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NorthTexan95 last won the day on September 1 2019

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About NorthTexan95

  • Birthday 09/24/1970

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  1. "We no longer like the contact we signed so please give us a do over."
  2. I hear Smatresk is looking for a new job.
  3. I watched a little of the game. Bean is a very good quarterback when his receivers have a 10 yard cushion from any defender.
  4. $120M is good ... but is that enough? Or does the stadium really need $170M of upgrades? I question if the city is giving the stadium away just because they love the university.
  5. Is this a good thing for Memphis? At least they get some cash for upgrades but in future years, this could turn into a financial pit for the university.
  6. Good for both of those teams and their fans.
  7. These days you just hope you get two years.
  8. Army-Navy being a non-conference game is very awkward and could lead to some weird, unintended, and unfair consequences. We'll see.
  9. Looking at the remaining schedule, we'll most likely have a .500 season. This is what I expected before the season and, imo, would be a successful first season.
  10. I was at that game. It was really exciting until Navy pulled away in the second half. Met a lot of great Navy guys and the flyover was awesome!
  11. Fun offense, bad defense ... sounds very, very familiar.
  12. How about a kinder, gentler Scrappy? :)
  13. The announcers this week were not very good ... but they were MUCH better than the guys last week.
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