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Are We Attractive?


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How is our basketball program viewed by the rest of the Nation?

Do we even have that type of program that can generate some buzz as to who will be our next head coach?

I honestly feel that this could be a make-or-break decision as far the UNT Men's Basketball goes for at least the next 10 years. We've gained so much momentum over the last 5 years but how do we keep it from slowing down? This whole situation is really scary.

Are we thought of as a school that coaches want to come to?

I just dont understand what we're suppose to do.

We had the best recruiting class in UNT history last year, and I don't doubt that there are coaches out there who can do what JJ did here. But are we attractive enough to even get them to turn their heads and give us consideration?

- Concerned Fan

Edited by agw0038
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lotto pick in 2013 draft, top 30 class of 2011, 4 straight 20 win seasons before this year, 3 consecutive sun belt championship appearances....

Now to you point of being viewed by the nation, were a nobody... But when you talk to basketball professionals, were a somebody with all the talent to make a major splash next year

This is a job that coaches will want to take, Im not just drinking the Mean Green Kool-Aid, its facts. Only reason why JJ left is because it was LSU, his dream job/ alma mater... He was offered many other jobs and turned them all down

Edited by Dr. Seuss
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So will coaches only consider us if they can be guaranteed that our current roster will stay intact?

Despite all those facts, If everybody transfers out of here who's going to want to coach us?

lotto pick in 2013 draft, top 30 class of 2011, 4 straight 20 win seasons before this year, 3 consecutive sun belt championship appearances....

Now to you point of being viewed by the nation, were a nobody... But when you talk to basketball professionals, were a somebody with all the talent to make a major splash next year

This is a job that coaches will want to take, Im not just drinking the Mean Green Kool-Aid, its facts. Only reason why JJ left is because it was LSU, his dream job/ alma mater... He was offered many other jobs and turned them all down

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So will coaches only consider us if they can be guaranteed that our current roster will stay intact?

Despite all those facts, If everybody transfers out of here who's going to want to coach us?

Since everyone else is debating about how attractive they are, ill answer your question.... Yes/No... Smart wont leave VCU for Unt, that wont happen but I could see Gillespie leave Tech for Unt

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I want to know how anybody can guarantee that anyone stays on the bb team. That is the first job of the new coach, not hiring assistants, or recruiting but being sure that the core of this team remains intact. Actually, that should not be that hard, the players are versatile; most have played on a lot of teams under a lot of difference coaches. It would be difficult to hire someone that is going to run them off even before the season starts. Stephens comes to mind, but I think her problems with players didn't start till the fall semester begin.

As far as NT being attractive, sure it is; if it were a dump with no success but still offered a $400k salary it would still be attractive to a lot of coaches. NT is not going to get the cream of the crop but with its potential and recruiting ground, there will be plenty interested.

As I have stated many times, the ante has been raised substantially in the Metromess. New arena at UTA, renovations at SMU and TCU, much better basketball conferences for SMU and TCU. Recruiting is going to be super tough in this area, not only the locals are upgrading but Jones is still going to recruit here heavily. NT's biggest issue is that like a lot of teams in lower tier conferences and some in the bigs, basketball just doesn't get a lot of support. To sustain success some one has to build a much better fan following. With all of Jones success, attendance has not been good; that to me is the most unattractive thing about NT's program.

I think it is obvious to most that next year can be special it the players stay and a good coach is hired. I think that is going to be a big sales point for a lot of applicants.

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Since everyone else is debating about how attractive they are, ill answer your question.... Yes/No... Smart wont leave VCU for Unt, that wont happen but I could see Gillespie leave Tech for Unt

hahahahahaha he makes 800K there with way better facilities and a way better conference not a chance he would leave there to come to unt

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