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My Leach Firing Theory


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Everyone is bemoaning the fact that Mike Leach was wronged and that Craig James's son was out of line etc... I just don't buy it. This deal was already in motion prior to the James incident. Here's my take:

1). Tech knew after the last round of contract negotiations that Leach was not long for the world. His shoot from the hip attitude and anti establishment mentality was not a long term solution for the big business of BCS level football in Lubbock.

2). They (Kent Hance, the Tech establishment etc) had a plan to eliminate Leach prior to this entire James incident. They were probably estatic on the timing of this James revelation as it occurred prior to them making a huge 800K payment to him. Every AD and Administration fears a Head Coach that becomes as powerful and unpredictable as Leach.

3). They already know who his replacement is. They knew it before this James issue even came up. The James issue was just the catalyst they needed to start the process. Current Baylor HC Art Briles has ALWAYS been the guy that they wanted to take Tech into the sunset and replace Leach. In fact when Briles negotiated his contract with Baylor he specified that he could opt out if the Tech job comes open. Briles is a great recruiter and will be the yes guy that Tech needs. He could be the coach there for 20 years!

4). Leach, after becoming very wealthy in the settlement, will ressurect his career at a Mountain West level program like New Mexico or possibly even replace Mike Price at UTEP. It will be a program on the cusp of the BCS that will allow him full decision making authority.

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Harry, if the administration did not want Leach, why renew his contract? I think it would have been easier to just announce at the end of the season that they were not going to renew him due to conflicting views, which many people would have understood, and instantly be able to look for quality candidates.

Regardless of what other reasons he may have been canned for, many will see him being fired over something that happened with one player. Who wants to come into that situation? I think you may discourage some coaches that may have considered the TTU post beforehand.

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Harry, if the administration did not want Leach, why renew his contract? I think it would have been easier to just announce at the end of the season that they were not going to renew him due to conflicting views, which many people would have understood, and instantly be able to look for quality candidates.

Regardless of what other reasons he may have been canned for, many will see him being fired over something that happened with one player. Who wants to come into that situation? I think you may discourage some coaches that may have considered the TTU post beforehand.

I think recruiting is probably the reason why they didn't announce it at the end of the season. Remember a lot of the recruiting is done well before the season is over and now a lot of the spots at other BCS school are taken. I also think that Briles will end up working with a lot of the assistants who are already there which should minimize some of the turmoil from a recruiting perspective. Dale Hansen said last night on his program that they called 9 orally committed Tech recruits and 6 of them said they would stay with Tech and 3 said they weren't sure. Being a month a way from signing day doesn't leave them a lot of options at the big schools.

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I know that this might give the SMU haters (of which at times I could be called) happy pants, but Norm on the Ticket thought that June Jones might be a viable candidate for the Tech job. Any thoughts on that theory?

EDIT: Sorry...didn't see that this topic was already addressed in another thread.

Edited by BeanCounterGrad'03
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I would love to see Leach in EP, but UTEP loves Price and he has not shown any intent of retiring for another couple years. Unless I missed something...

I will say this...there have been times the past couple seasons where Price looks so emotionally spent. It would not surprise me to see any announcement, but the rumor mill in Minerdome is that he is building this for his son and no one else.

It will be interesting. Good post, Harry.

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One of my work assoicates is a strong Texas Tech fan, and booster.

This morning my associate shared his views regarding the firing of Mike Leach,

with me. First, my assoicate stated many of his Tech friends were not suprised

Leach was fired. My assoicate went on to say, Leach had become too powerful

within the Tech organization, and was constantly confronting the Tech administration,

and not following their directives.

Second, Leach's contract, salary, and bonus. Tech did not want to pay Leach as

the contract directed. When the Adam James situation developed, this issue provided

the Tech adminstration the perfect opportunity to fire Leach, and rid themselves of more

future problems with Leach, and not be liable for the salary/bonus structure.

My associate also stated, that DC Coach Ruffin, would be the next HFC at Tech.

I am sure there are thousands of different views on the firing of Mike Leach,

but I thought my assoicates view seems to fit the pattern of events at Tech.

The more I read about this story, Mike Leach is implicated as the bad guy

because of the Adam James situation and reported developments. This story looks to be a

a "us"(Tech adminstration) verses "him" (Mike Leach) situation to me. If a employee

creates problems for his supervisor or employer, more that likely the employee,

will get fired. It is not a matter of if he will get fired, it is a matter of when he will

get fired. Looks to me, Tech jumped at the opportunity to fire Leach, and followed


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Why is there an assumption that Leach would have to take a non-BCS school job? He's already proven he can take a BCS also-ran and wring an 11 win season out of it. The guy's had eight consecutive eight+ win seasons at dusty 'ol Texas Tech. I'd think the athletic directors at places like Colorado, Arizona State, Washington State, Miami, and others who have coaches on a short leash would gladly talk to Leach about leading their programs. His act would easily play well in Boulder or Tempe.

Besides, the Leach situation is wholly unlike that of Mangino. After the Mangino incident occurred, players came out of the woodwork immediately and sided with the player. You haven't had any do that at Tech. In fact, you've had the polar opposite occur. Former players are defending Leach and deriding James.

Also, once Leach beats the snot out of Tech for their flimsy evidence of firing "with cause," his reputation as a coach will be bolstered even further.

In the end, I think everyone - except Adam James - will be a winner here. Tech will get a coach on par with Leach. And, Leach will likely get a job with a program with as much or more to offer than Tech had.

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The cause will have nothing to do with Adam James. The "cause" will be insubordination which is recognized as a "cause" for termination in any avenue of employment. Leach's best hope is he can prove some kind of constitutional right that has been abridged. You know TT's administration did not make this move without the assurance of their legal staff.

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Interesting speculation and some very good points. It is interesting to me that it appears that Leach could have stayed the TT head coach, but was so self-absorbed with being "wronged" that he just became insubordinate and that it what gave TT the opening to fire him "with cause". You may be a super star and big dog, but those that can hire and fire you still have a bit of "power" as well. Leach seems to have gotten "too big for his britches" at TT and thought he was bigger than the school and its administration. Lou Holtz, who has been through this sort of thing, really has the best take on it at this point...in my opinion. Leach just decided to play "hardball" and now it will get even messier. His insubordination and his treatment of players will take full stage here and Leach's image and reputation will definitely take a big hit. Some other TT players are talking already and seem to support James' story. This will not help Leach's image and reputation. I imagine TT will pay him off to be rid of him, but Leach loses in this deal He could have taken the high road, taken the cash and landed another BCS head coach gig quickly. Now, all that ids up in the air. In my opinion...all for the sake of Leach's ego which is reported to be fairly large! Whole situation is just too bad for all concerned.

But, has no impact on UNT...so, GO MEAN GREEN!


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Some downtrodden program will take another chance on Leach, if nothing else just for the media blitz it will give them. Now, it will have to be a school with a weak administration, somewhat isolated in-the-boonies locale like Lubbock and with an AD that's on a short leash for not moving the program forward. Leach won't want to be too far down the food chain so forget the SBC, MAC, WAC or CUSA. I look at schools such as Washington State, New Mexico, Arizona, Miss St, Indiana, or Illinois.

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Well they can get ready to pay, because they will pay the buyout of Leach AND the 4 million dollar buyout Baylor will have to take their coach.

From what this thread states - Briles specifically had his contract built with one "out" - that is with one school that Leach could take the job without having a big payoff (Tech). Also, since Leach was fired for conduct, Tech will most likely try to not pay anything. Even Coach Dodge has a clause in his contract that states he has to be a good representative for North Texas or he could get let go. It's a normal clause in any contract. Was it Price that sued over his "verbal" contract when he went to the strip club? That was conduct that did not represent the University in a positive manner. I think that he lost the case against the school but won a settlement against a newspaper because they had stated he was sleeping with one of the strippers (and getting breakfast room service for her on the University expense account). When that could not be backed up, the paper had to pay damages - but it wasn't the school. The school was in their right to let him go for conduct. I believe that the same situation will happen with Leach - and why Tech moved fast to fire him before the New Year. It saved them some retention money that would kick in after January 1 and from what I have read, they will simply have to pay him one or two years of the 400K. So, not saying the theory is correct - just saying that Tech will likely not pay out much on this and IF Baylor's coach wants to go there (and is offered the job) - it sounds like that is the one place he can break his contract to go to (again, according to Harry, whom I would trust with any important factoid).

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Compared to other coaches and political figures decisions I have to ask, "what the heck did Leach do?" People who think his behavior was so aggregious have to clue me in on what he did that was so bad. If I was a program in need of an available coach who can drive a school to #1 in the land, Leach is not a bad candidate. There are so many sleazy coaches and leaders out there and Leach made awkward decisions at times but never to the point of harm or blasphemy. Leach will be sought after and land in a program that embraces his quirky ways as long as he wins. He has already proved that beyond reasonable doubt by making Tech into a national power. Also, last I looked Tech had money pouring into its athletic coffers with this madman at the helm, so some university out there is savoring the thought of bringing this tragic example of human being and coach right to their sideline.

Watch the pigskin fly, watch the pockets empty out, watch the stadium fill, watch the ranking rise, watch the program soar!

GUNS UP! Good Luck Leach! Go Mean Green!!!

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Compared to other coaches and political figures decisions I have to ask, "what the heck did Leach do?" People who think his behavior was so aggregious have to clue me in on what he did that was so bad. If I was a program in need of an available coach who can drive a school to #1 in the land, Leach is not a bad candidate. There are so many sleazy coaches and leaders out there and Leach made awkward decisions at times but never to the point of harm or blasphemy. Leach will be sought after and land in a program that embraces his quirky ways as long as he wins. He has already proved that beyond reasonable doubt by making Tech into a national power. Also, last I looked Tech had money pouring into its athletic coffers with this madman at the helm, so some university out there is savoring the thought of bringing this tragic example of human being and coach right to their sideline.

Watch the pigskin fly, watch the pockets empty out, watch the stadium fill, watch the ranking rise, watch the program soar!

GUNS UP! Good Luck Leach! Go Mean Green!!!

leach would make a fine dictator as he does not want his role questioned at all. glad tech fired the slob.

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You mean Leach acted like a head coach. Wow so all head coaches should be fired.

Wow, you really honestly think a head coach should punish a kid for having lingering effects of a verified concussion? It does not matter in the least if it was a lazy, worthless kid - you can't do that! Let him get well then remove him from the team. The doctor only wrote the punishment did not make his injuries worse, not that the punishment was correct. Every authority at every level of football this year has clearly stated you must take concussions seriously. Punishing James for reporting lingering effects, even if those were not true, would discourage other kids from coming forward. It would imply a "it's football, just suck it up - who cares if you have a lifetime injury" attitude. Regardless of if James really had the injury, you have to treat it as such.

More to the point, if your boss tells you must write a letter of apology, you write the letter or you just gave your boss grounds to fire you with cause.

Even more to the point, if the university is doing an investigation and you were right, just sit and wait. Going to court to force yourself back in as coach, the investigation be dammed, is even better grounds for getting yourself fired.

Can you honestly say Leach's actions including the refusal to write an apology and going to court did not cast Texas Tech University in a bad light? Doing so is grounds for termination with cause.

Mike Leach fired himself. The entire Adam James incident was secondary to that.

Edited by VideoEagle
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Wow, you really honestly think a head coach should punish a kid for having lingering effects of a verified concussion? It does not matter in the least if it was a lazy, worthless kid - you can't do that! Let him get well then remove him from the team. The doctor only wrote the punishment did not make his injuries worse, not that the punishment was correct. Every authority at every level of football this year has clearly stated you must take concussions seriously. Punishing James for reporting lingering effects, even if those were not true, would discourage other kids from coming forward. It would imply a "it's football, just suck it up - who cares if you have a lifetime injury" attitude. Regardless of if James really had the injury, you have to treat it as such.

More to the point, if your boss tells you must write a letter of apology, you write the letter or you just gave your boss grounds to fire you with cause.

Even more to the point, if the university is doing an investigation and you were right, just sit and wait. Going to court to force yourself back in as coach, the investigation be dammed, is even better grounds for getting yourself fired.

Can you honestly say Leach's actions including the refusal to write an apology and going to court did not cast Texas Tech University in a bad light? Doing so is grounds for termination with cause.

Mike Leach fired himself. The entire Adam James incident was secondary to that.

Apparently you read none of the doctors reports or trainers observations. Adam James is just a crybaby woss with a very influential ESPN meddling Dad who has such proven integrity from his Ponygate years!!!

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Apparently you read none of the doctors reports or trainers observations. Adam James is just a crybaby woss with a very influential ESPN meddling Dad who has such proven integrity from his Ponygate years!!!

I got my information from a real newspaper, the Dallas Morning News, not a blog.

Adam James is STILL, TODAY not cleared to play so he does have lingering effects. Yes, he is a crybaby. Yes, his father meddles. None of that matters in the slightest.

Regardless of what kind of whiner the kid is, you cannot punish him for reporting after effects of a concussion. The NFL says no, the NCAA has some committee that says schools aren't taking enough care and in Texas the UIL has starting studying the problem.

And while you chose to ignore it, I will again point out if you boss tells you do do something that is legal and ethical and you refuse, you are in trouble. If your company is investigating your actions to see if you did something either illegal or unethical and you go to court to stop them you better win or you are going to be fired. As the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal (a real newspaper, not a blog) reported Dec. 31, [university President Guy] "Bailey fired Leach with cause, citing the section of his employment contract containing wording requiring the coach to "assure the fair and responsible treatment of student-athletes in relation to their health, welfare and discipline."

It is irresponsible to punish a kid for having lingering effects of a concussion. No, Leach did not make James' condition worse, but Leach's actions would send the clear signal to "suck it up and play ball." And that is the message the NFL, NCAA and UIL are saying it is irresponsible to send. You can't run practices without water. You can't punch players. And you can't punish players for having or even thinking they have a concussion.

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I got my information from a real newspaper, the Dallas Morning News, not a blog.

Adam James is STILL, TODAY not cleared to play so he does have lingering effects. Yes, he is a crybaby. Yes, his father meddles. None of that matters in the slightest.

Regardless of what kind of whiner the kid is, you cannot punish him for reporting after effects of a concussion. The NFL says no, the NCAA has some committee that says schools aren't taking enough care and in Texas the UIL has starting studying the problem.

And while you chose to ignore it, I will again point out if you boss tells you do do something that is legal and ethical and you refuse, you are in trouble. If your company is investigating your actions to see if you did something either illegal or unethical and you go to court to stop them you better win or you are going to be fired. As the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal (a real newspaper, not a blog) reported Dec. 31, [university President Guy] "Bailey fired Leach with cause, citing the section of his employment contract containing wording requiring the coach to "assure the fair and responsible treatment of student-athletes in relation to their health, welfare and discipline."

It is irresponsible to punish a kid for having lingering effects of a concussion. No, Leach did not make James' condition worse, but Leach's actions would send the clear signal to "suck it up and play ball." And that is the message the NFL, NCAA and UIL are saying it is irresponsible to send. You can't run practices without water. You can't punch players. And you can't punish players for having or even thinking they have a concussion.

excellent post. leach was fired for cause. the university is trying to prevent lawsuits against itself because of his actions while he was an employee. pirate days are over.

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excellent post. leach was fired for cause. the university is trying to prevent lawsuits against itself because of his actions while he was an employee. pirate days are over.

But he's so funny and makes people laugh with his bit -- and even bloggers like him! Doesn't that absolve everything?

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It gets better! When it is time to make a sworn affidavit, the trainers and doctor have a very different story than was published in the blogs.

Check this out.

A few quotes:

Dr. Michael Phy "I did not instruct anyone with Texas Tech to place James in an enclosed dark place for up to three hours. In spite of the fact that James may not have been harmed by these actions, I consider the practice inappropriate and a deviation from the medical standard of care."

And the trainer Steve Pincock: did not agree with the treatment and said he knew of no other player being placed in a similar room. Pincock stated he told James he was "sorry for having to place him in a dark shed, but these were Leach's instructions. I do not agree with this form of treatment for anyone, and I discussed this with James." He continued, “I feel that Leach's treatment of James was inappropriate and I did not agree with it. However, I felt I had to follow the instructions of the head coach."

Again, no matter James' actions, Mike Leach fired himself. Now it appears he is not being accurate about the details and the blogs are repeating his in inaccurate statements.

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It gets better! When it is time to make a sworn affidavit, the trainers and doctor have a very different story than was published in the blogs.

Check this out.

A few quotes:

Dr. Michael Phy "I did not instruct anyone with Texas Tech to place James in an enclosed dark place for up to three hours. In spite of the fact that James may not have been harmed by these actions, I consider the practice inappropriate and a deviation from the medical standard of care."

And the trainer Steve Pincock: did not agree with the treatment and said he knew of no other player being placed in a similar room. Pincock stated he told James he was "sorry for having to place him in a dark shed, but these were Leach's instructions. I do not agree with this form of treatment for anyone, and I discussed this with James." He continued, “I feel that Leach's treatment of James was inappropriate and I did not agree with it. However, I felt I had to follow the instructions of the head coach."

Again, no matter James' actions, Mike Leach fired himself. Now it appears he is not being accurate about the details and the blogs are repeating his in inaccurate statements.

I guess it's also inaccurate to say that PAPA CRAIG was not one of the well paid young men of the Pony Express . Even Mack Brown made comments toward the situation for college football. After all this kid should have gotten the message that if you want to be rich and powerful like Crooked Crag you should have gone to SMU. OOPS forgot that doesn't work for a June Jones program that can win on its own without alum payoffs, governors who cheat, and the filth of PonyGate. If Craig James is your idea of the face of college football, just remember you are getting an ESPN spin for the embarrassment caused by Crooked Craig. Who is going to want to coach in an atmosphere where meddling influential parents having ties to the # 1 sports network and a politician chancellor like Ken Hance are calling the shots. Look at TT football in your rear view mirror Lubbock Texas 'cause Crooked Craig just took down your program for his baby boy just like he took down the one at SMU for his own greed.

Edited by DallasGreen
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I guess it's also inaccurate to say that PAPA CRAIG was not one of the well paid young men of the Pony Express . Even Mack Brown made comments toward the situation for college football. After all this kid should have gotten the message that if you want to be rich and powerful like Crooked Crag you should have gone to SMU. OOPS forgot that doesn't work for a June Jones program that can win on its own without alum payoffs, governors who cheat, and the filth of PonyGate. If Craig James is your idea of the face of college football, just remember you are getting an ESPN spin for the embarrassment caused by Crooked Craig. Who is going to want to coach in an atmosphere where meddling influential parents having ties to the # 1 sports network and a politician chancellor like Ken Hance are calling the shots. Look at TT football in your rear view mirror Lubbock Texas 'cause Crooked Craig just took down your program for his baby boy just like he took down the one at SMU for his own greed.

leach knew who the kids dad was but still recruited and signed him anyway. leach could have just revoked his ship for lack of effort if he truly is lazy. instead he tries to make an example out of him to other players who may have injuries later and the parents complain. who would have expected that?

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