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Breaking News -- Vizza To Transfer

Brett Vito

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Just speculating, but this comes just days after Vizza probably watches Tebow & Co. beat the tar out of OU and get unlimited fame and glory. And Vizza is stuck in the dumps. So he'd rather take a shot at winning somewhere, even on a little stage, because from what he's seen on TV, it's more fun than losing.

On the other hand, this isn't the pros. I never really thought of college players as being like free agents, shopping around even after inking a deal. Kind of hard to get that notion in my head.

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Can't really argue with any of the points on either side. What we do need is one season with zero excuses and the one thing I thought of (going into this next season) was that Riley might show some bright spots and there would be some sort of split in the locker room and give more excuses... well, those are all gone now. Bring it on Dodge, give us what you got with one full year of Dodge ball. If you do well, we will remember the reason why we hired you. If it goes bad again - this will be it for you. Let the games begin.

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This is a bit of a shock to me...and, yes, I too think of the word "quitter" when I read stuff like this...but, Vizza is not going to be a pro QB, so perhaps he wants to find "glory" where he can...or thinks he can! I think any player who cannot "buy into" their current coach and program should leave...where ever they are playing...to give those who do have a chance to play and not risk "cancer" in the locker room. Just look at the "mess" the Dallas Cowboys have become due, in large part, to locker room "stuff". So, perhaps all those who cannot or will not get their heads into the program as well as their athletic talents...and all the player's parents who are still living in the world of high school sports...should pack up NOW with Vizza and "hit the trail". I, for one, do not want to see any player or parent on next season's squad "complain" about Dodge or the program. Get on the team or get off...you can choose, and I truly wish everyone well who decides to leave, and I thank them for the time they spent at UNT. BUT, get with it or get gone...NOW! The program has plenty of challenges without having to deal with this issue. Until TD is not the head coach...get with the program or get gone. Time to move ahead...one way or the other.

I have no problem with Vizz'a decision, other than my personal dislike for this sort of "jumping ship"...tough folks hang in there and do what they can to make things better...others...well, they leave. OK, there are many reasons for leaving, and each person makes their own choices...I give you that...and, please...I AM NOT CALLING Vizza a quitter...nor any other "name"...I wish him all the luck in the world...I just think it is time for EVERYONE to stop all the crying and get in or get out! 2009 should start NOW with everyone who wants to be part of UNT's program on the same page....

Good luck Vizza...."the king is dead...long live the king"!


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BRING ON THE RILEY DODGE ERA!!! Am I the only one excited about this? Vizza was horrible last year. Riley can only be better.

So what led to the drop in production? Was it Vizza or coaching? I am leaning to overly conservative playcalling that did not allow Vizza to go long unlike his freshman year, the reigns were pulled in greatly this year compared to last .

Best of luck to Vizza where ever he ends up.

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The hilarious part about this bit of news is that it will actually come as a SURPRISE to many despite all of the hints and red flags that were posted about it here.


Yes, and some of us know the real reasons behind the Sam Dibrell departure. Those who do can look at the Vizza departure and say "No big loss."

No big loss.

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I don't get why ysome people are calling Vizza a quitter. He was not getting anywhere at NT. It is called self interest and he is doing something that he feels fits the best scenario for him and there is nothing wrong with that. NT football is a complete crap hole right now and I wouldn't want to be here either. Maybe he sees things like many on this board that Todd is an absolute overrated spare coach who can't coach at this level yet. People call him a quitter but I call him a smart person because he sees NT football isn't going anywhere for a long time and he needs to go somewhere that he can have a chance of winning and is around coaches that can actually coach him.

Edited by Green Mean
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What? Me surprised???? :lol: Only that Vizza actually decided to laeve...I wonder how much input his parents had? Gee, you think?

So you don't read your own posts either?

This is a bit of a shock to me...

A lot can happen in 17 minutes.

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Gio is headed to the Big 12. Just got off the phone with him. He has two options and is deciding this week. No offense to any university graduate, but UNT football is just plain bad, a internal mess.

How does this work? I assume a player has to get a release from his program before he or his surrogates can start calling other programs. But maybe not. Somebody enlighten me, please.

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Gio is headed to the Big 12. Just got off the phone with him. He has two options and is deciding this week. No offense to any university graduate, but UNT football is just plain bad, a internal mess.

Does that mean you will be transferring message boards as well? If you ask Harry for your release I'm quite certain he'd grant it so you can go whip some corn farmer in Ames.

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As bad as it is, I'm happy for the guy. He's a competitor and has to be frustrated with a non-competitive team. I can see where you'd make the "quitter" argument, but I can also see the part about driving straight into a brick wall and swerving to miss it.

It hurts to say it, but he is too good for North Texas right now. He's the right guy at the wrong time for our program.

Best of luck Gio.

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Yes, and some of us know the real reasons behind the Sam Dibrell departure. Those who do can look at the Vizza departure and say "No big loss."

No big loss.

Agreed. Vizza's freshman year, he was pretty good, but he was actually running the ball when he had a chance. It seemed like last year he stayed in the pocket to long and payed the price for it both in hits and not moving the football.

Now im not saying that it was Vizza's fault or coaching, but either way the offense struggled to much last year to think that status quo would be any better this year.

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And just which Big XII schoool has aneed for Vizza? I wish him well and hope he does go to the Big XII, ut based on his performance last season, I can't imagine where? Colorado???? K-State? OU, OSU, Baylor, TT, Neb., UT, T A&M...seem set at QB. Maybe he just wants to be a quality back-up at a "BIGGER" conference school. Who knows...

Sorry to disappoint you, Quoner, was just having a little play off the old Mad Magazine line..."what, me worry?". You are probably too young to "get it"!

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And just which Big XII schoool has aneed for Vizza? I wish him well and hope he does go to the Big XII, ut based on his performance last season, I can't imagine where? Colorado???? K-State? OU, OSU, Baylor, TT, Neb., UT, T A&M...seem set at QB. Maybe he just wants to be a quality back-up at a "BIGGER" conference school. Who knows...

Sorry to disappoint you, Quoner, was just having a little play off the old Mad Magazine line..."what, me worry?". You are probably too young to "get it"!

They all need good clipboard holders.

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And just which Big XII schoool has aneed for Vizza? I wish him well and hope he does go to the Big XII, ut based on his performance last season, I can't imagine where? Colorado???? K-State? OU, OSU, Baylor, TT, Neb., UT, T A&M...seem set at QB. Maybe he just wants to be a quality back-up at a "BIGGER" conference school. Who knows...

Sorry to disappoint you, Quoner, was just having a little play off the old Mad Magazine line..."what, me worry?". You are probably too young to "get it"!

O..."h, I "get it." ' 685t5

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Does that mean you will be transferring message boards as well? If you ask Harry for your release I'm quite certain he'd grant it so you can go whip some corn farmer in Ames.

Sorry to disappoint you but I go to Tech. I played hs ball and saw several games when I could. Gio is better off gone from a shit hole program than to stick around another year. I am not knocking the school just the football program. UNT football is the pits.

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Sorry to disappoint you but I go to Tech. I played hs ball and saw several games when I could. Gio is better off gone from a shit hole program than to stick around another year. I am not knocking the school just the football program. UNT football is the pits.

Do you have any kicking experience?

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