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greenminer last won the day on February 17

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  • Birthday 11/18/1978

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  1. Do you know when this game was secured? I cannot find it.
  2. Now I know you're part troll. lol. But this time I appreciate the good fun. All seriousness, I like the idea of Chandler Morris or Ragsdale getting the nod.
  3. If anything can perpetuate the Mean Green brand as inferior/tired/not cool, then I'm going to watch it. Thankfully, I don't think this particular person is that important or influential.
  4. I think some (not me) argue that the student athlete is not in the same conversation or consideration for the same treatment or pay as employees or coaches. That the entire point of college athletics was to help facilitate students getting their education first. So, it shouldn't matter how much the coaches are getting paid. Obviously, the industry has benefited richly from these students to the tune of millions/billions. So, I think it has forced some to reconsider. Some won't, though. The next phase of this is, if being the student does not de-facto rule you out of compensation, then where is the de-facto age barrier? Because we are now heading towards HS athletes getting their own compensation. Do we keep going? Maybe PeeWee athletes in the not-so-distant future?
  5. This is a sports forum full of fans. Would you like me to unpack this further, or maybe you need some time on your own to reflect on this psychological riddle.
  6. Are their numbers out there, crunched to show NIL figures per position? I would take a not-so-wild guess that QBs are getting a ton of the pot.
  7. we're in Mean Green land, where elated with loss and despairing over victories is also possible and, in fact, highly likely.
  8. Is this website advertisement trying to tell me something?
  9. UNT 3 SA 2 I'd say a 3-0 Mean Green win but I have little hope in our defense.
  10. I remember a lot of us agreed Fine's long-ball game - strength and accuracy - improved significantly from Y1 to Y2. Not a huge counter-point against what you're saying here, but I think it's worth reminding us that Fine def got better and was not "nearly finished".
  11. Was SL the ideal situation for Cr1028 and his Mean Green? I don't think it was ideal for me. I think we moved on because we demand more, and even thought Morris might fail to meet those expectations too, it doesn't mean we should have kept SL. You bounce around between vehemently defending SL, to pointing out double standards with Morris. You clearly don't like him. But our reality is, the AD felt it was time to move on regardless of the success of the next coach. So, how do we find closure for you and SL? Is it firing Morris, or waiting until after 2 more coaches? Maybe you want a message from a specific poster that says "gosh, we regret firing SL"? Or maybe you like where you stand, and you feel like this is a good position to post about for the rest of your fandom. It doesn't matter if I tire of it: when does Cr1028 tire of it? Seems like a boring, repetitive theme when you figure out 1) you're not going to change anyone's mind, and 2) SL isn't coming back. At least I know we are both #GoMeanGreen. Not questioning that.
  12. There are like <5 posters here who keep the trolls around because they think of it as fun sports banter. then there are the rest of us.
  13. There’s got to be a few of us over there, like there are a few of them at SMU games.
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