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Colt Mccoy


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Don't know about being the better team with McCoy , but I too didn't see the reason for that last TD run with less than a minute left.

Because Saban's an a-hole. Yes, the game would have been played differently had McCoy not been hurt. Hell, the game would have been played differently if Gilbert hadn't thrown that pick six to end the first half. Texas wins this game if McCoy was healthy and played the entire game...but you have to play with the cards you are dealt.

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Because Saban's an a-hole. Yes, the game would have been played differently had McCoy not been hurt. Hell, the game would have been played differently if Gilbert hadn't thrown that pick six to end the first half. Texas wins this game if McCoy was healthy and played the entire game...but you have to play with the cards you are dealt.

We can both play that game. Ingram got hurt and was out pretty much the entire second half. If he'd been in they would have won by 30.

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We can both play that game. Ingram got hurt and was out pretty much the entire second half. If he'd been in they would have won by 30.

oooooo.......nobody mentioned that important factor didn't play for a half.....texas apologists on the mean green board????

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I still don't see it. Texas might've won, but I also don't think it's some sort of sure thing. Alabama didn't really TRY to challenge Texas's defense because they didn't feel like they had to. I remember near the end of the 3rd quarter(or was it even in the 4th?) - Bama had 5 total passes. That's it.

We don't know how Texas would've responded if Bama had opened up the playbook

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Say hello to sports jealousy and inferiority.

Well... I somewhat wanted UT to win.. most especially after the freshmen qb went in. I just find him (McCoy) douchey, especially after pretending that he didn't make a mistake at the end of the Nebraska game. Gotta hand it to the Texas O-Line. They played lights out in protecting the freshmen QB.

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Well... I somewhat wanted UT to win.. most especially after the freshmen qb went in. I just find him (McCoy) douchey, especially after pretending that he didn't make a mistake at the end of the Nebraska game. Gotta hand it to the Texas O-Line. They played lights out in protecting the freshmen QB.

Texas was my "first love" and I spent a year there before transferring to UNT, so I'll always cheer for them as long as they're not playing us. Yeah, McCoy's post-game Nebraska comments were pretty silly and I think may have even contributed to his 3rd place Heisman finish - how can a senior QB not know that the clock doesn't stop until the the ball hits the ground?? I thought Texas played well on defense and, yes, the O-line did do a great job protecting the QB. For a true Freshman, I thought Gilbert played well once he got the nervousness out. There were several dropped passes that should have been caught but talk about a LOT of pressure for a true Freshman QB to have placed squarely on his shoulders...he was probably expecting to relax on the sideline and take in the atmosphere, rather than having to play nearly the entire game.

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Well... I somewhat wanted UT to win.. most especially after the freshmen qb went in. I just find him (McCoy) douchey, especially after pretending that he didn't make a mistake at the end of the Nebraska game. Gotta hand it to the Texas O-Line. They played lights out in protecting the freshmen QB.

really? i thought the way he handled himself tonight was the best i've seen any christian athelete handle any situation close to his. first of all, you rarely hear praise to God after a losing effort...especially after he was hurt after the first posession of the game. i don't like florida, but i think tebow, bradford (i hate ou more than any team on the planet) and mccoy are some of the best role models this current generation has had in the last two decades (that's as far back as i can remember). to call him "douchey" is letting your ut hate get the best of you.

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Great game.

I don't understand all of the hate for UT. From my experience Texas Tech alum/fans are the worst.


And not just about their sports teams, but their school as a whole. They really think they're miles ahead of UNT academically since they're in the Big XII.

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Really, Tech fans the worst? Ive been around alot of ahole fans, but there is only one fan from one school who Ive seen actually assault a fan from another school. It wasnt a Tech fan.

I actually like McCoy and Tebow. I have nothing against either of them and I think we should have more athletes like them. But the media's kneepad coverage of them is sickening.

So, Mccoy's injury cost tu the championship? It wasnt McCoy who threw the pics (this week), It wasnt McCoy who dropped all of those passes, It wasnt McCoy who let the screen pass bounce off his hands and into Bama's hands, it wasnt McCoy who allowed the blindside sack and fumble on thier own 5. It wasnt McCoy who couldnt stop Ingram. Bama's best player was out for a good portion of the 2nd half, and still tu couldnt tie or take the lead. If the loss of one player costs your chances for a title, then you are not a championship TEAM. If one player earns a championship, then why didnt we win the title when we had the best rushers in the nation? And if texas is so mighty, then it shouldnt matter that a starter gets hurt. If they are so superior, then the backups should be just as capable.

But, by all means, lets bitch that Colt's injury cost tu the title. By that argument, losing Riley to so many injuries cost us the title as well.

Texas got exposed tonight for the lack of a championship team they really are, and that they are indeed a mediocre team that won a below average BcS conference this year.

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C'mon Rudy - they're much, much better than mediocre. And I HATE the Horns.

And while I never saw a Tech fan assault anyone, I did see one spit on a NT supporters car when we played them in Lubbock. Classy fans those Raiders.

Edited by CMJ
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Alabama probably stepped off the gas too early because they thought their defense could hold an 18 point lead rather easily and they didn't want to take chances.

Alabama lost Ingram for most of the second half and that hurt their ability to get a score that would ice the game.

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Texas got exposed tonight for the lack of a championship team they really are, and that they are indeed a mediocre team that won a below average BcS conference this year.

Texas didn't get exposed at all. Their defense played incredible during the second and third quarters when the offense was completely hopeless, and they fought back to 24-21 and had the ball with three minutes left for a go-ahead drive. All with a freshman quarterback who had never thrown a touchdown pass in college before this game. Considering how good Alabama was, I don't think the Horns have anything to be ashamed of. Take away that fluke shovel pass pick 6 and it's an entirely different ballgame.

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If you dont like Saban and think he's classless because he went for a td late in the game...then you are way off the mark. He may be classless...I dont know. But it has nothing to do with that call. If Bama chooses to kick a FG and Texas runs back the next kickoff for a TD........there'd be hell to pay. Because You and I both know texas would try the onside kick again. If THAT was also successful, it is entirely conceivable Texas could pull it out and win in final seconds...and we also know Texas has the character and the LUCK (nebraska game) to get it done. So "Hell to the NO" on that !!! Being undefeated and a nat'l championship just a few yards away....Saban would have been linched by his own players to let that happen.

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Anyone who thinks that game would not have been "different" if McCoy had stayed in the game is just not thinking straight. Not saying Texas would have won, because we will never know, but the game plan would not have been "watered down", it's a good chance that shovel pass interception would not have happened and I am thinking that last QB hit and fumble probably would not have happened. The Texas D-line and O-lines were doing a great job as were the Texas D-backs. I just wonder how much "spirit" was drained when McCoy went down from the whole team. Will never know, and hats off to Alabama for the win, but man what a "nothing" game plan they had...Are they at all confident in McElroy??? Seems they dummied down the game plan for him as Texas did after McCoy left, but McElroy is Alabama's starter! Couldn't believe the Alabama attack...hey, it did win the game, so boring can certainly win.

I was most impressed with McCoy's comments after the game. He gave credit to Alabama for the win and then stood there and composed himself before never a whine for not being in the game...great description of his arm/shoulder injury as well. Ingram's comments after the game, while a bit more self-centered, were also very good. Two pretty good kids it seems to me. I also give the Texas coaching staff from Mack Brown down credit for not trying to play McCoy. Good for them even when they probably knew the game was all but lost at that point due to the inexperience of Gilbert and him being thrust into the "big game". He didn't get a lot of reps during the season in games, so this was a real baptism under fire for him. Looks like Texas will have a good replacement for McCoy in Gilbert.

I was NOT impressed by Saban going in for that final TD. No need for that. Alabama had the game won and could have easily run the clock out. A bit of difference reflected here between Texas and Alabama.

I am not a Texas fan, I am a Mean Green and Okie State fan, but, I too, wonder why all the Texas hate flows from this board? I wonder what Texas has ever done to our more prominent Texas haters on this board. I've been to UNT games in Austin and I've been to OSU games in Austin and in Stillwater and I do not find the Texas fans any different than any others toward the opposing team and, in fact, my experience has been just the opposite. UT fans have always treated me very well. I see no reason to "hate" a team just because they have a winning tradition and may have "whacked your team" around a bit on the gridiron. But, if that's your thing, no problem. Hate away! But, I am pretty sure the Texas fans could drag up some lame reason for disliking UNT as well, if UNT meant that much to them. My hope is that someday UNT will mean that much to UT.

GO MEAN GREEN. Congrats to Alabama on the win and congrats to McCoy and Mack Brown and staff for the class they showed. Saban and staff might want to re-think how he played out the last few minuets of the game.

Great thing about college football...there is always next year, and as a member of the proud Mean Green Nation, I know very well how to look forward to "next year"! GO MEAN GREEN.

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If you dont like Saban and think he's classless because he went for a td late in the game...then you are way off the mark. He may be classless...I dont know. But it has nothing to do with that call. If Bama chooses to kick a FG and Texas runs back the next kickoff for a TD........there'd be hell to pay. Because You and I both know texas would try the onside kick again. If THAT was also successful, it is entirely conceivable Texas could pull it out and win in final seconds...and we also know Texas has the character and the LUCK (nebraska game) to get it done. So "Hell to the NO" on that !!! Being undefeated and a nat'l championship just a few yards away....Saban would have been linched by his own players to let that happen.

Bama was up by 10 with 1:41 on the clock and had a first and goal on the Texas 5. UT had two timeouts. If Saban tells the team to take a knee and Brown does not use a timeout, Saban could take a knee two more times to end the game. If Brown uses a timeout, Saban could then call a running play without anyone complaining he ran up the score.

If Bama fumbled the ball with 1:41 left, Saban could have left Texas a slim chance to win. Taking a knee was the smart -- and sportsmanlike -- thing to do.

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I am not a Texas fan, I am a Mean Green and Okie State fan, but, I too, wonder why all the Texas hate flows from this board? I wonder what Texas has ever done to our more prominent Texas haters on this board.

Texas helped keep UNT out of the SWC back in the day. It got the benefit of a ridiculous call in the '80s that helped the Horns avoid the embarrassment of losing to us back in our I-AA days. It also, along with the other big Texas programs, uses its juice in the Texas Legislature to keep athletic programs at schools like UNT from getting too big. Finally, it attracts UNT students and alumni who should be rooting for their own school first and foremost.

All of those are reasons why UT doesn't get much love here. No matter how nice their fans might be when we go down there for a body bag game.

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Texas helped keep UNT out of the SWC back in the day. It got the benefit of a ridiculous call in the '80s that helped the Horns avoid the embarrassment of losing to us back in our I-AA days. It also, along with the other big Texas programs, uses its juice in the Texas Legislature to keep athletic programs at schools like UNT from getting too big. Finally, it attracts UNT students and alumni who should be rooting for their own school first and foremost.

All of those are reasons why UT doesn't get much love here. No matter how nice their fans might be when we go down there for a body bag game.

Smacks of a bunch of speculation to me. I was at that game you refer to and I agree, UNT got hosed...but, so did my Okie State boys in the Cotton Bowl. Refs make bad calls all the time. Instant replay would have "fixed" that call against UNT, but, alas, no replay at that time. I also recall many many calls in my time of support for UNT that went UNT's way in some critical games. Do you think there was some "deep seeded reason" for those "bad" calls as well? Ref make a bad call, so one "hates" UT for eternity! Nice reason. Texas was not alone in the "conspiracy" theory regarding UNT's lack of an invitation to join the old SWC. And, as far as Texas using it's "juice" to keep poor little ole UNT (and others) down, seems to me that UNT has recently been making some mighty good progress all around with an expanding campus and enrollment, new stadium, business building, etc., etc., law school, med school, engineering school, UNT at Dallas, etc., etc. If that's using "juices" to keep UNT down, I would say PLEASE keep the "juices" flowing.

I do understand where you are coming from, but the "hate" expressed here for UT is a far cry from not getting "much love here". UT will never get "love" from me as I am not a UT fan, but it seems a bit inane to use up energy in hating a school you never attended and who may or may not have a better athletic record. But, if one wants to "hate", go for it...just save all your love for the Mean Green!

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C'mon Rudy - they're much, much better than mediocre. And I HATE the Horns.

And while I never saw a Tech fan assault anyone, I did see one spit on a NT supporters car when we played them in Lubbock. Classy fans those Raiders.

Tech fans have developed that identity over the years because nobody east of Abilene gives them credit (especially Aggies and Horns).

It reminds me of the joke,

If you need a vet, call an Aggie

If you need a doctor, call a Bear

If you need a lawyer, call a Longhorn

If you need a pizza delivered in 30 minutes or less, call a Red Raider.

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I didn't care one way or the other how the game would turn out. I even predicted that 'Bama would win by 21 pts. (a stretch, I know). I do believe that Texas played with one arm tied behind their backs. You just can't throw a frosh QB into a game of this magnitude and not have mistakes. Say four interceptions by 'Bama. Gilbert played a whale of a ballgame considering the circumstances; he and Texas should hold their heads high. With McCoy playing the entire game, who knows what the outcome may have been. Personally, I think 'Bama's win was tainted somewhat because of McCoy being out. But..........'Bama played a great game. Good ole smash mouth football. Arm tackle Ingram? I couldn't believe how many missed "arm tackles" Texas defenders made last night.

Speaking of McCoy, I really thought he was all class during his post-game interview after the game. Congratulated 'Bama on two occasions, and accepted no excuses for the loss. He's a good kid.

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Tech fans have developed that identity over the years because nobody east of Abilene gives them credit (especially Aggies and Horns).

It reminds me of the joke,

If you need a vet, call an Aggie

If you need a doctor, call a Bear

If you need a lawyer, call a Longhorn

If you need a pizza delivered in 30 minutes or less, call a Red Raider.

And if 'ya need your lawn mowed, call a Lumberjack.

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