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Ryan Rentfro drops knowledge on us....the "faithful"

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We support you with our money. We pay for your scholarships. We want the best for you.

When people make decisions that don't give YOU, THE PLAYERS the best chance to win, we will talk about it. BECAUSE WE WANT TO GIVE YOU EVERY ADVANTAGE TO BE SUCCESSFUL. 

On the field performance is fair game.  You have known this since high school. You are right, people shouldn't personally attack players. That is immature. But performance is fair game. Get used to it. It gets tougher when you graduate and enter the job market. 

And lastly, resist the temptation to post things like this on social media. Want to shut us up? Quickest way is to prove us wrong. 

And you know what? We would love that. 


They don't understand the investment put into them, emotionally and financially. They, like most bad teams, think the world is against them. When in reality, we may want them succeed more than they themselves want to succeed. None of this is a player issue and that needs to be understood in that locker room, it's an administration and coaching problem. 

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All fanbases complain when things are going poorly. Some are worse than others, (we're actually better than most), but every single college fan board I have seen has meltdowns after blowout losses (football and basketball).


I'm sure it seems we're a bunch of bitter old men.  But we're really not.  You want some mean spirited fans...go over the Bruins Nation (UCLA) sometime.  They're ready to run their coaches out on a rail after nearly every loss and after many wins.

Edited by CMJ
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Sorry Rentfro, but this is the real world. If I perform bad for a quarter at my job I might get a little slack cut, but if I perform bad for several years you can bet that I will be gone or would've already been fired. I don't blame the players as much as the coaches because ultimately it's the coaches responsibility to recruit, develop, and field the right players, which hasn't been done. Period!

I think it's great that you stick up for your teammates and coaches, but it's not unacceptable for fans and donors to be pissed and demand accountability. That's the real world.

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1) We've had "good times" around here lately?

2) He's a junior. If biting your tongue for 2-3 years is a "long time", and you finally can't help yourself from spouting off in a critical and accusatory manner... Imagine how the guys who have been fans for 30-40+ years feel. 

3) As pointed out above... Fans don't have a "job". They have a voluntary willingness to cheer, or follow, or not. 

4) Division 1 sports is an exploitative shitshow, and the athletes generally get the shortest, poopiest end of the stick, but it's no secret how it works. When you have one non-con road win in 15 seasons, when you have one winning season in 11 years, when so many of the things that drive the fans here nuts happen and keep happening... People are going to tune out or flip out. It's unfortunate that so many do it in an ugly way towards players... But, it happens. And if that's difficult to deal with... Well, it's a much dimmer spotlight in Division 3. 

5) Whatever criticism any player or coach has gone in for here at North Texas PALES in comparison to bigger programs, where players get death threats, guys get harassed by fellow students and run off of campus, and so on and so forth. Here, a dozen people bitch about McNulty. And it's on one forum, not half a dozen. Easy to ignore. Nobody is calling into the only podunk radio station in town or flooding the letters-to-the-editor section of the Rinkydinkeryville Times sports section... In the grand scheme of things, relatively nobody is paying attention. 

6) Any player upset about a dozen jackasses with a malfunctioning moral barometer should stop and consider that most of them are misdirecting anger that ought to be focused on the dozen or so people in charge of coaching and recruiting the team, or the people that hire those coaches, or the people that hire the people that hire those coaches. It's crappy to have to be an emotionally more stable and mature person at ages 18-23 than guys in their 30's, 40's, 50's, and older... But, if you can gut up and do it, then take solace in the fact that you're a superior human being, and that fortitude will serve you well in the rest of your life. 

7) If this makes players and coaches bunker down and win for themselves to spite the fans... Fine. At this point, I don't care if they do it for the fans, in spite of the fans... Whatever. Sacrifice a damn fatted calf on the 50 yard line before each game if leads to wins. Love us, hate us, ignore us, whatever. Win and fewer people bitch (it never stops completely). Keep losing, and it's best to just plug your ears. 

8) I hope that any future graduate of the University of North Texas that is on this team and angry at the fan reaction can keep that mentality 5, 10, 20+ years from now. Because there's no shortage of former players on this website, and some of them can be the most extreme in their performance criticisms and overall assessments of our team(s). 

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And while some of you may think this feedback is negative and that this thread should be locked.... I feel that it shows how the players feel that we the fans have reacted to what is occurring within the program.

To the players I would reiterate that which has been stated before this post in that we are not doubting or cheering against you as individual players or as a team but are, in fact, asking that this staff be accountable for it's coaching and decision making.  You can look at any other program that has just 1 winning season in 10 years and you will see the same type of actions by the "faithful".

Please don't take this as personal but something has to change and the fact that there people who want better than 1 winning season in 10 years shows that we are in fact the "faithful" you would choose to call out.

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Sometimes I'm surprised when these sort of complaints occur.  The coaches and players have to endure far less scrutiny and criticism at North Texas than at say Texas, Oklahoma, or even TCU.  Heck, we really only have one true member of the media that spends any material portion of his time covering NT football, and that media member does not publish many hard hitting criticisms of the program.  As a whole, I think the NT fan base is rational, and given the results of the past decade, those that are still around are extremely loyal and dedicated and would love nothing more than for things to miraculously turn around starting this week @ USM.

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I understand the frustration, but he needs to ignore this stuff and focus on the team. Criticism comes from a place of caring, and frankly with this program and the lack of so called "good times", there are a lot of fed up people who care. It's not personal. This isn't high school. There is money and time and pride invested. So, things aren't always going to be positive. Especially with all the negative results year after year. 

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I understand the frustration, but he needs to ignore this stuff and focus on the team. Criticism comes from a place of caring, and frankly with this program and the lack of so called "good times", there are a lot of fed up people who care. It's not personal. This isn't high school. There is money and time and pride invested. So, things aren't always going to be positive. Especially with all the negative results year after year. 

If we did not care we would not be upset, totally agree.

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I believe these kids work hard and I am behind them every game, but Mack is not the coach to take us anywhere. RV, we all know sucks. In some regards he is right though. There are a few guys that want to bitch and moan about everything that happens. Even in good times they are there. Respect the players and blame the coaches. They are the ones putting kids on the field and not giving them the tools for success. These kids work hard to be where they are and work harder to stay there. 

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I understand where he's coming from  and know the team will stick together regardless. The us against them mentality will be the theme for the rest of this tumultuous season. With that said, if Mr.Rentfro decides to be an active alumn and invest in UNT athletics when he's out in the world, he'll understand where the questions for accountability come from.  We have and always will be here.  We're the only group that cares about an athletic program that's been a perennial under performer.  

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I recorded the game and watched it carefully.  If I really didn't give a shit I wouldn't even bother to do that. For what it is worth to the players, I did not see any lack of effort.

I did see missed assignments, missed tackles, bad decision making and physical mismatches from time to time...that's the way football go. Those things get corrected by coaching. Again, I did not see lack of effort or physical toughness exhibited by the team. I saw lots of heart in my team, much to their credit in a hostile environment.

Losing should feel bad. Process those feelings, suck it up, and get ready for your next opportunity.

Just some unsolicited advice from a proud UNT alum who was buying tickets before you were conceived.

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Coaches work hard too and sacrifice their home lives and the well-being of their families to coach. That being said, I feel like you should be able to call out a kid for poor performance just as much as you can call out a coach. no need to ever get ridiculous and start name calling but it is fair. you get a massive scholarship and then some, you need to play better. Rentfro is a red-shirt junior who got beat out by a red-shirt freshman and true freshman for an o-line spot. that is not good. i'm sure you work hard but hard work is often not the issue; results are. be better. try all you have to be better. cant be better? how is it my fault? But I am supposed to donate and pay money and go out of my way to support you? naw bruh. 

for me, It's still Go mean Green all day and tomorrow, but I am honestly more interested in the over all status of the university than athletics at this point and that is sad.

I wonder if, years from now, Ryan Rentfro will be here to support the mean green. 

I ge that, but I do not see these guys not working hard on the field. I just see them losing. They try. The coaches however get paid a shit ton to produce wins. These coaches do not do that. It could be because they can not recruit, set up a good game plan, or many other reasons. Prepare kids to not make mistakes and give them a chance. I do not see the coaches doing this. 

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