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Matt from A700

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Matt from A700 last won the day on July 8

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About Matt from A700

  • Birthday February 19

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  1. Kinda sucks that we had to play a team challenging ALS in Round 2. I didn't watch the game, but if the refs truly were awful, I wouldn't be surprised. They're a more feel-good story than us.
  2. Two NFL teams, and three UFL teams in this state, it's kind of depressing how few Mean Green alum are given local chances.
  3. Let's welcome it. I've seen many other alumni forums and GMG.com is by far the best/easy-on-the-eyes designed.
  4. So if the ACC loses half of its teams, what's your replenishment plan?
  5. Are OSU/WSU enticing to any conference at this point? Sure, the MWC commish's comment is probably just for leverage, but if they weren't close enough to add travel partners for Cal/Stanford, I don't think they'd be anyone's radar. If it weren't for Cal/Stanford, I'm sure Memphis/USF/Tulane/UAB/FAU would be higher targets for the ACC if their conference implodes. And once the best teams in the ACC leave, you're mostly left with a bunch of 1-sport schools. At that point I'd hope to see a more regionalized reorganization between those leftovers, The American, the MWC, and maybe some of the top CUSA/Sun Belt schools. Of course, that won't happen, so I'm still hoping we position ourselves to be part of the Pac-12's reorganization.
  6. This may slightly hurt high school recruiting, but 105 guys can't get PT in a season. A year or two in, those extra 20 will be in the portal as normal when they haven't seen the field and are only getting crumbs of the NIL pie.
  7. Then hopefully we're their 2018 LA Tech wet blanket game lol.
  8. No, and I couldn't find a boxscore, other than the game ended in a 4-4 tie. But another tweet I saw said she actually started for the National team, not the American. I don't know how long she pitched, but 3 of the American team's 4 runs came in the first, two unearned according to this article. Mahoney not mentioned, only the girls going to power conference teams of course.
  9. Opportunity to see an incoming freshman start in the mound on national TV:
  10. I was going to mention the same thing @greenminer just brought up. If we have to get through UH in their own building, might as well have made them a 1 seed.
  11. I'd like to think in the past decade, athletics success standards have risen, but still, when have we ever let go of a coach so soon? Looking at Wikipedia, maybe some others can educate me on the ways Bob Tyler and Dennis Parker left in 1981 and 1993 after one and three seasons. But I think it'd take some disastrous 1-11 season to get rid of Eric this early. If our defense is still getting embarrassed and we start something like 1-6 or 1-7, maybe we get rid of Caponi, but do we have the money to do that either?
  12. Damn, I thought you were gonna say he agreed to a game in Denton this year!
  13. Deserved separate post for women's pairings: 4 of the 6 teams the women's have home-and-home's with are schools the men only play once. But the ladies' home-and-home opponents are more regionalized. Memphis, Rice, Tulane, Tulsa, and Wichita State are played twice. Other big rivals UTSA are met in San Antonio, and UAB comes here.
  14. We're getting closer... today the home/away opponents were announced for conference season. Tidbits: Home-and-home with Rice and UTSA! Not sure how the pattern works with 13 teams now, but this should be the case every year with these two schools. Last season we only played BOTH teams once. Home-and-home with Wichita State as well! I went up to Wichita last year and despite it being over Winter Break, was still a great atmosphere. If the game in Denton is closer to spring and on a weekend, the AD should pump this game up to be our annual push for a 6-8,000 attendance event. Wichita will definitely bring some fans. Don't know if it was intentional or not, but 2 games as well against UAB and FAU. Despite the intensity of the last five meetings, who knows if the fire will still be there against a whole new team and staff at FAU. But good for the conference to keep pushing the rivalry against UAB. Only one game again against nearby Tulsa and Memphis. This season the locations are swapped. Meaning a trip to FedEx Forum. Thank goodness we're not going to Charlotte this season.
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