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  • Birthday December 5

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    Newtown, CT

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  1. Signs, signs. Everywhere signs….
  2. He's got some pop, I'll say that. If he insists on tackling above the waist, however, he's going to get trucked by bigger, heavier, faster receivers and running backs that have broken through.
  3. Are we sure he wasn't talking about ACU? 🤪
  4. Really nice (and thorough) preview. Thanks for posting.
  5. The UCONN market (NYC, all of Connecticut, Boston, and the rest of New England) dwarfs the Memphis market. As we've seen lately, geographic footprint isn't what it used to be in terms of conference membership. As popular as the men's basketball program is in this area, the women's may be even more popular. They routinely play in front of standing room only crowds at Gample Pavilion on campus (capacity 9,882) and get crowds in the teens at XL Center (capacity 16,294) in Hartford. Football has been good in the past, so there's no reason they can't be good again. They beat Notre Dame in South Bend back in the day.
  6. Off topic, but not worthy of starting a new thread... Brett McMurphy makes early bowl and CFP predictions. Sorry if this was already posted/discussed elsewhere. https://www.actionnetwork.com/ncaaf/college-football-bowl-projections-predictions-brett-mcmurphy-week-0?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=BrettMcMurphy KMN!
  7. Exactly. It's not whether it's a possibility, it's whether you are even in the conversation. If a school gets enough mentions, then over time it becomes a foregone conclusion in the minds of many, that well, of course they are a candidate. Simple repetition causes that. Unfortunately for UNT we are never in the conversation even if it is just click-bait or Internet message board fodder.
  8. This is just sad and embarrassing, but this is where we are as a program right now. This is against a football team that played its first game ever in 2009 and transitioned to FBS in 2013. SMH. I don't think the untested South Alabama QB(s) have to do anything other than hand-off. We were gashed on the ground last year. If we can't stop the run, we're doomed. It's hard to win on the road to start the season and I think USA will be hyped up hosting a team from a supposedly stronger conference. As much as it pains me, USA - 38, UNT 21. Prove me wrong Mean Green.
  9. I'm with you Deep. This looks like a stupid high school helmet. Do we really need an outline of the state of Texas? I mean do people not think that North Texas is in the state of Texas? Just ridiculous.
  10. Isn’t the PAC-? still a conference this year? I don’t know how they are going to determine a champion, but if either Oregon State or Washington State have a good year and win the “conference,” would either one be ranked higher and get the nod as the 5th highest ranked conference champion? Or has the PAC-? been declared ineligible for the playoff?
  11. "This year, by many projections, Nevarez’s league returns the most capable teams to challenge for that spot: Boise State, Air Force and UNLV. But there are plenty more, of course: Memphis and UTSA in the AAC; Liberty and Jacksonville State in Conference USA; Toledo and Miami (Ohio) in the MAC; and App State and Texas State in the Sun Belt." Just going to leave this here....it's mind-boggling the opportunities we've squandered through the years. It's definitely one of our core competencies.
  12. Strength (or maybe safety) in numbers? I think once you get beyond a certain number you'd probably operate as two (or more) "conferences" within a larger virtual conference umbrella.
  13. Uh oh...they have ribbon lighting!
  14. keith


    Well, that's getting us to the next level alright. Little did we know that's what they meant.
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