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A Country Founded By Geniuses....

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.... But Run By Idiots!

A Country Founded by Geniuses but Run by Idiots

Attributed to Jeff Foxworthy:

If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for entering and remaining in the country illegally — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If you have to get your parents’ permission to go on a field trip or to take an aspirin in school, but not to get an abortion — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If you MUST show your identification to board an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor, or check out a library book and rent a video, but not to vote for who runs the government — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If the government wants to prevent stable, law-abiding citizens from owning gun magazines that hold more than ten rounds, but gives twenty F-16 fighter jets to the crazy new leaders in Egypt — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If, in the nation’s largest city, you can buy two 16-ounce sodas, but not one 24-ounce soda, because 24-ounces of a sugary drink might make you fat — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If an 80-year-old woman or a three-year-old girl who is confined to a wheelchair can be strip-searched by the TSA at the airport, but a woman in a burka or a hijab is only subject to having her neck and head searched — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If a seven-year-old boy can be thrown out of school for saying his teacher is “cute,” but hosting a sexual exploration or diversity class in grade school is perfectly acceptable — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If hard work and success are met with higher taxes and more government regulation and intrusion, while not working is rewarded with Food Stamps, WIC checks, Medicaid benefits, subsidized housing, and free cell phones — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If the government’s plan for getting people back to work is to provide incentives for not working, by granting 99 weeks of unemployment checks, without any requirement to prove that gainful employment was diligently sought, but couldn’t be found — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If you pay your mortgage faithfully, denying yourself the newest big-screen TV, while your neighbor buys iPhones, time shares, a wall-sized do-it-all plasma screen TV and new cars, and the government forgives his debt when he defaults on his mortgage — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If being stripped of your Constitutional right to defend yourself makes you more “safe” according to the government — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

What a country!

How about we give God a reason to continue blessing America!

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--- I am not sure I would call the Pilgrims geniuses... That landed on the Mass. coast in December ( not warm a weather month) ... out of water, food and unable to grow any. Obviously no housing and weather was terrible to even build any. The only reason they survived is that there was an Indian that could speak English due to knowing previous Cod fishermen and he helped them find food to eat.... Most of the colony died before the next year..

--- As for Freedom of religion, they did want to believe as they wanted but the Puritans did not celebrate Christmas or Easter and before long were hanging people as witches and heretics if they believed differently. So much for freedom of religion...

--- Jamestown had been founded about 15 years earlier and the recent findings don't picture them very well either... early settlers were tough but often fleeing a bad situation... I would not classify these as geniuses... Now the people that declared our independence and later set up the constitution in 1789 may have been.... but conservative they weren't.... Tories were the conservatives ... those conservatives liked things as they had been and did not want any change... The people who composed the Constitution were very Progressive and established a type of government that had not existed until then.


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  • If you spend over 3,000 American lives to destroy weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, only to find there were no weapons of mass destruction — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

    If you allow loaded handguns to be carried in our college classrooms by folks with 10 hours of CHL training — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
  • If you keep pumping oil, gas, & coal out of the ground when you know that it will only add to the C contributing to climate change — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

    If you build a fence to keep out the guy who builds your houses, cooks your food, & picks your oranges — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

Edited by GTWT
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  • If you spend over 3,000 American lives to destroy weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, only to find there were no weapons of mass destruction — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

    If you allow loaded handguns to be carried in our college classrooms by folks with 10 hours of CHL training — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
  • If you keep pumping oil, gas, & coal out of the ground when you know that it will only add to the C contributing to climate change — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

    If you build a fence to keep out the guy who builds your houses, cooks your food, & picks your oranges — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

By following the failed policies of the Progressive movement that have morally and financially bankrupted this once great and proud nation, you just might live in a country that was founded by geniuses, but run by idiots.

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By following the failed policies of the Progressive movement that have morally and financially bankrupted this once great and proud nation, you just might live in a country that was founded by geniuses, but run by idiots.


WOW ... You do realize all those items listed happened during the W.Bush administration.... So now he is a Progressive.... ?? I agree that he was no conservative but claimed to be... as is a lot of other people. A conservative doesn't go into debt .... minds his own business.... and doesn't tell everyone what to believe and do.


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  • If you spend over 3,000 American lives to destroy weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, only to find there were no weapons of mass destruction — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.


Let's talk about WMDs.

First of all, we know that the Iraqis had Weapons of Mass Destruction because the used them to kill an estimated 50,000 Kurds. We had records of purchases of the materials to produce chemical warfare. We also know from satellite photos where they were stored at one time. Even Colin Powell was convinced of this before he made his plea to the UN.

If Iraq had no WMDs then why not consent to a search by the UN? They could have prevented the war and told us and the rest of the world, 'See, I told you so'.

Many firmly believe that the WMDs were shipped to Syria as that border was not closed at the time. Furthermore, it appears likely that Syria may have used them against their own people.

All wars are costly; both in lives and dollars. Unfortunately, some are necessary.

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By following the failed policies of the Progressive movement that have morally and financially bankrupted this once great and proud nation, you just might live in a country that was founded by geniuses, but run by idiots.

The last Republican President to have a balanced budget was Eisenhower in 1956 and 1957. During the last 45 years there have been 5 budget surpluses, all by Democratic Presidents. During the period from when WWII ended until when Reagan took office national debt as a % of GDP went from about 120% to around 33%. Reagan/Bush pushed it from 33% to 66%. Clinton took it down slightly from 66% to 58%. Bush II increased it from 58% to almost 80%, and that trend has continued with Obama. Reagan and Bush I & II are directly attibuted with the large amount of debt this country has accumulated, but again that trend countinued with Obama, although the recession is the main reason for the large increases during the end of Bush II and the first years of Obama.

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The last Republican President to have a balanced budget was Eisenhower in 1956 and 1957. During the last 45 years there have been 5 budget surpluses, all by Democratic Presidents. During the period from when WWII ended until when Reagan took office national debt as a % of GDP went from about 120% to around 33%. Reagan/Bush pushed it from 33% to 66%. Clinton took it down slightly from 66% to 58%. Bush II increased it from 58% to almost 80%, and that trend has continued with Obama. Reagan and Bush I & II are directly attibuted with the large amount of debt this country has accumulated, but again that trend countinued with Obama, although the recession is the main reason for the large increases during the end of Bush II and the first years of Obama.

We'll get to see what the ACA and all of the Baby Boomers retiring will really do to the federal budget in a few years if nothing is done about the budget here real soon.

Edited by UNTFan23
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The last Republican President to have a balanced budget was Eisenhower in 1956 and 1957. During the last 45 years there have been 5 budget surpluses, all by Democratic Presidents. During the period from when WWII ended until when Reagan took office national debt as a % of GDP went from about 120% to around 33%. Reagan/Bush pushed it from 33% to 66%. Clinton took it down slightly from 66% to 58%. Bush II increased it from 58% to almost 80%, and that trend has continued with Obama. Reagan and Bush I & II are directly attibuted with the large amount of debt this country has accumulated, but again that trend countinued with Obama, although the recession is the main reason for the large increases during the end of Bush II and the first years of Obama.

What most people fail to realize is that it's Congress, not the President, that controls the purse strings. On that basis and since World War II, Democratic Congresses have contributed 7.5 trillion to the national debt. Where the Democrats were in control three of the four years the national debt was 1.5 trillion. Where there were two years of Democrat-control and two years Republican during a four year term the figure was 5 trillion. In the ten years where the Republicans controlled both houses the total deficit was 2.4 trillion. Finally in the years where the Republicans controlled Congress three of the four years the total was .688 trillion (but it was only two times). Note: I recorded the figures but not the source. I found it by googling national deficit. A researcher was responsible for the figures which as I recall was based on 1982 dollars.

The only way that we can gain control and hold the president responsible is to give the president the power to line item veto. Pork may be a relatively small part of the deficit but it adds up. Another help would be to give any bill that is not an emergency, ample time to be reviewbefore it's voted on. Pelosi's "You have to vote for the bill to find out what's in it" was the worst case of fiscal irresponsibility in my memory.

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Here is what Ol' Wooden Teeth thought of political parties:

It serves always to distract the public councils, and enfeeble the public administration. It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one part against another; foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which find a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passion. Thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another.


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What most people fail to realize is that it's Congress, not the President, that controls the purse strings. On that basis and since World War II, Democratic Congresses have contributed 7.5 trillion to the national debt. Where the Democrats were in control three of the four years the national debt was 1.5 trillion. Where there were two years of Democrat-control and two years Republican during a four year term the figure was 5 trillion. In the ten years where the Republicans controlled both houses the total deficit was 2.4 trillion. Finally in the years where the Republicans controlled Congress three of the four years the total was .688 trillion (but it was only two times). Note: I recorded the figures but not the source. I found it by googling national deficit. A researcher was responsible for the figures which as I recall was based on 1982 dollars.

The only way that we can gain control and hold the president responsible is to give the president the power to line item veto. Pork may be a relatively small part of the deficit but it adds up. Another help would be to give any bill that is not an emergency, ample time to be reviewbefore it's voted on. Pelosi's "You have to vote for the bill to find out what's in it" was the worst case of fiscal irresponsibility in my memory.


--In 2001 when Clinton left.. debt was 5.4 trillion after 200+ years... In 2009 when Obama walked in the debt was about $11 trillion... since then Congress has changed very little of what was happening in 2001-2009. and in 2009 things were such a mess with the bail outs, poor economy and less tax revenue due to the severe drop in DOW. 6 of those 8 years the GOP controlled both houses and the White House... 2009-10 are poor years to judge anything due to problems inherited (less tax money because of fewer people working, and lot less capital gains) and for several years since then GOP controlled one house and wants to pass nothing but more tax cuts... [ when you are in debt... you decrease income?? ]

Yes I hate taxes too... but if you want to provide for the common DEFENCE, have a stable country, and do everything mentioned in Constitution .. taxes are necessary ... just not for doll museums (a GOP earmark) and other foolish things.



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Turn about is fair play? Lots of people give Bush grief over deficit spending.


Well his administration did .... they ran up the debt as much as the TOTAL of all 42 previous Presidents.... How would you like to spin it.????

And worse... the current Congress can't get anything done to reverse what was done** [ one house is now GOP ] and tax revenues are/were less after the 2008 meltdown ( before Obama ) and unemployment payments and other expenses went up as a result. .. Some of the current GOP tea-party people even want more tax cuts... No one likes taxes.. but public services and national defense costs money ... especially when you invade countries without being provoked such as happened in Iraq (first time ever by America). That is the reason very few other countries helped us except humanitarian aid including France which the "hawks" liked to portray as "chicken".

The only time economic conditions went this bad was in 1930s (starting in 1929)... again after 12 years of GOP White House control ( Harding, Coolidge, Hoover ).

Sorry... reality may not be what you want it to be.


** very tough even by individuals to pay off debt or stop spending once started. ...better ... just never get to that point.


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And yet conservatives insist on blaming President Obama for the deficit.

I present Exhibit A:


Well his administration did .... they ran up the debt as much as the TOTAL of all 42 previous Presidents.... How would you like to spin it.????

And worse... the current Congress can't get anything done to reverse what was done** [ one house is now GOP ] and tax revenues are/were less after the 2008 meltdown ( before Obama ) and unemployment payments and others went up. .. Some of the current GOP tea-party people even want more tax cuts... No one likes taxes.. but public services and national defense costs money ... especially when you invade countries without being provoked such as happened in Iraq (first time ever by America). That is the reason very few other countries helped us except humanitarian aid including France which the "hawks" liked to portray as "chicken".

The only time economic conditions went this bad was in 1930s (starting in 1929)... again after 12 years of GOP White House control ( Harding, Coolidge, Hoover ).


** very tough even by individuals to pay off debt or stop spending once started. ...better ... just never get to that point.


The defense rests your Honor.

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I present Exhibit A:

The defense rests your Honor.


So if a co-captain takes over for the captain of a sinking ship you blame the co-captain that it sunk..? ...same thing. ... Very tough to turn things around in a bad situation.



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So if a co-captain takes over for the captain of a sinking ship you blame the co-captain that it sunk..? ...same thing. ... Very tough to turn things around in a bad situation.



No, I pointed out that some people are blaming Bush for the debt/deficit just like some people are blaming Obama for the same. Just calling a duck a duck.

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