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Dear Harry,

I know we've personally discussed this in the past...but, I could not help myself. It is far too easy with this crowd. It was a slow morning at the office, and it happened so fast! Please, forgive me.

what...you think your intent makes you less of a cock?

The fact you're allowed to raise children, let alone self-educate them is very disheartening.

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what...you think your intent makes you less of a cock?

The fact you're allowed to raise children, let alone self-educate them is very disheartening.

Sometimes, when a player jumps offsides, one officials will throw a flag; at other times, several will. Whether one or several, it is, nonetheless, a penalty for offsides.

As to our poor children...should they choose the path of murder or attempted murder, they'll have to get their guns and fancy knives elsewhere: we have none of the former and a poor, rather dull and kitchenly selection of the latter.

I'm afraid that when the Tea Partiers worst nightmares about the decline of the country into self-survival chaos come true, I will have nothing to kill with or to skin and clean with. I'll be forced to go live with my wife's family in Mexico...and shop at the Comercial Mexicanas down there for survival!

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Actually, if I have my Glock in hand, knife wielding prick inside of 15 yards, I am retreating away until I can get a clear shot before he filets me. Anyone who's carried a gun knows that. Any moron can carve you up swiftly with a blade.

So, at the end of the day, if you take away guns, the savages will go to blades, bats, chucks, or whatever. Not much of a debate. Savages will always exist regardless on government regulations.

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This thread was doomed before it started.

and that's sad...instead of possibly discussing anything about this, we have some babies that just bicker and bitch about whatever they want...call people names...stupid shiatt...

i'm not a gun person...i'm not a weapon person of any type. i thought it was a good question by the tflf...any time a tragedy happens, it's sad...but instead of discussing it, people biatch...

maybe i'm overreacting or not in on some of your insider jab...but it's old and pathetic...yes, i read this thread, so it's my fault, but stupid me, thought it would be different...

this thread will get locked ...and maybe this forum should as well...

Edited by THOR
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and that's sad...instead of possibly discussing anything about this, we have some babies that just bicker and bitch about whatever they want...call people names...stupid shiatt...

i'm not a gun person...i'm not a weapon person of any type. i thought it was a good question by the tflf...any time a tragedy happens, it's sad...but instead of discussing it, people biatch...

maybe i'm overreacting or not in on some of your insider jab...but it's old and pathetic...yes, i read this thread, so it's my fault, but stupid me, thought it would be different...

this thread will good locked ...and maybe this forum should as well...

Agree. And I'll add that if anything this single thread shows who can dish it but can't take it, and who can. It's sort of funny as i's probably no different than the pre-adolescent crowd you have to deal with on a daily basis?


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and that's sad...instead of possibly discussing anything about this, we have some babies that just bicker and bitch about whatever they want...call people names...stupid shiatt...

i'm not a gun person...i'm not a weapon person of any type. i thought it was a good question by the tflf...any time a tragedy happens, it's sad...but instead of discussing it, people biatch...

maybe i'm overreacting or not in on some of your insider jab...but it's old and pathetic...yes, i read this thread, so it's my fault, but stupid me, thought it would be different...

this thread will good locked ...and maybe this forum should as well...

Then make a point. What would you like to discuss?

Or just post more about beer. Either/or.

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Aside from trying to draw people offsides - which, admittedly, has become somewhat of a sport for me here - the underlying questions, as Thor writes, are worthy of discussion.

I don't own guns. Most of my family and friends do. Some have permits to carry, and they do. None of them have criminal backgrounds. They fire their fire arms at gun ranges and while hunting.

However, we do have run of the mill kitchen knives at the house, and two fairly young children. The drawers that house them still bear the child locks from years ago. But, both are now old enough to get into them.

It's worrisome, to be sure. But, more worrisome, in my mind, is what happens after these events. There is sure to be a double standard here, while the real problems are swept away.

I don't think gun ownership is a problem. I don't think knife ownership is a problem. I do think mental illness is a problem. And, the mentally ill kill and injure others because their visions of the world, and of where they fit into the world, are severely skewed...except in Venezuela, where then mentally ill are elected president.

Now, I seriously doubt time will be wasted with knife-ownership leglislation after this thing the way there is always time wasted with gun-ownership legislation after mass crimes committed with guns.

My problem is, when does mental illness get a serious discussion? And, if mental illness turns out not to be the cause of the attack, why can we not just bring ourselves to say, this is a bad kid who chose to do a bad thing?

To tip my hand, I lean toward getting back to being able to institutionalize the mentally ill. Obviously, how the institutions are run would have to be far different than in decades past.

On the crime end, I lean toward not being lenient toward kids under 18 in these cases. A kids who stabs or shoot 20 people? If he's not mentally ill, it will disgust me if they do not charge him as an adult for each person he assaulted.

Edited by The Fake Lonnie Finch
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And I'll add that if anything this single thread shows who can dish it but can't take it, and who can.

No argument here. Kids sure love to dish out stab wounds... But one or two pokes to the chest with an itty-bitty knife, and they go crying to the teacher.

I blame the "Participation Trophy" mentality. The Junction Boys could take a broadsword straight to the heart and run laps around the practice field without skipping a step. No water breaks, either.

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Is this the fox news comment section? You have to be really dumb to make a statement like that for so many different reasons.

Oops...LMAO...offside! lol.

Dude...TFLF was only only funnin' with ya. Silly lib...no one even died. Lighten up, bruh.

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Oops...LMAO...offside! lol.

Dude...TFLF was only only funnin' with ya. Silly lib...no one even died. Lighten up, bruh.

Shut your filthy lib hole, you worthless hippie.

Don't tread on me. You can have my knife when you pry it from some teenager's cold, dead rib cage.

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