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What Kind Of ? Do You Get Asked When Wearing Your Unt Gear?

Green Dozer

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It is the offseason, so I wanted to hear from some of you other diehards who often wear your UNT gear. I have 28 UNT caps so I most often wear a UNT cap, and always wear my UNT ring. I also live here in Denton. Now, since this is the home of our university, you would not think it strange to have on UNT gear, but here are questions I get on a regular basis:

1) Do you work at North Texas?

2) Are you a coach at North Texas?

3) Do you teach at the college?

4) My son had on his North Texas shirt in Subway one day, and the "sandwich artist" told him he should be ashamed to wear it. (Yes, here in Denton). *He did walk out, he is a student at UNT. Now, he eats at New York Subway as he was taught, lesson learned (LOL)

5) Wearing a UNT cap, I was asked if my UNT ring was an aggie ring. My UNT ring has a star w/ a green stone. This was by a UNT student at Rudy's, so I explained that while many Aggie rings have the star, our (UNT's) ring is the only one in Texas that is allowed to have a stone in it. At least, that is what I have been told.

6) Your a fan of North Texas? (while rolling their eyes and looking at me like I don't have a life).

Now, I have worn another college team's cap, though not often, and never do I get a comment. I don't let it bother me any more, I just tell them I have pride in the place where I went to school, and good things are really happening. These are just a few questions I am asked on a regular basis. No, they do not bother me, but it is just weird living in Denton and getting these questions. When traveling outside of Denton, and I still wear a UNT cap then, comments are positive. Met a barista in downtown Indianapolis who went to UNT. Lots of comments about the music school. What about you, what kind of comments do you get?

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1-3. I've been asked all of those.

4. I would have cancelled my order, reminded the "artist" that NT and the students support all the businesses of Denton, and walked out.

5. I don't have that ring, but I do often wear a NT cap or visor and get comments about the nice looking logo.

6. Have been asked this, but without the rolling eyes. I usually answer by letting them know it is where I graduated from and it is my school. Usually an indirect shot at the logo on their hat!

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greendozer, a very good question to pose since we're dragging for worthwhile talk around here. i typically just get questions about if we'll ever be "good" meaning on the level of UT, A&M...

i've never seen too many people who have a green stone in their ring but i do too and get questions about it pretty frequently. most seem to like the fact that i wanted to make sure there was green in it but their question is really just to ask where i went to school.

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I've been asked if I work at North Texas before by people noticing my North Texas lanyard. I have also had people ask if I went to A&M when they noticed my ring. I'll occasionally get asked if UNT is where Todd Dodge went to coach or how Coach Dodge is doing at UNT. For the most part, I experience indifference to my UNT attire. For reference, I live in Allen and work in Dallas.

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I wear stuff a lot, and almost never get any negative feedback. The coolest thing is when I'm wearing it when i go to visit family in Florida or somewhere else not local and another alum sees me and comes over. That's always cool. Likewise, I've actually started conversations with people wearing gear from other SBC schools when I've been traveling.

Here? Never really anything negative... the occasional "you guys need a new coach" or some other shot at football, but it's never been malicious, just generic fan talk. I will say that I HAVE gotten (on more than one occasion) the "you guys were really good for a while there. what happened??"... when that happens, I give them a knowing nod, adjust the playsheet in my pants, and hand them a diet coke.

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I live in Corpus Christi and normally wear my UNT hat when out and about. I've never had a negative comment. I've occasionally had someone say "Mean Green", had a few positive comments on our basketball team and some comments from folks hoping that TD would be successful at UNT.

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I have a BBA from NT and a JD from Tech. When people ask me where I went to school, and I respond,they always say "So you are a Tech fan", and I always respond that I could care less about Tech sports and I am a Mean Green club member and season ticket holder of FB and BB at NT. What pisses me off is that many of these people have degrees from NT. If it is any consolation, I know two local lawyers who are Texas State and Texas A&M grads and both have already bought club seats for the new stadium.

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4) My son had on his North Texas shirt in Subway one day, and the "sandwich artist" told him he should be ashamed to wear it. (Yes, here in Denton).

4. I would have cancelled my order, reminded the "artist" that NT and the students support all the businesses of Denton, and walked out.

Excellent! Subway is not the only place to eat.

People always mistake my ring (with the star and no stone) with "Is that an aggie ring"? I always reply, "no, the University of North Texas". Actually it says North Texas State University but I prefer to use our current name.

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Living in Arkansas, the reaction is an inevitable process: (1) confusion, as to why I am the only one around not wearing Razorbacks gear, (2) hatred, which all Arkansans have for all things Texas, and (3) confusion, when I explain that the gear I am wearing has nothing to do with the Texas Longhorns.

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I usually don't get any feedback one way or another.

I have gotten one comment that kind of ticked me off. I was wearing a NT hat and was at a restaurant in Lewisville. As I was walking out the door, I decided to be polite and hold open the door for the couple walking out behind my wife and I. He was wearing an OU hat (this was after Dodge's first season and the disaster in Norman) and the little turd decided to comment "boomer sooner, that's all I have to say." I almost slammed the door in his douche face, but I didn't say anything and took the high road.

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Now, I have worn another college team's cap, though not often, and never do I get a comment. I don't let it bother me any more, I just tell them I have pride in the place where I went to school, and good things are really happening. These are just a few questions I am asked on a regular basis. What about you, what kind of comments do you get?

I rarely get any comments when I wear my North Texas hats other than "hey cool! Mean Green!". Strangely, I've gotten more comments on my NT gear when I'm on vacation out of state than anywhere in Texas.

I like Lifer's suggestion about the comments you heard in Subway. I would have canceled the order and left.

I'm assuming that the "other hat" in question is from another school that you have attended. Sports wise, I don't own any hats other than North Texas. As far as I'm concerned other schools can get their own alumni/students to wear their gear, and pro sports is insanely over priced.

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I wear UNT items quite often and I can recall VERY few negative comments. Most even remotely negative are from fans of other universities whom we play or have recently played. I find they are mostly in fun and just meant to be between two college sports fans. I don't get mad about it as I often have something in kind to say in return. Just having some fun and that's the way i see the comments from other fans. Now the comment from the Subway guy is different...I would have cancelled the order and walked out, but I would have gone a bit further. I would have called back and asked to speak to the owner...not the manager as you never know who that is. I would assume the owner would be interested in knowing that he has an employee that is losing him/her business. I would not try to get the offending employee fired as jobs can be tough for some to come by and that kid/person is obviously "less than intelligent", but I would want the owner to let him know that is a stupid thing to say to a customer wearing Mean Green gear.

The employee may be needing a little "education".

I am always proud to wear Mean Green/UNT gear...wherever I am. Was in Pensacola, Fl this last weekend for "Blue Angles Weekend" and was wearing a Mean Green shirt...got several positive comments by the way...


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I guy who worked at the Home Depot in Hawthorne, NY said "Go Mean Green" when I was wearing my North Texas Alumni shirt. I said it back to him, but I was in a hurry and didn't have a chance to talk to him and hear his story. Pretty cool that there is a fan or 2 up here though.

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5) I was asked if my UNT ring was an Aggie ring.

If I had a dollar for every time I was asked this I'd be able to retire. Like your ring I have a stone in my start, thought not a green stone, but a .25 karat diamond. Yet the unobservant still ask about it being an Aggie ring. It makes me cringe and resist the urge to slap them.

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Someone in East Texas tried to run their mouth about UNT when I had my stuff on and I replied back " Hey where did you a get a degree from? Thats what I thought, no where?"

Everytime a UT-OU Watching Party (or any watching party at that) is on I show up in UNT gear...the common response from those there is laughter. But when I count that the people in the room went to

1.) Community College for maybe a couple semesters (multiple people)

2.) Stephen F. Austin

3.) Tech (never graduated) after 3 other schools they couldn't hack at

4.) Random Nursing Schools (I have some friends who are Murses or Male Nurses)

5.) or the worst of the worst....those that went to UTEP, UTSA, UTA, UT Pan American or TAMU-Commerce, TAMU-Galveston, TAMU-Corpus who have actually convinced themselves that their "parent school" is deeply connected with their "satellite campus" (*insert self-inflicted gunshot to the face)

I quickly remind those in the room that their schools are both sub-par to UNT and lack any real notoriety to those that give two craps (i.e. me)

Bandwagoners are the worst type of person to watch sports with.... could never figure out how others can't see how lame they are for having "their favorite team" and trying to justify it with "oh well it's been that way since I was a kid" as if that makes it any more logical for you to try and swipe at me. Needless to say...I come into the room loaded to the hilt with ammo for just about anyone gaulish enough to open their mouth.

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I think the "resemblance" may just be the presence of a class ring. My girlfriend wears a Baylor ring, and she gets asked when she graduated from A&M all the time.

It isn't that our ring looks like their ring... It's that most people figure anyone wearing a class ring in this state went to A&M.

Not every pasty blond kid with a white shirt and black tie riding a mountain bike is a Mormon, but more often than not it's a good clue.

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Everytime a UT-OU Watching Party (or any watching party at that) is on I show up in UNT gear...the common response from those there is laughter. But when I count that the people in the room went to

1.) Community College for maybe a couple semesters (multiple people)

2.) Stephen F. Austin

3.) Tech (never graduated) after 3 other schools they couldn't hack at

4.) Random Nursing Schools (I have some friends who are Murses or Male Nurses)

5.) or the worst of the worst....those that went to UTEP, UTSA, UTA, UT Pan American or TAMU-Commerce, TAMU-Galveston, TAMU-Corpus who have actually convinced themselves that their "parent school" is deeply connected with their "satellite campus" (*insert self-inflicted gunshot to the face)

I quickly remind those in the room that their schools are both sub-par to UNT and lack any real notoriety to those that give two craps (i.e. me)

Bandwagoners are the worst type of person to watch sports with.... could never figure out how others can't see how lame they are for having "their favorite team" and trying to justify it with "oh well it's been that way since I was a kid" as if that makes it any more logical for you to try and swipe at me. Needless to say...I come into the room loaded to the hilt with ammo for just about anyone gaulish enough to open their mouth.

Wow your friends sound just like my friends. That is almost exactly how my friends were, well minus the murses.

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