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Have We Found Our Coach?


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Obviously the powers that be have to judge all the coaching candidates against each. Coach Canales is definitely making a case for himself with his on the field performance. And all the Dodge apologist have to be in love with the guy, he's been able to win despite the depleted roster.

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Canales is definitely on my short list, his enthusiasm is commendable but I think people are being awful quick to jump on the bandwagon after only a couple wins against sub par teams. It'll be interesting to see who RV brings in for interviews. Personally I'd like to wait and see who the other viable contenders are before playing team Canales. Things I'd like to see in other candidates are strong Texas ties and a man who can recruit the hell out of this state, a HC that can bring a winning staff I'm talking experienced assistants who know their X's and O's, and ideally a guy that knows and has experience with turning programs around. I'm still liking Fran if we could get him, also possibly Kraigthorpe I think he did a hell of job at Tulsa.

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In my opinion, he should already be in the mix. Another win, and I'll probably be in his camp. But it's difficult to say that I want him to be our coach when I don't know who the other legitimate candidates are. I've heard the names that have been floating around this board, and I've heard some names from other sources. But I have no idea who all Chuck Neinas has talked to, much less what those conversations have indicated. I know it's a big hire, but I am not as worked up as some people here seem to be getting. There is a big time search underway that is sure to produce some good candidates, and in the meanwhile one candidate is proving on the job whether or not he can win at UNT.

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It is not fair to judge him based on the K-State game. But then again, if we had gone ahead and judged Dodge on OU a few years ago, we would have known he was in over his head at this level. I hope we stay close, but we won't, just don't have the depth to keep up with them. They have better athletes, like it or not. If it were just coaching, then why not let Snyder and Canales meet at midfield and arm wrestle, why play the game?

You play to win the game!

/Herm Edwards

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Two things concern me though, lack of recruiting pipelines in TX, and if DeLoach is indeed leaving after this season. I'm really curious to see who he could bring in(and retain) in terms of assistant coaches.

These would be my main concerns as well. The guy can recruit Florida. That actually IS a known. You just have to do some digging on the internet, since there aren't lists compiled like "All players ever recruited by Coach Canales."

But we'd really have to have someone on staff with more Texas ties, at least from a recruiting standpoint, and if you were to retain Canales, I personally would want to get that from your DC.

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Are we that desperate for wins?

None of us should make this decision without seeing a candidate list. Beating a few of the worst teams in the belt and Division 1a football, what does this really mean? That Dodge was that bad? That Dodge had lost the team and Canales had not? I don't care if we win out Mike should not have anything more than his name in the hat as opposed to a clean slate. As bad as our program has been ideally you want a clean slate to bring in new blood and to excite masses in the overall fan-base we have never tapped.

before we beat w.k., we were the lowest ranked team in division 1a. we should not get caught up in the records of either w.k. or mtsu, as we were underdogs in both games, as we probably will be against la.monroe. we are/were the worst team in the belt and 1a football, so it does mean something when we win 2 conference games on the road.

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Just curious- you guys think that maybe the team is playing well because they are inspired now because of Coach Canales right? Well, my question is, do you think that inspiration would carry over to next year? I mean, I hope it does and I would love for Canales to get this job. I think he is the perfect fit for this program. But, I am just wondering if you guys have thought about if this "emotional high" is purely temporary or if you feel it is a more permanent mindset that this team is adopted.


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Just curious- you guys think that maybe the team is playing well because they are inspired now because of Coach Canales right? Well, my question is, do you think that inspiration would carry over to next year? I mean, I hope it does and I would love for Canales to get this job. I think he is the perfect fit for this program. But, I am just wondering if you guys have thought about if this "emotional high" is purely temporary or if you feel it is a more permanent mindset that this team is adopted.


Do you think Jason Garrett is the answer for the Cowboys? How about the current interim coach at U of Colorado or U of Minnesota? If we hire Coach Canales, I would be willing to wager that we are the only college program that hired the interim after a mid-season change. Now the Cowboys might hire Garrett, but do you really want the AD of this program making the same decision as the GM of the Cowboy organization?

Edited by UNT90
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Well, it is too early to tell if Garrett is the right fit. If they play like they did yesterday for the rest of the season, then he deserves the job. But anyway back to Canales- I think RV has to think long and hard about the long-term effects that this next head coaching job will have not only on the program but on his job security. I feel like Canales could be a winner here, but that is yet to be seen. But for me the fact that they hired a firm to help search for a coach tells me that they are really not interested in hiring Canales. I say if Canales wins out (yes that includes a win over K State) then he deserves the job. If not, hire someone. In my opinion of course.

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before we beat w.k., we were the lowest ranked team in division 1a. we should not get caught up in the records of either w.k. or mtsu, as we were underdogs in both games, as we probably will be against la.monroe. we are/were the worst team in the belt and 1a football, so it does mean something when we win 2 conference games on the road.

So did you read my whole post or not?

What do the wins really mean step back a while and think about it. Was Dodge that bad? How bad had T Dodge lost the Team? Is Canales that good? Could any decent coordinator had the same results? Even if Canales is decent are you sure there are not much better proven candidates out there? People please tap the brakes and and not jump on the first model you see that can win at the lowest level.

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I think if you believe that it's simply team inspiration, then you're overlooking the X's and O's side. This team isn't the Cowboys. They didn't get a ton of money and get lazy. They didn't need someone to come in and make them accountable. They needed confidence, sure. And Canales can be given credit for some of that. Confidence, like losing, is contagious.

One of the best coaching decisions made at this school was Canales sending his freshman kicker in to kick a 53-yarder against the wind on the road. He put his faith in the team and they responded. And I knew they would.

But these kids aren't winning because they've got a magic feather in their caps. Dodge isn't suddenly a good quarterback because he mysteriously lost confidence under his father. The team is being put in a position to win games. That's also play-calling and execution.

Also, if you simply thought of it as inspiration, you'd be ignoring Canales' past success at other schools. He has both fans and detractors, as any coach would, but he's been working in college football a long time, including working under one of the board favorites in building a program. I'm personally of the belief that someday he'll end up as someone's "franchise coach." Everywhere you look, from USF and Arizona and NC State, you'll find players who give a lot of credit to Canales, players with skins to back it up.

Is that here? I don't know.

I have concerns, too, that it's just a temporary thing. That if Canales were given the contract, he'd find the going a little tougher over the long-term. He lacks recruiting ties in Texas. USF mainly recruited up from underneath schools like FSU and Miami. Our expectations for him right now aren't high (nor should they be). That won't be the case two years down the line. What staff can he put together that DOES have more Texas ties? The fact that you WOULD have to give a multi-year deal to him makes me wary as well.

But I'd have these (or other) questions about a number of coaches. I'm just glad the decision won't really come down to an internet poll on this website.

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Well, it is too early to tell if Garrett is the right fit. If they play like they did yesterday for the rest of the season, then he deserves the job. But anyway back to Canales- I think RV has to think long and hard about the long-term effects that this next head coaching job will have not only on the program but on his job security. I feel like Canales could be a winner here, but that is yet to be seen. But for me the fact that they hired a firm to help search for a coach tells me that they are really not interested in hiring Canales. I say if Canales wins out (yes that includes a win over K State) then he deserves the job. If not, hire someone. In my opinion of course.

The point is, why hire Garrett when there is a Gruden or a Cower out there.

Canales may be a winner here. Leavitt, Leach, and Fran were winners at programs that had similarities to our program. That is what makes it a no on Canales for me. We can do better.

Everyone is definitely entitled to their own opinion, of course.

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The point is, why hire Garrett when there is a Gruden or a Cower out there.

Canales may be a winner here. Leavitt, Leach, and Fran were winners at programs that had similarities to our program. That is what makes it a no on Canales for me. We can do better.

Everyone is definitely entitled to their own opinion, of course.

Keep in mind that every great head coach made his start somewhere. The harsh reality is that it might be tougher than most of you think to hire a proven coach. IMO

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I think if you believe that it's simply team inspiration, then you're overlooking the X's and O's side. This team isn't the Cowboys. They didn't get a ton of money and get lazy. They didn't need someone to come in and make them accountable. They needed confidence, sure. And Canales can be given credit for some of that. Confidence, like losing, is contagious.

One of the best coaching decisions made at this school was Canales sending his freshman kicker in to kick a 53-yarder against the wind on the road. He put his faith in the team and they responded. And I knew they would.

But these kids aren't winning because they've got a magic feather in their caps. Dodge isn't suddenly a good quarterback because he mysteriously lost confidence under his father. The team is being put in a position to win games. That's also play-calling and execution.

Also, if you simply thought of it as inspiration, you'd be ignoring Canales' past success at other schools. He has both fans and detractors, as any coach would, but he's been working in college football a long time, including working under one of the board favorites in building a program. I'm personally of the belief that someday he'll end up as someone's "franchise coach." Everywhere you look, from USF and Arizona and NC State, you'll find players who give a lot of credit to Canales, players with skins to back it up.

Is that here? I don't know.

I have concerns, too, that it's just a temporary thing. That if Canales were given the contract, he'd find the going a little tougher over the long-term. He lacks recruiting ties in Texas. USF mainly recruited up from underneath schools like FSU and Miami. Our expectations for him right now aren't high (nor should they be). That won't be the case two years down the line. What staff can he put together that DOES have more Texas ties? The fact that you WOULD have to give a multi-year deal to him makes me wary as well.

But I'd have these (or other) questions about a number of coaches. I'm just glad the decision won't really come down to an internet poll on this website.

This is where there is seperation between Coach Canales and the Leach, Leavitt, Fran group. We know they can put together a successful staff. They have done it. We know they can recruit against the big boys. They have done it. We know they can develop talent. They have done it. We don't know whether Coach Canales has the management capabilities to identify the right assistant coaches and put them in a position to be successful.

The timing of this hire is very important, as is turning around this program as fast as possible. I just feel more confident with any of the other 3 than I would with Coach Canales.

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I agree with the thrust of what monkeypox has said. One of the players who gives Canales some love is Phillip Rivers, who may or may not play a little QB in the League.

Besides, I like this whole coaching staff. The defense is turning in its best performance since 2004. In fact, I think we may be getting close to the 2004 squad in terms of sacks.

And, here's another thing, Sports Fans...we could have a defense that gives up less than 300 points in a season for the first time since 2003.

But, what do we have? A fan base that would throw what is turning out to be a pretty good coaching staff with good chemistry out the window.

Well, not me, Mister! If this team wins Saturday, I say hire them all back. All of them. Even the young OL coach who has had to do some juggling this year with injuries. Bring them all back and have them recruiting as their pumpkin pie is settling in the stomachs.

These guys are doing a whale of a job!

Edited by The Fake Lonnie Finch
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I agree with the thrust of what monkeypox has said. One of the players who gives Canales some love is Phillip Rivers, who may or may not play a little QB in the League.

Besides, I like this whole coaching staff. The defense is turning in its best performance since 2004. In fact, I think we may be getting close to the 2004 squad in terms of sacks.

And, here's another thing, Sports Fans...we could have a defense that gives up less than 300 points in a season for the first time since 2003.

But, what do we have? A fan base that would throw what is turning out to be a pretty good coaching staff with good chemistry out the window.

Well, not me, Mister! If this team wins Saturday, I say hire them all back. All of them. Even the young OL coach who has had to do some juggling this year with injuries. Bring them all back and have them recruiting as their pumpkin pie is settling in the stomachs.

These guys are doing a whale of a job!

I think it would be difficult to retain all coaches when the DC already has 1 foot out the door. If Canales gets the gig , would DLo consider sticking around another year? 2? more? I don't know.

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For those who think Canales would have trouble recruiting Texas, look at his video clips and listen to his Barbershop chat. Can you imagine the impression he would make to a kid's parents?

As to his other qualities, look at his sideline demeanor and his locker room leadership.

As previously stated, I'm a Leavitt fan and would like him to be our coach. It doesn't take much imagination, though, to see the same qualities in Chico Canales. He is certainly ahead of outside assistants for the job, IMO.

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IWell, not me, Mister! If this team wins Saturday, I say hire them all back. All of them. Even the young OL coach who has had to do some juggling this year with injuries. Bring them all back and have them recruiting as their pumpkin pie is settling in the stomachs.

These guys are doing a whale of a job!


You have to be doing a bit. Surely you know that, even if Canales gets the head coaching job, there will be huge, HUGE, changes made in the assistant coaching ranks. If Canales gets the job, he will want to bring his coaches in. That's the way it works in college football.

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For those who think Canales would have trouble recruiting Texas, look at his video clips and listen to his Barbershop chat. Can you imagine the impression he would make to a kid's parents?

As to his other qualities, look at his sideline demeanor and his locker room leadership.

As previously stated, I'm a Leavitt fan and would like him to be our coach. It doesn't take much imagination, though, to see the same qualities in Chico Canales. He is certainly ahead of outside assistants for the job, IMO.

Personally, I never said I thought Canales would have trouble recruiting Texas. I said I don't know. I can tell you, for instance, that Trooper Taylor at Auburn would not have trouble recruiting Texas, AT ALL. Nor would much of the staff of, say, Tulsa. Is Taylor on the list/being contacted/available/in our price range? Don't know. Are there other questions about him as well? Certainly. Point is, some people have experience recruiting this state, and that experience is valuable. It doesn't guarantee anything. It doesn't say that Canales CAN'T do it. Just says that on him it's a question mark that would only be answered through experimentation. Are you willing to take the risk? Personally, I'd want SOMEONE on staff with good experience in that field. So then, who is that person going to be. Understanding that any DC outside of FCS would see it as a lateral move at best to go to NT as a DC, do you accept a DL/LB/DB coach as a DC bc he can recruit the state? Does Canales?

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Personally, I never said I thought Canales would have trouble recruiting Texas. I said I don't know. I can tell you, for instance, that Trooper Taylor at Auburn would not have trouble recruiting Texas, AT ALL. Nor would much of the staff of, say, Tulsa. Is Taylor on the list/being contacted/available/in our price range? Don't know. Are there other questions about him as well? Certainly. Point is, some people have experience recruiting this state, and that experience is valuable. It doesn't guarantee anything. It doesn't say that Canales CAN'T do it. Just says that on him it's a question mark that would only be answered through experimentation. Are you willing to take the risk? Personally, I'd want SOMEONE on staff with good experience in that field. So then, who is that person going to be. Understanding that any DC outside of FCS would see it as a lateral move at best to go to NT as a DC, do you accept a DL/LB/DB coach as a DC bc he can recruit the state? Does Canales?

Trooper Taylor would definitely be an incredible recruiter. But I'm not sold on him as a HC at all, not yet. He has never even been solely responsible for coordinator duties. And his experience has been primarily at BCS AQ schools. It's a whole other matter to build up a non-AQ school, as coaches like Leavitt, Canales, and Franchione have experience in.

Edited by Mean Green 93-98
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