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The unOfficial "McCain Sucks/Obama Sucks" Super Thread

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Thank god it's finally over and settled with. Looks like democrats will have the upper hand in government for quite a while.

We'll see how things shape up in two years. The Democrats lost the House during the Clinton Administration within his first two years.

Edited by UNTFan23
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With the Dems anti-energy independence policies, especially anti-drilling for oil, I fully expect oil prices to go back up over the next 6 months now that they know the U.S. won't do anything about high oil prices.

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Great speech by McCain. Ever since I read his book years ago, I've loved him. I was total McCainiac in 2000 and was shattered when he lost so big on Super Tuesday...and thus the nomination to Bush.

I'll always believe he would've made a fantastic President. But 2000 was his time....this was not.

A truly momentous moment in USA history. The great stain of our founding has been wiped away in many ways. Someone who was counted as three fifths of a person 230 years ago is now the leader of our country.

Edited by CMJ
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With the Dems anti-energy independence policies, especially anti-drilling for oil, I fully expect oil prices to go back up over the next 6 months now that they know the U.S. won't do anything about high oil prices.

If the demand is down then it should not be greatly affected in my opinion. But it will be interesting to see.

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With the Dems anti-energy independence policies, especially anti-drilling for oil, I fully expect oil prices to go back up over the next 6 months now that they know the U.S. won't do anything about high oil prices.

I fully expect gas prices to go up in 6 months based on higher spring and summer traffic.

I'd be interested to see gas price trends in presidential election years for the last few elections to see if they tend to go down in hopes that it helps the Republican candidate. Just a theory...

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The things you see in a lifetime.

Growing up, we only had to dial the last four digits of a phone number, there were five TV channels, and the Cold War seemed endless. And now...

A computer in my home.

Fax machines and cell phones and email and the internet.

Digital anything.

North Texas in a bowl game.

The fall of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union.

An African-American as president of the United States.

Regardless of how you voted, I hope you appreciate the magnitude of this day. We have again proven that all things are possible in America.

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I guess I'm happy that now America can blame a Democrat instead of a Republican for everything bad that happens in our country.

This should be interesting. Glad God is still in control.

These things run in cycles. Just because the democrats blame republicans for everything bad does not meant republicans dont do the same to democrats. The fact is that most people are either hardcore effed up democrat or they are hardcore effed up republican. Either way they are both effed up. Oh and are you sure god is in control?

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Well, we get what we deserve. At least now there will be no more America bashing and us having to hear how crappy it is now that it will be in the Liberal's hands with no one else to blame. Economically, I hope I am wrong but I have visions of the return of the days of the Carter administration all over again, and if that happens then we will surely look forward to 2010 and 2012 so that, just as time followed that economic disaster, we can go right back to the voting booth even stronger and start growing and put this country back together again. It is my hope that those in our military abroad can forgive us for turning our backs on them and the liberty's they have fought for as their jobs will surely now become more difficult in the near future.

May God bless John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin.


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It really is interesting, McCain gave a nice speech but his crowd was all white and very hostile. Sure, they lost - but this campaign has always been about hope for the future and you just cannot move on when that hate is in your heart. Obama's crowd is jubilant for the win - and they cheered when he spoke of McCain. McCain made a comment that sounded almost spiteful - something to the effect of - well, this election takes away any excuses that you lazy minorities have ever used... followed by jeers and boos and cheers. Just weird. I am an Indepedent voter that usually votes Republican. I voted for Bush both times and still believe that I voted correctly. George W Bush saw our country through an attack on our own soil and made a pledge to keep us safe at all costs. He has kept us safe for 7 long years. Enemies with sworn allegiances to terror groups have tried over and over to penetrate our borders, yet the Bush policies have kept us safe. For that, I thank him and his administration. If you had asked me on 9/11 - Ok Steve, we can prevent this from ever happening again but we are going to get really unpopular in the world and we are going to throw the country into debt to make sure that it doesn't happen again - I would have said - "if that is what it takes, I am willing to go that mile". I was teaching 6th grade in Oak Cliff when the 9/11 attacks happened. I wept and so did the kids in my class. A lot of polarizing events have transpired since that time - but one thing has been steady - we have thwarted thousands of follow up attacks.

Now, at what cost? Was it worth it? I would have been speaking with my heart that day when I agreed to that... those demands to keep us safe. Looking back, I think that George W Bush just got it into his mind that he was going to be unpopular and rid the world of terorism and he didn't give a damn what people thought or how much it cost. It was affirmed in 2004 that we supported that strategy and he continued to keep us safe. Like it or not, he does have a legacy. He kept our families safe.

I voted for Barack Obama last Friday. I did it because I believe that the threat of terrorism has lowered and that the world community is fighting it as a group now. We can also thank W for that. He kind of pushed them into it, but they are there now. I also think that this war in Iraq shoul end as quickly as possible. I also believe that our health care system is criminal. I have a very private story about our health care system that I don't want to put on a message board - but the fundamentals of it rewards the people that cheat and punishes those that try to play by the rules. I also believe that Obama will actually try to change our dependence on foreign crude oil by going at it from many different angles, not just drilling. We could drill all day and we wouldn't be able to come close to supplying the State of Texas, none the less the whole country. His party has shown no initiative to ever actually follow through on their energy policies, even though they have been preaching oil indepedence since the OPEC strike in the 70's. Nuclear power is not the future of this country. I don't want to live near a nuclear plant and neither do most of you.

I am a true Independent voter now I guess. I voted for Clinton 1 out of 2, Bush 2 out of 2, and now Obama. McCain never really had my vote but the women's right to choose being off the table for his "list of qualified appointees" was a clincher for my wonderful partner in life. She was fully in McCain's court until that 3rd debate when he came right out and said that any list of qualified appointees that he would put together would not contain someone that believed in Roe V Wade... yes, he said it should be up to the states - but there are some things that States should not have the power to decide... like civil rights or a women's right to choose. That is what our Supreme Court is for. Finally, Palin. Erica and I went through the arguements, because we struggled with this decision... we went back and forth on it. My decision was whether I would vote at all and hers was whether she would vote for eithe Obama or McCain.. Palin was really a terrible deicision. It wasn't a deal breaker but it showed that Mack had completely given himself to the party that he had constantly told to "shove off" and I do not believe for a second that Palin was his choice. I think she was placed onto his ticket by the GOP in exchange for their support. Yes, she energized the base - but she polarized the rest of the country.

Anyway, many of you are my friends. Rick McKinney is one of the greatest men that I have ever met. Chaddy has always had fun with me and politics because I am an Independent and he is a staunch Democrat. I just ask each of you that feel so strongly about the issue - whether it be anger or happiness - to really question what you are so riled up about. The sky is not going to fall. We have checks and balances in place ... and really, the President doesn't have the power to do what he campaigned on. He might be able to accomplish something big - like keeping our country safe for 7 long years... the way that W did. He might be the one that stares down the Soviet Union and causes the collapse of communism... he might be the President of balancing the budget and getting BJ's. Whatever the case, just rememeber - at the end of the day, we are all citizens of the USA. You do not owe anything to this party or that, but you do owe an alligiance to your country. That means backing this decision and not promoting more hate. Peace folks, peace. I am proud of the youth vote for FINALLY showing up. What a magnificent day in this country when the youth actually register and vote, maybe the first time ever in a national election. Today is a good day. The stock market is already on its way back up from the exit polls. Change it on the way and YES WE CAN.

I would ask you guys that are my friends (or even the ones that don't like me so much) to not attack me on this. I just feel a great sense of pride in our country right now and want to share that with my Mean Green Family. Please don't be those folks boo'ing Obama at the McCain concession speech, it is just not neccesary, you know? Be the class acts that Southern Gentleman are. If things don't get better than we will vote for another change. One thing I can guarantee you is that it simply cannot get worse than it has been... Thank W for keeping us safe, try to remember how he held this country together after 9/11. Trusrt in the system and open your mind to Obama... you are stuck with him now so you might as well keep an open mind to see what happens. Thanks for reading this post.

Steve Boedeker

Edited by stebo
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These things run in cycles. Just because the democrats blame republicans for everything bad does not meant republicans dont do the same to democrats. The fact is that most people are either hardcore effed up democrat or they are hardcore effed up republican. Either way they are both effed up. Oh and are you sure god is in control?

I am sure. If you're not, I'd like to talk to you.

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On a side note, did anybody else witness the sudden crashing end to Ralph Nader's career tonight? This guy has been a famous consumer advocate since the early sixties when he penned his Unsafe At Any Speed book on the dangers of Chevrolet's rear engined Corvair. He has since run for President in 2000 and this year.

Tonight, speaking to a gathering in Houston, Nader proclaimed "now we'll see if Obama is Uncle Sam or Uncle Tom."

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No matter how you might have voted.....We truly are a great country tonight and as we step forward into a new tomorrow. We strive forward as a progressive nation. Which says oh so much considering what our recent history might have said about all of us. God bless us all and God bless the greatest country on our Green Earth. God Bless America!

Tears from my face flow as we unite as one great land and one great people. We have come so far as a great nation.

Thank you all.

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