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KingDL1 last won the day on September 29 2022

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About KingDL1

  • Birthday July 15

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  • Home
    North Dallas
  • Interests
    Flying, scuba, Snow skiing the list continues

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  1. I guess you are just leaving out the sneak attack against Israel. The bottom line is that they started it. Israel will finish it.
  2. I hope all are having a great Independence Day. Football is around the corner.
  3. I think they are trying to perfect the best technique to destroy college sports completely.
  4. Kelly's Heros, The Dirty Dozen, Mash, and Animal House are the first to come to my mind.
  5. They will need an extra Zero at the end of that number to even be competitive.
  6. I am saying he did not give up his license voluntarily and is garbage. I am done with this; take it however you like.
  7. There is absolutely nothing great about Dr. Phil. Ever wonder how he lost his license to practice?
  8. Interesting, I believe they allow a certain number of visits before the wall goes up. It comes up as a paywall for me on Chrome and Edge. Maybe Vito put the hex on me.
  9. Please do not post links behind paywalls. Thank you all.
  10. I have been told several of our guys transferred through the portal for the allure of NIL money and did not receive the promised NIL money. But that is only what I was told.
  11. If Rogers doesn't start, will he still get the NIL money? I heard that most of the time, NIL money promises to transfers are conditional.
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