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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/2017 in all areas

  1. Just announce that there is an anti-Trump rally at Apogee at 6pm next Saturday and we'll get a great student turn out! lol
    13 points
  2. I agree. This team has presented a bucket of issues for us in the past. We had better come out and be extra crispy in our execution. This game could come down to Trevor Moore's leg, Wilson's strong thighs and packing loud fans into the wing.
    13 points
  3. Overall the band is one of the best in the country if based on the ability of the musicians. However, they seem to go out of their way to be as bland as possible at games. For one, if not the best music departments in the world, their creativity is usually lacking. The band just has not forced an identity and hasn't changed in decades other than getting larger. Hey Baby and Seven Nation Army are the most overplayed songs at college games. It doesn't matter how good you play it, if every college band in the nation also plays it. The Green Brigade is a good college band, but they should be great. Everyone appreciates the work and time, the band members contributes. Probably much of the music department view the marching band as totally unimportant. Neglecting to realize this is the most exposure that most get to a great Music School. Invest a little money and time and expand the playlist. Find some traditions and add some pizazz to the routines. Frankly, if the current band director can't improve the game performances, find someone who can.
    8 points
  4. I am suppose to go to a family reunion. Thinking about telling them this game is more important and driving up there. Might be famlyless after this weekend.
    8 points
  5. Their halftime shows are painfully short and lack any pageantry. The uniform thing is shitty as hell.
    6 points
  6. I feel like this offense clicked last game.....it wasn't anything crazy....they just showed that you cannot commit to stopping one aspect. What they really did against USM was stretch the field. I think had we done it earlier vs SMU, we could've seen a different game. Fine threw down field...a lot. Then Wilson had long runs and the OLine wore them out. (The O Line seems to be coming together too) If UT Permian Basin gets on their heels to stop that, Jeffery Wilson is gonna have a big day. If they load up to stop Wilson, Fine is gonna make them pay deep. I think we saw our offense become VERY difficult to game plan against and stop. One of the best defenses in the conference had no answer for what this offense can do. There were no crazy wrinkles, it just seems like they finally lived up to their potential. Would you put UT Tyler's D above USM's? I don't know. But UT Dallas will see something they haven't seen from us if we put it all together Saturday.
    6 points
  7. The bit they do where they only play a few notes then stopping.......then starting.............then stopping. Then starting. It makes me insane
    5 points
  8. Now that's a real promotion! Great job Athletic Department!
    5 points
  9. And predicting your own team to lose to avoid getting your hopes up is the North Texas fan's defense mechanism.
    5 points
  10. how about watch party @ Appogee Atadium
    4 points
  11. DRC: http://www.dentonrc.com/sports/mean-green/2017/10/08/brett-vito-c-usa-west-division-taking-unt
    4 points
  12. Don’t worry about bowl games. This team just needs to concentrate on business. Win and the rest will take care of itself.
    4 points
  13. well Fine puts 40+ on everyone, it's our secondary that we are worried about. I originally was planning a fun weekend trip to Colorado with the GF. Told her today we are tailgating and going to the UNT game instead! (She went to TWU and she was cool with it) Lets pack the house for this one!
    4 points
  14. I've always thought that the band should do more to pay homage to some of our own. Instead of Hey Baby, how about playing Roy Orbison's "Oh, Pretty Woman" (something people know and can sing along to even if it's only the chorus) at the start of the 4th quarter? Or if it's near the end of the game and we are obviously going to win, whip up the chorus of his "It's Over" and let everyone sing along. Seems like we have a legitimate claim to uniquely call this as our own tradition. I'm sure there may be other options out there. These two just seem obvious to me. Edit...or if we're losing, play "Crying" or 'Only the Lonely" ... hahahaha.
    3 points
  15. I appreciate the fact that you named three UT feeder schools in your post. We'll get it right one of these days
    3 points
  16. It's about time someone talks about the band. Our marching band could be so much better. Take it away SilverEagle.
    3 points
  17. SSSSHHHH. It has historical significance unlike wearing uniforms.
    3 points
  18. If Mr. Whisler really wanted to prove his writing chops, he would have written an article over the weekend & had it ready for today, titled: UTSA's path to 3-9 is no pipe dream
    3 points
  19. I just want to thank @Harry and everyone else who manages this site because it is easy to maneuver and post on. RowdyTalk on the other hand sucks. I do not even know what thread I am in half the time there.
    3 points
  20. Came here to post this. Glad to see Wren taking control.
    3 points
  21. They are really pushing for attendance. Such a breath of fresh air from the AD
    3 points
  22. Not disrespect from Vegas line-setters. Disrespect from the betting public at large. NT still hasn't done anything to prove to Joe Gambler that they deserve to be favored. Again, as much as we can justify it away (for real, in very justifiable ways... Baylor is winless), UTSA beat Big-12-Baylor. That apparently still means something to Joe Gambler.
    3 points
  23. That was probably the worst written article I have read in a long time. That person writes like an 8th grader. That's probably insulting to 8th graders so I apologize to any 8th grader now.
    3 points
  24. Not favored when you're still undefeated in conference play.......at home. Hope that fires up the team. Everyone still thinks we're a fluke.
    3 points
  25. This is a relief. They weren't very smart when we went to Hattiesburg.... ;-)
    3 points
  26. Hmm...wonder what the UNT Dancers could contribute to this?
    3 points
  27. I suspect he is referring to away games. GMG!
    2 points
  28. this will be there fourth performance of the year....maybe we finally get uniforms??? they marched in their uniforms at high school competitions recently, but can't for a home football game??? my time in the green brigade, we learned 3 SHOWS A SEASON!!! class was one hour a day except for mondays and then they were 3 hours and wore uniforms every stinking game! the head band director, nick williams, was my drum major...he knows how it was and how it should be...and he was a hell of a trumpet player
    2 points
  29. This could be a dialogue about prioritizing traditions versus current fads/trends. Gotta say, the tradition dialogue is somewhat lost on me coming from a school that provides a different shade of green for each new generation, plus new football unis every season.
    2 points
  30. 2 points
  31. And these are the type of pre "big game" buildups that we have failed to execute on previously. And the result, same ole UNT. Guys, WE MUST DEFEAT NutsaK THIS WEEKEND!! We have to turn around our fortunes, and this is the game to do it! We cannot drop the ball on this one. With the promotions going on to get students in attendance in big numbers, I expect 25,000+ in attendance. Maybe more. Forget about winning the West. Our team has to show the fans that we are for real! Let me repeat, WE MUST DEFEAT NutsaK THIS WEEKEND!!
    2 points
  32. @aztecskin spoke with his chest bowed out the entire time
    2 points
  33. He stays his busiest in the Fall with his DJ business. Saturday's usually his busiest days. (I had 2 weddings this past weekend). Online at: soundworksdeejay.com GMG! * Still a regular reader of Harry's GMG, though& I still bleed❇️❇️❇️❇️❇️👍
    2 points
  34. Some students (such as Austin and I) are doing everything we can across campus to get people hyped for this game.
    2 points
  35. I don't think our game against FAU is going to be a guaranteed win, unlike what seems to be the popular opinion. However, I'm not super afraid of them in the same way I'm not super afraid of UTSA -- who have they beat that's good? UTSA's 3 wins are all against terrible teams. FAU's 3 wins are against teams that aren't much better. BC (lol), a below average MTSU, and an ODU team that isn't nearly as good as last year. We just have to keep building on our momentum and destroy UTSA, then I think we'll be ok against FAU.
    2 points
  36. Participating organizations get some PA recognition? Hope so.
    2 points
  37. Apparently Jeffrey Wilson is electron-charged too
    2 points
  38. Can’t be disappointed in a loss if you expect to lose every game.
    2 points
  39. Total disrespect towards North Texas.
    2 points
  40. With a vegan only menu?
    2 points
  41. Vegas sets a line to achieve equal $$$ bet on each side. They're not really saying that UTSA is 4.5 pts better than UNT.
    2 points
  42. Then tell them that utsa called their mom's fat.
    2 points
  43. Pretty sure this upcoming game on sat will be for west division leaders. If our secondary plays like yesterday, fine will put up 50 on us. I'm positive coach Wilson will go to the drawing board and correct things, but its hard to gauge what will happen on sat. Wish I could show up to the game at Apogee, but wont be able to make it.
    2 points

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