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untbowler last won the day on October 28 2023

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About untbowler

  • Birthday 10/02/1978

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    Middle of NoWhere on the Tennis Court
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    Tennis, MMA, Politics

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  1. No idea, I know she was injured and missed quite a few matches, Utah St is on parallel with UNT in my opinion on Tennis level.
  2. No you are right PB is unfortunately a dump now. Was a golden city back in the 70s and 80s, then AT&T left and took away lots of jobs
  3. right move for SFA is they can not make the financial move upto FCS. I would hope UCA would do the same as the ASUN is not a good conference for them.
  4. solid transfer if she is healthy and can produce like what got her to #79 in the ITA Rankings, should be a solid #1-2, replaces the 1 transfer out easily.
  5. I have not heard of any players entering, I believe the entire team could be back next season. Only one upperclassmen who is a Junior
  6. misleading, transfers do not sign and they are essentially free agents until they actually step foot on campus and enroll in classes
  7. not to bad with a young team and their #4 being out for the tournament. Stone deserves another 1-2 yrs to get stability in the program after max exodus the past 2-3 seasons
  8. if you clowns did any research, UCA has a new coach coming for next year, but keep bagging on the kid staying close to home
  9. seems par for the course unfortunately
  10. Edwards, Scott, and Jones all entering the portal
  11. If he is graduating with a degree from UNT best of luck. If he is leaving for greener pastures without a degree, I hope it turns brown and he falls flat on his face
  12. He has his degree from UNT, Jesus some of you just want to bitch and run over former players. He graduated and took his COVID year. He is a UNT Alum
  13. BB teams again can not finish a game, blow a 13 pt half time lead and lead by 5 with :43 sec and now into Double OT
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