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Vito On Daniel Prior


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Sounds like from reading the article Vito reminded Prior the "funk" that UNT is in. Sort of like, "Mr. Prior, are you sure you want to....." GRRR!! Is there a point to that???? Fire away!!! I can handle it!

To be fair, Vito also told him his uniform would have green in it. Vito likes to accentuate the OBVIOUS

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To be fair, Vito also told him his uniform would have green in it. Vito likes to accentuate the OBVIOUS

One day Vito will tell a recruit that he is not drinking regular coffee but Colombian decaffeinated coffee crystals and this will happen: http://www.buzzhumor.com/videos/3023/Chris...y_Hidden_Camera

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Guest GrayEagleOne

Sounds like from reading the article Vito reminded Prior the "funk" that UNT is in. Sort of like, "Mr. Prior, are you sure you want to....." GRRR!! Is there a point to that???? Fire away!!! I can handle it!

No, you are right! We are all aware of the poor record of the last two (actually four) years and I'm getting tired of the reference in every article and blog that he writes. Keep doing it Vito and you will be at greater loggerheads with Dodge and get snubbed ever worse (and I won't blame him).

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Sounds like from reading the article Vito reminded Prior the "funk" that UNT is in. Sort of like, "Mr. Prior, are you sure you want to....." GRRR!! Is there a point to that???? Fire away!!! I can handle it!

Hanoi Hannah also reported facts when she read the lists of the newly killed or imprisoned Americans to her listeners and reminded those listeners what they were missing back home. Tokyo Rose and Axis Sally performed the same type of work for their employers.

Reporting facts does not mean that there is not a hidden agenda.

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Sounds like from reading the article Vito reminded Prior the "funk" that UNT is in. Sort of like, "Mr. Prior, are you sure you want to....." GRRR!! Is there a point to that???? Fire away!!! I can handle it!

No fire, just when we start winning, lets all jump down his throat for reporting the obvious there, also. You know, like when we land a recruit and Vito writes "I asked Smith if he was concerned about the logjam of talented players at the defensive tackle position. Smith said that he was just honored to receive a scholarship from the defending Big Twelve Champion North Texas Mean Green."

Oh wait, there he goes again, trying to run off that recruit. Ya'll are right, that guy sucks.

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Vito, I have had enough of you. I'd like to see you out of town on the same train Drake leaves on. I would not be surprised if Quoner catches you at one of the games being a Texas Douche. I didn't like you when I played here and I like you even less as a fan and alumni and letterman. I hope Santa leaves coal in your stocking and Hanukah Harry's mule poops on you as he goes by your house and leaves you nothing. You are the biggest negative Nancie and Debbie downer that floats around this University and claims to be one of us. You are not one of us sir. You are what every Dentonite should strive not to be. You are the "look down at little North Texas State Teachers College Normal School for the Blind and Deaf, holier than thou, hater" just like everyone else. You are one of them parading as one of us. I know it is your job to report, but cut out the anti North Texas bias. I don't need you to be for us, just report it. We know we are down right now. Stop rubbing it in our face and reminding everyone else that reads your filth or is affiliated with UNT about how bad we suck. We know. We are working on it. Stop impeading the process. Stop looking for cracks in the North Texas program. We have enough as it is without you finding new ones. I'm still pissed about the A Smith crap you just had to report. I'm done with you and your reporting. I hope you get replaced. And wipe that stupid smurk you walk around with off your face. You make me sick. That about covers it.

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Vito, I have had enough of you. I'd like to see you out of town on the same train Drake leaves on. I would not be surprised if Quoner catches you at one of the games being a Texas Douche. I didn't like you when I played here and I like you even less as a fan and alumni and letterman. I hope Santa leaves coal in your stocking and Hanukah Harry's mule poops on you as he goes by your house and leaves you nothing. You are the biggest negative Nancie and Debbie downer that floats around this University and claims to be one of us. You are not one of us sir. You are what every Dentonite should strive not to be. You are the "look down at little North Texas State Teachers College Normal School for the Blind and Deaf, holier than thou, hater" just like everyone else. You are one of them parading as one of us. I know it is your job to report, but cut out the anti North Texas bias. I don't need you to be for us, just report it. We know we are down right now. Stop rubbing it in our face and reminding everyone else that reads your filth or is affiliated with UNT about how bad we suck. We know. We are working on it. Stop impeading the process. Stop looking for cracks in the North Texas program. We have enough as it is without you finding new ones. I'm still pissed about the A Smith crap you just had to report. I'm done with you and your reporting. I hope you get replaced. And wipe that stupid smurk you walk around with off your face. You make me sick. That about covers it.

Out of decaf?

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Vito, I have had enough of you. I'd like to see you out of town on the same train Drake leaves on. I would not be surprised if Quoner catches you at one of the games being a Texas Douche. I didn't like you when I played here and I like you even less as a fan and alumni and letterman. I hope Santa leaves coal in your stocking and Hanukah Harry's mule poops on you as he goes by your house and leaves you nothing. You are the biggest negative Nancie and Debbie downer that floats around this University and claims to be one of us. You are not one of us sir. You are what every Dentonite should strive not to be. You are the "look down at little North Texas State Teachers College Normal School for the Blind and Deaf, holier than thou, hater" just like everyone else. You are one of them parading as one of us. I know it is your job to report, but cut out the anti North Texas bias. I don't need you to be for us, just report it. We know we are down right now. Stop rubbing it in our face and reminding everyone else that reads your filth or is affiliated with UNT about how bad we suck. We know. We are working on it. Stop impeading the process. Stop looking for cracks in the North Texas program. We have enough as it is without you finding new ones. I'm still pissed about the A Smith crap you just had to report. I'm done with you and your reporting. I hope you get replaced. And wipe that stupid smurk you walk around with off your face. You make me sick. That about covers it.


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Vito, I have had enough of you. I'd like to see you out of town on the same train Drake leaves on. I would not be surprised if Quoner catches you at one of the games being a Texas Douche. I didn't like you when I played here and I like you even less as a fan and alumni and letterman. I hope Santa leaves coal in your stocking and Hanukah Harry's mule poops on you as he goes by your house and leaves you nothing. You are the biggest negative Nancie and Debbie downer that floats around this University and claims to be one of us. You are not one of us sir. You are what every Dentonite should strive not to be. You are the "look down at little North Texas State Teachers College Normal School for the Blind and Deaf, holier than thou, hater" just like everyone else. You are one of them parading as one of us. I know it is your job to report, but cut out the anti North Texas bias. I don't need you to be for us, just report it. We know we are down right now. Stop rubbing it in our face and reminding everyone else that reads your filth or is affiliated with UNT about how bad we suck. We know. We are working on it. Stop impeading the process. Stop looking for cracks in the North Texas program. We have enough as it is without you finding new ones. I'm still pissed about the A Smith crap you just had to report. I'm done with you and your reporting. I hope you get replaced. And wipe that stupid smurk you walk around with off your face. You make me sick. That about covers it.

I felt better reading that and it wasn't even my rant to get off my chest!

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Vito, I have had enough of you. I'd like to see you out of town on the same train Drake leaves on. I would not be surprised if Quoner catches you at one of the games being a Texas Douche. I didn't like you when I played here and I like you even less as a fan and alumni and letterman. I hope Santa leaves coal in your stocking and Hanukah Harry's mule poops on you as he goes by your house and leaves you nothing. You are the biggest negative Nancie and Debbie downer that floats around this University and claims to be one of us. You are not one of us sir. You are what every Dentonite should strive not to be. You are the "look down at little North Texas State Teachers College Normal School for the Blind and Deaf, holier than thou, hater" just like everyone else. You are one of them parading as one of us. I know it is your job to report, but cut out the anti North Texas bias. I don't need you to be for us, just report it. We know we are down right now. Stop rubbing it in our face and reminding everyone else that reads your filth or is affiliated with UNT about how bad we suck. We know. We are working on it. Stop impeading the process. Stop looking for cracks in the North Texas program. We have enough as it is without you finding new ones. I'm still pissed about the A Smith crap you just had to report. I'm done with you and your reporting. I hope you get replaced. And wipe that stupid smurk you walk around with off your face. You make me sick. That about covers it.

His job isn't to suck on UNT's ding dong. His job is not to be one of "us" but it seems that you are wanting him to be one of "us"....he is a journalist for pete's sake. The North Texas program doesn't have cracks...the whole thing is a crack in the ass. We are a big school in a top 6 market(atleast dang close to one) with 35K students and growing and we act extremely small time. That is a fact. If you think he wants NT to fail then you are quite blind. There is very little if any vision for NT athletics and he is stating things that have historically been traits of NT.

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His job isn't to suck on UNT's ding dong. His job is not to be one of "us" but it seems that you are wanting him to be one of "us"....he is a journalist for pete's sake. The North Texas program doesn't have cracks...the whole thing is a crack in the ass. We are a big school in a top 6 market(atleast dang close to one) with 35K students and growing and we act extremely small time. That is a fact. If you think he wants NT to fail then you are quite blind. There is very little if any vision for NT athletics and he is stating things that have historically been traits of NT.

So true. It's exactly as I said in the first page of this thread. He's just reporting facts and offering his opinions. Those other reporters have made quite a name for themselves doing the same.

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Vito, I have had enough of you. I'd like to see you out of town on the same train Drake leaves on. I would not be surprised if Quoner catches you at one of the games being a Texas Douche. I didn't like you when I played here and I like you even less as a fan and alumni and letterman. I hope Santa leaves coal in your stocking and Hanukah Harry's mule poops on you as he goes by your house and leaves you nothing. You are the biggest negative Nancie and Debbie downer that floats around this University and claims to be one of us. You are not one of us sir. You are what every Dentonite should strive not to be. You are the "look down at little North Texas State Teachers College Normal School for the Blind and Deaf, holier than thou, hater" just like everyone else. You are one of them parading as one of us. I know it is your job to report, but cut out the anti North Texas bias. I don't need you to be for us, just report it. We know we are down right now. Stop rubbing it in our face and reminding everyone else that reads your filth or is affiliated with UNT about how bad we suck. We know. We are working on it. Stop impeading the process. Stop looking for cracks in the North Texas program. We have enough as it is without you finding new ones. I'm still pissed about the A Smith crap you just had to report. I'm done with you and your reporting. I hope you get replaced. And wipe that stupid smurk you walk around with off your face. You make me sick. That about covers it.

Thats right, Vito. How dare you say we suck when we are ranked last in defense in D1 and are competetive in only 2 games all year. Only we on this board are allowed to say what sucks and what doesn't suck about UNT athletics. Just because you, Mr. Vito, diid not graduate from UNT and have no ties to UNT other than being an assigned beat reporter, does not mean you should not openly cheer for UNT and say nothing but nice things about our programs.

Here is an idea. How about we actually be competetive on the football field. I bet you Mr. Vito would report that, also.

This guy makes less than many on this board and has a truely thankless job. I appreciate the info that he brings us, as well as Mr. Phillips at the Startlegram.

That said, fire them both!!! On Dec. 24, please!!

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I say in the post I don't want him to be a homer, just report it. When we are bad it's ok to say so, just don't keep beating the same dead horse. Saying that to a recruit that we might be lucky to get, as if to put doubt in his mind or question his decision making, is unnecessary. I guess y'all didn't have as much personal contact with him to understand the other stuff. He walks around the program when he needs a story like he is your bff and then slams your team in the article. He just gets under my skin, and so do people who defend him that don't know him like I do. Maybe you know him better than me. If so enlighten me.

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