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southsideguy last won the day on December 4 2022

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About southsideguy

  • Birthday August 22

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  1. I guess we will get to see if the defense has improved today. If it hasn't the DC should be sent packing.
  2. We are number 116, we are number 116. That doesn't have the same ring as we are number one.
  3. good luck with that, the big guys are not looking for new teams. they want to dump some teams.
  4. that works also, anyone might help with this
  5. maybe we should team up with SMUT land and a team can play two games on the road without taking flights for one of the games?
  6. is that the school gets and has to distribute to the players? if so that wont buy many what burger gift cards. the razorbacks must be thrilled. Is it based on view of team or what?
  7. The defense was as bad as I remember, glad the dc is back again this. year.
  8. did he give a reason the bigger teams would not come to denton? should try to work with some MWC schools in BB. we cant be the only team having this problem.
  9. don't worry about SMUT land they have enough money to buy into another conference if needed
  10. did you forget we have the worst DC in the country coming back this year.
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