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Does Coach Dodge Get Mulligan?


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I feel sorry for Mr. Dodge but in the end you have no choice but to let him go and the earlier the better. College Football is as much about getting the recruits as anything. How will Dodge be able to sell himself and the program after 4 years of losing and his head on the chopping block. We have already seen the effects on recruiting last year and with the current class.

On top of that you have to re-energize the fan base or you risk turning them away for good. RV has no choice but to let Dodge go and hopefully find a replacement that will bring some excitement back immediately upon his announcement.

Personally I like the Mike Leach idea.

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Yea, torn acls', broken and dislocated bones are always a stamina thing.

What do you want to attribute these to? Freak accidents...there is no way we can have 9 possibly 10 people out with season ending injuries out of freak accidents. It comes down to the fact that their bodies aren't ready for the heavy contact and difficult jobs they are doing, these kids are busting their butts to help this team improve on game day but Sunday-Friday they aren't tuning their bodies for the physical stress they are going to go through.

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I feel sorry for Mr. Dodge but in the end you have no choice but to let him go and the earlier the better. College Football is as much about getting the recruits as anything. How will Dodge be able to sell himself and the program after 4 years of losing and his head on the chopping block. We have already seen the effects on recruiting last year and with the current class.

On top of that you have to re-energize the fan base or you risk turning them away for good. RV has no choice but to let Dodge go and hopefully find a replacement that will bring some excitement back immediately upon his announcement.

Personally I like the Mike Leach idea.

Thank You for demanding better from North Texas football. This is a business and Todd Dodge is a great man and High School Coach but needs to step down if he is also an Honorable man. That is

what is best for UNT Football. R.V. should be right after Todd since he accepted failure and condoned a losing culture.

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If you want to give him a mulligan for being 0- 3 , what is the excuse for being 5 - 31 ? Why does everyone seem blind to the fact that Rice was without 4 starters for most of our game ? I bet there has never been one team at any level in the history of college football that could claim everyone on the roster was 100%

These injuries have effected this season and most are unpreventable , but when you have players coming in out of shape , overweight and you practice half ass ( from all the ones i've ever seen) you make yourself a higher risk for getting injured during a game

5 - 34 and people still want to make excuses...

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Oh please!!! We are not talking about bumps and bruises here, these are season ending injuries. Check it out, we are approaching at the least 10% of the traveling squad. Yes, there are coaching problems, but to imply other teams deal with injuries of this magnitude without missing a beat is ludicrous.

I didn't say we shouldn't miss a beat. I said we shouldn't use this as an excuse.

When I was little, dad taught me three things that I have never forgotten.

1. Life's not fair.

2. If you fail, don't blame others.

3. You only get what you earn.

Win 7. No excuses.

Edited by Side Show Joe
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That's why I said its harsh but he also allowed an entire HIGH SCHOOL coaching staff take the reigns of my College level football team.

No way...Jones cancels out Dodge as far as I'm concerned.

Throw in all the other good moves RV has done, and he's still probably the best AD we've ever had.

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No way...Jones cancels out Dodge as far as I'm concerned.

Throw in all the other good moves RV has done, and he's still probably the best AD we've ever had.

That may be debatable, I got to Denton in 2001 so i don't what happened before that. Since then, I have adopted UNT as my College

and the one I support because this is where I got my degree.

BUT, I hate losing and being associated with a loser. I will not abandoned UNT so my only option is to voice my displeasure.

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That may be debatable, I got to Denton in 2001 so i don't what happened before that. Since then, I have adopted UNT as my College

and the one I support because this is where I got my degree.

BUT, I hate losing and being associated with a loser. I will not abandoned UNT so my only option is to voice my displeasure.

My folks both went to NT, I grew up in Denton all the way until I graduated college in 2001, so I think I can at least make a case from my experience/background that RV is the best AD we've had in acouple of generations at least.

Obviously others might disagree, but what RV has done since coming to NT has been pretty effing amazing.

EVEN COUNTING the Dodge experiment.

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Due to inordinate injuries?

HELL NO!!!!!!!!

This team was blessed with great health last year, a year in which Coach Dodge stated before, during, and after that he thought the team had 5 wins in them. They won 2. 2!!!!!!!! Enough. Hire a college coach to lead a collge program.

RV shod go to the BOR and point out what an embarassment this has been, and if they want to avoid a future embarassment, they need to give him 500k to pay a deal freaking FBS football coach!!!!

Dodge just said Leppo tore his ACL

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What do you want to attribute these to? Freak accidents...there is no way we can have 9 possibly 10 people out with season ending injuries out of freak accidents. It comes down to the fact that their bodies aren't ready for the heavy contact and difficult jobs they are doing, these kids are busting their butts to help this team improve on game day but Sunday-Friday they aren't tuning their bodies for the physical stress they are going to go through.

We are not talking about minor things here. We are talking about catastrophic season and career ending injuries here. Things that can not be prepared for. Things like cramps and pulled muscles can be contributed to lack of training, NOT dislocations, tendon tears, ligament tears and broken bones.

Injuries happen. Players get hurt. Is this season unreal? Hell yeah it is, but it sure isnt a "stamina" thing. You want to blame something? Blame UA for their shoes sticking to the turf when players try to cut causing ACL tears. Blame bad luck. Blame Murphy's Law. But its not a lack of preparation.

I have a whole big argument about the behavior issues the team has seen but thats another story. However I will say that at the time Dodge was the best hire we could make. And anyone who thinks that all the new media coverage and the building of the new stadium did not get a boost by having a Dodge's name as our coach is kidding themselves. Despite his lack of winning on the field, his name carries weight, especially in Texas and it has helped get more contributors and donors. Having them stay after this year is another story..........

Now all that being said, no excuses this year. If the team does not get 7 wins, then Dodge needs to be gone. He is a great coach, but it did not work here. I would consider giving him a year extension if he gets 6 wins including a win over KSU at the end of the year.

I will still pull for my MG and I will still cheer my head coach for every second that he is my head coach. If he does not meet the bar that has been established this year then we will look elsewhere and I will support that coach.

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Why do you and a few others feel a need to stand around the practice field with the players? I mean, that does not happen anywhere else, certainly not in a program that takes itself seriously. As for national coverage of the "drug scandal", it made the New York Times. And it was a positive article at that.

I have little to no interest in standing on the sidelines during practice. That was one of many points in my post, simply pointing out that the LONE "positive" people attribute to Football Trilli isn't even really that positive. The previous staff was more accessible and fan friendly, and this staff has had just as many or more off the field issues - despite the perception. And you really think that the nationally covered drug scandal was a positive?? Boy, I recall some irate and embarrassed people at the university along with a barrage of comments and e-mails from friends and family who heard about it. I can't imagine a circumstance in which a drug scandal is good for a college football team, but I suppose defending Dodge's tenure in these times calls for desperate arguments.

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TD has truly had a bad run of luck over the last four years...truly! At some point, you have to conclude that he is a f...n jinx!

I support the man and I support him through this season and his opportunity to get 7 wins.

Win 7 or go home.

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What do you want to attribute these to? Freak accidents...there is no way we can have 9 possibly 10 people out with season ending injuries out of freak accidents. It comes down to the fact that their bodies aren't ready for the heavy contact and difficult jobs they are doing, these kids are busting their butts to help this team improve on game day but Sunday-Friday they aren't tuning their bodies for the physical stress they are going to go through.

That is not entirely accurate. 2 seasons ago, the Dallas Stars were riddled with injuries at the top of their payroll and it cost them the playoffs.

The original question at hand is an interesting point. Due to the amount of time he has already had, I would say no. The only way the injuries could help in deciding to keep Dodge another year, is if we win 6 games or 5 and are very close in a 6th. Then it MIGHT be a consideration. You just can not prepare to lose half of your lineup to season ending and career ending injuries, a quarter of the way through your season. I think the most telling factor will be the coach's ability to adapt their gameplan. We will have to se how the next few games go.

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Coach Dodge has been snake bit at the QB position.

year 1 and 2..........Vizza (fresh/soph).. just ups and quits.

year 3................RDodge (R/fresh).... injury prone all year.

year 4................Tune (Sr.)..........his third start dislocates his hip.

year 4................Thompson (soph)......1st start today.

IMHO, the QB position is the most important and there has been no consistance since Coach Dodge has been at NT. Now we have a soph, Thompson, with really no D1 experience and injury prone and weak armed RDodge as a back up. I bet TUMMS is making a fortune in the Coach Dodge household. I think we have to admit that NT has a talented team but geeeeeze.....give the coach a steady and healthy QB for at least two or three years.

With that said I would bring the coach back for another year.

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I have little to no interest in standing on the sidelines during practice. That was one of many points in my post, simply pointing out that the LONE "positive" people attribute to Football Trilli isn't even really that positive. The previous staff was more accessible and fan friendly, and this staff has had just as many or more off the field issues - despite the perception. And you really think that the nationally covered drug scandal was a positive?? Boy, I recall some irate and embarrassed people at the university along with a barrage of comments and e-mails from friends and family who heard about it. I can't imagine a circumstance in which a drug scandal is good for a college football team, but I suppose defending Dodge's tenure in these times calls for desperate arguments.

Well rubbing elbows must be important, your the second one to mention it. This staff is not an less friendly than the last. And if there were drugs, surely you would want addressed. Especially when you are involved in policing those types of problems, right? Oh I thought you were somebody else. Sorry, I am not desperate nor am I ashamed that I have been a Dodge supporter. It does not make me any less of a fan or less smart than you sir because I have been.

Edited by Green Dozer
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Coach Dodge has been snake bit at the QB position.

year 1 and 2..........Vizza (fresh/soph).. just ups and quits.

year 3................RDodge (R/fresh).... injury prone all year.

year 4................Tune (Sr.)..........his third start dislocates his hip.

year 4................Thompson (soph)......1st start today.

IMHO, the QB position is the most important and there has been no consistance since Coach Dodge has been at NT. Now we have a soph, Thompson, with really no D1 experience and injury prone and weak armed RDodge as a back up. I bet TUMMS is making a fortune in the Coach Dodge household. I think we have to admit that NT has a talented team but geeeeeze.....give the coach a steady and healthy QB for at least two or three years.

With that said I would bring the coach back for another year.

Astounding doesnt even come close. I want you as a supervisor.

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Coach Dodge has been snake bit at the QB position.

year 1 and 2..........Vizza (fresh/soph).. just ups and quits.

year 3................RDodge (R/fresh).... injury prone all year.

year 4................Tune (Sr.)..........his third start dislocates his hip.

year 4................Thompson (soph)......1st start today.

IMHO, the QB position is the most important and there has been no consistance since Coach Dodge has been at NT. Now we have a soph, Thompson, with really no D1 experience and injury prone and weak armed RDodge as a back up. I bet TUMMS is making a fortune in the Coach Dodge household. I think we have to admit that NT has a talented team but geeeeeze.....give the coach a steady and healthy QB for at least two or three years.

The inconsistency at QB is Dodge's fault. Vizza quit (after throwing 5,146 yards and 32 touchdowns no less) because "the program is just not what I expected." Riley Dodge turned out to be the wrong choice for QB. Dodge has only been snakebit this year, but even then, Riley's his Plan C?

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The inconsistency at QB is Dodge's fault. Vizza quit (after throwing 5,146 yards and 32 touchdowns no less) because "the program is just not what I expected." Riley Dodge turned out to be the wrong choice for QB. Dodge has only been snakebit this year, but even then, Riley's his Plan C?

Dodge also had 2 very capable QBs his very first year in Meager & Wilson

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He got a mulligan. This year is it.

I'm sincere when I say that it sucks that the injuries are costing him the opportunity to take advantage of the reprieve, but that's the way it's going.

When I play golf I don't give mulligans, TD is lucky he was not playing with me because I felt last year was his last chance third strike and your out. No 4th strikes in MLB, no mulligans in the PGA so welcome to division 1a.

Metaphors mixing is fun.

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