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I'm a lousy, sorry fan


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I pay hundreds, spent thousands on my school's program. I drive an hour and a half each way to go see my team play and have done so so many times the past 17 years it would be impossible to count. I have dedicated countless hours on projects to help make sure some of our special traditions continue. I have involved my family in being fans as well, placing Mean Green interests over other activities. I placed my job at times to the side as well to support my team, my school as I think they deserve because we are trying our best to start something.......new here. I will again spend more money and time and travel to my fourth away game this season to attend my fourth bowl game to make sure there is one more voice to cheer on the Mean Green. But as I was reminded at the football banquet last year, and as I have been reminded in the media several times before, and while watching the post game bowl invite tonight beside the stage, along with the other 14,000 souls who showed up in the 40+ degree windy and rain soaked saturday evening, I again was reminded how sorry of a complainer I have been who cussed my team out earlier in the season. Shame on me and the rest of you. The guys in green sure showed us though didn't they? Again they made a complete fool out of me I suppose? You would think I would learn by now, whatever it is I'm suppose to have learned?

I'm just a sorry, lousy escuse of a fan I suppose but..(Connor cover your ears again son,) I will have mine and my family'sA$$ back next year to do it all over again.

Go Mean Green!


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Is this story amazing? Here I am sitting in the Pacific watching clinch another Sun Belt Conference title and bowl berth. I was telling a friend that I was at our opener when I couldn't believe my eyes. I had never seen a more unprepared unemotional team in Green. We then lost to a D1AA team which was the worst thing our program needed after one of the most humiliating losses since the 80's. Our stud running back goes down and the season looks LOST. I head to Boulder to get incredibly excited (in the first quarter), only to be humbled and bummed in the end. We then accomplish the lowest of low - lose to Baylor - wait, get BLOWN OUT by Baylor.

Now we are at 6-4 and I am sweating wondering how I am going to get back to New Orleans. Thankfully it looks promising but as I told my friend, "I am shocked in many ways that we are in this position."

Thank you Mean Green!


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I don't think DD was speaking to you with that remark. But to the fan that told JT that he was " a sorry a$$ ni**%%" because he came to NT and not one of the larger schools. Or the fan that kept getting on a recuite at the game saying that he couldn't be any fu**$$ good if he was looking at NT. Who by the way the last I heard is signing a LOI with Va. Tech. These are the fans that DD has a problem with. This are the fans that have no respect for NT as a school or a football program.

Edited by jjpfootball
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I hope that someone can come on and "spin" Dickey's comments in a more positive way. But I believe that what I heard Dickey say in his post game comments was that after the Baylor game "the fans (as usual ) cussed us, but we circled the wagons". Circled the wagons against who? The SBC? The World? Or was he talking about the North Texas fans? Who by the way (up to that point in the season) expect a better effort , both from the team and the coaching staff?

I'm getting real tired of this "us-against-the-fans-bunker mentality".

Someone tell me I'm wrong about this (and make a credible presentationi).

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----The one thing I think that a college education does ( or should do ) is to teach it's graduates to think for themselves and also think about other people's point of view as well. DD did nothing good to help his image by his comments.

----DD showed bad judgement in making that comment. No doubt some of the UNT fans had been down on the program but not all were and trashing the alums and fans in general is never really a good idea. Besides the program had lost 4 games, 2-3 were bad losses and most of us were hoping for 3 wins and expecting at least 2 wins in the first 4 games. This could have really been a year to make a national statement and we did somewhat fail at that... we lost three games most thought was winnable .

---We should have beaten Florida Atlantic and Baylor plus Colorado would have been possible if a defense had appeared.

---He should have not said what he did and "thought" about what he said before he said it....even if he believed it. So much for a career in politics.... not much of a positive spin in that statement.

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Coach wasn't hired to be a politician. He was hired to compete successfully in the SBC. He does that.

Personally, I wish he would keep the comments to himself but I can't really blame him. Some really nasty things were said about Coach Dickey on this board and in the stands. Coach, his family, and his players hear this crap and it does hurt. Every head coach expects criticism. Criticism is appropriate. What's not appropriate are the jackass personal comments and the name-calling. This has been going on since Dickey was hired. I suspect it's getting a bit old.

God bless Texas

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DD has always said that the team and the fans are separate, but equal. He knows the team needs us, and is happy when we are at ANY game to support them. He has always been a bit "thin-skinned" after a few losses. Who likes getting that kind of criticism??? I know I dont.

The bottom line is we hear what DD is saying, but as Alums and fans...we also know he is happy that we were there for those seniors last night.


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Coach wasn't hired to be a politician.  He was hired to compete successfully in the SBC.  He does that. 

Personally, I wish he would keep the comments to himself but I can't really blame him.  Some really nasty things were said about Coach Dickey on this board and in the stands.  Coach, his family, and his players hear this crap and it does hurt.  Every head coach expects criticism.  Criticism is appropriate. What's not appropriate are the jackass personal comments and the name-calling.  This has been going on since Dickey was hired.  I suspect it's getting a bit old.

God bless Texas

But, GT(N)T, those of us who care about "OUR" alma mater never-ever cuss our football players. If I ever dipped to that level, I would quit sending money and coming to games even though that is where I got my education.

I think Coach DD is not a public speaker. He got off to a terrible start with this football program, maybe worse than anyone else ever has at UNT that got to stick around after such a slow start. As much as I hate to say this, none of this will probably ever stop until DD leaves Denton and whether that is next year or next decade. I hope it is next decade, personally.

DD has something stuck in his crall that he seems to not want to regurgitate. Most of us can handle bad customer service even at the school we have all invested much time, tuition and some donations, but the casual fan (you know, the one's who seats stay empty at Fouts) I am most a-feared will never understand DD appearing to come after the customers like he seems to do when he gets the media spotllight. I thought from earlier post game shows this football season, he had dropped his personal vendetta against whoever/whatever.sad.gif

Just my .02....

BTW, I support Coach Dickey and want him to build this football program to the next level (which only will happen when we win the NO's Bowl and move into a new stadium) but for the record, this alum has never, ever badmouthed a Mean Green football player in 30 plus years of following Mean Green football. Some of those players I have had the priviledge of calling friend after they graduated from UNT.

Edited by PlummMeanGreen
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I was here before DD and I'll be here after DD.    I come to see the team play, not DD.    ph34r.gif

That is EXACTLY the point that needs to be emphasized. The us vs. them is very old by this point. By the end of the regular season on Thurs. I will have been to 10 of the 11 games this year, and hell yes I was critical of a defense that quit cold at UT, at CU, and again at BU. A loss to a 1-AA that has now been beaten on its home turf by several SBC teams is no moral victory either. I'll also admit that I was verbally upset at the play of AA @CU and made it known when the offense was continually busting its tail only to see the defense roll over one more time, but I'm also enough of a man to go up to AA last night and apoligize for being down on him early on and tell him I was proud of the way he'd stepped it up since. He actually got a kick out of my apology. DD needs to learn the same humility when he makes a fan critical remark that while maybe not intended to the fans he is addressing comes off as if it includes everyone. If I fail at times at my job I hear about it immediately. DD and his staff and players need to understand that is how the rest of the world works---take it constructively and learn from it or ignore it, but what does this immature retaliation prove other than alleinate some good fans that may not blindly follow, but are always there when it counts.

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Poor me. Dickey didn't give me a kiss after the game. Boo friggin hoo.

Y'all come on this board a bitch about the fans too. You complain how not enough people show up for games, or don't get there early enough for you liking. How people leave trash in the parking lots, or don't wear the team logo you like.

You call for the coaches head every other week. You say things like SBC wins don't matter or this team is an embarassment. We don't travel to away games. We don't show appreciatie for what we have.

Is it that hard to imagine the head coach might get pissed at some of the fans too?

If your one of the "good" fans, you get treated well. You get to go to little banquets and speeches. You get letters in the mail from the AD department. But if you think our average level of fan support is as good as half the other D1 schools, let alone a 4 time conference champs, your sadly mistaken.

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Poor me.  Dickey didn't give me a kiss after the game.  Boo friggin hoo.

Y'all come on this board a bitch about the fans too.  You complain how not enough people show up for games, or don't get there early enough for you liking.  How people leave trash in the parking lots, or don't wear the team logo you like.

You call for the coaches head every other week.  You say things like SBC wins don't matter or this team is an embarassment.  We don't travel to away games.  We don't show appreciatie for what we have.

Is it that hard to imagine the head coach might get pissed at some of the fans too?

If your one of the "good" fans, you get treated well.  You get to go to little banquets and speeches.  You get letters in the mail from the AD department.  But if you think our average level of fan support is as good as half the other D1 schools, let alone a 4 time conference champs, your sadly mistaken.

Well done shaft. My sentiments exactly.

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Well done shaft. My sentiments exactly.

The us vs. them does not treat any fan well, especially those that were there to hear it. Those of us who have been around a while have never heard this drivel from other staffs and yes we'll still be there and have been there long before this staff came and will be there when it leaves. This is the highest paid coach ever at NT and that includes some very good ones. Never did the others continually criticise the customers. No one can question DD's accomplishments but one of any coaches duties is p/r, and last night he was a miserable failure when it came to that. I agree w/ FFR 100% AND I'LL PUT MINE AND HIS SUPPORT RECORD UP AGAINST ANY OF THE ABOVE RESPONDENTS!!

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And all of our other coaches haved sucked. No one likes to say it, but this is UNT's golden era.

4 straight conference titles and bowl appearances. 3 straight winning seasons. 3 straight 1000 yard RBs. 2 straight national rushing leaders.

The other coaches couldn't complain because they didn't have those type of numbers.

And for the most part our fan base is kind of crappy. We have one of the lowest attendence averages in the SBC. We don't bring in that much money in donations. And fans are ungrateful for what we do have.

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Poor me.  Dickey didn't give me a kiss after the game.  Boo friggin hoo.

Y'all come on this board a bitch about the fans too.  You complain how not enough people show up for games, or don't get there early enough for you liking.  How people leave trash in the parking lots, or don't wear the team logo you like.

You call for the coaches head every other week.  You say things like SBC wins don't matter or this team is an embarassment.  We don't travel to away games.  We don't show appreciatie for what we have.

Is it that hard to imagine the head coach might get pissed at some of the fans too?

If your one of the "good" fans, you get treated well.  You get to go to little banquets and speeches.  You get letters in the mail from the AD department.  But if you think our average level of fan support is as good as half the other D1 schools, let alone a 4 time conference champs, your sadly mistaken.

The fact is who the hell does this help?

DD saying anything bad about the fans.

Does it help raise money, does it help attendance? There simply is no good in it saying comments like that in a live interview while accepting the NO Bowl bid.

DD is a grown man and in this specific situation he should keep it the hell to himself.

I mean even my mother taught me when in public, if you do not have something nice to say, say nothing at all.

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Poor me.  Dickey didn't give me a kiss after the game.  Boo friggin hoo.

Y'all come on this board a bitch about the fans too.  You complain how not enough people show up for games, or don't get there early enough for you liking.  How people leave trash in the parking lots, or don't wear the team logo you like.

You call for the coaches head every other week.  You say things like SBC wins don't matter or this team is an embarassment.  We don't travel to away games.  We don't show appreciatie for what we have.

Is it that hard to imagine the head coach might get pissed at some of the fans too?

If your one of the "good" fans, you get treated well.  You get to go to little banquets and speeches.  You get letters in the mail from the AD department.  But if you think our average level of fan support is as good as half the other D1 schools, let alone a 4 time conference champs, your sadly mistaken.

Dude, you need to get your nose out of DD ass. Have you ever been involved in any other program besides UNT? Let me tell you, having followed A&M and Arkansas in previous lifetimes, the criticism DD gets is a pittance of what other coaches face. Hell, have you ever seen http://www.firemackbrown.com/ ?!?!

R.C. Slocum was a wonderful 9-3, 10-2 coach every year. After a while, the money people couldn't take it any more. Forget that he brought A&M out of a potential disasterous recruiting scandal left by Jackie Sherril, kept the team a winner for nine out of the last ten years he was there. They just wanted the team to go on to the next level. They knew that he would not be the one to do it.

I appreciate DD's effort in the SBC. I can also appreciate the fact that he needs to bring it up a notch now. The SBC is no longer a satifactory benchmark. For instance, if my personal sales were good but never increased from year to year, I would have never have made it to a third year. That is the real world, like it or not. As a paying customer, I want to see at least a small improvement every year.

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Poor me.  Dickey didn't give me a kiss after the game.  Boo friggin hoo.

Y'all come on this board a bitch about the fans too.  You complain how not enough people show up for games, or don't get there early enough for you liking.  How people leave trash in the parking lots, or don't wear the team logo you like.

You call for the coaches head every other week.  You say things like SBC wins don't matter or this team is an embarassment.  We don't travel to away games.  We don't show appreciatie for what we have.

Is it that hard to imagine the head coach might get pissed at some of the fans too?

If your one of the "good" fans, you get treated well.  You get to go to little banquets and speeches.  You get letters in the mail from the AD department.  But if you think our average level of fan support is as good as half the other D1 schools, let alone a 4 time conference champs, your sadly mistaken.

Good post.

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For those of us in the bussiness world, this analogy will help: The fans are the consumers (or customers) or UNT's product. How many bussinesses would allow a representative to insult the customer base, when they are already having trouble getting new customers? My boss wold ream my a$$.

What goes through RV's head as DD says thse things? Did DD insult a potential stadium donar last night? I hope not.

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Pierow, thats an excellent post, but you forget one thing. The DD worshipers dont see the fact that we congratulate what he has done, now we want to move to the next level. They are perfectly content with winning the SBC every year, going to NO, and finishing the season ranked 55-65. They think that anyone who does critisize DD in the slightest is anti-DD and a DD basher. It is perfectly ok for him to say what he does, even though it would not be tolerated ANYWHERE eles in D-1A. Don't forget, we are wrong because we don't have our nose in DD's arse. They are right because they do.

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I don't think DD was speaking to you with that remark.  But to the fan that told JT that he was " a sorry a$$ ni**%%" because he came to NT and not one of the larger schools.  Or the fan that kept getting on a recuite at the game saying that he couldn't be any fu**$$ good if he was looking at NT.  Who by the way the last I heard is signing a LOI with Va. Tech.  These are the fans that DD has a problem with.  This are the fans that have no respect for NT as a school or a football program.

Those aren't fans. Those people are probably the editorial staff from the North Texas Daily.

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These same 7-8 people complain day after day  about DD. Think they will ever get tired of complaining about him >?? The man just won another title..Grow up and go to New Orleans and get over it!

They should just save themselves some time and just copy and paste their old posts about the same topic. laugh.gif

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