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Sooooo...RV justified this...how?

Well I didn't catch the first part of it, but he basically justified it with "I have told Todd that we have committed to giving him all of the tools he needs and now he needs to produce wins." Then went on to say that he "knew this decision would not sit well with some folks, but that now is not the time to cancel season tickets, but to band together as a family and support the program."

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Unfreakingbelievable! It's amazing that RV can even stand-up straight by not having a spine to hold up the girth of his waistline! Not one Assistant Coach gone? I guess two Wins is IMPROVEMENT according to RV?!! I just can't wait to NOT make my yearly Donation to the Athletic Department now!!!

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I think this is all a master plan by RV. He knows TD will fail and that donors will so badly want to get rid of him that in 2010 people will "pony up" even more once he announces the firing of all the coaches during or right after the season as we set to enter a new era into the New Stadium.

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RV is saying on the half time show that "now is the time to produce." Wow, if I had known that we were hiring a coach 3 years ago that wasn't expected to produce results until year 4 I would not have been on board with the hire. UNREAL.

Yeah... a memo to the fans that the past 3 years wasn't really the time to expect any production would have saved a lot of us a lot of time, money, and heartache.

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And folks here wonder why the residents of Denton don't really support this team....do you really have to wonder now? 5 wins out of 36 tries.

That's why the average fan has already jumped on the Guyer bandwagon. Fans just want a reason to watch a good product. Aren't they in year 3 also of varisty football ? People say this isn't a sports city , but I beg to differ. Go out to Collins saturday and see how many people who have no affiliation to either school just show up to see a good product on the field.

Sad that I truly believe that Guyer & Ryan combined could field a team and possibly beat UNT right now. And I'm not even joking.

Edited by NT03
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That's why the average fan has already jumped on the Guyer bandwagon. Fans just want a reason to watch a good product. Aren't they in year 3 also of varisty football ? People say this isn't a sports city , but I beg to differ. Go out to Collins saturday and see how many people who have no affiliation to either school just show up to see a good product on the field.

Sad that I truly believe that Guyer & Ryan combined could field a team and possibly beat UNT right now. And I'm not even joking.

Silly. Southlake OWNED Ryan.

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That's why the average fan has already jumped on the Guyer bandwagon. Fans just want a reason to watch a good product. Aren't they in year 3 also of varisty football ? People say this isn't a sports city , but I beg to differ. Go out to Collins saturday and see how many people who have no affiliation to either school just show up to see a good product on the field.

Sad that I truly believe that Guyer & Ryan combined could field a team and possibly beat UNT right now. And I'm not even joking.

With the number of kids on each school who are 3* and 4* players (NONE of whom show NT interest, and few show offers) you sadly may be right.

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My bride and I will be in our seats next season supporting the Mean Green. As I have said numerous times, college football is a great way to spend a fall afternoon, and UNT IS MY SCHOOL, so it has my support. I'll admit to being a bit "puzzled" with the "no change" deal, but, so be it. The decision is made...go have a few beers, get mad or get happy, get your basketball face on and go ahead and purchase those season football tickets for next year. I do agree that this is no time to abandon ship and stop supporting the Mean Green. While we may not see the "reason" for all this, decision made...done deal...let's move forward with the thing we CAN CONTROL and that is our support for the MEAN GREEN.

If you decide to not renew season tickets or stop donating to your school, please take the time to personally call RV and let him know. Not in an "ugly or hateful manner", just let him know who you are and why you have decided to stop supporting the program. If you don't, it won't do much good...like getting a meal you didn't like at a restaurant and just leaving without telling the manager...not the wait staff. I believe RV would like to hear from you...you might even give him the opportunity to explain a few things to you that you don't know that might...might...allow you to re-think your position.

I know that sounds "radical" for some of you here on GMG.COM, but it would be the right and proper thing to do IF you want to have your voice heard. Also, phone the head of the dept. at UNT that you used to donate to and tell them why you are withdrawing all UNT support dollars because of the football team's poor on-field performance. Again, you would let folks know why you are making the decision you are and why you think it is the right thing to do at this time. Could make a difference in how the university proceeds in the future.

If you don't let folks know (in a polite and professional manner, of course) you will really have no impact. I would imagine that season ticket sales will be at or above the same levels we have recently seen next season. Too bad, UNT needs the season ticket base to grow.

I do hope those that stick by the program will get first shot at seats in the new stadium. I am guessing they will, and rightfully so. Might want to put that into the thought process too. OK, I must say here, that while my support remains solid, I fully understnad why some would choose otherwise, and I do not believe they are any less a member of the Mean Green Nation. Some folks just cannot "handle it" any longer. Ok, so be it...the part I can't see is cutting off all support, like some have mentioned, for UNT BEACUSE you don't like the W/L record or coach of the football team. That, to me, makes absolutely NO SENSE and smacks of someone just looking for some reason to not make a donation.

Have a few beers and chill out...then strap on your Green and join me and the bride in the stands at Fouts next season.

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