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Where are my gun-folk at?

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Don't buy 20 gauge..... 12 or 16 gauge. .... 20 is mostly used by women and young guys (maybe people who know little about guns) .... I have both a Winchester 16 (single shot) and Winchester 12 gauge pump.. I inherited an inexpensive 20 gauge from a city-type uncle ... I have never fired it. I mostly use the 16 since I rarely hunt.... just use kill varmints, snakes, or whatever (also extremely safe as guns go, breaks over) .

Shocked people ...?.. I am far from anti-gun**... just don't see the use of carrying one on my person everywhere and definitely don't want some hot-head, drunk, or drugged- out student on campus with one.... . Know a lot of people who had accidents with one. some fatal... Other than some police friends I know..... no one I know that ever needed to have one for protection. {no problem with one in a car or home -- My friends don't hang out at "red-neck bars" late at night or deal with drug guys...{ most fatal shootings are drug gang related, sleazy bars, or domestic issues, .plus by dumb accidents by those who have no business with one... ] Guns are not toys...

Under today's school laws I could have been kicked out of school about every day I was in high-school .. Had one in my pickup. We owned and fed cattle and never knew when one was needed

** few Democrats oppose guns... despite what "some" try to claim.....mostly just big city people ....

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more important question. what are you going to use it for? Then we can go into 20 or 12, pump or auto.........

Second bit of advice. Buy used. Remember guns are rarely fired. The majority of hunters only get out a handful of times a year. Only avid skeet and trap shooters run many rounds through a gun and they are not using a 870. No reason to pay the premium.

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Second bit of advice. Buy used. Remember guns are rarely fired. The majority of hunters only get out a handful of times a year. Only avid skeet and trap shooters run many rounds through a gun and they are not using a 870. No reason to pay the premium.

Huh. I think I just learned something today. Guns are like cars. Let some other fool pay for the depreciation.

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Except cars depreciate far quicker than guns.

By the way, look at me, I like some guns but other guns are evil and magically kill people by spontaneous firing when no one is around that is responsible and I will violate forum rules to prove, but really not prove, that I like guns, some of the time, in certain situations, and only if the only people allowed to carry them are exactly like me...

Just recapping 66's self involved post.

Mods, feel free to delete both mine and his.

Edited by UNT90
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And I'm the tree hugger who truly doesn't care who has a gun, where they have it, or what kind they have.

I personally have no desire to own one, see no practical use for one, and think that people who live their lives constantly in fear of (or..perhaps, hoping for in some weird kind of grim fantasy) fatal threats at every turn in life have an unfortunate outlook on things.

So to me, guns are kinda like country music and Tex-Mex. None of them are my cup of tea...at all. But if other people want to enjoy them, I've got no problem at all.

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Except cars depreciate far quicker than guns.

By the way, look at me, I like some guns but other guns are evil and magically kill people by spontaneous firing when no one is around that is responsible and I will violate forum rules to prove, but really not prove, that I like guns, some of the time, in certain situations, and only if the only people allowed to carry them are exactly like me...

Just recapping 66's self involved post.

Mods, feel free to delete both mine and his.


What is wrong with you ... I can't post anything without you posting something to try to make fun of me.... Grow up... The image you try to create about me and what I am is nothing alike.

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I personally have no desire to own one, see no practical use for one, and think that people who live their lives constantly in fear of (or..perhaps, hoping for in some weird kind of grim fantasy) fatal threats at every turn in life have an unfortunate outlook on things.

Do you wear your seatbelt?

Do you hold a handrail while going down a steep flight of stairs?

Do you look both ways before crossing the street?

I don't see it as living constantly in fear, just another step to be prepared. Odds are I'll never NEED a gun RIGHT DAMN NOW, but should that time come to pass only a gun will do and I hope to have one at hand.

We all do many things every day to help us make our way through the world safely. I don't tie my shoes out of constant fear, it's just good sense. I'm not in constant fear of a car wreck, but I wear my seatbelt. I've learned a whole bunch of first aid just in case I need it. Hell, I always carry jumper cables and an air pump in my cars (came in handy after a UNT football game last year when someone had a dead battery). That isn't fear either, just small steps to be ready.

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Except cars depreciate far quicker than guns.

By the way, look at me, I like some guns but other guns are evil and magically kill people by spontaneous firing when no one is around that is responsible and I will violate forum rules to prove, but really not prove, that I like guns, some of the time, in certain situations, and only if the only people allowed to carry them are exactly like me...

Just recapping 66's self involved post.

Mods, feel free to delete both mine and his.



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Second bit of advice. Buy used. Remember guns are rarely fired. The majority of hunters only get out a handful of times a year. Only avid skeet and trap shooters run many rounds through a gun and they are not using a 870. No reason to pay the premium.

He has a point. Also private party sales aren't recorded - some people like that aspect.

Now, if you were purchasing to shoot skeet or perhaps purchasing a handgun with the intent of practicing often, purchase price would not be that much of a consideration because you'll wind up spending more on ammo over the life of the gun than the gun itself. (If you're an avid shooter.) At least that's the way I've always looked at - but I also don't own any crazy expensive firearms.

If you're in the Dallas/Fort Worth area you should probably check this page out on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/planopawnshop

They often have some stellar deals on used firearms. But if you see something you like call them immediately to discuss as things get snatched up pretty quickly.

Oh, and one more thing. If you haven't taken gun safety course please do. And at the very least memorize and always practice the four rules:

1) All guns are ALWAYS loaded (treat/handle them as such)

2) NEVER point the muzzle at anything that you are not willing to destroy

3) ALWAYS keep your finger OUT of the trigger guard and OFF of the trigger until you have made the decision to shoot

4) Be sure of your TARGET and what lays beyond your target

Good luck. And welcome to the club.

Edited by adman
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Oh, and one more thing. If you haven't taken gun safety course please do. And at the very least memorize and always practice the four rules:

1) All guns are ALWAYS loaded (treat/handle them as such)

2) NEVER point the muzzle at anything that you are not willing to destroy

3) ALWAYS keep your finger OUT of the trigger guard and OFF of the trigger until you have made the decision to shoot

4) Be sure of your TARGET and what lays beyond your target

Good luck. And welcome to the club.


Extremely good advice. I've seen a lot violation of 2 and 4. They turn (swing) around and forget they have a gun pointing at someone or something that they shouldn't. And the 4th ... they get way too excited and shoot at something not realizing a cow, person, house, or vehicle is in the line of fire beyond the "target" ( plus what they think they see, is not what is there... calf instead of deer?). ...those guys did not get a second trip with me.

5) Keep the safety on at all times except when shooting and better yet keep the chamber empty except when the possibility of shooting is likely.

6.) Stay completely sober and insist others with you are. .


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What is wrong with you ... I can't post anything POLITICAL, ESPECIALLY OUTSIDE THE POLITICAL FORUM without you posting something to try to make fun of me.... Grow up... The image you try to create about me and what I am is nothing alike.


Not trying to create anything.

And don't take the Internet so serious.

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Why not a double-barrel 8-guage? Impresses the bad guy & it's damn hard to miss what you're shooting at.

No no no, if you are going to make a rediculous statement, make a rediculous statement.

Punt gun or GTFO.


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