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3_n_out last won the day on November 25 2024

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  1. Why not give him a shot and find out? Is it hard to do what some of these guys are doing offensively? It’s not like anyone is averaging 20 a game easily and consistently. Variety is the spice of life. I can’t help that you like boring.
  2. I definitely think you’re right on. Grant fights and gets emotional for his guys. Ross…too calm and collected.
  3. Let’s keep throwing out the same old stale offensive methods. Got it!
  4. We have one sitting on the bench that was a pretty good scorer in HS. Too bad he’s superglued to the bench.
  5. Our guards just aren’t playmakers. Seems like they easily get cut off and are stuck in bad situations. There’s a lack of purpose to their motion without the ball. At least run a simple pick and roll
  6. Are we confident in our young kicker, though? I remember the one game EM tried to take the 3 points and our K missed it. Seems like nothing is given with this team. IIRC, he was rated as a pretty good kicker, but I don’t know what happened.
  7. When do we get one?
  8. All I know is, if you fix the OL, the running game will take care of itself. They seem to have targeted the trenches this time around, and I’m loving it. Not only have we added beef, they’ve had some playing time at their respective colleges. If it all works out, your running game just got better.
  9. agreed, especially with the new portal additions. But, surely, this is his make or break year.
  10. I think you have 9 years of eligibility in college now.
  11. 260lbs?! What position is he playing…fullback?
  12. To the Univeristy of UNT still?
  13. On here all the time, actually. Maybe too much.
  14. Apparently, the prettier girl is ditching him as he’s entering the portal once again.
  15. Yup. His and the WR coach. Come on, man. I’m being facetious. It’s been a long and frustrating season.
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