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untbowler last won the day on November 23 2024

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About untbowler

  • Birthday 10/02/1978

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    Middle of NoWhere on the Tennis Court
  • Interests
    Tennis, MMA, Politics

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  1. not a good start, 8 points scored 8 min left in 2Q, down by 10
  2. RV got lazy after 10 yrs, Wren was good then got big eyes to move up and got lazy, Mosely has started out apathetic and has shown nothing that will actually grow the Program with fans, considering the $$$ being shelled out in the AD area, the ROI is pathetic
  3. PWO if that is still a thing with the roster changes coming next Fall.
  4. An apathetic AD office --> Apathetic Students --> Apathetic Alumni --> GoMeanGreen Diehards bitching with each other in a never ending circle 🙂
  5. Kononova has done extremely well on the tour in doubles has a few challenger titles.
  6. COMMITTED to Baylor 1/23
  7. Do not feel sorry for these schools at all, they created this monster and did not know how to budget wisely with the millions that were flowing in the past 10-15 years. Time to do some efficiency cleaning house
  8. That's actually pretty easy to GeoCode, with the data provided in Table Format, did it for 60,000 Voters during my last campaign so I knew which houses to canvas. Just find a poor GIS Student looking for a little $$$ and produce a simple map or even web map
  9. If your a public school, these monies have to be disclosed, that's the law. Going to be some interesting days when these deals get shown.
  10. Many will disagree, but this also why we need to setup a Non-Con Rivalry Game with Tx State, fans obviously love it.
  11. Agents just enjoying the grift screwing over a bunch of 18-20 y.o.'s who do not know better when $$$ flashed in their faces
  12. He will make a good back up for the recruits coming in.
  13. going to Miami, reported $5 million, but will be the same after elbow surgery
  14. Congress getting involved means it will be even more f**ked up than it is now. Anything the nitwits in DC touch turns to shit and costs to much $$$
  15. not bad of a comeback considering missing a player due to concussion protocol. Keep it up ladies
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