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Think Iowa State may regret having fired Mac?


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Unacceptable, and one of Dickey's fault was being loyal to his coaches. But then again he had to be, everyone loves to take shots at Dickey for "recruiting falling off" but always forget we used to lose 2-3 coaches every off season, often our best recruiters, because we could even afford to outbid places like ASU or ULM or Tulsa. If he wanted any of his coaches to be loyal to him and turn down better money, he had to be over loyal to them.

IMHO, this is what really killed us in the mid-aughts. That and the Andrew Smith tragedy that forced us to play Meager too soon.

Also, there are people who claim that our recruiting fell off, but they fail to acknowledge that rankings wise, that was not true. We had the one year in 99 or 2000 where we landed 3-4 all-state top 100 players and then were never able to duplicate that success. That ended up being a fluke class. However, year on year we were improving our numbers in terms of ranked recruits. Hell, we landed Jamario in 2004 and he was our highest rated recruit of all at the time.

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Stoops is reported to have said something to the effect of...as long as they were going to run HS coverages I was going to keep running that play. I was trying to teach him something.

I have no factual knowledge of that. It was simply told to me by an OU insider friend of mine. Telling if true.

That was what Stoops said during the post-game press conference. I heard it with my own ears during the long drive back to Denton that night....

oh....and he said it while openly laughing. After seeing it with my own eyes, to hear Stoops literally laughing at how poorly coached we were only served to cement the total and complete sense of dread I had that UNT had completely whiffed on the Dodge hire....one game in. Probably many posters on this board heard it, too and thought the same thing. I can't imagine having been a player on that defense....

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I think what DD was able to accomplish here at NT deserves much praise. NT didn't reap the benefits, recruiting wise, after dominating the SBC for several years. When the program began fluttering into a downward ascent, RV threw gas on it, and then lit it on fire with the Dodge mistake. Bad football became ridiculously worse. The coaching staff experience fiasco, the NAACP fiasco, the record breaking blowouts, etc. etc. Dodge's tenure was the absolute worst, by a freaking long shot. But Teflon Todd was such a nice guy... :roadrage:

DD had his issues but he definitely doesn't deserve to be compared to Dodge.

Now we have Mac, thank god. :)

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Stoops is reported to have said something to the effect of...as long as they were going to run HS coverages I was going to keep running that play. I was trying to teach him something.

I have no factual knowledge of that. It was simply told to me by an OU insider friend of mine. Telling if true.

That was their OC who we turned down for Dodge, who said it while being interviewed on their post game radio show.

The radio show was being broadcasted out loud at every post game tailgate camp all over campus. So as hundreds of us are walking back to the bus towards the south end of campus we were all forced to listen to it and the hyena-type laughter that followed.

I was so pissed off.


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Thanks...Cerebus, ITgreen01, and Got5onit. DD was massacred on this board and Scotties old board. DD did more with less, much like Hayden Fry. Everyone needs to re-read Cerebus and ITgreen01's account of this that DD when though. DD didn't call out loyal fans, but on message boards and in media if you say a non truth over and over again people believe it (case in point "if you like your health coverage and doctor you can keep them"). They are folks either to stupid or don't care to do the research to realize the truth about what a person a coach in this case really says. Man, I could go on a long time about the negative carpet bombing DD took. DD was a able to get Mattress Mac to donate $1,000,000,00 to UNT athletics. Mattress Mac also paid for Andrew Smith funeral and all the players expenses to funeral site I believe or whatever was allowable by NCAA. Mattress Mac hasn't been heard from since DD left UNT.

DD lobbied hard for new stadium to be built. I still have original stadium concept video to prove it. DD was featured in video discussing UNT football success story and our need for facilities and stadium. I don't believe athletic village was even built when DD was here.

I'd bet RV promised DD stadium couldn't come threw and DD probable used stadium to recruit and was pissed about RV's non delivery. At the end RV and DD I believe were at odds with each other. Yes, coach Flannigan was heckled by drunk fan in the stands and I believe fan was insulting players and much as him so he went in stands to defend himself/Players. Not acceptable....but really buy a ticket and heckle your own OC to the point that OC's mind just explodes!!! Really...nice behavior. In the old days people mainly men were allow to defend there honor. Not in the PC world we live in today.

Coach Mac hasn't lost assistant coaching staff to other schools. DD lost great coaches to SEC and PAC12 to name a few. DD couldn't keep any good coach to save his life because athletic program didn't have enough money to pay assistance coaches reasonable salary. Plenty of HS coach made the same if not more than our assistant coaches when DD was here. DD always lost his assistance right after season with bowl game. Which meant he had to hire new position coach and put on final recruiting push. Then hope to God his assistant coach didn't turn around and recruit his players at his new school. Which happen on several occasions.

DD never had any time to really search for new assistant. Bowl game in late December and recruiting wrapped up early Feb.. So, DD would go to national coaches conference where ever it was held, find a coach and beg him to work for what UNT was paying and tell coach raise would come once new stadium and FB team revenue would allow raise.

DD's staff would go to smaller HS programs ie 2A, 3A, and 4A to look at guy's they thought could play D1 ball because all of the bigger Texas and nation power schools were picking off all the good 5A talented recruits. So, DD was bashed for not recruiting Dallas well. On what freaking budget!!! Coach Evan's was one hell of a recruiting coordinator!!! DD and all his assistance did a great job recruiting given their available resources!!

DD was run out after gal bladder and hart attack. Coaches who don't care don't have health problems like the two I mentioned.

4-8 season came after we'd been in 4 bowl games, lost good coaches and recruits. UNT didn't have new facilities, stadium, or any money to help solve talent issues on field. DD was a causality of his own success. DD needed more time than he was given to turn UNT football back around. Fan's had tasted enough success not to be satisfied with what under paid coach, facilities and athletic budget could deliver!!!! If anyone mainly RV would have appreciated what DD had really done here we might have been spared the Dodge years!!! Nightmare!!!

Coach Mac better thank his luck stars DD came before him and took a lot of arrows Coach Mac hopefully will never have to take.

Good to see at least some giving a small amount of credit to DD because in my mind it's certainly way over due!!!

Go Mean Green!!!

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Iowa fans making fun of Iowa State fans ... shocking!

When you read Iowa State boards McCarney comes off as their Darrell Dickey. Some fans love him and wish he had stayed ... some loved him but thought it was time to go ... some are happy he was fired. He's a kind of polarizing figure among Iowa State fans.

Looking back it's easy to say firing McCarney was a bad decision. Hiring Gene Chizik to follow him was a horrible decision.

In this short, two page thread ... you see people passionate about their various opinions on Dickey and the "Dickey Era". You'll find the same thing about Coach Mac on an Iowa State board.

I rest my case. :)

Edited by NorthTexan95
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Thanks...Cerebus, ITgreen01, and Got5onit. DD was massacred on this board and Scotties old board. DD did more with less, much like Hayden Fry. Everyone needs to re-read Cerebus and ITgreen01's account of this that DD when though. DD didn't call out loyal fans, but on message boards and in media if you say a non truth over and over again people believe it (case in point "if you like your health coverage and doctor you can keep them"). They are folks either to stupid or don't care to do the research to realize the truth about what a person a coach in this case really says. Man, I could go on a long time about the negative carpet bombing DD took. DD was a able to get Mattress Mac to donate $1,000,000,00 to UNT athletics. Mattress Mac also paid for Andrew Smith funeral and all the players expenses to funeral site I believe or whatever was allowable by NCAA. Mattress Mac hasn't been heard from since DD left UNT.

DD lobbied hard for new stadium to be built. I still have original stadium concept video to prove it. DD was featured in video discussing UNT football success story and our need for facilities and stadium. I don't believe athletic village was even built when DD was here.

I'd bet RV promised DD stadium couldn't come threw and DD probable used stadium to recruit and was pissed about RV's non delivery. At the end RV and DD I believe were at odds with each other. Yes, coach Flannigan was heckled by drunk fan in the stands and I believe fan was insulting players and much as him so he went in stands to defend himself/Players. Not acceptable....but really buy a ticket and heckle your own OC to the point that OC's mind just explodes!!! Really...nice behavior. In the old days people mainly men were allow to defend there honor. Not in the PC world we live in today.

Coach Mac hasn't lost assistant coaching staff to other schools. DD lost great coaches to SEC and PAC12 to name a few. DD couldn't keep any good coach to save his life because athletic program didn't have enough money to pay assistance coaches reasonable salary. Plenty of HS coach made the same if not more than our assistant coaches when DD was here. DD always lost his assistance right after season with bowl game. Which meant he had to hire new position coach and put on final recruiting push. Then hope to God his assistant coach didn't turn around and recruit his players at his new school. Which happen on several occasions.

DD never had any time to really search for new assistant. Bowl game in late December and recruiting wrapped up early Feb.. So, DD would go to national coaches conference where ever it was held, find a coach and beg him to work for what UNT was paying and tell coach raise would come once new stadium and FB team revenue would allow raise.

DD's staff would go to smaller HS programs ie 2A, 3A, and 4A to look at guy's they thought could play D1 ball because all of the bigger Texas and nation power schools were picking off all the good 5A talented recruits. So, DD was bashed for not recruiting Dallas well. On what freaking budget!!! Coach Evan's was one hell of a recruiting coordinator!!! DD and all his assistance did a great job recruiting given their available resources!!

DD was run out after gal bladder and hart attack. Coaches who don't care don't have health problems like the two I mentioned.

4-8 season came after we'd been in 4 bowl games, lost good coaches and recruits. UNT didn't have new facilities, stadium, or any money to help solve talent issues on field. DD was a causality of his own success. DD needed more time than he was given to turn UNT football back around. Fan's had tasted enough success not to be satisfied with what under paid coach, facilities and athletic budget could deliver!!!! If anyone mainly RV would have appreciated what DD had really done here we might have been spared the Dodge years!!! Nightmare!!!

Coach Mac better thank his luck stars DD came before him and took a lot of arrows Coach Mac hopefully will never have to take.

Good to see at least some giving a small amount of credit to DD because in my mind it's certainly way over due!!!

Go Mean Green!!!

Not to nitpick at what you are saying, but he went from bowl to 2-9 and then 3-9. I think there definitely is a lot of truth to what you are saying and I think if DD had Apogee he would have fared better at the end. Also there should be no attempt at justifying an assistant going into the stands, inexcusable and childish. The fact that he couldn't handle some heckling shows exactly that he was in over his head here, which was apparent to the fans watching.

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Thanks...Cerebus, ITgreen01, and Got5onit. DD was massacred on this board and Scotties old board. DD did more with less, much like Hayden Fry. Everyone needs to re-read Cerebus and ITgreen01's account of this that DD when though. DD didn't call out loyal fans, but on message boards and in media if you say a non truth over and over again people believe it (case in point "if you like your health coverage and doctor you can keep them"). They are folks either to stupid or don't care to do the research to realize the truth about what a person a coach in this case really says. Man, I could go on a long time about the negative carpet bombing DD took. DD was a able to get Mattress Mac to donate $1,000,000,00 to UNT athletics. Mattress Mac also paid for Andrew Smith funeral and all the players expenses to funeral site I believe or whatever was allowable by NCAA. Mattress Mac hasn't been heard from since DD left UNT.

DD lobbied hard for new stadium to be built. I still have original stadium concept video to prove it. DD was featured in video discussing UNT football success story and our need for facilities and stadium. I don't believe athletic village was even built when DD was here.

I'd bet RV promised DD stadium couldn't come threw and DD probable used stadium to recruit and was pissed about RV's non delivery. At the end RV and DD I believe were at odds with each other. Yes, coach Flannigan was heckled by drunk fan in the stands and I believe fan was insulting players and much as him so he went in stands to defend himself/Players. Not acceptable....but really buy a ticket and heckle your own OC to the point that OC's mind just explodes!!! Really...nice behavior. In the old days people mainly men were allow to defend there honor. Not in the PC world we live in today.

Coach Mac hasn't lost assistant coaching staff to other schools. DD lost great coaches to SEC and PAC12 to name a few. DD couldn't keep any good coach to save his life because athletic program didn't have enough money to pay assistance coaches reasonable salary. Plenty of HS coach made the same if not more than our assistant coaches when DD was here. DD always lost his assistance right after season with bowl game. Which meant he had to hire new position coach and put on final recruiting push. Then hope to God his assistant coach didn't turn around and recruit his players at his new school. Which happen on several occasions.

DD never had any time to really search for new assistant. Bowl game in late December and recruiting wrapped up early Feb.. So, DD would go to national coaches conference where ever it was held, find a coach and beg him to work for what UNT was paying and tell coach raise would come once new stadium and FB team revenue would allow raise.

DD's staff would go to smaller HS programs ie 2A, 3A, and 4A to look at guy's they thought could play D1 ball because all of the bigger Texas and nation power schools were picking off all the good 5A talented recruits. So, DD was bashed for not recruiting Dallas well. On what freaking budget!!! Coach Evan's was one hell of a recruiting coordinator!!! DD and all his assistance did a great job recruiting given their available resources!!

DD was run out after gal bladder and hart attack. Coaches who don't care don't have health problems like the two I mentioned.

4-8 season came after we'd been in 4 bowl games, lost good coaches and recruits. UNT didn't have new facilities, stadium, or any money to help solve talent issues on field. DD was a causality of his own success. DD needed more time than he was given to turn UNT football back around. Fan's had tasted enough success not to be satisfied with what under paid coach, facilities and athletic budget could deliver!!!! If anyone mainly RV would have appreciated what DD had really done here we might have been spared the Dodge years!!! Nightmare!!!

Coach Mac better thank his luck stars DD came before him and took a lot of arrows Coach Mac hopefully will never have to take.

Good to see at least some giving a small amount of credit to DD because in my mind it's certainly way over due!!!

Go Mean Green!!!

Some great points. I was part of a group that harshly criticized DD and thought his time had come, but looking back now, you can't deny he had a hand pointing this program in the right direction.

I'll always remember those SBC bowl years. My NT athletics obsession started then. Gotta thank the Ol' Buick for that. I remember being the only student raising my hand in class when my Econ Prof asked who all was going to New Orleans. Fond memories...


Edited by Got5onIt
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Not making excuses for coach Flannigan. I wasn't at game. If heckler only calling out coach inexcusable. If heckler calling out players then yes I'd side with coach Flannigan to an extent. Yes, I will fully stand by my comments about PC world we live in. Oh, I believe current head coach of Oklahoma State called out media and fans for bashing his punter or field goal kicker too. If I were coach Flannigan or coach Dickey maybe my comments about UNT fans under circumstances were true and maybe warranted under the circumstances. DD took a ton o bashing about he's supposed thoughts on who supported UNT football program at the time. I guess you can be a heckler and DD's supposed to over look that and not comment.

Since you were within ear shot of heckler were his points and behavior justified? Can't believe all the other fans around heckler didn't have enough respect for coaches or players to say something to heckler? Can't believe UNT OC would enter stands over comments that would have been equal to a hang nail. If so, Flannigan should have been sent to psych ward or jail.

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Not making excuses for coach Flannigan. I wasn't at game. If heckler only calling out coach inexcusable. If heckler calling out players then yes I'd side with coach Flannigan to an extent. Yes, I will fully stand by my comments about PC world we live in. Oh, I believe current head coach of Oklahoma State called out media and fans for bashing his punter or field goal kicker too. If I were coach Flannigan or coach Dickey maybe my comments about UNT fans under circumstances were true and maybe warranted under the circumstances. DD took a ton o bashing about he's supposed thoughts on who supported UNT football program at the time. I guess you can be a heckler and DD's supposed to over look that and not comment.

Since you were within ear shot of heckler were his points and behavior justified? Can't believe all the other fans around heckler didn't have enough respect for coaches or players to say something to heckler? Can't believe UNT OC would enter stands over comments that would have been equal to a hang nail. If so, Flannigan should have been sent to psych ward or jail.

Oh crap...this thread is headed for locking...

But I'll start...I was about a section over...and it's not what was said that was the problem, but the volume and frequency. The guy yelled at the coaches booth for much of the first half. In those days the booth at fouts was only about 20 feet up from the stands. I'm sure Flanagan just had had enough by the time he came down the steps for halftime. Still shouldn't have charged into the crowd, but we all have bad days...

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Two fav UNT coach quotes came via Dickey:

[when Hall went down] "I told my players, we are not going to win or lose because of Andrew Smith, we are going to win or lose with him."

[over NO Bowl PA system after Cinci win] "There's a football program in Denton, TX. Teams better pay attention or they're going to be bowled over." (something like that)

Despite sounding somewhat "coach speak", I think the former - in retrospect - speaks somewhat ominously about how he and the team ended up growing with Andrew through the season...and how much the loss would end up hurting.

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As the coaches came down the stairs after halftime, guy called out "we're being out coached". Flanigan ran into the stands right by me after the guy, who was two rows right behind me. Flanigan had to be restrained. That's what happened.


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As the coaches came down the stairs after halftime, guy called out "we're being out coached". Flanigan ran into the stands right by me after the guy, who was two rows right behind me. Flanigan had to be restrained. That's what happened.


Wonder who that guy was???

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I'm just glad we have him here!

Amazing turn around in 3 years. His record at North Texas is now 18-19.

If he keeps the program headed in the right direction he'll have a winning record here.

If his record is 19-19 in a few months, he can stay forever as far as I'm concerned. Like, Futurama living head in a jar forever.

Cyclone fans have probably forgotten all about Mac now , because they just made a HUGE hire. Biggest to ever come thru Ames..

You're evil. And that's great.

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Thanks...Cerebus, ITgreen01, and Got5onit. DD was massacred on this board and Scotties old board. DD did more with less, much like Hayden Fry. Everyone needs to re-read Cerebus and ITgreen01's account of this that DD when though. DD didn't call out loyal fans, but on message boards and in media if you say a non truth over and over again people believe it (case in point "if you like your health coverage and doctor you can keep them"). They are folks either to stupid or don't care to do the research to realize the truth about what a person a coach in this case really says. Man, I could go on a long time about the negative carpet bombing DD took. DD was a able to get Mattress Mac to donate $1,000,000,00 to UNT athletics. Mattress Mac also paid for Andrew Smith funeral and all the players expenses to funeral site I believe or whatever was allowable by NCAA. Mattress Mac hasn't been heard from since DD left UNT.

DD lobbied hard for new stadium to be built. I still have original stadium concept video to prove it. DD was featured in video discussing UNT football success story and our need for facilities and stadium. I don't believe athletic village was even built when DD was here.

I'd bet RV promised DD stadium couldn't come threw and DD probable used stadium to recruit and was pissed about RV's non delivery. At the end RV and DD I believe were at odds with each other. Yes, coach Flannigan was heckled by drunk fan in the stands and I believe fan was insulting players and much as him so he went in stands to defend himself/Players. Not acceptable....but really buy a ticket and heckle your own OC to the point that OC's mind just explodes!!! Really...nice behavior. In the old days people mainly men were allow to defend there honor. Not in the PC world we live in today.

Coach Mac hasn't lost assistant coaching staff to other schools. DD lost great coaches to SEC and PAC12 to name a few. DD couldn't keep any good coach to save his life because athletic program didn't have enough money to pay assistance coaches reasonable salary. Plenty of HS coach made the same if not more than our assistant coaches when DD was here. DD always lost his assistance right after season with bowl game. Which meant he had to hire new position coach and put on final recruiting push. Then hope to God his assistant coach didn't turn around and recruit his players at his new school. Which happen on several occasions.

DD never had any time to really search for new assistant. Bowl game in late December and recruiting wrapped up early Feb.. So, DD would go to national coaches conference where ever it was held, find a coach and beg him to work for what UNT was paying and tell coach raise would come once new stadium and FB team revenue would allow raise.

DD's staff would go to smaller HS programs ie 2A, 3A, and 4A to look at guy's they thought could play D1 ball because all of the bigger Texas and nation power schools were picking off all the good 5A talented recruits. So, DD was bashed for not recruiting Dallas well. On what freaking budget!!! Coach Evan's was one hell of a recruiting coordinator!!! DD and all his assistance did a great job recruiting given their available resources!!

DD was run out after gal bladder and hart attack. Coaches who don't care don't have health problems like the two I mentioned.

4-8 season came after we'd been in 4 bowl games, lost good coaches and recruits. UNT didn't have new facilities, stadium, or any money to help solve talent issues on field. DD was a causality of his own success. DD needed more time than he was given to turn UNT football back around. Fan's had tasted enough success not to be satisfied with what under paid coach, facilities and athletic budget could deliver!!!! If anyone mainly RV would have appreciated what DD had really done here we might have been spared the Dodge years!!! Nightmare!!!

Coach Mac better thank his luck stars DD came before him and took a lot of arrows Coach Mac hopefully will never have to take.

Good to see at least some giving a small amount of credit to DD because in my mind it's certainly way over due!!!

Go Mean Green!!!

I don't have to re-read anyone else's account, I was standing there, and he described the exact group of people who had just cooked for the team a week before in an uncalled for tirade that had no bearing on anything but to cause his doubters to dig their heels in further.

And he did do more with less, much less, and he despised it, and went on a one man mission to let the world know it. The DCTF issue that had Patrick Cobbs in it...'02-'03...?...had a statement from one of the editors at the front that claimed DD was getting more done with less. So he had several members of the media on his side but that wasnt enough. He couldn't keep it to himself. I wished he could have. His sarcastic comments to Dunham on his radio show to which he claimed "I have the toughest job in the country, I know I work here every day",... along with his half time comments of a nationally televised game against Idaho, in which he told the country in response to our facilities.."our kids know their backs are against the wall the moment they sign on the dotted line", again, did nothing but dig his hole that much deeper. I wished it had't, but it did.

It's common sense that if your failing at your job you had better not talk so poorly of your employer every time someone sticks a microphone in your face or you'll suffer the consequences. And he did.


Edited by FirefightnRick
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Cyclone fans have probably forgotten all about Mac now , because they just made a HUGE hire. Biggest to ever come thru Ames..

Nicely done. Also, this seems like a great hire if you are thinking about firing your head coach mid season if things don't go well, which has been the case for ISU of late.

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Was just reading some of the D.Dickey comments and thinking about the bowl crowd I witnessed. If you would have gone back in a time machine and told me while I was sitting in Fouts field with a crowd of about 3,000 back in the mid 90's and told me "We will have a crowd of almost 40,000 NT fans watch NT defeat a team from the MWC" I would have told you to stop smoking crack in a drunken stupor.

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That was their OC who we turned down for Dodge, who said it while being interviewed on their post game radio show.

The radio show was being broadcasted out loud at every post game tailgate camp all over campus. So as hundreds of us are walking back to the bus towards the south end of campus we were all forced to listen to it and the hyena-type laughter that followed.

I was so pissed off.


OU's offense coordinator that season was none other than Kevin Sumlin, head coach at Texas A&M now.

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Not making excuses for coach Flannigan. I wasn't at game. If heckler only calling out coach inexcusable. If heckler calling out players then yes I'd side with coach Flannigan to an extent. Yes, I will fully stand by my comments about PC world we live in. Oh, I believe current head coach of Oklahoma State called out media and fans for bashing his punter or field goal kicker too. If I were coach Flannigan or coach Dickey maybe my comments about UNT fans under circumstances were true and maybe warranted under the circumstances. DD took a ton o bashing about he's supposed thoughts on who supported UNT football program at the time. I guess you can be a heckler and DD's supposed to over look that and not comment.

Since you were within ear shot of heckler were his points and behavior justified? Can't believe all the other fans around heckler didn't have enough respect for coaches or players to say something to heckler? Can't believe UNT OC would enter stands over comments that would have been equal to a hang nail. If so, Flannigan should have been sent to psych ward or jail.

Are you having a stroke? That was so hard to read.

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