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Does Fouts Keep People Away?


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Does Fouts keep people away? Yes, and no.

Yes it does stand as a "30,000" seat symbol to all who drive by it or walk into it that we are 1A in name only. I say this because Fouts practically screams that we aren't really serious about being a player at the highest level. It's nothing more than an image thing...but it's a HUGE part of the image we portray. Would you buy a house from a realtor in ripped jeans, a t-shirt and flip flops? Me neither. And if you're a potential seaon ticket holder, alum, or Denton resident would you buy the "we are committed to competing at the highest level of college football" song and dance if you knew you'd be watching games in Fouts? Me neither.

Of course, if you are already a die hard like pretty much every one of us on this board you'll brave Fouts just to see the Mean Green.

So True.....

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Some of our Exes and "fair weather fans" certainly use Fouts as an EXCUSE to not attend games, just like some use their dislike for certain folks in the athletic dept., or certain coaches, etc., etc. If you want to find a reason (read "excuse") for not attending games you can always find one. Fouts is not the reason as several have pointed out in this thread...if that were the case the Navy game, Baylor game, etc., etc. would not have been so well attended. Fouts has VERY little (if anything) to do with overall attendance. Play interesting teams, play good (I did not say always winning) and exciting football and they will come watch in a HS 2A stadium. I think you get my drift.

The new stadium is on the way, and it will be great to see all the "rears in the seats" simply because we have a new stadium...Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Oh, my guess, we'll still have some of our so-called fans thinking up new excuses for not coming. Like, gee, they raised ticket prices or I have to donate (imagine that) money to sit in the "good" seats, and I think the stadium is ugly or it is too hard to park...oh, alas, they charge for parking!

Come on, let's fill Fouts Field this next season. Some of you folks, please "get over" whatever you have stuck in your craw and support the Mean Green with your attendance. The palyers on the field work very hard and our coaching staff is the best it has been in a long time. The games are fun to watch, and ticket prices are VERY reasonable. What else do you need?

GO MEAN GREEN! See you at the games!

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I agree with those who state that Fouts is not the problem but a symptom of the problem. I actually enjoy Fouts, yes the sight lines are awful and it is far from attractive, but at how many bowl division schools can you for a very minimal contribution and ticket prices sit on the 50 yard line and park withing a 100 yards of the entrance. I think the majority of the power programs' fans would think they were in heaven if they could park so close, have the convenient access, and have as good a view as most seats at Fouts. I think of the lousy expensive visitors seats I've had at A&M, UT, OU and LSU. Yes, the visitors' tickets are the very worst but the fans pay dearly for premium seats.

I think NT painted themselves into an unnecessary corner when they strongly indicated a new stadium was just on the horizon five or six years ago. It is definitely disheartening, that as far as the masses know little progress has been made in building the new stadium. From what little information is available, it is easy to interpret that NT is probably in worse shape now than when it started the process, as escalating construction costs have outpaced donations over the years.

One of my concerns is that because of the intense pressure to get a new stadium, NT will build a stadium using debt that the athletic program cannot accommodate. I don't think a new stadium will be the panacea that many see. Look no further than Ford Stadium at SMU or NT's own Superpit for examples of extraordinary facilities that did little to raise attendance. Winning and opponents are much more important factors than the stadium in growing attendance. Also I don't believe the stadium will significantly influence who NT gets for home games. Economic factors that determine opponents are not going to change just by going from an old 30,000 capacity stadium to a new one.

All that being stated, NT IMO must have a new stadium soon just to demonstrate that NT is serious about "big time" college athletics. I don't expect any substantial imediate improvements in NT's athletic status will be manifested in attendance or conference affiliation. However, failure to escalate facilities will have an almost irrevocable negative influence on future football progress. You can only sell hope and enthusiasm for so long, there has to be major substantial progress to continue the momentum that I believe Todd Dodge has created in recruiting and excitement in NT football.

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I think NT painted themselves into an unnecessary corner when they strongly indicated a new stadium was just on the horizon five or six years ago. It is definitely disheartening, that as far as the masses know little progress has been made in building the new stadium. From what little information is available, it is easy to interpret that NT is probably in worse shape now than when it started the process, as escalating construction costs have outpaced donations over the years.

When you search for answers and find virtually none, then hear comments made by our administration that seem to some degree to support the lack of information coming out, begins to make me think that someone either thought the money would be there in 5 - 6 years, or grossly under-estimated how much this project would take to get going. They can't now come out and say that we are a long ways away from the new stadium, so they just continue to do what they are doing, and go into their "silent" phase. I don't think we will see a new stadium, with our current leadership in the AD, within 10 years. Hope I am wrong, but I don't see it.

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Guest 97and03

I know that Fouts has kept opponents away. Potential opponents have cited Fouts as a reason not to come to Denton.

And as many of stated, more attractive opponents will help (do help) attendance.

So yes, Fouts has kept people from attending UNT games.

But so does losing.

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If Fouts Field is the reason our "fans" don't show up for home games, then we have bigger problems than I ever imagined. Not going to NT home games because Fouts is not an attractive stadium is like not going to visit your Mom because she doesn't live in a good neighborhood.

For years, I've ended most of my posts with, "Join the Mean Green Club, Buy Season Tickets." I really mean it. How in the world do we influence others (conferences, bowl committees, etc) when we seem to lack committment within ourselves. Most of us have limited ways we can show support for North Texas Athletics. Most of us can't coach, or recruit, or clean up after a game. Therefore, we are left with displaying financial support for our school's athletic teams. Turning on the radio is fine. And looking for North Texas in the box scores first thing is great. But what our school needs is our money and our collective butts in the seats.

As I've said before, look at your check stubs. See what you've spent your money on. That's what is important to you. IF you spend more money on beer or tickets to Six Flags than North Texas Athletics, maybe you're not the fan you profess to be.

And I wonder how many of us will continue to find reasons not to support NT when we do get that shiney new stadium ? "The seats are too hard' or "I think so and so at the Athletic Department is rude" are all good enough reasons not to support our school if non-support is what you're looking for.

Unless you can diagram plays for the offense or care to direct traffic after the game, give money to North Texas Athletics and attend the home games.

Don't do it because North Texas or Fouts is the best. Do it because you're a fan. Because fans support their team.

That's all the reason you need.

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It's amazing to me (but it's true) that things like a bad facility, disgruntle at a person in the Athletic Department or a Coach, etc. keep people away from supporting North Texas Football. As times have progressed, there are so many different areas of focus that draw attention away from the kids. We have 100 or so kids busting their butts year round, spending countless hours in the weight room, on the field, in the classroom, in the training room, etc. who are giving everything they've got to be the best they can be for this university. Coaches and the football staff are spending tons of time away from their wives and children in order to have the team prepared to the best of their knowledge, and be out on the road recruiting the best kids possible for this football program. Trainers are working around the clock to keep these athlete's performing well even through sprains, fractures, dislocations...whatever. The fact that kids would put their bodies on the line and play through things of that nature ought to be enough to draw fans out to the games to cheer them on. The band, cheerleaders, and dancers work daily to put on the best presentation possible for no one other than the fans that decide to go to the game.

It's a shame that a sub-par stadium keeps people away from cheering on the efforts of these young men, the coaches, trainers, band, cheerleaders, and dancers. But as times have progressed, the focus is no longer on the kids. It's on all of the other business, and it's people thinking of every reason possible not to come to a game.

I know that personally I am a die hard, and attend practices, functions, scrimmages, and games. Not everyone is like that, and I understand. But let's not lose focus of the efforts of everyone involved in the football program because our stadium is bad. Instead, go out and support the efforts of these people, and at the end of the day rest assured that they gave everything in their power to the University of North Texas during that time.

*Now granted, I want a new stadium as bad as anyone.... B)

**but Fouts shouldn't keep people from attending.

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If Fouts Field is the reason our "fans" don't show up for home games, then we have bigger problems than I ever imagined. Not going to NT home games because Fouts is not an attractive stadium is like not going to visit your Mom because she doesn't live in a good neighborhood.

For years, I've ended most of my posts with, "Join the Mean Green Club, Buy Season Tickets." I really mean it. How in the world do we influence others (conferences, bowl committees, etc) when we seem to lack committment within ourselves. Most of us have limited ways we can show support for North Texas Athletics. Most of us can't coach, or recruit, or clean up after a game. Therefore, we are left with displaying financial support for our school's athletic teams. Turning on the radio is fine. And looking for North Texas in the box scores first thing is great. But what our school needs is our money and our collective butts in the seats.

As I've said before, look at your check stubs. See what you've spent your money on. That's what is important to you. IF you spend more money on beer or tickets to Six Flags than North Texas Athletics, maybe you're not the fan you profess to be.

And I wonder how many of us will continue to find reasons not to support NT when we do get that shiney new stadium ? "The seats are too hard' or "I think so and so at the Athletic Department is rude" are all good enough reasons not to support our school if non-support is what you're looking for.

Unless you can diagram plays for the offense or care to direct traffic after the game, give money to North Texas Athletics and attend the home games.

Don't do it because North Texas or Fouts is the best. Do it because you're a fan. Because fans support their team.

That's all the reason you need.

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I know that Fouts has kept opponents away. Potential opponents have cited Fouts as a reason not to come to Denton.

And as many of stated, more attractive opponents will help (do help) attendance.

So yes, Fouts has kept people from attending UNT games.

But so does losing.

What opponents have cited Fouts is a reason that they would not come to Denton and what do you base this conclusion on?

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What opponents have cited Fouts is a reason that they would not come to Denton and what do you base this conclusion on?

Not sure if its true but I heard that Baylor stated they would never come back to Fouts again. Something to do with the terrible visitors dressing area and also the electrical connection was lost to the Baylor coaches headphones.

I'm sure the 55-14 ass whipping had nothing to do with it either.

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Guest 97and03

What opponents have cited Fouts is a reason that they would not come to Denton and what do you base this conclusion on?

I believe it was Ok St...but I will be honest and say that I don't remember it perfectly as it was several years ago. The general concept was that the facilities were not up to par, including the visitors locker room - as previously mentioned.

Now does that mean that as soon as we get a new stadium Ok St will be rushing to play in Denton? I can't say for sure. But I think it will help. That would be a great visiting crowd. I would love a home and home with them. Stillwater is a pretty fun place to see a game.


Edit: I think that it was also of not being a good experience for their fans. As in the stadium wasn't a great place to expect their fans to come to watch a game.

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What opponents have cited Fouts is a reason that they would not come to Denton and what do you base this conclusion on?

Really thats not even a question to be answered. Just by our own judgement and wisdom we can perfectly see why many teams would not want to come here and play.

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Really thats not even a question to be answered. Just by our own judgement and wisdom we can perfectly see why many teams would not want to come here and play.

Big 12 team fans are never going to be happy playing at a perceived lesser opponent's field. I think my judgment is equal to most and I think Fouts is way down the list when it comes to why old BCS teams don't want to play at Denton. Number one they can afford to pay teams to play at their location and still make many times the money they can going to a Fouts or Ford to play. Two, it is much easier to win at home. Three, their fans perceive playing at a lower tier team totally unnecessary. Four, the destination location's tourist appeal (ie, New Orleans, Hawaii, etc.). Five, travel costs associated with the game. I doubt a less than optimum dressing room is even going to register in the scheduling process.

I really didn't expect anything other than hearsay when I asked the question. The Baylor fans would have been much more happy if they had been the team scoring fifty points. Also if you remember the game time temperature for that game was about 110. Rarely under the current circumstances are lower tier teams going to get home games against the power conferences. There are a handful a year mostly as a result of lower tier playing multiple return games at the opponent and largely because they just want to play a few occ games on the road to get ready for conference play. IMO NT is just as likely to get those type of games now, as with a new stadium.

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The Baylor fans would have been much more happy if they had been the team scoring fifty points. Also if you remember the game time temperature for that game was about 110.

The '2000 game was the one in which the kick-off temperature was 106 degrees and we ran out of water by halftime. The '2003 game was the 52-14 blasting by the Mean Green.


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I have heard it said that "if you don't want to do something, you can always find a reason". I am sure that there are people who do not come to North Texas games because they don't like night games (or day games). Some will say they don't come because they don't like the teams we play. Some will say that they don't come because there is no good parking. Some will say they don't come because they don't like the offense the coach runs because we run too much (or pass too much). Some will say they don't come because they don't like the color of the uniforms. Some will say they don't come because the seats are too far from the playing field, or the rest rooms aren't nice enough, or there are not enough chair backed seats, or there is not enough Kettle Korn. We need more fans who WILL COME to the games because a team from The University of North Texas is playing today. We have a very small group of fans that will show up to see North Texas play if the game is against The University of Texas at Austin or against Austin College. We just need more of them .

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I have heard it said that "if you don't want to do something, you can always find a reason". I am sure that there are people who do not come to North Texas games because they don't like night games (or day games). Some will say they don't come because they don't like the teams we play. Some will say that they don't come because there is no good parking. Some will say they don't come because they don't like the offense the coach runs because we run too much (or pass too much). Some will say they don't come because they don't like the color of the uniforms. Some will say they don't come because the seats are too far from the playing field, or the rest rooms aren't nice enough, or there are not enough chair backed seats, or there is not enough Kettle Korn. We need more fans who WILL COME to the games because a team from The University of North Texas is playing today. We have a very small group of fans that will show up to see North Texas play if the game is against The University of Texas at Austin or against Austin College. We just need more of them .

You forgot to mention those crickets. I think we would sell out every game if it weren't for those pesky little critters.

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The '2000 game was the one in which the kick-off temperature was 106 degrees and we ran out of water by halftime. The '2003 game was the 52-14 blasting by the Mean Green.


Thanks, at least I think I am right that after both games, the Baylor fans were in an unroar about playing at Fouts.

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I love our night games it makes for a great day of tailgating, a game easier to watch without the sun on you or in your eyes.

Fact is our stadium is not the cause of our attendance problem, people who say that is the reason they don't come are just looking for excuses. If our team was wining and playing reputable/recognizable opponents they would come. Plus I think the admin should really take the student body by the reigns and start instilling spirit from a mandatory 3 day spirit camp for incoming freshman and sophomores. Then reinforce it in the classrooms, have the cheerleaders do mini pep rallies between classes in heavy traffic areas on Thursdays and Fridays during Football season, and finally have some contests that help motivate the student body.

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