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New Houston Cougar Stadium

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I don't know why someone posted anything about their stadium. Especially with so many apparent UH trolls lurking in their mom's basements waiting to slander UNT due to some odd infatuation with UNT. Seriously, who cares? Great for them, they will have a stadium. Hip hip hooray!

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I'll just leave this here....

I would cry tears of joy if they put a Frenchy's in the new stadium.

Frenchy's fried chicken? I was almost confused with Frenchie's Italian Restaurant down in Clear Lake, on NASA1. Best Italian food you'll ever put in your mouth!

Screw the stadium talk, let's eat!

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Not going to register for the UH board. I don't appreciate most of their posters on here, so I don't feel the need to return the favor.

Don't you always feel bad for the trash fanbases that can't get anything better than a scout.com board? Gross.

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Cougar Queen, does it make you feel good inside to know that both of your schools' fanbases hate you? I mean, there's a bit of annoyance at my opinions but it doesn't seem like everyone hates me. You, however. Not a lot of <3.

You just piss off everyone. Literally, every single football fan on every forum you've ever posted on dislikes you.


Edited by meangreener
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I love how even your own fanbase recognizes you are full of it Cougar. Both schools should be ashamed by your involvement with either campus.

Why should UH be ashamed? They can boast that they gave him a lifeline when he failed out of North Texas. That's true altruism.

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Cougar Queen, does it make you feel good inside to know that both of your schools' fanbases hate you? I mean, there's a bit of annoyance at my opinions but it doesn't seem like everyone hates me. You, however. Not a lot of <3.

You just piss off everyone. Literally, every single football fan on every forum you've ever posted on dislikes you.


If everybody hates me and I piss them off, then I must be a damn good troll.

Why should UH be ashamed? They can boast that they gave him a lifeline when he failed out of North Texas. That's true altruism.



Edited by Cougar King
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Yall both live in cardboard boxes eating the cheese stuck to the power conferences' pizza boxes. Get real.

You are new here, so maybe you should learn the lay of the land before you start behaving like you are somehow better than us.

Unless this is how you intend to behave here, in which case I would like to be the first to invite you to leave.

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Why should UH be ashamed? They can boast that they gave him a lifeline when he failed out of North Texas. That's true altruism.


You are giving him to much credit. He probably has not attended either school. My guess is graduated high school in the past and still sashays around his mom's neighborhood wearing his high school letter jacket he got in some obscure activity.

On the off chance he does attend any institution of higher education, even Devry, it's a pretty sad state of affairs for him to be solo on the internet on a Saturday night. No girls, no parties, no bars, no gatherings, no friends...

Just mom, meatloaf, and the martyrdom delusion that he is heroic like Stuart Smalley, saving his family by moving home.

I actually enjoy him in the way I enjoy watching a girl throw a ball, or goofy people run, or drunk people fails.

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