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Venson last won the day on January 21

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  1. The wife and I will be there. Booked my flight already.
  2. That would be a nice touch.
  3. Today we lost the great Abner Haynes.
  4. Another way is maybe stop recruiting so many Liberal Arts majors. Not to offend anyone, but you do not find too many sports fans amongst Art, Music, Dance etc. majors. Also, maybe we should get away from all these commercials that scream nerd and we want people with no drive. Maybe add in a little more sports clips with the students having fun at all sporting events. All this is just my opinion.
  5. Lambert? You mean that guy left his park ranger job to get back into the game? You better call Eric Morris. We are going to need his toughness on defense at LB.
  6. This may be why he is in the portal. Maybe he was encouraged to enter the portal to open up a spot for a better player.
  7. I don't understand the move to New Mexico. That is a lateral move at best.
  8. Breanna Davis is not coming back. She has landed at Abilene Christian. As far as I know, Jaaucklyn Moore is coming back.
  9. The answer is no. Yes, this weekend was terrible, but I think it is all mental. We take the number 7 team in the country to the wire and can't get past an average UAB team. That points to mentality. They have made way too many errors and stupid plays. That is all mental. Is it coaching as well, yes. I think DeLong has to get them focused again and I think he can. I think he needs to take a page from Jason Burton. Stop thinking about championships and think about winning each game. Championships will take care of themselves if you do that.
  10. This is one of the dumbest comments you have ever made. He came from JUCO which means he has never gone to the NIT or NCAA tournament. How can you be tired of something you have never experienced? Did you even think that through before posting?
  11. The plane will probably make it, but you may be assaulted on the flight. That is the Greyhound of the skies.
  12. https://www.si.com/college/2024/03/17/amid-gambling-investigation-temple-mens-basketball-could-earn-ncaa-tournament-bid There is a gambling investigation of Temple. I am usually not a conspiracy theorist, but hear me out. If this ends up being legit, it may explain the refs choking on their whistles in our game against FAU. The money was not to be made in Temple beating North Texas. The money was to be made in Temple beating FAU because they were a final four team last year. The amount of money one stands to win if Temple beat FAU was probably astronomical. The refs had to make sure that game happened. They couldn't let North Texas spoil that. There is no way Temple went from being trash all season to playing in the AAC Tournament championship game. Someone needs to look into friends, relatives, and acquaintances of these refs and see if someone won big during this tournament. Now my conspiracy rant is over.
  13. This was the worst loss of the season. There is no excuse. We cannot blame the refs. They came into our house and kicked our butts. This was just bad on so many levels. It was a good crowd and we crapped the bed.
  14. I am guessing the part about QB coach was being tongue in cheek because he coached TEs.
  15. I understand Kratch leaving is a continuity issue, but will he really be missed? He was a first time coach here and our LBs were not exactly a strength here. They seemed too slow to me, seemed to have trouble diagnosing plays, and couldn't shed blocks. That's just me. We were last in defense in all of FBS so is this really a big loss? I am no football guru, but this just doesn't seem that bad to me.
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