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Texas San Antonio (1/4/15)


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Funny, he was a long time career assistant at a solid program and never got hired until us. Guess others knew that he couldn't coach too

While this amuses me, it does bring up one complaint that I don't agree with in regard to Benford (and if anyone doesn't recall - I was calling for his head by the end of Year One) - that we hired him directly as an assistant. I know some folks here have repeated ad nauseum that we should never hire an assistant (much less a long term one) for the top position. I don't necessarily agree with that, as several coaches got high profile gigs without having been a head guy at a Division 2 school (or what have you) first.

The issue was Benford never really found his feet in that initial campaign, wasting a ridiculously talented team. Because of that, it was going to be very tough for him to win us back even if the product on the floor drastically improved. To be fair, it did improve quite a bit in Year Two. But this season is shaping up to be worse than the first, and I believe any benefit of the doubt he was given should be gone.

Edited by CMJ
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I'd wager that group could have won more than 14% of their football games from 2007-2010.



I guarantee the other three could have won more than 16 games back in '12 with that team. Really, all I could have offered up would have been protection from all the hot roadies outside CBL and 90's hotel rooms, driving any vehicle over 60,000 lbs, an amazing ability to read the map for the road trips, and to point out quick references to the nearest hotel fire escapes. Outside of that I got nuthin'.


Edited by FirefightnRick
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While this amuses me, it does bring up one complaint that I don't agree with in regard to Benford (and if anyone doesn't recall - I was calling for his head by the end of Year One) - that we hired him directly as an assistant. I know some folks here have repeated ad nauseum that we should never hire an assistant (much less a long term one) for the top position. I don't necessarily agree with that, as several coaches got high profile gigs without having been a head guy at a Division 2 school (or what have you) first.

The issue was Benford never really found his feet in that initial campaign, wasting a ridiculously talented team. Because of that, it was going to be very tough for him to win us back even if the product on the floor drastically improved. To be fair, it did improve quite a bit in Year Two. But this season is shaping up to be worse than the first, and I believe any benefit of the doubt he was given should be gone.

If any team screamed for an experienced head coach, that 2012/13 team was it.

And our AD crapped the bed and hired an unproven assistant.

I said after year one that if RV retained Benford, only to hand to fire him a year or two later, RV should be out the door with him. Little did I know RV would blame the players and also schedule like crap in football even though we had a new stadium.

I really wish he would make the inevitable less painful and just retire/resign. Both Benford and RV.

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If anyone cares, Creighton will most likely end up being a below .500 team this season. They've lost both games played since losing to us and the Big East conference schedule won't do them any favors.

Sadly, I don't think we will have any victories this year against a team with a winning record at the end of the season.

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I'm not sure how this argument holds up when one job is a service job and one job is a not. I guess coaching might fall under the entertainment industry since that is what professional sports coaches and players fall under. I am also unsure how these correlate when one is directly paid out of your pocket and the other job is not. There are a lot of fallacies that people apparently are just completely ignoring when attempting to compare the two.

When you are paid to do a job, and you are failing to do said job, you are accountable regardless of industry.

I had this long, cynical reply for this. Then I just gave up and pulled up this much more effective image.


Edited by greenminer
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These little nuggets have been forwarded to our pres. Doubt he ever sees them, but forwarded anyway.

He saw the attendance for today's game. I don't think he stayed to the end, but he was there and surveyed the Pit before making the rounds.

ETA: 1,628...seems a bit high from what I saw.

Edited by Army of Dad
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RV? You want him to fire these guys? So he can make another hire?

Here's a look at the last 6 hires RV has made in the major sports over the last decade.


- 25-67 Stephens (2008-2011)

- 15-16 Aston (2011-2012)

- 12-18 Peterson (2012-2013)

- 11-19 Peterson (2013-2014)

- 1-12 Peterson (2014-2015)

64-132 total


- 12-20 Benford (2012-2013)

- 16-16 Benford (2013-2014)

- 6-8 Benford (2014-2015)

34-44 total


- 6-37 Dodge (2007-2010)

- 22-27 Mccarney (2011-2014)

28-64 total


126-240 (114 games under .500)

114 games under .500. 114. And that includes all of our victories over non division 1 opponents. And, of course, our loss to a non D1 opponent.

I think Johnny Jones was a RV hire. I believe JJ was hired shortly after RV was hired.
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When you are paid to do a job, and you are failing to do said job, you are accountable regardless of industry.

I had this long, cynical reply for this. Then I just gave up and pulled up this much more effective image.


Your quote by Cerebus is perfectly spot on.

One of the things that makes such statements your were countering so rediculous, along with McCarney's comment during that survey from the American Statesmen, the one which he goes on to take a shot at fans about how they don't pretend to be Realtors or Lawyers but everyone likes to pretend to be coaches. The reason that statement is so retarded is most of us have zero experience with those other professions, don't follow them on a daily basis etc.... so why would anyone have an opinion or second guess them? We wouldn't and we don't. But just about everyone here has played ball. And after we are done playing ball after our ball playing years are over we spend the rest of our lives following and studying and, if we have them, even coach our kids in the game. Through the years we've probably seen thousands of games and thousands of scenarios and thousands of decisions made during those scenarios. Cerebus' explanation is much better than mine, of course. But after decades of playing and watching and studying ball most of us can at least form a decent enough opinion and recognize good ball from bad when we see it.


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RV? You want him to fire these guys? So he can make another hire?

Here's a look at the last 6 hires RV has made in the major sports over the last decade.


- 25-67 Stephens (2008-2011)

- 15-16 Aston (2011-2012)

- 12-18 Peterson (2012-2013)

- 11-19 Peterson (2013-2014)

- 1-12 Peterson (2014-2015)

64-132 total


- 12-20 Benford (2012-2013)

- 16-16 Benford (2013-2014)

- 6-8 Benford (2014-2015)

34-44 total


- 6-37 Dodge (2007-2010)

- 22-27 Mccarney (2011-2014)

28-64 total


126-240 (114 games under .500)

114 games under .500. 114. And that includes all of our victories over non division 1 opponents. And, of course, our loss to a non D1 opponent.

Thanks for posting Billy, this is really unsettling to me. What UNT continues to fail to realize: In Texas, if you are losing at athletics, you are losing money. One needs only to look at the top dogs in the state in terms of academics (and sports simultaneously) to know this is the case. There are exceptions, such as Rice, but for the most part this is the law of the land. You can't fight it. You are losing donations, and you are losing future donors that you could have easily had after the bowl win. Me and Billy's generation (2010-present) will turn into more jaded UNT sports fans and in turn be more hesitant to donate to the university. Check out TCU's financial figures since having a successful athletic program and try to argue this is not a reality. You have to invest... In your athletic director,coaches, and athletics in general. The return will be worth it.

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that would be fantastic entertainment. bet that side-show would get season-ticket holders back up to at least the JJ era.

also...there was a game today?

Just as an aside...UNT90's team in the last GMG.Com BB Classic in which he was the coach.....LOST! Just sayin...... He lost to a team coached by Andrew. Classic, huh? Wondering if the irony is lost on anyone? If so, surely the humor isn't. :-)

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Just as an aside...UNT90's team in the last GMG.Com BB Classic in which he was the coach.....LOST! Just sayin...... He lost to a team coached by Andrew. Classic, huh? Wondering if the irony is lost on anyone? If so, surely the humor isn't. :-)

Except we actually won by double digits, so...

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I know....I know...I have the records. Just having some fun with the facts like others do here so often. Was sort of hoping you had forgotten due to your dementia! Darn it...you actually remembered.

You do realize you are coaching again this year, right? Game will be in March. As soon as I firm up the date I'll let you know so you can get it on your social calendar.

Darn you for remembering!!

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Just appreciate the irony, would you?

Ahhhh. Out comes the peanut gallery to spoil the fun. I guess only the kids are allowed to have any fun on GMG these days...maybe you have a cool graphic you can display. The cool kids love that. I was pulling UNT90's chain about his coaching credentials....he knows I was and gets it....oh well, leave it to the peanut gallery. Hey don't you work? Having a lunchbreak in the light perhaps or just skipping the work part?

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You know...that's pretty cool..really...and on company time too... But, as always you are clueless as to my intentions, motives, humor, etc. as is evidenced here. You need to get up a lot earlier and try playing with a loaded gun or even know anything about the person you are trying to dusparage if you want to really get a gig in that works. So, maybe you should just stick to the cool kid graphics. They seem to work better for you. The cool kids will get it...different strokes I guess, but you get points for artsy in that post. If you ever figure it out I'll let you know.

But, here's one thing that is pretty certain...while UNT 90 will show up, coach, play and donate to the benefit BB game for the cheer squad. You will be nowhere to be seen. That is if past history repeats. Cool kids are just too cool to support such events. But, carry on... Your routine works well with the preteen set.

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