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Green P1

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Green P1 last won the day on December 29 2018

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About Green P1

  • Birthday 07/09/1984

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    Your Mom's house
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  1. That was a lot more fun than I expected this year. Transfer portal notwithstanding, Hodge has us on our way.
  2. Eh… This team looks like if Dodge inherited a roster that kinda remembered how to play football before he got there.
  3. Isn’t that the problem? The guy that sucked too much last year had us one drive away in a bowl game…
  4. Is our defense the worst in the country? (spoiler…. Yea it is. )
  5. It’s not too soon to tell if he was the wrong hire… it’s already too late.
  6. We stayed away from the punt so time could run out…. classic
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