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counterpoint to banners


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Oh I think there is plenty that you are missing.  I have stated publicly over and over again where I tailgate.  Not one person has come over and approached.  I have been there at the same spot for 4 plus years.  I start cooking 9 hours before game time, to have food ready 6 hours before game time.  You can talk to me, you can talk to many of these other "17" as we have been labeled.  You can drive by and flip us all the freakin your number one sign for all I care.

I guess the main point I think you are missing is this.  You want R.V. fired?  You got to get the two guys higher up on the chain gone first.  GET IT?  And this banner is only going to piss them off and dig them in deeper.

I hope I have helped you with the being ignored thing in my answer to KING.  It was never part of the equation to fire RV.

diggng in doesnt work in this day and age with social media. You can dig in all you want. Either give the fans what you want or people will really start going crazy. What until a #noshowatgames starts on social by someone. Why do you think major corporations replace products at a faster rate when someone complains. The 17 won't win either way. Have your stadium full or empty but something must budge. 

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I think flyonthewall is probably right. Flying a banner is not going to get RV fired. It doesn't make a lot of sense to fire a coach then fire the AD right after. That throws everything into chaos especially when the window to hire a new coach is very small. Most people that voted in the polls aren't prominent donors to athletics outside of their mean green club membership so by not firing RV, the administration really isn't losing out on any donations.

It would also be my speculation that RV and the athletic office, like many other areas of this university are stretched very thin. RV is probably doing the most with his resources. Do I think coaching hires could be better? Probably. But hindsight is always 20/20. RV has done a lot of really good things for the university in a relatively short amount of time when you  compare it with our long history.

Firing an AD right now would be an odd move. It's unfortunate when people realize they wasted their money donating to this banner.

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Not sure you really know what your talking about. 

ADs don't keep recruiting classes together. Besides we don't really have a class together. It's like 4 guys. 

The best available coaches will come after RV is gone and a stable situation is in place. Why apply when an AD is possibly going to get the ax? Then you have a new boss who didn't hire you. 

The situation at UNT is toxic right now.  

 actually I know exactly what I'm talking about. If you fire the AD tomorrow you start a national search for a new. They aren't going to hire a football coach until the new AD is hired. If you take your time and do due diligence you be lucky to have a new AD in place by the end of the year. The new AD will be involved in the hire of the new football coach. He/she will  have to do due diligence on a new football coach. That will run us past signing day which I believe is the first Tuesday in February.  

Finally most coaches aren't interested working for an AD that didn't hire them. 

I've said this before - I'm not an RV fan but I'm also not a hater. He's got less  than 2 years in his contract. This hire will make or  break him. If you trust the president to hire his replacement today why not trust him to make the right call right now?

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I guess the main point I think you are missing is this.  You want R.V. fired?  You got to get the two guys higher up on the chain gone first.  GET IT?

There isn't an FBS school in the country where the only way to get rid of an AD is to get rid of the school's president and the chair of the board of regents.

The way you talk about RV makes him sound like a pope. Should we wait outside the administration building for the 17 cardinals to burn the green smoke to let us know when a new AD has been chosen? 

Finally most coaches aren't interested working for an AD that didn't hire them. 

I've said this before - I'm not an RV fan but I'm also not a hater. He's got less  than 2 years in his contract. This hire will make or  break him. If you trust the president to hire his replacement today why not trust him to make the right call right now?

Under your scenario we decide RV's fate in two years.

What hot-prospect coach is going to want our job today if the AD who hired him might be gone in two years?

It would be better to fire an AD today so that the new AD and coach come in together.

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There isn't an FBS school in the country where the only way to get rid of an AD is to get rid of the school's president and the chair of the board of regents.

The way you talk about RV makes him sound like a pope. Should we wait outside the administration building for the 17 cardinals to burn the green smoke to let us know when a new AD has been chosen? 

Under your scenario we decide RV's fate in two years.

What hot-prospect coach is going to want our job today if the AD who hired him might be gone in two years?

It would be better to fire an AD today so that the new AD and coach come in together.


There isn't an FBS school in the country where the only way to get rid of an AD is to get rid of the school's president and the chair of the board of regents.

The way you talk about RV makes him sound like a pope. Should we wait outside the administration building for the 17 cardinals to burn the green smoke to let us know when a new AD has been chosen? 

Under your scenario we decide RV's fate in two years.

What hot-prospect coach is going to want our job today if the AD who hired him might be gone in two years?

It would be better to fire an AD today so that the new AD and coach come in together.

 what hot shot up  and coming AD wants the hire that's going to define and it at the very least  affect his / her tenure made by someone else right before they come in

Conversely if the "hot shot" coach comes in and is going good he won't have to worry about a new AD

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 what hot shot up  and coming AD wants the hire that's going to define and it at the very least  affect his / her tenure made by someone else right before they come in

Conversely if the "hot shot" coach comes in and is going good he won't have to worry about a new AD

I wasn't suggesting that. Hire an AD, then let that person hire the coach.

In two years things won't be going good in football unless Booger Kennedy has three college-age triplet sons to send us.

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I think if anything this proves is that flying a banner is definitely a statement that Fly and his crew don't want done.  Not because it is not going to accomplish anything, but it will greatly embarrass RV. 

Personally I don't think the banner is a good idea, but neither do I think it is going to embarrass the school or its leaders.   I personally am not embarrassed by athletic performances, but if I was to pick the most embarrassing event for the NT athletic department it was the Portland State game.   

I think it is incredible, that a member of the inner sanctum, thinks it is a good idea to come on a fan message board and defend RV.  This is going to rile up the anti-AD faction more than any banner.  

So now we have a situation were a very small group, who RV caters to are going to defend him against the unwashed masses.  I think it is a herculean task to try defend RV's record because frankly any objective observer is not going to buy it.  

It is now crystal clear what a balancing act that the President must perform.   

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In what world do you think email is invalid? 1985?


Hey, do you happen to own a DeLorean?

Over drinks with a US congressional aid while at a wedding last year I was told they mostly ignore large volume emails as a single person can generate millions of emails. He told me if you want to make an impact, hand write a letter and get others to hand write letters. Those almost always get passed along. The work involved proves people are committed to whatever cause they are for or against. He's a senior aid to a Democratic congressman from another state. I've heard the same thing in the past from a Republican senate staffer. Unless there is enough email to crash the system, no one really cares anymore since it's so easy to spoof. 

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Flyonthewall, you've heard plenty from us on our plan to #MakeUNTgreatAgain, but I'd like to hear your thoughts how doing nothing now will make things better?

In the past 10 years, we've been rated #1 in ESPN's Bottom 10 at one point in at least 3 separate years, and if this poll was provided for Women's bball, we would have been on that several times as well, and that's not even to say I've never seen UNT beat a ranked team in the top 3 revenue sports in my lifetime... Yes, lifetime.

So, my question to you, how does our silence now do anything to change the course we've been on for decades.

It's time to #MakeUNTgreatAgain.


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We have gotten what we deserve...for decades and apparently still today.

When winning isn't your number one priority, you won't get decent support. Without decent support that is shown by attendance, nothing is sustainable. And without decent support, you create no advantage to attract and keep talent.

The AD has overseen our university win 36% of the games played in his 15 years on the job for revenue sports. That counts several FCS wins and Division II wins...and it includes a record-breaking ass-raping at home against an FCS program, as well as a neutral court loss to a Division II team with the most talented and heralded team we have probably ever run out on to the basketball court.

Im simply amazed that some of these big money donors made any money in their businesses...they sure as hell wouldn't have with a guy like RV overseeing their operations and accomplishing similar "results"...

oh well...its been real

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We have gotten what we deserve...for decades and apparently still today.

When winning isn't your number one priority, you won't get decent support. Without decent support that is shown by attendance, nothing is sustainable. And without decent support, you create no advantage to attract and keep talent.

The AD has overseen our university win 36% of the games played in his 15 years on the job for revenue sports. That counts several FCS wins and Division II wins...and it includes a record-breaking ass-raping at home against an FCS program, as well as a neutral court loss to a Division II team with the most talented and heralded team we have probably ever run out on to the basketball court.

Im simply amazed that some of these big money donors made any money in their businesses...they sure as hell wouldn't have with a guy like RV overseeing their operations and accomplishing similar "results"...

oh well...its been real


So your saying you don't think a Floor and Tile company would tolerate an employee who continued to lay crooked, ugly tile? 



Edited by FirefightnRick
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That is my favorite Rick, we are really going to piss them off. I guess they will show us.

I think they already are doing this by making sure that not only does RV keep his job, he will now actually make the hire himself, apparently...

Its kind of ironic--sort of like when rioters burn their own neighborhoods down..."I'll show you how mad I am at this by letting the guy who made these colossal failing hires choose ANOTHER one." In the end, it's their time and money that gets wasted...not ours.


So your saying you don't think a Floor and Tile company would tolerate an employee who continued to lay crooked, ugly tile? 



it's a shocking thought, huh??

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Hey now, that looks like some "pretty good" tile.

The real problem lies with the people who made the tile and the grout that he was forced to work with. Nobody could do a better job, certainly, with such shitty products...never mind that the installer was the one who actually chose the company that provided him the tile and grout because it was a "value"...

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It is mystifying why anyone who contributes enough to have sway, would tolerate this ridiculous athletic program and director. Surely the reason for making such contribution is because you deeply care about the reputation of the university and desire to see it advance. So you see advancement in a facility? To do what, put on the sorriest show in it that severely tarnishes, not improves, the reputation of the institution you care so much about? Maybe take a step back and think about what you are doing and why. This situation is so hopeless I don't have time or money for it, for a banner or otherwise. Congratulations you RV insiders. Enjoy whatever it is you get out of this idiot production.

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Flyonthewall I don't care where you sit, where you park, when you start cooking, how much you donate, or who you are.  This is about our university and not any individual including RV.  My name is Mike Jackson I sit in section 208 row 1 seats 21 & 22 (because I rarely can get someone else to come watch this crappy product with me for free).   This team is the laughing stock of FBS football and right now there are several FCS schools that local recruits would take offers to go over UNT right now.  I wish I could be 1/2 as inept as Rick has been over the last 14 years, get raises and keep my job.  My guess is that no one on this forum has that kind of job security luxury and values their time and money too much to pay to watch their school to get made fun of on the playing field every Saturday or Thursday.  People forget banners but the record books will NEVER forget the most lopsided whipping EVER dished out on an FBS team by a FCS team.  People old enough to remember Lake Lewisville freezing over because things like that happen ONCE in a lifetime.  And they can describe it like it happened yesterday.  Anything positive gained in perception about UNT Football in the Heart of Dallas Bowl was erased completely by this once in a lifetime debacle.  So enjoy your weekly picnic in front of an empty palace [With a couple 1,000 students of which 50% will not go into to the stadium cause they know the product stinks also].  And when the program has to shut down for financial reasons (like UAB did) don't say nobody warned you.  Because contrary to RV lies the Mac buyout does have an impact on the new head coach's salary range.  (I don't think the budgeted 2 years ago for 25% to 50% decline in MGC contributions and gate receipts from the games)   I will take my little appreciated but big sacrifice to me $ 700 (seats plus MGC membership) and find something else to do.  And my guess is that is just the way you would like it too which is part of the UNT culture problem.

Hell...not even all the mgc members that are on this site voted...


In the grand scheme of things, I honestly don't care if rv stays or goes...I really don't think what we, as a community of diehards, matter.


Is north texas ever going to be in a huge ass conference that matters??? Probably not...I'm ok with that...I just want to tailgate and watch football with my kid...


I know that isn't a proactive stance or one that will evoke change, it's more of a "keep the status quo and shut up" kind of stance, but shit, I don't care enough to even care...

Just give me another beer.. 

There are cheaper prettier places to drink that won't charge you anything to tailgate and drink.  How empty does a parking lot have to be before you realize this is a waste of time and money?

Edited by Mike Jackson
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There are cheaper prettier places to drink that won't charge you anything to tailgate and drink.  How empty does a parking lot have to be before you realize this is a waste of time and money?

the parking lot was pretty damn empty last thursday and it's gonna be the same for the last 2 games, but i'll get used to it...

Edited by THOR
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Does any body realize or care that one of the men holding a check for 1 million dollars was Brint Ryan?  Our Chairman of the Board of Regents?  Does anyone realize that this was the first football game he has been to since the middle of last year?

Does anyone realize that you don't show up people like Dr. Smastresk in public?  

You guys are going to label yourselves as just plain radicals.  My only comparison is the "Occupy Wall Street" movement, which accomplished nothing.  

I would use my energy and money if I were you on other things, because this banner thing is not going to end well for anybody.  You may feel better and laugh and point while it is flying over, but the public attention that you are going to put on this University is just not worth it.

You are not crapping on RV, you are crapping on Smastresk and Ryan, and they are not going to like it.

You are just giving them a reason to shoot you the metaphorical finger, if they aren't already doing it.

You don't fire a football coach and then an athletic director after that, because somebody has to hire a football coach, so in their mind (pure speculation on my part because I don't talk to either of them) replacing the athletic director was never in the cards.

Not two months after receiving 3 very public gifts over three million dollars, and two private gifts totaling two million more.  It would be crazy.

I know you are going to carry on.  I will touch back with you guys in about 3 months and see what you accomplished besides "flushing more hondos down the drain".


You mean we can be graced with your presence again in 3 months?!?!?!?

wow! i cannot wait....

It could also spur the daily and the DRC to finally take a hard look at RV's job performance record. 

Fly, the DRC has already called for RV's resignation. Why is it so bad that fans are doing the same thing through the only method available? 

When we are told #itsallajoke over and over and over again and then we lose by 59, the most points in history of college football, to an FCS team, do you not expect anger?

And this has not one thing to do with President Smatresk or Britt Ryan. The banner doesn't say "Fire President Smatresk" or "Fire Britt Ryan." So please stop with the intimidation rabbit trails. 


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