewis-165612/recruitinterests/ Welcome, Terrence!
    4 points
  32. Not sure Biden has been capable of doing much for a long time. The question is how much more damage can be done by the unnamed people, who have been making the decisions for years. With Harris at the helm, there is a danger that she will actually make some independent decisions.
    4 points
  33. I heard she’s gonna try to make abortions available up to 36 weeks after pregnancy. Interesting 🤔
    4 points
  34. I'm just glad to see democrats saving democracy. Power to the people!
    4 points
  35. I'm going to the kick-off event in Aug 3rd and will get my printed tickets then. I've always had very good luck contacting this person in the ticket office.........hannah.drysdale@unt.edu. She advised me that printed tickets are available, for an extra $15.
    4 points
  36. SSJ.....I have them print out my tickets (football and basketball) for me. Also....I get printed parking passes. They're more than willing to do it.
    4 points
  37. Quality individual. Not many better. I will always be a fan of his.
    4 points
  38. None of the schools mentioned, including Memphis and USF, increase the media rights value of any major conference in the nation. While large markets like Temple in Philadelphia may sound good they don't matter if they have no fan base.In addition no one really wants private schools with 4 to 8,000 undergraduates regardless of location .
    4 points
  39. Damn, I thought you were gonna say he agreed to a game in Denton this year!
    4 points
  40. 4 points
  41. Some of you all obsess way too much about fans of others schools visiting here. We used to have a LOT more participation on gmg by fans of other schools, and with the exception of a few trolls, it was a better place when we did, IMHO.
    3 points
  42. This leap from I-Love-Littrell into I-Do-Not-Like-Morris is noted. You're right, though: this Morris hire was very different from any hire we've done going back....ages! We didn't flip from defense to offense, or the other way around. We went from one guy in the Leach tree to another guy in the Leach tree. Continuity from one hire to the next that I have never seen in my football fandom. I get the bleakness heading into year 2. NIL. Necessary changes that were not made. I think Morris still wants to figure this out, though. He wants to get to that first BIG opportunity, similar to SL and KSU. Giving up now would be throwing in the towel before he's been knocked down. For me, personally, this is not very different from most offseason and year 2 or 3 of a recent hire. Still very much, let's see how the first couple games play out and dreaming for wins.
    3 points

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