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Obama To Speak To School Kids

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Regardless of politics and party affiliation, the President of the United States of America should, at least, always be welcome in the history and social studies classroom, if not all of them...

If nothing else, it teaches critical thinking skills and opening debate on topics that affect Junior High and High School students.

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I dont know if its confirmed, but it was reported by several media outlets. Of course, obamas people are denying it.

Some states have laws about what kids can watch on tv in the classroom. If it is on TV, there has to be a lesson plan. His administration is trying to make it easy on the teachers and schools but they can write their own lesson plans if they want.

I have seen portions of the available lesson plans (schools are not required to use them) - and they have NOTHING to do with politics at all. I try to stay out of these political discussions but these town hall screamers that are now screaming about the President encouraging kids to stay in school and go to college are just plain insane. He has a target demographic, I would imagine - the inner city schools where kids think that studying is lame and books are for losers. Those kids need school more than anything - talk until you drop Obama and get them to write how they are going to be better citizens - PLEASE!

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My roommate was making margaritas the other day and they kept ending up soupy. I was like, you have to put in more ice. Ice is the key to getting an even, consistent blend throughout. Having a good blender also helps.

Go Mean Green!

More Ice is very important the problem is that ice waters down the flavor, alc content etc. The trick is to put your tequila in the coldest part of your freezer and pur only liquor that is -78 degrees into the blender. That will help the ice to maintain consistency, at least for a few minutes.

I guess after the second one it doesnt really matter anyway though. Besides margaritas on the rocks are better anyway

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Text of the terrifying speech, which showcases Obama's evil plan to destroy America from the inside out, can be found here. Maybe that helps in this thread's "debate".

And yes, having cold tequila always helps, though we don't ever have a problem with the ice watering down the alcohol content with me, Captain Heavyhand, making the pours.

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Text of the terrifying speech, which showcases Obama's evil plan to destroy America from the inside out, can be found here. Maybe that helps in this thread's "debate".

And yes, having cold tequila always helps, though we don't ever have a problem with the ice watering down the alcohol content with me, Captain Heavyhand, making the pours.

That is chilling it is so evil. And did you see how he used the lord's name? He thanked God and not Jesus - he must be a Pagan. Let's march and burn down the schools! This communist must be stopped! He is trying to brainwash children into going to college and studying! When will the madness end???

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The speech was released in direct response to the uproar, if they would have released the speech when they announced their intentions, there wouldn't have been an uproar a whimper maybe but nothing near to the volume of what we have heard. Contrary to the statements here, many worry about this administrations true intentions since many statements have been veiled from the beginning. Another mistep by this administration and could have been avoided by the transparency they have preached which has turned out to be hogwash. Without knowing what was to be said I wouldn't have been comfortable with allowing impressionable youth to be fed the company line that is being forced down the countries throat. If the administration had wanted to have a discourse with say Senior High students I would have been fine but that was not the only demographic this speech was being broadcast. You might want to take a look at the Muslim world and see what happens when students from a very young age are fed a company line through their educational systems.

Edited by UNTnewbie
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I really don't know if it was the speech itself, that got some folks so fired up...but rather the "study guide" distributed by Obama's folks suggesting ways the students could "help" the president..."help" in this case being the operative word that some folks took to mean "help" him move his agenda forward.

The "study guides" have been pulled...or so I hear...if so, I favor allowing the President of the United states the opportunity to speak directly to our students. It is a very good civics lesson should our teachers latch on to it. Great "entry" to the study of how the house and senate work, the relationship to the President/White House, etc., etc. Three branches of governament and all that. I dare say that most folks, including adults, really have very little knowledge of how the house and senate really work. The committee process can be very confusing and it certainly does not work the same way in both the house and senate. Anyway, I see this as a great learning opportunity. Like the guy and his politics or not...and it is not a secret that I do not care for the man's politics AT ALL...but he is the President of the United States. Still the greatest nation on the face of the earth.

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You might want to take a look at the Muslim world and see what happens when students from a very young age are fed a company line through their educational systems.

Um, it's been my experience growing up that school has always been a channel of ideological communication from the government to the young no matter who's in office. Start with the daily recitation of the pledge in the morning, progress to the government approved curriculum in all subject, but especially history and social studies, and move on to the government telling kids what to eat. These things have been part of school since at least the time I was a child, and I suspect earlier. I was never, ever taught in school to question the government. I was only taught to respect, admire, and love the government. I was taught to hate Qudaffi, Castro, the USSR, Mao, Kim, and Noriega without ever really being told who they were. I was taught that Ollie North and Osama bin Laden were heroes to America without ever being told why (yes, THAT Osama bin Laden). I happily spent my money on the ever popular t-shirt that read, "Kill a commie for your mommy." So, in conclusion, you don't really have to look at the Muslim world to see what happens when students from a very young age are fed a company line through their educational systems. You merely have to look in your own backyard.

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Both things are entirely harmless, or at least, no more harmful than any other public address we've had. Ugh.

That said, I agree with OGS here, that we do our own share of feeding here in the US. But it's nowhere near as bad as what you'll find in the Muslim world, especially in the far less educated and less technologically advanced parts.

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Guest JohnDenver

The "help" the president is seeking, is helping him increase the pathetic graduation rate for American schools. He wanted to have them put it down in writing how they can accomplish the goal or graduating.

Really, what is so hard to understand? You really think he would hold your kids hostage, pound in some socialist message and write him letters how they are going to convert their parents on his behalf?

The previous administration was *soooo* good at inducing fear in the public, that everything is a fire drill now. We are so afraid of the harm that may come, or how change will make us less safe. Enough is enough. If the president tried to have a "Fireside chat" to ease the fears of Americans, it would be a controversy. It absolutely makes no sense.

He is the president. He wants to kick off the school year right and encourage kids to do the same.

We need a reality check. And we need it soon.

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The "help" the president is seeking, is helping him increase the pathetic graduation rate for American schools. He wanted to have them put it down in writing how they can accomplish the goal or graduating.

Really, what is so hard to understand? You really think he would hold your kids hostage, pound in some socialist message and write him letters how they are going to convert their parents on his behalf?

The previous administration was *soooo* good at inducing fear in the public, that everything is a fire drill now. We are so afraid of the harm that may come, or how change will make us less safe. Enough is enough. If the president tried to have a "Fireside chat" to ease the fears of Americans, it would be a controversy. It absolutely makes no sense.

He is the president. He wants to kick off the school year right and encourage kids to do the same.

We need a reality check. And we need it soon.


Oh I forgot, the Republicans have got God's ear, not the Democrats.

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then the speech should be aimed at the kids parents and the parents should be the ones to do an assignment.

Except that in the case of some target demographics, mom and dad are either without the time or discipline to encourage their kids to attain an education and that it may be up the child him/herself to determine their own fate in later years. Any motivation is good motivation when it comes to getting someone to pursue education and to stick with it as they grow up.

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then the speech should be aimed at the kids parents and the parents should be the ones to do an assignment.

Obviously you have never taught school. If only more parents were involved. This speech is more for the kids that do not have a positive influence in their lives - the ones that get ridiculed when they study because it isn't "cool"...

JD is damn skippy correct - people need to really stop knee jerking at every little thing - I keep hearing people joke around that Obama is going to be like Hitler. It started off as a joke but the crazies are really starting to believe it (yes, there are crazies on both sides).

I just don't get the dictator stuff - Obama is like the opposite of that. In fact, he hasn't been pushing his agenda hard enough in my opinion. He is risking a Jimmy Carter presidency if he doesn't get tougher... He didn't even propose his own health care plan - he put it into the hands of our incompetent congress so that it would be "bipartisan." I think that this country has been fed so many scare tactics with bogus "facts" to "back" them up that people don't know who to believe. But this is ridiculous. Don't you think that if Obama was brainwashing your children - their teacher would simply turn off the TV?

Ok - I just broke my rule of not getting into this board's arguements but as a former inner-city school teacher that is still in the education business - MANY kids have very little encouragement from parents and relatives. I can't tell you how helpful this would have been - to have the President ask the students to take their education seriously and strive for college. Why would you shelter your kid from that? You are doing your child a disservice.

My 6th graders used to look me right in the face and tell me that college was only for rich people and they would go only if they could play basketball there. THAT is what we are up against - THAT is the "future" of this country... The U.S. is behind in education - China (those commies) and Japan and just about all of Europe are KICKING OUR HINEYS when it comes to educating children with the basics of science and math - which in turn is training future doctors, scientists, and physicists of this world. We need to put education first and "No child left behind" isn't going to do it.

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Guest JohnDenver

then the speech should be aimed at the kids parents and the parents should be the ones to do an assignment.

In the second stimulus package, there were funds to setup and agency to help over stressed parents and out of control kids, to teach parenting methods, study skills, etc.. to help this.

So that would have been giving parents an assignment. Of course, that was compared to Nazi's and government telling all parents how to raise their kids.

And yes, parents do get the speeches, even from Bill Cosby. The children need encouragement as well. They should be told by highest elected official to mind their parents and make their parents job easier. Then graduate and raise their kids.

You know all of this though. You just want to be fearful?l

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In the second stimulus package, there were funds to setup and agency to help over stressed parents and out of control kids, to teach parenting methods, study skills, etc.. to help this.

So that would have been giving parents an assignment. Of course, that was compared to Nazi's and government telling all parents how to raise their kids.

And yes, parents do get the speeches, even from Bill Cosby. The children need encouragement as well. They should be told by highest elected official to mind their parents and make their parents job easier. Then graduate and raise their kids.

You know all of this though. You just want to be fearful?l

He just can't win - and unfortunately, we are in an area with closed minds. The ideas do not really matter - they are beinng delivered by a brown person with a funny name that all the weirdo hippies and black people elected. If the same exact ideas were being suggested by the GRAND old party - they would be ingenious. I have learned from this board that he is not some people's President (in their minds) - they are just riding this out until they can hopefully bow down to the great Mitt Romney or the wonderfully corrupt Sarah Palin in the next election - the Mormon or a complete idiot will transform the lives of these Southern Christians (how ironic, eh?) back to values that matter such as war, corruption, and "free" (i.e. unregulated) markets.

Kinda funny that Bush would speak monthly to the Iraqi people and monthly to the students over there - was he brainwashing them, too? This is a matter of trust. I trust that his message to children will be pure and have nothing to do with politics. The opponents are scared to see Obama be successful at anything... at least it seems.. even a speech to students that previous Presidents have always done. I feel like I am in the Twilight Zone sometimes.

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Please, please CBL, tell me that you haven't fallen victim to this dreaded alot affliction that has been sweeping through gomeangreen.com like a pandemic. Formerly affecting only playmaker and a few other alot disciples, this has spread like wildfire since the the Green Gang adopted it as their special gift to the literary challenged during each chat.

And for those of you that can only view this note as a high altitude contrail, A Lot is two separate words.

Of course...much like the 2 words "at least" this is a language peeve of mine and can perhaps only blame my excitement over blender talk on my err.

Thank you.

Also, what kind of blender do you use?

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