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About MeanGreenSig

  • Birthday 07/17/1965

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  1. One way Eagles kill prey is to RIp'EM with their massive talons. So, how about Rip'EM???
  2. Thank you all very much! Really appreciate the kind words. I am very proud of UNT and of Sigma Chi, everyone who knows me hears about North Texas! One of my sons is currently attending our great institution and is a Sigma Chi. BTW our CEO on my left is also a UNT alum. North Texas Family, it is a real thing.
  3. The exact same shirt. Promise. At least $100 don’t remember. The stadium store is Voertmans right? I have also seen same design, other schools. Nothing special about it, but could be phased out
  4. It was available in the Stadium store, I have one bought during Spring game. Tommy Bahama brand
  5. This the NT football forum. He is no longer here and doesn’t care about you or your school anymore. Let him go. He left you for someone else. You are a stalker in general right? We have lots of those.
  6. Where have you been? We do not get much respect from many media outlets, other fan's, etc., etc. This is not surprising, or upsetting, get over it and used to it. When we earn respect we will get it. Welcome to UNT.
  7. Is anybody else thinking this is back to the old Buick offense? Run until they think your going to pass it then run again. But seriously, we run first 2 downs and have 3rd and long and must pass the defense already knows what we are doing on every down. Talent level doesn’t matter much if that is our play calling.
  8. Question, if Texas A&M can't keep Texas and OU from SEC, then how can SMU keep NT out of AAC? Do they have more than one vote or a veto? Getting tired of hearing this argument, the AAC is not the SWC. So, go ahead experts what is the process for AAC adding a team and how is it so different from SEC? Thanks
  9. Not convinced a G5 or lower college football team can win at academics and on the field. Not convinced we need "good kids" anymore either. Not felons (or too many). We seem to complain alot on this board, and over many years, about this or that coach who has no moral compass/scruples and is handing us whipping after whipping until they move up. The good coaches can control the chaos enough to not have it blow up like at UH. Although, this applies more to P5. Those schools also have more resources to deal with problems. Change my mind.
  10. LSU just fired DC Pellini, COVID or not. I agree EXPECTATIONS, I heard the announcer talk about how Appy State is similar to Bama or LSU in that they EXPECT to win, and the pressure is the same to do so, just like at the big/successful schools. Growing up in a LSU household, we started to win much more when the coaches and AD knew they were always on the hotseat and would be removed quickly. If we want to be "bigtime" we have to start acting as if.
  11. 1) Drink 2) Drink 3) Drink Repeat. My alternative plan, might forget this year.
  12. Hey, with all these teams cancelling bowls, should we play another one????
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