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Cooley last won the day on April 22 2024

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About Cooley

  • Birthday 07/19/1954

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  1. Was at SOC the entire season in 2024. Don't see him being heavily recruited
  2. Can't do that and won't. Why would you match McCasland and not bring in more asses? Grant McCasland, the head men's basketball coach at Texas Tech University, is scheduled to make $3.9 million in the 2024-2025 season. This is an increase from the original $2.95 million figure. McCasland's salary increases by $100,000 each year.
  3. He was rewarded with the job; without a search. Great job thus far but less than 2 years on the job is still risky. If he's hired away, we just have to find someone else willing to be paid $700k. We don't have the money to get crazy. I believe in heavy incentive-laden contracts to supplement the base. Different sport but Deion Sanders sells the house out and has brought much national attention to the program. His impact has paid for an increase/extension Our basketball attendance hasn't increased enough to support a meaningful increase. (yet)
  4. I'd bump his base a bit but let's see how the season plays out. Also, some coaches are incented on attendance as well. Not sure we can sustain success bringing in mostly seniors each year and not developing underclassmen.
  5. Fb Family I am UNT HISTORY! UNT BASKETBALL HISTORY! Basketball has been played at UNT Since 1916 And No One, Red,Yellow,Black,White Or Brown. Has EVER Accomplish What I Have Done In The History Of UNT Basketball And There Have Been Some Great Players. To Play Basketball Before Me, With Me And After Me. Fb Family I Am The ONLY Player To Hold ALL The First Place Slots In Any Basketball Category At The Same Time. I Held That Honor In The REBOUND CATEGORY. Most rebounds in a game by a freshman 20 . Most rebounds in a game 29. Most rebounds in a game played in the Super Pit 29. Most rebounds in a season 411. Most rebounds in a career1,095. NATION(NCAA)LEADING REBOUNDER 14.7 No One Else In UNT Basketball HISTORY Has EVER LEAD The NATION Before Or After Me In Any Basketball Category. Footnote: In season 2011-2012 my most rebounds by a freshman was broken by Tony Mitchell. But Records Are Meant Too Be Broken. So Using The Hook Of One The Great Basketball Player. That Played Before Me And I Had The Pleasure To Meet Mr. Jim Mudd. IT'S CLEAR AS MUDD That I Am UNT HISTORY. I would like too say thank you to Coach Charles Malone for asking me as a sophomore in high-school to try out for the Basketball team. It goes without saying! A Big Thank you goes to my high school basketball Coach and friend Coach Jimmy Gales. For Telling Me To JUST GET THE REBOUND. Thank you to all the fans that came out to support and cheer on the Mean Green Basketball Team. No Matter What The Weather Was Like Saving The BEST For Last. My Parents Mr. and Mrs. Rayford Williams For Allowing Me To Follow This Basketball Journey To The End. Ok, kinda obvious, Kenneth Williams. Ken and I, along with Charles McMillian, are Facebook friends. He is a character and is mostly modest. He posted this to his page 2-3 days ago along with some photo's and news articles. He's attended a few UNT football and basketball games. What's funny about this post is a game I recalled him playing in high school. Coach Gales wasn't much on X's and O's. Coach was upset with a run by the other team. He jumped up and called timeout immediately. When Ken and the team came over, he didn't say a word other than "Rebound" to Ken. Anyway, thought I'd share. Carry on
  6. I think today's teams (UNT) will have a difficult time legitimately being labeled "Best Ever" due to annual turnover. Teams in the past were together 2-4 years with very rare transfers. 2 year guys were always Juco transfers as teams were mostly built through HS recruiting. In general, the benches were deeper because guys couldn't transfer (without sitting out). Fans got a chance to embrace the players/team more resulting in larger crowds.
  7. Does SOS rankings factor in top teams refusing to play you?
  8. HS Hudl (2009) Part 1 and Part 2 https://247sports.com/video/ashaad-clayton-warren-easton-2019-senior-season-highlights-9645098/
  9. Agree 100% with GrandGreen about UNT's HOF. It is totally embarrassing to bring in (annually) a collection of average/decent athletes and coaches. Jimmy Gales' led 1988 team went to the NCAA tournament
  10. https://www.hudl.com/profile/11295452/Zach-Evans https://youtu.be/GltugK3HHcU?si=gozFdUkEPsOORfDC
  11. It's never my intent to beat up on a kid publicly. I'd rather read both the pro's and con's of a kid; instead of the usual "superlatives" only of a recruit. (Funny how we never see a bad Hudl) In fact, I generally discount about 25% of what I read about our recruit(s); depending on source. I'm a little more familiar with Giles having followed his HS career at SOC. Purdue came by the school last year and offered damn near the whole defense when Ricky was a soph. (About 10 mid-high majors came by this week) As you may be aware, schools are reneging more and more on high school kids that they may have offered early. Not saying that they may have pulled their offer but I would not be surprised. Purdue has brought in 3 safeties during this portal period. (lost 2) with a total 31 transferring in. Many of the top P4 programs generally don't lose this many. The movement of kids up and/down in the portal just proves to me that there isn't much difference (P4 vs P5) in talent outside of the top 20-30% of the roster. I'm ok with Giles but like to see more urgency to win now with portal kids than high school kids. (Unless they are "Elite)
  12. Don't understand this offer. Giles is an average/slightly above average high school safety. I think the focus should continue to be on portal kids unless a high schooler is elite. Giles is not elite. Also not a standout basketball player as mentioned above. If he signs and sticks, he'd be a career reserve and special team contributor. We need to attract higher profiled kids from the HS ranks. Seems to be a high character kid though.
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