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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/2011 in all areas

  1. It's almost like the majority of the posters know little about actual football -- probably from all the time they spent learning everything there is to know about marketing, design, stadium layouts, architecture, politics, famous priests, the economy, fundraising, internal communications and countless other disciplines. It's a renaissance board; don't fight it!
    5 points
  2. Rainey has 6 more career caries than Lance. Rainey has 281 fewer yards and 10 fewer touchdowns. Lance is far and away the better receiver out of the backfield. Rainey has never busted off a run of 60 yards, heck he's only broken the 50 yard plateau once in his career on any play from scrimmage. The longest reception he's ever caught was 24 yards. Lance has at least 9 runs of 50 or more yards and I'm willing to bet many more(ESPN only shows your long for the game and once Lance starts busting them they come in bunches.) Lance has at least 3 receptions of 50 or more yards(again with ESPN only showing the long fore each game.) Rainey is a workhorse who got fed the ball a ridiculous amount. Lance is a threat to score whenever he touches the ball from any spot on the football field. When you look at the careers of the two backs its impossible to consider Rainey the better.
    4 points
  3. When I talked to him and Ked they both informed me that yes they did have there knees cleaned.. Both are regulars at the rec as well and seem to be healthy, especially Ked who has absolutely shown more hops and has had some nasty jams
    4 points
  4. You're the kind of guy who cleans out his iPod the second his favorite band goes big, aren't you?
    4 points
  5. THIS...everyone has PLENTY of warning...let's have no whining come game day if you don't arrive early. You can do this. Stay calm and just come early. Even early there will probably be some confusion. Remember, this is the first game for the UNT Police, the Denton Police, the Parking folks, the UNT staffers AND the fans. So, everyone is in exactly the same boat. Do your part by staying calm, listening to instructions, arriving early, car pooling as much as possible, obeying all traffic regulations (yes, including the crazy stuff regarding the Denia neighborhood), and by keeping a smile on your face. All here have waited for this day for a long time...let's enjoy it and not let anything take away from that enjoyment...especially not some issues with parking, tailgating, etc. We are probably in control of over 90% of how the day's experience turns out...for me...NOTHING is going to spoil that day! GO MEAN GREEN...simply cannot wait!
    4 points
  6. RV mentioned that the Apogee deal would help other sports as well. What can we expect in the near future? Indoor football facility? Baseball? How is he preparing NT for the conference shuffle that is about to occur?
    4 points
  7. What's the deal with next year's schedule? Are we really only going to have 5 home games with Texas Southern being our only home non-conference game? Also, I've heard RV in the past say he wants to cut back on body bag games, but our future schedules are littered with them. Even some years having two. Doesn't really look like a big change.
    4 points
  8. Thank you for your generous gift, Serena Cole! I suppose that learning this in the midst of multi-million dollar gifts. this gift may seem small but I can assure you that it's not. Many on this board would want to give a body part to be able to give a gift of that magnitude. You are a beautiful lady with a beautiful soul. May God bless you. 1
    4 points
  9. Hmm. I say stay in Denton. We keep saying the stadium would be beneficial to the city, so let's encourage visitors to stay here.
    4 points
  10. I'm glad we're worried about major traffic congestion. The opposite would be horrible.
    3 points
  11. I really hope this donations ends all the stupid "UNT should invest in education, not athletics" comments from the usual collection of morons (Including the NT daily editorial staff). I doubt this donation comes without the school investing in many areas, including the new stadium. $52 million in the 1st month of the stadium's completion. Not bad, not bad at all. Athletics benefits all colleges of UNT. It has never been more clear than it is today.
    3 points
  12. There is a great Days Inn down in Big D. In a beautiful neighborhood called South Oak Cliff. You can even pay by the week. I would recommend it for the team hotel if I were you.
    3 points
  13. Mean Green, My father and I will be driving up for the UH game. Any convenient hotel recommendations? Restaurants worth hitting up? BTW, major congrats on the new stadium/naming rights/donation. Looking forward to seeing it in person.
    2 points
  14. Another very good Mexican place is Migulitos up north in either Krum or Sanger
    2 points
  15. What was it like sitting right near Scottie Pippen watching the NBA Finals?
    2 points
  16. It was a good run of +'s for me but I fully realize the -1's I am about to invite. Fuzzy's is a chain... and not even a good one. The DFW area alone consists of 26 of them including the one in Sherman. The greater Houston area where our guests will be traveling from already has 3. In fact, the chain is as far north as Madison, WI and as far west as Tempe, AZ. If we want to recommend Fuzzy's, we may as well also include Taco Cabana, Olive Garden, and Dairy Queen as a Denton Must-See attraction. If we must recommend a chain with Dallas area headquarters, I would prefer we send them to Baja in Grapevine or Blue Goose in Highland Village for some quality mexican food. Our Fuzzy's is most likely supporting Fort Worth as much as it is Denton. We are currently suffering through a local mexican food drought in Denton which Austin based Chuy's is not helping. I truly wish that either guapo's or mazatlan could resolve this issue but constantly finding small bones in every meal and not providing a good margarita has ruined their chances. I'll stick with pushing Metzler's, Rooster's, and J&J's until a true mexican food contender can step up and be worthy of my recommendation. I just wish Casa Galaviz had more to offer than great breakfast burritos. Love Shack is delicious and I'm proud the so-called "tool" owner is from here, but we are the 3rd and I have a terrible feeling that place will be all over the state in no time.
    2 points
  17. Or, just show up and complain about it all long and loud and ruin the day for yourself and everyone around you! That would make a great impression on everyone I am sure....especially our guests from Houston. While none of US can control the traffic and parking challenges that will most definitely happen on the 10th, we can most definitely control our own reactions and attitudes. Staying calm and doing the best one can will certainly make a challenging situation better. Now, the athletic dept. and the campus police need to do their part as well, and get the info out to folks as soon as possible and in as many ways and as clearly as possible. Will everyone read the info and act accordingly...not on your life, so there will be challenges. Deal with them the best you can and ENJOY the day...you are making an impression on many other people as well. DON'T BE THAT GUY!
    2 points
  18. I've been to a few opening days at brand new stadiums in my lifetime. In all cases there was plenty of prior notification on traffic routes and parking. Come day of the event.....Total ClusterF. It's going to take an event or two for not only staff but fans to get used to the new setup.
    2 points
  19. I was at the athletic center on Sunday the 7th. While I was there I ran into Eric Capper. I asked him if some instructions WITH ILLUSTRATIONS about tailgating would be provided to the faithful in the near future. He said there would be something sent out shortly after the middle of the month. I asked him specifically about RV's and he said that he thought that the designated area for them would be on circle drive....which wasn't finished at the time of my conversation with him. After reviewing some of the (great) photos of the stadium, and it's surrounding area, the only circle drive that I could see was the one just over the hill from the Alumni pavilion. To me, that looks like the area where people would "drop off their stuff". The more I keep looking at those aerial photos, the more I keep thinking that the only way fans could tailgate without it becoming a HUGE MESS is to tailgate in that large parking lot that they are still finishing behind the dorms, AND use the old parking area of the old hotel. Actually the parking area of the old hotel would make for a fairly viable place for RV's. Anyway, I am anxiously awaiting the official word, WITH ILLUSTRATIONS, from the athletic department on this. Sorry KRAM1, but this is a situation where we need to hear from some retired Army Logistics officer, rather than Norman Vincent Peale.
    2 points
  20. What are the plans for parking, traffic flow, and pedestrain traffic for the Houston game. Where will fans be allowed to park across I-35. Will there be new signage and what plans are being made to keep incoming and outgoing traffic flowing at a good pace. Will there be any shuttles going across 35. Anyone who remembers the Baylor game remembers the traffic nightmares for a game with an attendance of this size. I know it's a good problem to have.
    2 points
  21. SMU is not ready to play the on even par with the majority of the Big XII schools and I find it highly unlikely that SMU would even be considered at this time...for one, their stadium is way too small. June Jones had a great quote that may even be applicable to UNT at the moment...when asked the question "How does SMU become a bigger player in conference realignment?" his response was...."Just keep winning". I think that pretty much hits it on the head. As to Rep. Branch...well, he is doing exactly what i would hope the Reps. in UNT's district are doing...what they think is best for the folks they represent. Why be upset with Branch for simply doing his job? One might look to the Reps. in UNT's area and ask, "what are you doing to support UNT in realignment?" I would love nothing better than to play SMU each and every year. It's the best natural rivalry possible at this time for UNT...and, I think, SMU. So, like some here, I definitely would not mind being in the same conference with SMU. Can you imagine the fun on game days, and the size of the crowd UNT would have when playing in Dallas? So very much fun, and think of the "chatter" that would take place leading up to the annual game. Be still my heart! GO MEAN GREEN!
    2 points
  22. Provided CUSA still has at least 2 Texas schools remaining after any realignment moves, in a choice between the Mountain West and CUSA which direction do you feel the administration favors, provided there is a realistic shot at both conferences?
    2 points
  23. Tailgate situation on game day. A lot of confusion about this topic currently.
    2 points
  24. Going along with these, is there any interest from (or has he reached out to) other teams regarding home-home series?
    2 points
  25. Now that the stadium project is completely done what's the next thing on the agenda? Will it be baseball, which has been said before or something else?
    2 points
  26. game day is going to be a clusterF no matter what...just get there early and enjoy...it will get smoother and better!
    2 points
  27. First off, thanks to Rick and Harry for this opportunity! Being hypothetical, if by chance, North Texas is given an invitation in the future to a BCS Conference for Football, is there a plan in place to increase the capacity of Apogee Stadium to meet with that certain Conference's Standards? And, what would that ideal capacity be around? Erik/NTSUEagle
    2 points
  28. I see so many of ya'll recommending Fuzzy's. Are we sure we want Houston fans clogging up our nice brand new clean toilets with VIOLENT WHITE QUESO DIARRHEA? We may as well send them to Pancho's if we want them eating mediocre chain restaurant food that is guaranteed to trigger montezuma's revenge. I hope they bring plenty of this...
    2 points
  29. Wouldn't this help NT move to CUSA? Even if Houston and SMU moved to a new Big 12, if CUSA brought in NT and La Tech, I would love to be in a conference with the likes of Tulsa, Marshall, UTEP, La Tech, Rice, So Miss... I don't know why we care if SMU gets into a better conference if it also helps us do the same.
    2 points
  30. Like the article I linked to above points out. The fans and alumni and AD's or commissioners don't stand in the way of this deal going down with their feeiings and hearts in mind. It's ESPN's contractual obligations with all conferences involved that stands in the way. And in knowing this, one has to ask. If ESPN knew they were so tied into said contracts that relied on conference balances why did they rock the Big 12 boat by agreeing to give ONE of those teams(texas) a contractual advantage over everyone else? Rick
    2 points
  31. And kudos to Dr. Rawlins as well. Remember when Coach Mac was being introduced, and Dr. Rawlins was in Thailand? I'm glad he was, and I think he has a lot to do with the new dollars rolling into the university. The man is gettin' it done.
    2 points
  32. In 1994, when Charn bought 10,000 single game tickets to help us in our need to average 17,000 per game....it was noted that he loved sports when he was at UNT. And that he especially loved UNT basketball.
    2 points
  33. Some of his best games were in that city! GMG
    2 points
  34. Anyone ever tried to stay at Cool Beans or Lucky Lou's?
    2 points
  35. Step 1 ... get embarrassed by being denied by the SEC ... check! Step 2 ... whatever
    2 points
  36. I think BYU would gladly give up their independence, if it meant inclusion into a BCS conference. Plus it would be hard for the Big 12 to tell them they can't broadcast their games on the BYU Network, when Texas has the Longhorn Network. The only thing I can see as a problem for BYU, is the fact they don't play on Sundays. Also, why would the Big 12 invite Houston, when they could grab TCU. I'd think TCU would rather be in the Big 12 over the Big East. These rumors just don't add up for me. I think the Big 12 will stay at 9, until another program (OU) leaves. After that, I think they would probably expand, but it could be 3 to 5 years before that happens.
    2 points
  37. The bookstore is selling Nike golf shirts for $60 and Nike T-shirts for $40. What the hell kind of margins are we talking about?
    1 point
  38. I completely agree. I fully believe that BYU will be in this league, if it still exists. That keeps them at 10, gets a big name in the conference, and would add a TV market and a national following. Texas and ESPN have BYU in their hip pocket--I am still convinced that both had major influence on BYU goin independent. As soon as they announced their indy status, Texas scheduled them for two games and ESPN immediately announced a TV deal with them. Both of those two parties need BYU and won't care a bit about the BYU network. SMU, UH, and every other school in Texas and Oklahoma will never get into the conference as long as the conference membership looks the way it does now.
    1 point
  39. So many logical fails in this thread. First is the idea that without mandate most people won't have insurance. Well, that's an obvious fail. Before this manufactured crisis, there were roughly 15% of the population without health insurance. That means that the other 85% of us either made the choice to put a priority on our healthcare and that of our families or have it arranged for us by some other means. 85% of us are covered, and we're going to change that coverage for 85% of us to make sure the other 15% (who aren't denied medical care today mind you, they simply don't have insurance) have some sort of coverage. I have to agree with Kram in insisting that the Auto Insurance discussion be dropped from consideration, as it is an absolute non-sequitor. I will also echo that many plans were put forward by folks other than the ultra left leaders who were in absolute control when this was passed, including a documented several step plan released by the then Republican leaders in congress. These ideas were never given any press time, or so much as a moment on the floor of congress, and the Press just echoed the Democrat talking point that "the Republicans don't have any ideas, they are the 'Party of No!'". ...and for me, in the end, even if I like lots of the ideas within, if a measure is put in place by an unconstitutional mandate, the ends CAN NOT justify the means, as liberty is eroded and firewalls further broken down. If they can ignore the 10th amendment and the interstate commerce clause, they can just as easily ignore the first amendment.
    1 point
  40. He could of saved 2 million by getting the naming rights for the Mean Green APOGEE Stadium. Just joking but great times at North Texas indeed!
    1 point
  41. Dr. Rawlins has set the bar for future UNT Presidents. The man gets the job done.
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. "Throwing money" is one thing... cutting hundreds of thousands of teachers and programs is entirely another. It's not a zero sum game, education.
    1 point
  45. And a very shrewd one at that. Scarcity creates demand. I heard several people walking around looking at the seats with tags on them and debating which ones to get and how they better do it right then. Very smart move on the AD marketing department's part.
    1 point
  46. He might be. You know, it is UNT and we've had that sort of reputation at times in the past.
    1 point
  47. I would encourage everyone to start the push with friends and other alumni to make sure we have a full stadium on September 10, and to make sure it is full of UNT fan. There should be only one spot of red, and that should be in the visitor ticket section. Start the push early, make sure they know they date when single game tickets go on sale (August 15) and try and make sure they get them early. Ya, it's real nice. Now, let's fill it up!
    1 point

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