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The Japanese "water Cure" Was To "waterboarding"..

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What the Japanese did to their POWs made even the Nazis blanch. The Japanese routinely beheaded and bayoneted prisoners; forced prisoners to dig their own graves and then buried them alive; amputated prisoners' healthy arms and legs, one by one, for sport; force-fed prisoners dry rice and then filled their stomachs with water until their bowels exploded; and injected them with chemical weapons in order to observe, time and record their death throes before dumping them in mass graves.

While only 4 percent of British and American troops captured by German or Italian forces died in captivity, 27 percent of British and American POWs captured by the Japanese died in captivity. Japanese war crimes were so atrocious that even rape was treated as only a secondary war crime in the Tokyo trial, similar to what happens during an R. Kelly trial.


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You don't see anything wrong with this administration attacking it's own citizens for doing nothing but trying to protect you and I by labeling "waterboarding" as torture when it pales in comparison to true torture, that which the Japanese used on our own men?


We'll have some good news on the football front to chat about sometime; soon, I hope.

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New York Times: Interrogation Memos: Inquiry Suggests No Charges

The report by the Office of Professional Responsibility, an internal ethics unit within the Justice Department, is also likely to ask state bar associations to consider possible disciplinary action, which could include reprimands or even disbarment, for some of the lawyers involved in writing the legal opinions, the officials said.

So Obama and his henchmen couldn't find anything criminal to hang on these guys, so now they are to be punished and disbared, all for trying to keep you and I and our families.....safe?


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You don't see anything wrong with this administration attacking it's own citizens for doing nothing but trying to protect you and I by labeling "waterboarding" as torture when it pales in comparison to true torture, that which the Japanese used on our own men?


If you don't think that waterboarding is torture....I really don't know what to say to you Firehelmet Jesus. A more mild act of torture is not justified when more heinous crap happens in the world. Just because our citizens in the past had to endure unspeakable acts doesn't make it right for us to torture others (yes even our enemies). It disturbes me that you start a thread about this to sort of justify this ideal you seem to have. And by the way - what exactly do you know about 'true torture'? I suggest you do some research on waterboarding before you go discounting how terrible of an act that really is. You and the rest of the conservatives on this board can go out of your way to try and make the current administration look bad by nit-picking every f'ing thing that has been done in just over the past 4 months, but to try and make yourself feel better about what the administration that you probably voted for twice allowed to go on is pretty f'ing weak man.

There is a reason that our President had to go around the globe and try to mend fences. Some might call that 'weak' or 'shameful' but to be honest with you - half the country and the vast majority of the world view it as a welcome change in philosophy and foreign policy. Acting like an adult and making nice with our friends is much better that having the world alienate us and view us in a negative light. Try acting like a real d*ick at the office or the job-site and see how that works out for you.

I am sure you can craft some long-winded, blow-hard, GOP BS response to what I have posted...and you probably will, but to sit here and try to downplay waterboarding (which you so freely put in quotes to somehow suggest that it's a day at the beach) makes me wonder about you and those like you. But oh wait....you must love America more than me. Stupid.

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If you don't think that waterboarding is torture....I really don't know what to say to you Firehelmet Jesus. A more mild act of torture is not justified when more heinous crap happens in the world. Just because our citizens in the past had to endure unspeakable acts doesn't make it right for us to torture others (yes even our enemies). It disturbes me that you start a thread about this to sort of justify this ideal you seem to have. And by the way - what exactly do you know about 'true torture'? I suggest you do some research on waterboarding before you go discounting how terrible of an act that really is. You and the rest of the conservatives on this board can go out of your way to try and make the current administration look bad by nit-picking every f'ing thing that has been done in just over the past 4 months, but to try and make yourself feel better about what the administration that you probably voted for twice allowed to go on is pretty f'ing weak man.

There is a reason that our President had to go around the globe and try to mend fences. Some might call that 'weak' or 'shameful' but to be honest with you - half the country and the vast majority of the world view it as a welcome change in philosophy and foreign policy. Acting like an adult and making nice with our friends is much better that having the world alienate us and view us in a negative light. Try acting like a real d*ick at the office or the job-site and see how that works out for you.

I am sure you can craft some long-winded, blow-hard, GOP BS response to what I have posted...and you probably will, but to sit here and try to downplay waterboarding (which you so freely put in quotes to somehow suggest that it's a day at the beach) makes me wonder about you and those like you. But oh wait....you must love America more than me. Stupid.

I take that as a no?

I'll tell you what, anytime, anytime you'd like to call me anything above to my face, in person, you let me know. I'm here to help you with your problems and it's obvious you have more than your share, and as good as it must feel to hide behind the anonymous safety of your Keyboard and type it, it would truly feel so much more satisfying in person. So just let me know. And by the way, the waterboarding issue, I'd be happy to introduce to you two personal friends of mine who serve in the armed special forces(one will return from Afghanistan in June) who are part of a group of lliterally 1,000's of our own servicepeople who have been subjected to the same waterboarding treatment for training, and you can ask them yourself how horrible it is. I'd give a weeks pay to see the look on their faces as you try and explain how tortuous it is and how they must surely have negative repercussions as a result from it.


Edited by FirefightnRick
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I'll tell you what, anytime, anytime you'd like to call me anything above to my face, in person, you let me know. I'm here to help you with your problems and it's obvious you have more than your share, and as good as it must feel to hide behind the anonymous safety of your Keyboard and type it, it would truly feel so much more satisfying in person. So just let me know. And by the way, the waterboarding issue, I'd be happy to introduce to you two personal friends of mine who serve in the armed special forces(one will return from Afghanistan in June) who are part of a group of lliterally 1,000's of our own servicepeople who have been subjected to the same waterboarding treatment for training, and you can ask them yourself how horrible it is. I'd give a weeks pay to see the look on their faces as you try and explain how tortuous it is and how they must surely have negative repercussions as a result from it.


You are a real moron. But at least you have this inflated sense of mis-guided patriotism that gets you through the night. By the way here is some info on waterboarding....here

I also like how you sound like a middle-school bully who wants to pick a fight when the smart kid calls him out on his ignorance. I also like how you think that because we fundamentally disagree on something that I am the one with countless problems.

By the way-what is it like to go about your day to day life and act like you know everything no matter the topic??

Edited by Green Guy Bass
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You are a real moron. But at least you have this inflated sense of mis-guided patriotism that gets you through the night. By the way here is some info on waterboarding....here

I also like how you sound like a middle-school bully who wants to pick a fight when the smart kid calls him out on his ignorance. I also like how you think that because we fundamentally disagree on something that I am the one with countless problems.

I think you may be right GGB. I do love America more than you.

And while your crying those alligator tears for the "harsh" treatment of the terrorists, try and save one or two for those Americans who truly suffered that day.






Edited by FirefightnRick
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I think you may be right GGB. I do love America more than you.

And while your crying those aligator tears for the "harsh" treatment of the terrorists, try and save one or two for those Americans who truly suffered that day.






I like how you jump to that....classy....I will see you this fall when you act like a jackass in the stands.

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You don't see anything wrong with this administration attacking it's own citizens for doing nothing but trying to protect you and I by labeling "waterboarding" as torture when it pales in comparison to true torture, that which the Japanese used on our own men?


No he doesnt

Just because our citizens in the past had to endure unspeakable acts doesn't make it right for us to torture others

There is a reason that our President had to go around the globe and try to mend fences. Some might call that 'weak' or 'shameful' but to be honest with you - half the country and the vast majority of the world view it as a welcome change in philosophy and foreign policy. Acting like an adult and making nice with our friends is much better that having the world alienate us and view us in a negative light.

I would hardly call our retired servicemen and women, espcially the ones from WW2 simple "citizens"

Its not the "making nice" with our friends that is the problem. We shouldnt have to "make nice" with our friends to begin with. The problem is that our enemies will see it as weak and that will bite us in the ass. The act of appearing weak to our enemies is what is shameful.

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It is understandable that we all have our definitions of torture. For many torture is the physical maiming of a prisoner and for others it represents psychological inconvienances of terror. I tend to sway toward the physical maiming of prisoners as torture.

In this topsy turvey world of political correctness, plausable deniabilty and who knew what & when, extracting information to save civilians or military personel from eminent disaster is paramont to our safety.

Jack Bauer knows how to extract information in his sureal show and does it fast to save the nation year after year. Does the present day government take that approach? Is Jack Bauer really the modern day J. Edgar Hoover? Did the people during Hoover's watch feel comfortable that his G-Men were on the job protecting us from gangsters and the 5th Column? I do not remember reading anything, during this period, about public outcry of the methodology that Hoover was sanctioning to extract information to protect American citizenry. One might assess that our mindset was do what you have to do to protect us.

How times have changed. What was once right is now wrong. What was once wrong is now right.

Flip flop to today.

Would Hoover, et al., be as effective back then "if" he had to contend with the increasing stratification of laws and restrictions as we face today? no sir.

Can you imagine what our FBI and other state/local police agencies would have to sucome to leading up to and during WWII and beyond?

Currently, we have military officers being second guessed and brought to military trial by unsubstaciated evidence by Murtha. Four years later all personnel have been exhonerated but the federal government still wants to go after Lt. Col. Chessani for, supposedly, not reporting the incident correctly. Google this for more info.

Currently, the administration wants to place sanctions, of some sort, on the Bush attorneys who were involved with approving waterboarding.

If by some circumstance if some known terrorist (oops, can't call them that anymore it is either politically incorrect or we have to call them human (something) and we certainly do not want to insult anyone and make them feeeeeeel bad & hurt their feelings) had a wmd and the current administration knew about it and only had a limited time to act.....would you feel comfortable that they could act responsibly? How are they going to extract timely information? excuse me sir can you please tell me where you hid the bomb (oooops....cant call a bomb a bomb ....hummm.....can you tell me where you placed or misplaced the "expanding devise of radient energy?").

Our little world is more dangerous now than ever before:

1. North Korea blasting missles over Japan and playing around with nuke energy.

2. A-Q about 50 or so miles from the Pakistan capital with their nukes.

3. Iran with their nukes wanting to wipe Isreal off the map & whoever else.

4. A-Q all over the world wanting to impose Shariah Law on all of us. Great, I always wanted to have all the luxuries of the 9th century around my tent. I will miss toilet paper.

5. China flexing her muscles and building a navy to rival ours.

6. Chavez.....not too much of a threat to us but kinda unpredictable.

Personally, BHO, going around the world and appologizing for our past actions is a sign of weakness in the eyes of leaders.

I want this country safe at all cost and have it done anyway that keeps it that way......i guess that would be the Hoover way. It is the only way to send a message to those who want to harm us ..... beware. No more Guantanamo Guts......these guys 20 pounds overweight??? now that is torture.

Edited by eulesseagle
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You are a real moron. But at least you have this inflated sense of mis-guided patriotism that gets you through the night. By the way here is some info on waterboarding....here

I also like how you sound like a middle-school bully who wants to pick a fight when the smart kid calls him out on his ignorance. I also like how you think that because we fundamentally disagree on something that I am the one with countless problems.

By the way-what is it like to go about your day to day life and act like you know everything no matter the topic??

Real classy.

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If you don't think that waterboarding is torture....I really don't know what to say to you Firehelmet Jesus. A more mild act of torture is not justified when more heinous crap happens in the world. Just because our citizens in the past had to endure unspeakable acts doesn't make it right for us to torture others (yes even our enemies). It disturbes me that you start a thread about this to sort of justify this ideal you seem to have. And by the way - what exactly do you know about 'true torture'? I suggest you do some research on waterboarding before you go discounting how terrible of an act that really is. You and the rest of the conservatives on this board can go out of your way to try and make the current administration look bad by nit-picking every f'ing thing that has been done in just over the past 4 months, but to try and make yourself feel better about what the administration that you probably voted for twice allowed to go on is pretty f'ing weak man.

There is a reason that our President had to go around the globe and try to mend fences. Some might call that 'weak' or 'shameful' but to be honest with you - half the country and the vast majority of the world view it as a welcome change in philosophy and foreign policy. Acting like an adult and making nice with our friends is much better that having the world alienate us and view us in a negative light. Try acting like a real d*ick at the office or the job-site and see how that works out for you.

I am sure you can craft some long-winded, blow-hard, GOP BS response to what I have posted...and you probably will, but to sit here and try to downplay waterboarding (which you so freely put in quotes to somehow suggest that it's a day at the beach) makes me wonder about you and those like you. But oh wait....you must love America more than me. Stupid.

I think that using sissors to punch a hole in the skull of a full term baby whose head is out of the birth canal, then sticking a tube into the childs skull and sucking it's brains out collaspsing the baby's skull is torture............don't you? This is called partial birth abortion.

And think about this, one of the first things obama did was sign a bill so that all U.S. citizens tax dollars would help fund this grotesque, cruel and evil act. WHAT A GUY!

How dare this clown insult the American Public by setting the standard of morality and decency.

Unfortunately too many in America have been dumbed down to a point they can't recognize truth.

But you know what? I'm glad we have people out there like you that can teach the rest of us that an innocent child entering the world is far more dangerous than a terrorist whose only intent is to kill us.

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I think that using sissors to punch a hole in the skull of a full term baby whose head is out of the birth canal, then sticking a tube into the childs skull and sucking it's brains out collaspsing the baby's skull is torture............don't you? This is called partial birth abortion.

So my platform of putting a moratorium on all child births for...I don't know...the next 10 years, you wouldn't be on board with that? At least we were paying attention and staying on topic instead of Michael Bay-ing it up in here. BOOM!

Also...food is never gay. Food is delicious.

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There is a reason that our President had to go around the globe and try to mend fences. Some might call that 'weak' or 'shameful' but to be honest with you - half the country and the vast majority of the world view it as a welcome change in philosophy and foreign policy. Acting like an adult and making nice with our friends is much better that having the world alienate us and view us in a negative light.

I respect your opinion, although I don't totally agree with it, but I have to disagree with the statement I put in bold above. Making nice with "our friends" Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Daniel Ortega, Jugo Chavez and the Castro brothers is not acceptable. Some people can be reasoned with and some can't. Radicals whose lone goal is to receive virgins in heaven for suicide bombing U.S. interests can't be reasoned with and measures must be taken to extract information from them to keep our country safe. Yes, the Japanese and Germans tortured during WWII and I'm sure the U.S. and its Allies performed some acts we aren't proud of, but they kept us safe and ended a war. War isn't pretty. I believe there are places the media doesn't belong and one of them is in the middle of the war broadcasting their views or the views they want to promote.

I would do anything to ensure my family is safe, and I mean anything. The U.S. government better feel the same way about its citizens.

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I would do anything to ensure my family is safe, and I mean anything. The U.S. government better feel the same way about its citizens.

Whoa there cowboy! You sure you want to use that analogy? I'd do anything to ensure that my family is safe, and I mean anything. I'd also do anything to make sure that my family is fed, clothed, housed, educated, given medical care, and provided with a decent moral compass. Should the U.S. government feel the same way about its citizens?

Edited by oldguystudent
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I like how you jump to that....classy....I will see you this fall when you act like a jackass in the stands.

Actually, Rick promotes spirit, and the other thing is my job. B)

Yes, the Japanese committed some very inhuman acts on Americans....and anyone else that they came into contact with whilst making war. They were brought to trial and hanged.....as they should have been. Even though they thought that the aforementioned inhuman acts were justified to PROTECT THEIR COUNTRY AND WAY OF LIFE.

Amongst most liberals (and many centrists) Richard Nixon is one of the most disliked Presidents of our modern era. Yet this conservative President saw the value of diplomacy, and as a result, he opened diplomatic relations with(gasp) communist China. This was during a time when we were at our full potential at arms making, and troop strength. We were clearly technologically superior to China in Arms making and could have wiped them off the earth if that was our decision. Yet, our CONSERVATIVE (and sadly, very paranoid) President made diplomatic overtures to China, and basically made nice with them. Are all you right-wing chest-thumping conservatives calling Richard Nixon weak? :o

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