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Unt Loses Committed Recruit

Brett Vito

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Sad thing is I'm pretty sure this was his 3rd year in Juco, as he didn't even play this past season. He had to pass3, 3!!! classes and couldn't handle it. It's obviously for the better that he isn't here on campus at NT. Just means we have 1 more available ship for a deserving student athlete.

If we are going to lose him for grades I'm glad he couldn't enroll...and hurt our apr.

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Sad thing is I'm pretty sure this was his 3rd year in Juco, as he didn't even play this past season. He had to pass3, 3!!! classes and couldn't handle it. It's obviously for the better that he isn't here on campus at NT. Just means we have 1 more available ship for a deserving student athlete.

How about giving that ship to a "few" of our hard working WALK-ONS that are busting it everyday for a past few years.

These guys want to play "The Game" so bad they play for free hoping that mayby one day they will get a little help from the football program.

I can name a few on our roster that deserve it .......Cant YOU ?

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This is the problem with JUCO's. Wouldn't be surprised if we lost 1 or 2 more. The excitement slowly is replaced with cold hard reality.

Mr. Vito, grow some stones. Nothing wrong with stating the truth, even if some would rather pretend everything is hunky-dory. Don't cater to that element.

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So you are an expert on JC's and all of their class offerings ?

Yes having taken well over 30 hrs at various JUCO's I can attest that a 4 year school is much, much tougher than some Junior college in the middle of no where KS. 3 years to get an Associates and still not have it is sad..

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Guest GrayEagleOne

Want to replace quality with quality? There's a LB located in Denton, Texas who has the same rating as Tony Charles had. His name is Cody Marley. He has offers from Tulane, UTEP, and Utah State but he hasn't commited as of yet. We need to get a few quality players from right under our nose. It could be the start of something big. It won't be easy but nothing worthwhile ever is.

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Want to replace quality with quality? There's a LB located in Denton, Texas who has the same rating as Tony Charles had. His name is Cody Marley. He has offers from Tulane, UTEP, and Utah State but he hasn't commited as of yet. We need to get a few quality players from right under our nose. It could be the start of something big. It won't be easy but nothing worthwhile ever is.

I don't recall Dodge ever saying he would recruit right out of our backyard.

Why bother when you can go to Nederland?

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Here's where I'll depart from most people who follow recruiting. The Tony Charles thing isn't a matter of him not wanting to play bad enough. It may not even be a case of laziness (although, I'll grant you, it could be).

I'd bet the vast majority of us grew up in safe places with good, safe schools. We probably had both parents and never lacked basic needs - food, clothing, etc. Our extended family (aunt, uncles, cousins, etc.) was probably, for the most part, stable with many of those being college graduates.

I'm here to state the obvious - we grew up in environments that were conducive to learning, both at home and schools. Again, stating the obvious, not everyone grows up that way. And, whether fair or not, many college athletes come from backgrounds that are not steeped in learning.

Therefore, something that would be a no-brainer to you or me - passing three more classes - may not be for a kid with no real academic background. If you can't read, write, or comprehend well, you can't read, write, or comprehend well. No magic class or program will change it. And, as you get older, it gets more difficult.

You can't be mad or surprised by kids like this. Academics probably wasn't in his background or his family's background. It's no indictment against them; that's just society.

Best of luck to Tony at Arkansas Tech - off the field more than on it.

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Fake Lonnie...you are so very PC this morning. I am almost crying. It is so sad, and certainly has to be someone else's fault. certainly the kid could not have done ANYTHING to bring his grades up. It was all because he was from a hard working class family...maybe single parent even... who were so beaten down just trying to eke out a living in this tough tough world where everyone else has it so easy, that he was "lost" from the start. No personal responsibility here, right. Someone give me a rag to dry my eyes. :cry: I agree 100% that some folks come from backgrounds more conducive than others when it comes to understanding the importance of school, careers, learning, etc., etc. However, there are plenty of kids from very similar backgrounds as Tony Charles that "made it". Help is there if you seek it out and give it some "want to". I do not know Tony Charles or his personal situation, but to blame "society" for this kid's lack of academic progress is simply letting him (and those like him) off the hook way too easily.

I wish him all the best and hope he finds the need to get some academic help and decides that it is important to his overall well being to be as interested in academics as he is football. Sure would have liked to have seen Tony "suit up" for the MEAN GREEN, but am very glad to have him "fall out" now than after enrolling at UNT.

Lonnie...not trying to "jump your case" either, but sure seems like you want to take the PC road here. Why not some individual responsibility here? Just wondering.

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Fake Lonnie...you are so very PC this morning. I am almost crying. It is so sad, and certainly has to be someone else's fault. certainly the kid could not have done ANYTHING to bring his grades up. It was all because he was from a hard working class family...maybe single parent even... who were so beaten down just trying to eke out a living in this tough tough world where everyone else has it so easy, that he was "lost" from the start. No personal responsibility here, right. Someone give me a rag to dry my eyes. :cry: I agree 100% that some folks come from backgrounds more conducive than others when it comes to understanding the importance of school, careers, learning, etc., etc. However, there are plenty of kids from very similar backgrounds as Tony Charles that "made it". Help is there if you seek it out and give it some "want to". I do not know Tony Charles or his personal situation, but to blame "society" for this kid's lack of academic progress is simply letting him (and those like him) off the hook way too easily.

I wish him all the best and hope he finds the need to get some academic help and decides that it is important to his overall well being to be as interested in academics as he is football. Sure would have liked to have seen Tony "suit up" for the MEAN GREEN, but am very glad to have him "fall out" now than after enrolling at UNT.

Lonnie...not trying to "jump your case" either, but sure seems like you want to take the PC road here. Why not some individual responsibility here? Just wondering.


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Here's where I'll depart from most people who follow recruiting. The Tony Charles thing isn't a matter of him not wanting to play bad enough. It may not even be a case of laziness (although, I'll grant you, it could be).

I'd bet the vast majority of us grew up in safe places with good, safe schools. We probably had both parents and never lacked basic needs - food, clothing, etc. Our extended family (aunt, uncles, cousins, etc.) was probably, for the most part, stable with many of those being college graduates.

I'm here to state the obvious - we grew up in environments that were conducive to learning, both at home and schools. Again, stating the obvious, not everyone grows up that way. And, whether fair or not, many college athletes come from backgrounds that are not steeped in learning.

Therefore, something that would be a no-brainer to you or me - passing three more classes - may not be for a kid with no real academic background. If you can't read, write, or comprehend well, you can't read, write, or comprehend well. No magic class or program will change it. And, as you get older, it gets more difficult.

You can't be mad or surprised by kids like this. Academics probably wasn't in his background or his family's background. It's no indictment against them; that's just society.

Best of luck to Tony at Arkansas Tech - off the field more than on it.

Sometimes political correctness overlaps racism.

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