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emmitt01 last won the day on March 24

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About emmitt01

  • Birthday 10/23/1978

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  1. Yes, but only until they realize they misunderstood what the site was all about
  2. This one honestly surprised me, he had a pretty salty offer list.
  3. They are a traditional college football power, sir! In fact, here is a photo from their glory years.
  4. Chandler Morris just had a pedestrian game against UTSA. Only 879 yards and 11 TD’s
  5. Wait, you mean to tell me this kid didn't visit University Park and think "yeah, these are my people"??
  6. If all were at their college ages, that roster makes it to the NCAA round of 32...at least
  7. Who is Mc? And why would he be recruiting for us?
  8. High school recruit, flipped him from East Carolina. https://247sports.com/recruitment/baron-smith-159529/recruitinterests/
  9. Agree completely, as soon as you can tell me where the “consistent winning” comes from within season ticket sales, attendance, and giving. Show me the magical school that won consistently BEFORE they had attendance/financial support.
  10. So we got an institution with a proud history and strict honor code for....well, SMU
  11. I plan to wear this hat to every game this Fall.
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