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We Gonna Have A Game 6 Thread Or What? :)

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I always forget about this forum. I'm a huge Rangers fan and have been since my daddy started taking me to games when I was around 3 years old. Been with them through thick and thin which is saying a lot. :D

I'm on pins and needles about tonight's game just for the simple fact that since the playoffs started they seem to do a lot better away from home.

The Rangers are 1-3 at home while the Yankees are 3-1 on the road.

Is there a tiny baby baseball Jesus? If so, I'm going to start praying right now.

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I know we are up 3-2 but I am soo nervous and I hope we don't choke it up. Gosh I hope we can somehow, someway close it out tonight.

Ditto all of that. What worries me is that the last game some of the Yankees bats finally started to have some life in them. The hard hitters. I'm hoping it was just a fluke and that they are back to doing nothing this game. If we go to game 7 I will be watching the whole thing with my hands over my eyes peeking through my fingers. LOL

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Ditto all of that. What worries me is that the last game some of the Yankees bats finally started to have some life in them. The hard hitters. I'm hoping it was just a fluke and that they are back to doing nothing this game. If we go to game 7 I will be watching the whole thing with my hands over my eyes peeking through my fingers. LOL

I've said all along Rangers in 6 and I am staying with it! GO RANGERS!

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I said if the Rangers split the first two, it would go to 7. I hope I'm wrong because I want to see Lee up against Halladay/Lincecum. I like the Rangers chances in the Cobra V. Hughes part 2 matchup tonight.

I don't think either will have a strong performance. I think both offenses will score runs and it will come down to what bullpen can contain the opposing offense more than the other bullpen.

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We should have a game watching gathering. The wife and I will be going to Fox & Hound in lewisville.

I'm jealous. Hubby and his friend (another UNT alum) will be going to watch the game probably at Fox & Hound N. Dallas as I agreed to stay at home and watch it because we don't have anyone to watch the kiddos.

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Lewis will hold the Yanks to 1 or 2 runs, but he will only go 6. The offense has got to get to Hughes early and the bullpen has to come through.

If not, who cares. Why?

Cliff Lee. Game seven.

I love Cliff Lee but anything can happen in a game 7. And NY has Pettite on the mound and other than one pitch, game 3 would have gone to the 9th inning scoreless. I just hope the bats completely wake up tonight and and goes on a furious tear on Hughes. That will demoralize the Yanks.

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On paper we should win tonight. Colby is a far more consistent pitcher, better at home, better at night, and better with RISP. Hughes is awful with multiple RISP, so it seems like if you can get a couple on and applying pressure, he folds pretty easily. It would be great if the pressure really got to Hughes; he's 24 and pitching to keep his team from being eliminated in a hostile environment.

I'm hoping the Rangers can convert. I'm nervous as hell.

Edit: Here's something really interesting. Look at Hughes' ERA starting in April up until now. http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/players/7913/gamelog;_ylt=Aq0UhIcfdLvCw2bVG0MynhiFCLcF

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Never thought I would see this day. Happiest sports moment for me since 1999. I can finally retire my hat from 2003 that I promised to wear regularly until the Rangers made it to the World Series (it's quite nasty). 21 years of following this club...feels great. The sweetest part: clinching the ALCS as arod strikes out looking. :lol: Oh, and...


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Ok. Wow. Here I go.

I used to collect Dr. Pepper bottle caps and send them in so I could be a Dr. Pepper Jr. Ranger. & game tickets and a Rangers batting glove. They hardly ever won, but that was really important at that age. Dad would take my friends and I to the games. The kids would ride in the back of the pick up to and from the stadium. I remember one magical night in the summer of 1974 where the Rangers won one of these games to move into 1st place. We yelled "we're number one" all the way out of the old turnpike stadium parking lot and half the way home.

I remember going to bat night, and they actually handed you a bat when you came into the stadium. The old outfield stands were metal, and us kids would just bang and bang and bang our bats on those metal bleacher floors, driving every adult in the stadium batty (he he). As I got older, the team got worse, but that didn't change the greatness of attending a game at the old ballpark. I was there when Nolan struck out #5000. I was there, cussing Bobby Valentine throughout his time with the Rangers (and the fact that he once hit on my date had nothing to do with it).

I was there when things turned in the 90's. Even when this team clinched it's 1st division title, it did it in the weirdest way possible, playing a 15 inning gameat home that took so long, Oakland (or was it Seattle), playing on the west coast, lost their game while the Rangers were still in extra innings, allowing the Rangers to clench. No one got to rush the field and really let loose with a major celebration. And back in 1996, people still did that.

I was at the stadium for both game 3 and 4 of the 1996 Yankees playoff series. I'll never forgive the idot fan that ran onto the field in the top of the 9th of game three, delaying the game and breaking Darren Oliver's (yes, the same Darren Oliver) rhythm in a game the Rangers led by a run at the time. The Yanks scored 2 in the top of the ninth, and won the the pivitol 3rd game of that series. I was there the next day when the Yankees won the next night to close out the Rangers 3-1.

I was there for the only playoff game at the ballpark in 1998. A game I was was resigned that the Rangers would lose before the game. They didn't surprise.

I was there for the playoff game in 1999, and had the enjoyment of walking past the head of the organization for which I worked at the time while going to my seats, which were better than his. The look on his face was priceless. Too bad that small satisfation was the only satisfaction I would get that day.

The early 2000 were a kick in the mouth for Ranger fans, as the A-Fraud signing and the steroid years punched this team in the head. A-Fraud's contract was a disaster, as was the trade to the Ynakees that left the Rangers still paying A-Fraud all the way until bankruptcy was completed earlier this year. To make matters worse, John "I'm an idiot" Hart chose Juaquin Arais over Robinson Canoe in a trade with the Yankees. Would the curse never fade?

Things got interesting again last year, with pitching coming out of nowhere, or Nolan Ryan's and Mike Maddux's teaching, to start a team transformation. Going into this year, things appeared to be in order for this team to challenge for the division title, mainly because of pitching.

Let's take a look at that 2010 opening day pitching lineup, shall we? Your #1 starter was Scooter Feldman, who didn't make the playoff roster. our #2 starter was Rich Harden, who didn't make the playoff roster. Your #3 starter was a converted set up man who had a history of being a head case. Your #4 starter had been in Japan the last 2 years after a failed major league career the first time around. Your #5? Anyone that could claim the spot. Your closer was Frankie Fransisco, who pitched his way out of the job and was replaced by a rookie. The Rangers, strapped for cash, signed Darren Oliver, yes, the same Darren Oliver that blew the 1996 game 3, hoping to squeeze 1 more produictive year in a 7th inning role. Your lead off hitter was Julio Borbon, who promtly didn't hit his weight through the first month and drew, like, 1 walk the entire month before being replaced. Oh, and it is revealed that your manager tested positive for cocaine the year before.

That was the pitching lineup that headed into the regular season. If I told you a team would have to replace their #1 starter, their #2 starter, and their closer before the midpoint of the season, just image the odds you would have given me for this team winning the American League Championship. I would be a rich man, no doubt.

This organization, which should have had a sale of the team complete before the season, had to sit by and watch as Greenburg/Ryan group had to outbid Mark Cuban (Mark Freaking Cuban!!) for ownership of the franchise in a bizaar public auction. This organization somehow manages a trade for Cliff Lee, just hours after it was reported that Lee was headed to the Yankees. Ya, just a little bit big.

So this team promptly wins the division, mainly by winning the month of June. They suffer numerous injuries along the way that makes the everyday lineup unrecognizable at times and leads to a mediocre playoff push, yet they never let their division lead fall below 7 games after July.

They win the first 2 of the ALDS, causing a midly interested Ranger fan base to become very interested. They then lose 2 at home, causing that reoccurring disinterest. Funny thing is, I wasn't worried. Why? We had Clifford Lee. the best big game pitcher in the MLB ready for game 7. And it was no contest. Fanbase very excited!

A heartbreaking loss in game 1 of the ALCS brought back memories of those old Yankee ghosts, at least to the fans of those late 1990s teams. This team just kept playing, and outplaying the defending world champions.

I was there for the heartbreak of game one, then took my dad to game 2. He didn't have to drive the kids or pay for anything that day. The Rangers won to even the series. The first win I had seen in 7 games of Ranger playoff baseball.

That #4 pitcher to start the year won 2 games and was almost unhittable in this series. Your relapsing, drug addicted centerfielder has a career year, stays sober, and finally fulfills just about all of the "P" word while winning the ALCS MVP award. That D-bag of a shortstop that you grudgingly had to pay long after he was gone? Well, he strikes out looking to end the series. In your park. The other D-bag that cares only about money? Pulls a muscle and can't finish the series, taking a big Ofer against his original team.

I don't care what happens in the World Series, although I really think this is just meant to be. Winning the ALCS the way they did, over who they did, will make this season memorable for a lifetime of fandom.

I'm off now to hit stubbhub and try and get some tickets to game 4 or 5. Once in a Lifetime, not going to miss it. No matter the cost.

The Series? Rangers in 6. Hey, I'm on a roll.

Edited by UNT90
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1st Ranger game I ever attended I was about 7 years old and I got to sit right behind the Yankees dugout. I tried to get everyones autograph and everyone ignored me. I finally got some old guy to sign it for me , but I was still pissed. I've hated that Yankees ever since that day. That old guy ? Billy Martin

F U Spankees !!!

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First game I attended was in 83 and I haven't stopped going since. Been through it all with the team from bad to worse to mediocre and back to bad. LOL

I am utterly jealous Quoner that you got to be there for that.

My husband and I are trying to score some tix for one of the WS games. Once in a lifetime. I think I owe it to myself afer watching them for 27 years.

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First game I attended was in 83 and I haven't stopped going since. Been through it all with the team from bad to worse to mediocre and back to bad. LOL

I am utterly jealous Quoner that you got to be there for that.

My husband and I are trying to score some tix for one of the WS games. Once in a lifetime. I think I owe it to myself afer watching them for 27 years.

One of my college roommates is incredibly awesome. He got tickets at face value and bought four and has been bragging about them for weeks. I didn't want to push him or be annoying, but was kind of miffed he didn't make any kind of offer to buy one of the four. We've done opening day and Newberg Report Night together the last 4 years and were big on buying the $6 seats and moving down all the times in between. We'll probably split 4 season tickets in a few years now that we've both moved from Dallas and come back.

After Molina hit the home run in Yankee Stadium, he turned to me at the bar and said he was finally ready to let me know one of the Game Four tickets was for me but had held off telling me for fear of a jinx since we went to TB Game 4 together and things went south. He was also at Game 6 with me and we sat at opposite ends of our group of eight to avoid any kind of jinx.

Once the last out was recorded, we had possibly the gayest slow-motion movie "we did it" hug in the history of sports-watching. Then we went home and kissed for hours. Not really -- we never hugged at all.

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