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George Dunham’s epic radio rant on his hatred of SMU


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In their delusional minds they don'tbut deep down inside they're threatened by UNT on the Football field. They'll never admit it. But why do you think they've tried so hard to pull as many political strings as possible to keep their distance. They know that should UNT and SMU be in the same conference for example, UNT will crush SMU due to shear size. You said it yourself in another threadlook at the members of this board vs Ponyfans. Look at their pathetic attendance. They've never had any support, from alumni, the city of Dallas, etc. The only thing they supposedly have is $$ and political clout. They've never had any substance.EVER in their football program. EVER They're known by who they were associated with.even though they've never done anything on their own. I think that's where a lot of the hatred comes from. The only time in modern history they've sniffed real success on the football field was a 4 year period in the '80s and everyone knows how they did that. That's their legacy. Cheating. Wanting to belong so bad they'll do anything to get there. Spend spend spend. It's actually pathetic when you think about it. I would care less about their sad state but in the process.some of their fans look down at a school like UNT when they've never earned the right to do that. That's what bothers me...

SMU is a fantastic school. Elite academically. But in football, they know put us on an even playing field, in the same conference, they can't compete with UNT. They have to keep working as hard as they can behind the scenes to make sure something like that never happens. Some will read this and laugh.maybe post it over there with a: "Can you believe this? A UNT grad thinks we're threatened by them. pfft!" But deep down inside they know they are.

And now they're panicking once again because they threw $2 million per year at a coach that may or may not even want to be there, $2 MILLION PER YEAR!!.and now their money can't buy them out of this mess. I cannot believe they agreed to a 10 year deal with UNT. I would say UNT will go 7-3 or 8-2 in the next 10 years vs SMU. They're about to hit a down period after they fire June and have to rebuild. They will start this season 0-6 or 1-5. They'll miss a bowl game again. Then what do they do? Fire a coach they just gave an extension? If he comes back next year, they'll miss a bowl game again as they continue down that spiral. What a freaking mess they are.

And they are crying about it. And reaching back for the stupid "barista" comments and the ridiculous "I've never met a UNT grad." Which that statement in itself lends to the stereotype they hate: "Spoiled little trust fund kids that never get out of their bubble." Because if you've never met a UNT grad in a city with 100,000+ of them then you're daddy's not letting you out of his limo. That whole thing is stupid and supports their reputation as they act like entitled brats.

So.Not to speak for old-timers..but maybe that's where some of the hatred comes from.

So you are saying they are our rivals because we are insecure.

Got it.

I don't think anyone is threatened by UNT athletically. We went 9-4, won a bowl game, then lose the opener the following season by 31 to the school with the most resources in college football and we drop back into someone's bottom 25.


Perception, that's why.

We all can tell ourselves that we have 200k alum in the Dallas area and we are the sleeping giant that's about to awaken.

Guess what?

No matter whether that is right or wrong, NO ONE BESIDES THIS FAN BASE NOTICES THIS. If you have no concept of the supposed threat, there is absolutely no fear, just blissful ignorance.

As far as the waiter jokes, it's pretty standard stupid Internet stuff. Stuff we do to other schools. Get over it.

Edited by UNT90
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So you are saying they are our rivals because we are insecure.

Got it.

I don't think anyone is threatened by UNT athletically. We went 9-4, won a bowl game, then lose the opener the following season by 31 to the school with the most resources in college football and we drop back into someone's bottom 25.


Perception, that's why.

We all can tell ourselves that we have 200k alum in the Dallas area and we are the sleeping giant that's about to awaken.

Guess what?

No matter whether that is right or wrong, NO ONE BESIDES THIS FAN BASE NOTICES THIS. If you have no concept of the supposed threat, there is absolutely no fear, just blissful ignorance.

As far as the waiter jokes, it's pretty standard stupid Internet stuff. Stuff we do to other schools. Get over it.

I see what you're saying. And yes….no doubt we lose the perception battle.

But I didn't say they were our rivals.

I was speculating on where some of the "hatred" may come from...

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My hatred comes from their actions towards us years ago, the comments a member of their administration or BOR made regarding North Texas grads and their blatant cheating throughout the years. Elite Academic Institution? In repuatation only.

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Smu has the most notorious record of cheating in the ncaa, but let's not trick ourselves into thinking that there aren't dozens of schools then/now doing the same thing

Ya, like that one who sucked in basketball until they hired that coach who cheats and they they got ultra good ultra fast and claim they didn't cheat.

Oh, wait. That was SMU again...

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Ya, like that one who sucked in basketball until they hired that coach who cheats and they they got ultra good ultra fast and claim they didn't cheat.

Oh, wait. That was SMU again...

There was plenty of evidence for Football to make a claim. Can't ignore that.

For Basketball, there is zero evidence of wrong doing and you saw what happened to Brett

Shipp when he tried to manufacture it from nothing to try to make a story out of Dallas Kimball.

Ya know, I bet those kids didn't come to SMU for a hall of fame coach that could get them to the pros.

I bet they did it for some under the table stuff. Definitely not the coaching from a legend.

On the Ticket, Brett spoke with a shaky voice when he was asked about it. I bet he woke up with a horse

head in his bed. Probably one of the Geldings that T. Boone's plastic wife donated to SMU.

Even after his attempts to slander our program they found no issue with Frazier's paperwork in regards to SMU.

In today's world you don't get away with that stuff any more but rats like Brett Shipp will try to jump start

their careers over any lead. The admin went extremely overboard to make sure no cheating has been done.

When I was sent to a bowl game with the band, we were required to review pamphlets on appropriate behavior

with football players just in case the contact could be construed as having "extra benefit." It was B.S.

but hey I got to go to Hawaii. Again, if someone has some real evidence they will step up and win but

until then I won't accept anecdotal claims that we are cheating lightly.


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In their delusional minds they don't…but deep down inside they're threatened by UNT on the Football field. They'll never admit it. But why do you think they've tried so hard to pull as many political strings as possible to keep their distance. They know that should UNT and SMU be in the same conference for example, UNT will crush SMU due to shear size. You said it yourself in another thread…look at the members of this board vs Ponyfans. Look at their pathetic attendance. They've never had any support, from alumni, the city of Dallas, etc. The only thing they supposedly have is $$ and political clout. They've never had any substance….EVER in their football program. EVER They're known by who they were associated with….even though they've never done anything on their own. I think that's where a lot of the hatred comes from. The only time in modern history they've sniffed real success on the football field was a 4 year period in the '80s and everyone knows how they did that. That's their legacy. Cheating. Wanting to belong so bad they'll do anything to get there. Spend spend spend. It's actually pathetic when you think about it. I would care less about their sad state but in the process….some of their fans look down at a school like UNT when they've never earned the right to do that. That's what bothers me...

SMU is a fantastic school. Elite academically. But in football, they know put us on an even playing field, in the same conference, they can't compete with UNT. They have to keep working as hard as they can behind the scenes to make sure something like that never happens. Some will read this and laugh….maybe post it over there with a: "Can you believe this? A UNT grad thinks we're threatened by them. pfft!" But deep down inside they know they are.

And now they're panicking once again because they threw $2 million per year at a coach that may or may not even want to be there, $2 MILLION PER YEAR!!….and now their money can't buy them out of this mess. I cannot believe they agreed to a 10 year deal with UNT. I would say UNT will go 7-3 or 8-2 in the next 10 years vs SMU. They're about to hit a down period after they fire June and have to rebuild. They will start this season 0-6 or 1-5. They'll miss a bowl game again. Then what do they do? Fire a coach they just gave an extension? If he comes back next year, they'll miss a bowl game again as they continue down that spiral. What a freaking mess they are….

And they are crying about it. And reaching back for the stupid "barista" comments and the ridiculous "I've never met a UNT grad." Which that statement in itself lends to the stereotype they hate: "Spoiled little trust fund kids that never get out of their bubble." Because if you've never met a UNT grad in a city with 100,000+ of them then you're daddy's not letting you out of his limo. That whole thing is stupid and supports their reputation as they act like entitled brats.

So…….Not to speak for old-timers……..but maybe that's where some of the hatred comes from.

I agree with all but the "elite academically" aspect of your post. They've certainly improved over the past decade or two, but a couple of high quality programs is short of "elite" on a national scale IMO. Good school, but still WAY short of a school like Rice in the category of smaller private universities. Certainly no "Harvard of the South" by any stretch.

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I just really don't get the hatred. It isn't sports related. If it were public school vs private school related, why don't we hate TCU just as much?

It just doesn't make any sense.

GrayEagle has wondered the same thing. Especially since TCU hasn't done us any favors. I live in Fort Worth. And any loyal Fort Worth resident dislikes anything "Dallas" . Therefore TCU gets a bye from me.

I hate SMU because (athletically) they are the personification of "the rich get richer".

Back in the mid-50's, North Texas was the first University in this area to give football players of color sports scholarships. We got some positive publicity for it (but we also got a lot of negative pub as well) but not near as much as SMU did when it recruited Jerry Levias in the late 60's. The way they were written up you'd have thought that they were the trail blazers for civil rights for all of Texas...if not all of the U.S. And then the monied alums of SMU made sure that Hayden Fry got fired because it was him and not them that brought Jerry Levias to the school. I guess not long after Hayden left they realized that they couldn't win without players of color on their team. So they hired the best players of color that they could....until they got caught.

They cheated not only once, but twice in football. And what made it worse was that they were so damn blatant about it. Yes they got the death penalty, but look at them now. They're in a better conference than us, and they still get more positive press than us. It can't be because they bring more people to games and it can't be because all the joe six-packs of Dallas county love SMU. It has to be all about $$$$.

I hate them but I don't spend any extra time thinking about it.Mainly because I know that those self-centered-privileged-arrogant-bastards don't give us a second thought. I just notice their sports results in the paper or the local sports report (that often ignores us....unless we lose) and smile when they lose and think "damn! that had to have cost them a lot of money......sweet!"

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GrayEagle has wondered the same thing. Especially since TCU hasn't done us any favors. I live in Fort Worth. And any loyal Fort Worth resident dislikes anything "Dallas" . Therefore TCU gets a bye from me.

I hate SMU because (athletically) they are the personification of "the rich get richer".

Back in the mid-50's, North Texas was the first University in this area to give football players of color sports scholarships. We got some positive publicity for it (but we also got a lot of negative pub as well) but not near as much as SMU did when it recruited Jerry Levias in the late 60's. The way they were written up you'd have thought that they were the trail blazers for civil rights for all of Texas...if not all of the U.S. And then the monied alums of SMU made sure that Hayden Fry got fired because it was him and not them that brought Jerry Levias to the school. I guess not long after Hayden left they realized that they couldn't win without players of color on their team. So they hired the best players of color that they could....until they got caught.

They cheated not only once, but twice in football. And what made it worse was that they were so damn blatant about it. Yes they got the death penalty, but look at them now. They're in a better conference than us, and they still get more positive press than us. It can't be because they bring more people to games and it can't be because all the joe six-packs of Dallas county love SMU. It has to be all about $$$$.

I hate them but I don't spend any extra time thinking about it.Mainly because I know that those self-centered-privileged-arrogant-bastards don't give us a second thought. I just notice their sports results in the paper or the local sports report (that often ignores us....unless we lose) and smile when they lose and think "damn! that had to have cost them a lot of money......sweet!"

Actually, they aren't. Not athletically.

They used to be in the SWC, one of the major conferences in football. They got left out of the Big 12. Then, just when they conned there way back into the Big Least, the Big Least dissolves, loses BCS status and all of it's major football and most of it's major basketball schools and puts SMU right back where they were when they were a member of CUSA. Almost the exact same conference.

If you want to hate a team because the "rich get richer," we just got through playing the perfect team to hate.

That team isn't SMU.

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There was plenty of evidence for Football to make a claim. Can't ignore that.

For Basketball, there is zero evidence of wrong doing and you saw what happened to Brett

Shipp when he tried to manufacture it from nothing to try to make a story out of Dallas Kimball.

Ya know, I bet those kids didn't come to SMU for a hall of fame coach that could get them to the pros.

I bet they did it for some under the table stuff. Definitely not the coaching from a legend.

On the Ticket, Brett spoke with a shaky voice when he was asked about it. I bet he woke up with a horse

head in his bed. Probably one of the Geldings that T. Boone's plastic wife donated to SMU.

Even after his attempts to slander our program they found no issue with Frazier's paperwork in regards to SMU.

In today's world you don't get away with that stuff any more but rats like Brett Shipp will try to jump start

their careers over any lead. The admin went extremely overboard to make sure no cheating has been done.

When I was sent to a bowl game with the band, we were required to review pamphlets on appropriate behavior

with football players just in case the contact could be construed as having "extra benefit." It was B.S.

but hey I got to go to Hawaii. Again, if someone has some real evidence they will step up and win but

until then I won't accept anecdotal claims that we are cheating lightly.


I think the idea is that cheating is going on under Brown is because when he was at UCLA and Kansas, both schools were put on probation after he skipped town. Then you take SMU's meteoric rise, and one makes certain logical guesses as to what's going on. Whether or not either of those situations can directly be attributed to Larry Brown - it does make one wonder. I mean Calipari has never been caught red handed either but the vast majority of people figure he's dirty as all hell.

Certainly Brown is a terrific coach - he's been successful everywhere he's gone (well, other than the Knicks). He has won both NCAA and NBA titles and one of the great X's and O's coaches out there. But, his past with the NCAA is always going to make him suspicious when he wins big at the college level.

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I think the idea is that cheating is going on under Brown is because when he was at UCLA and Kansas, both schools were put on probation after he skipped town. Then you take SMU's meteoric rise, and one makes certain logical guesses as to what's going on. Whether or not either of those situations can directly be attributed to Larry Brown - it does make one wonder. I mean Calipari has never been caught red handed either but the vast majority of people figure he's dirty as all hell.

Certainly Brown is a terrific coach - he's been successful everywhere he's gone (well, other than the Knicks). He has won both NCAA and NBA titles and one of the great X's and O's coaches out there. But, his past with the NCAA is always going to make him suspicious when he wins big at the college level.

I just think it was dumb that Brett Shipp drove to Houston to ambush Brown after a game with a question about Dallas Kimball and a player's eligibility.

His voice cracked like a boy who was going through puberty as if he hadn't psyched himself up enough to ask the stupid questions.

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I think the idea is that cheating is going on under Brown is because when he was at UCLA and Kansas, both schools were put on probation after he skipped town. Then you take SMU's meteoric rise, and one makes certain logical guesses as to what's going on. Whether or not either of those situations can directly be attributed to Larry Brown - it does make one wonder. I mean Calipari has never been caught red handed either but the vast majority of people figure he's dirty as all hell.

Certainly Brown is a terrific coach - he's been successful everywhere he's gone (well, other than the Knicks). He has won both NCAA and NBA titles and one of the great X's and O's coaches out there. But, his past with the NCAA is always going to make him suspicious when he wins big at the college level.

And does it lightening quick at a terrible basketball school.

And beats out UK for recruits...

If it's got feathers, quacks, waddles, floats on water...

Lucky for SMU that the NCAA stopped caring about cheating and alumni have figured out cash transactions can't be traced.

I would say SMU is headed for NCAA sanctions after Brown leaves, but the most they will get is slight fine.

It pays heavily to cheat in today's teethless, corrupt NCAA.

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And does it lightening quick at a terrible basketball school.

And beats out UK for recruits...

If it's got feathers, quacks, waddles, floats on water...

Lucky for SMU that the NCAA stopped caring about cheating and alumni have figured out cash transactions can't be traced.

I would say SMU is headed for NCAA sanctions after Brown leaves, but the most they will get is slight fine.

It pays heavily to cheat in today's teethless, corrupt NCAA.

It took 2 years and high profile transfers that transferred to get coaching from a legend.

I'm sorry that's not a plausible scenario in your universe.

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It took 2 years and high profile transfers that transferred to get coaching from a legend.

I'm sorry that's not a plausible scenario in your universe.

A legend who has had two schools be put on probation under his watch. I am not saying it's Shipp...but I am willing to bet shady things are going on. Brown does not get the benefit of the doubt. He cheated at schools you don't even need to cheat at to get recruits.

Edited by CMJ
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I hate SMU because they are soooo Dallas to me. Sit in University Park/Highland Park and have the $$$ to do anything they want, but only appeal to those folks with $$$. I grew up in FW, so I've always had a dislike of all things Dallas and really still do, except for their pro teams.

When I got to UNT in 1991, I'd heard about the SMU game from the previous season in 1990 that we won at Fouts and how it was our largest crowd ever at home. Hearing the things that happened in that game from our players and the things that were said by SMU fans leading up to that game just made me hate them more. Then, getting to learn about the fact that Hayden Fry's North Texas teams in the 70s were so good and that we wanted into the SWC only to be defeated before it really ever got started by the SMU-led block of private schools just made me hate them even more. Then, finally, we start having some success on the football field in the SBC early in the 00's, while SMU couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag, yet CUSA won't take us in their league because SMU throws their support behind adding freaking La Tech, who would've given their league absolutely no value. Of course, CUSA sees that and invites UTEP instead, while we get stuck for years more in the dregs of the FBS until SMU leaves and opens up the spot we now claim in today's CUSA. ANd as soon as we get into CUSA, they get their old private buddies, Tulane and Tulsa, to immediately bolt to the AAC, leaving us with adding Western Kentucky and Florida Atlantic.

That's why I hate SMU.

And because they still get SWC coverage fromt he DFW press when it is not even close to being deserved...

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It took 2 years and high profile transfers that transferred to get coaching from a legend.

I'm sorry that's not a plausible scenario in your universe.

I used to be happy that cheating didn't happen at my university. Nowadays, I'm just not so sure anymore.

That is what you were talking about, right?

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I will shoot it, clean it, wrap it's flesh in bacon and grill it.

Repeat as often as possible.

Oh, you meant metaphorically.

Bacon wrapped and grilled Larry Brown seems like it would be quite tough. Kinda like bacon wrapped beef jerky. I suspect it would taste something akin to the smell of old feet.

You can have at it.

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People need to know that majority of people that go to SMU are not from HP/Univ Park and are actually regular kids from regular families. This delusion where all kids that go to SMU are rich, arrogant, snobby, and wear pink polos with their collars up is just plain false. The douche crowd exists in every school including our beloved NT.

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I used to be happy that cheating didn't happen at my university. Nowadays, I'm just not so sure anymore.

That is what you were talking about, right?

I have no hard feelings about the Death Penalty. SMU cheated and deserved it. To think they'd

try to get away with it again is ludicrous, especially with what I experienced in terms of keeping

that in check even regards to band members.

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People need to know that majority of people that go to SMU are not from HP/Univ Park and are actually regular kids from regular families. This delusion where all kids that go to SMU are rich, arrogant, snobby, and wear pink polos with their collars up is just plain false. The douche crowd exists in every school including our beloved NT.

Hey! I'm standing right here!

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I have no hard feelings about the Death Penalty. SMU cheated and deserved it. To think they'd

try to get away with it again is ludicrous, especially with what I experienced in terms of keeping

that in check even regards to band members.

SMU wouldn't.

Larry Brown and a few high level, select boosters would. Little doubt that they have.

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