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Pack The Pit Campaign


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Here are the remaining Saturday games:

Sat, Jan 22 Arkansas State .... The Super Pit 7:00 p.m.

Sat, Feb 19 ULM * ............. The Super Pit 7:00 p.m.

Sat, Feb 26 Denver * .......... The Super Pit 7:00 p.m.

I want to go with a Saturday night as it should help maximize attendance, especially with alumni so there are no excuses about traffic! I think it be a great thing to have several attendance records to go with what is shaping to be an exciting season.

In my opinion, the final home game should be a PTP event anyway to recognize a special group of seniors that have done some great things the past 4 years. If I had my choice, we'd have the PTP event for Arkansas State.

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Here are the remaining Saturday games:

Sat, Jan 22 Arkansas State .... The Super Pit 7:00 p.m.

Sat, Feb 19 ULM * ............. The Super Pit 7:00 p.m.

Sat, Feb 26 Denver * .......... The Super Pit 7:00 p.m.

I want to go with a Saturday night as it should help maximize attendance, especially with alumni so there are no excuses about traffic! I think it be a great thing to have several attendance records to go with what is shaping to be an exciting season.

In my opinion, the final home game should be a PTP event anyway to recognize a special group of seniors that have done some great things the past 4 years. If I had my choice, we'd have the PTP event for Arkansas State.

There are two Saturdays in 2011 when we don't play. It seems like you'd play on every Saturday to get attendance up. Somebody needs to help the Sun Belt with scheduling.

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There are two Saturdays in 2011 when we don't play. It seems like you'd play on every Saturday to get attendance up. Somebody needs to help the Sun Belt with scheduling.

One of those Saturdays, January 8, was originally scheduled as our trip (again) to Diddle to play WKU...that game was moved to accommodate ESPN.

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I would think a Thursday would be better for a large student turnout. I know a lot of people, including myself, who only work weekends due to school. Also most students have nothing going on during the week but have weekend plans.

I am not as big for a weekday game as alumni have trouble making games due to traffic/work. We did get about 5000 or so North Texas fans for TT, but it would require a ton of work to double that effort. Part of the reason I want to start this now is so that people plan to make this event now and not something else.

Here are the Thursday games that are on our schedule:

Feb 03 Florida Atlantic ......... The Super Pit 7:00 p.m.

Feb 17 South Alabama ............ The Super Pit 7:00 p.m.

Edited by UNTFan23
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Why not do a "pack the pit" campaign for one date in January and one date in February? This would gives folks who cannot make one date an opportunity to make another... and would hopefully increase attendance overall on both dates.

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And, why do folks on GMG.com need to be coming up with this sort of idea? You would think the AD's crack promo staff would already have something like this in the works. Oh, I forgot...but, let me say this also, I am not at all certain there is not a "Pack the Pit" night being developed within the athletic department. I am just a bit skeptical having seen the lack of any such real effort in recent years to stage events surrounding basketball (and football) games. Obviously, I like this idea. In fact, i would be willing to put in some "man hours" to help it be as successful as possible. Count me in as "labor" if something like this gets going. Just PM me with what I can do to help and I'll do all I can to help make it happen.

It is possible to "Pack the Pit". And, it can be done....you can also PM drex as he has always had some great promo ideas centered around basketball games. In fact, rumor has it that he even discussed several with department personnel prior to the season. Don't know what came of that or what plans are developing, but drex made the effort.


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I told RV this at a recent golf tournament, let this be known I was quite intoxicated so I dont know if he understood all of what i was saying

You need to go out and give some seats away to professors, people in the area, and alumni. If the seats arent being used then why does it matter. Its simple economics/business why do companies give away bogo and in restaurants they have an invite only for a new opening, To try it out to see if you enjoyed your experience and come back. Any was if you go to a sporting event you are somewhere in the range of 75% going to buy something to eat or drink. Theres your revenue/profit for the event even though its not in the ticket sales, your still earning something rather than nothing. Then to top it all off they just might come back because they enjoyed it. UNT has nothing to lose and all to gain

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You need to go out and give some seats away to professors, people in the area, and alumni. If the seats arent being used then why does it matter. Its simple economics/business why do companies give away bogo and in restaurants they have an invite only for a new opening, To try it out to see if you enjoyed your experience and come back.

It is not the cost of admission that is keeping people from going to games. Students get in free and we have maybe 5% of the student population show-up. The rest (professors, alumni, others) can easily afford an $8 ticket. Going to a game requires a 3 - 4 hour commitment depending on where you live in the area. We have to compete against the other things that people have going on in their lives (studying, jobs, family, watching Dancing with the Stars, etc). An $8 ticket is nothing compared to 3 - 4 hours of someone's time. We have to convince people to invest their time into watching and supporting this team. I think the product is there, we just need to do a better job at promoting it. If you asked 100 students/Denton residents "How is the UNT basketball team doing this year", how many do you think could answer this question?

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I told RV this at a recent golf tournament, let this be known I was quite intoxicated so I dont know if he understood all of what i was saying

You need to go out and give some seats away to professors, people in the area, and alumni. If the seats arent being used then why does it matter. Its simple economics/business why do companies give away bogo and in restaurants they have an invite only for a new opening, To try it out to see if you enjoyed your experience and come back. Any was if you go to a sporting event you are somewhere in the range of 75% going to buy something to eat or drink. Theres your revenue/profit for the event even though its not in the ticket sales, your still earning something rather than nothing. Then to top it all off they just might come back because they enjoyed it. UNT has nothing to lose and all to gain

So you are professor and want free seats, right? Just kidding. I'd be down for a 2 for 1 deal. Or, an organized UNT Staff (professors, admins, etc., etc.) and family night at the Pit where deeply discounted tickets are provided for seating in a special UNT staff section. The section could be recognized during the game and perhaps a drawing or two for some athletic related "stuff" for the section.

Good idea....now, where is the UNT promotions staff on this one? Of course, my only concern would be that 5-6 people show up! There has been a significant lack of support from UNT staff for UNT athletics except from a very loyal and very dedicated group of UNT staffers you see at most every game, who hold season tickets and who donate to the program and to other areas at UNT. While there numbers may be small given the size of the UNT staff in total, they are loyal and they are big time supporters. For this group I am greatly thankful. You know who you are! Well done!

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The professors may enjoy the free ticket idea. They are not as anti-athletics as some people think. When I was an undergrad last year in the College of Business, I had two or three professors talk up UNT athletics and try and get people excited. I have seen all of those professors at UNT athletics. Some of the deans even come out to the basketball games. For the Grambling game, I know for sure the dean of the Honors College, and the Asssistant Dean of the College of Business were there. At the very least its a start to have people high up in the academia portion of UNT out at the events and supporting Athletics. That group is likely going to be the most difficult to convince to care. Giving away free tickets may be just the thing to sway those on the fence to come out to a game.

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I am a tutor in one of the business labs on campus. So i figured I would ask everyone that came in last Thursday if they knew when the next home game for basketball was.

1 person knew when we played next. Most had no idea. Maybe 10% had been to a game at all this season.

The problem is that UNT does a HORRIBLE job in marketing the team to the students. The basketball banner style schedules are only avaliable from the Athletic Department. Why aren't they plastered all over the campus? There should be no reason that every student should not be aware of upcoming home games. I know there are several UNT groups that could be used by the AD to post signage and flyer's but they are never utilized. Just walk across campus the the day of or the day before a game you will notice the lack of anything pushing the upcoming game.


You are singing my song! I agree 100% that there needs to be a much better effort to get students to attend games at UNT. Some folks say that it isn't necessary to "market" to students, but I would counter that student game attendance says otherwise. Some would say it's because UNT does not have a big enough promotions and/or marketing staff. To that I would counter that whatever the size effort would be made if it were given any level of priority. If promotions and marketing were not related to attendance then I ask why the Dallas Mavericks and Dallas Cowboys continue to market and promote...as well as the Texas Rangers, the Dallas Stars (not working so well for them at the moment it seems) and FC Dallas. UNT is asking a lot from the community, its alums, its fans and its students to know all they need to know about game dates, times, etc. Small staffing levels does not mean they should totally ignore efforts to raise attendance. , for one, have seen little to no effort made this season so far. Please correct me if I am wrong...and if you think a DISD kids day is all that needs to be done.

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I like the "Pack the Pit" idea. I would also love an annual White Out game. Maybe the two can be done in conjunction

I tried to get a white out going a couple years ago through RHA (Residence Hall Association), which is part UNT housing. I wanted to get athletics on board to help out so I contacted them. I was told by Paul Batchelder, the UNT Associate AD for Marketing, that every game was a "green out" but "thanks for my creativity and passion." (and yes, he meant it condescendingly)

Batchelder then contacted the head of RHA and I was told to stop my efforts, even though RHA had previously approved it.

I would love a white out, but some inside the Athletic Department are not fond of it....

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I tried to get a white out going a couple years ago through RHA (Residence Hall Association), which is part UNT housing. I wanted to get athletics on board to help out so I contacted them. I was told by Paul Batchelder, the UNT Associate AD for Marketing, that every game was a "green out" but "thanks for my creativity and passion." (and yes, he meant it condescendingly)

Batchelder then contacted the head of RHA and I was told to stop my efforts, even though RHA had previously approved it.

I would love a white out, but some inside the Athletic Department are not fond of it....

Hmmmmmmmmmm...that's the kind of action and thinking from the AD's staff that keeps UNT "thinking small time" when it is so very much trying to think BIG TIME. I have had several of those sort of responses from athletics department personnel in "my time", but found that the best thing to do sometimes is to go right to RV. I am not saying to bombard RV with every little idea all the time. The man is way too busy to respond to the multitude of people who think they have a "better idea" than he as to how to run his dept., but I have found that you can talk with him at games, at events, etc. and "plant the seed" for a later follow-up. This way the idea is coming from the AD down to his staff. They do seem to respond much faster and more positively that way.

It is definitely tough being in a job where "everyone" knows your job "better" than you do, and I can imagine all the suggestions do get tiring. However, if the suggestions were kept in perspective and staff realized they were coming from folks who just want the very best for UNT and the athletic program, a more "customer friendly" response should be more of the norm going forward.

Not picking on any particular staff member, just suggesting that they remember who their clients are and to at least respond accordingly. They never know when that "little guy" they are ignoring might just be the next big time donor.

Case in point here at my office. We had a guy who worked with us part-time several years ago. Good guy, did a great job for us, but was a young part-timer. He went on to a full-time position somewhere several years ago. We recently had an annual dinner with Newt Gingrich as our speaker. It was a fundraiser so were were selling tables ans tickets. Table sponsorships went from $2500 to $10,000 each.

So, the ex-part-timer sees the announcement, calls and says he wants to help and attend the event. We say great, give him the details, send him the sponsorship flyer, etc., etc. He buys a $10,000.00 table sponsorship! You just never know...and neither do the staffers in the Athletic dept.

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I tried to get a white out going a couple years ago through RHA (Residence Hall Association), which is part UNT housing. I wanted to get athletics on board to help out so I contacted them. I was told by Paul Batchelder, the UNT Associate AD for Marketing, that every game was a "green out" but "thanks for my creativity and passion." (and yes, he meant it condescendingly)

Batchelder then contacted the head of RHA and I was told to stop my efforts, even though RHA had previously approved it.

I would love a white out, but some inside the Athletic Department are not fond of it....

To have a "Green Out" for the SuperPit would require more than just the regular email blast that goes out for all games. Contacting the NT Daily would get the word out to the student population and using the alumni association to assist to get word out to the alumni in addition to working with the DRC to get a story run on the promotion to try to get the Denton population aware of the event.

My problem with using green is that the seats in the SP are also green, therefore you don't get a full affect of how many people are at the game. That and there are still 50 shades of green that are still floating around. White always has been/always will be the same for us, plus we don't have 50 shades of white out there like we do green.

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I tried to get a white out going a couple years ago through RHA (Residence Hall Association), which is part UNT housing. I wanted to get athletics on board to help out so I contacted them. I was told by Paul Batchelder, the UNT Associate AD for Marketing, that every game was a "green out" but "thanks for my creativity and passion." (and yes, he meant it condescendingly)

Batchelder then contacted the head of RHA and I was told to stop my efforts, even though RHA had previously approved it.

I would love a white out, but some inside the Athletic Department are not fond of it....

I'm acting astonished.

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