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Only took her 2 weeks to make this "I was lied to" statement. Was probably checking to see if SHE could get away with this lie.

Term limits, please

We have term limits, they are called elections. But who is going to challenge the most liberal Speaker of the House, a candidate from the California 8th which is arguably the most liberal district in the country?

Not to mention she's rich (worth $19 million) and had a campaign war chest of $3 million in the last election. No Republican can win that district, and no viable Democrat will challenge her. Crazy Cindy Sheehan (not a peep from her since she challenged Pelosi) got twice as many the votes as the Republican candidate. No Republican has won that seat since 1950.

so as long as Pelosi and her botox keeps her kicking, she'll remain in that seat.


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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, her eyes wide, her hands gesticulating wildly, on Thursday laid out a third version of what she knew and when she knew it about the Bush administration's interrogation policies, edging ever closer to debating what the meaning of the word "is" is.

With even her own second-in-command now demanding more answers, the California Democrat, her voice barely audible at times, read a rambling statement at her weekly press briefing about her prior knowledge of the "enhanced interrogation techniques" (EITs) employed under President Bush, insisting that she was not told in a September 2002 briefing that the U.S. government used waterboarding.

Minutes later, though, she acknowledged for the first time that her top security adviser had learned details of a February 2003 briefing in which lawmakers were told that American interrogators were in fact waterboarding suspected terrorists.

"My statement is clear, and let me read it again. Let me read it again I'm sorry I have to find the page," said a flustered Mrs. Pelosi, shuffling through papers, her hands quivering a bit, as she sought to stick to her prepared text.

"When when when my staff person I'm sorry, the page is out of order five months later, my staff person told me that there had been a briefing informing that there had been a briefing and that a letter had been sent. I was not briefed on what was in that briefing; I was just informed that the briefing had taken place," she said.

The speaker's weekly press conference drew a standing-room-only crowd of reporters tracking the steady drip, drip, drip of revelations that have come out over the past several weeks. Dressed in a key-lime green pantsuit and smiling broadly, Mr. Pelosi charged that the CIA lied to Congress and that House Republicans are using her as "a diversionary tactic" to deflect criticism from Mr. Bush.

Aside from not being briefed on what was in that briefing, she said she was very busy at the time "I was fighting the war in Iraq at that point, too, you know."

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We have term limits, they are called elections. But who is going to challenge the most liberal Speaker of the House, a candidate from the California 8th which is arguably the most liberal district in the country?

Not to mention she's rich (worth $19 million) and had a campaign war chest of $3 million in the last election.No Republican can win that district, and no viable Democrat will challenge her. Crazy Cindy Sheehan (not a peep from her since she challenged Pelosi) got twice as many the votes as the Republican candidate. No Republican has won that seat since 1950.

so as long as Pelosi and her botox keeps her kicking, she'll remain in that seat.


The two highlighted statements condradict each other. In theory, the first statement is correct. In pratice, the second statement is absolutely true about so many house and senate seats.

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The two highlighted statements condradict each other. In theory, the first statement is correct. In pratice, the second statement is absolutely true about so many house and senate seats.

It's a sticky issue, but I don't think term limits are the answer. Despite their reputation, there are a lot of good politicians out there whose primary interest is to serve the public.

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Stretch Pelosi needs to decide between "Informed" and "Briefed".

Informed: a: having information <informed sources> <informed observers> b: based on possession of information <an informed opinion>

Briefed: 1: to make an abstract or abridgment of 2 a: to give final precise instructions to b: to coach thoroughly in advance c: to give essential information to 3: to discuss (as a military operation) in a briefing <briefed the mission>


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It's a sticky issue, but I don't think term limits are the answer. Despite their reputation, there are a lot of good politicians out there whose primary interest is to serve the public.

Says the the politician. ;)

Unfortunately, those of which you speak are a fading minority. Most are up there legislating thier re-election.

Wasn't there a guy back in the 80s who campaigned and won on the promise to be a one term congressman, but then, after drinking from the Washington power pitcher, went back on his promise, seeking re-election only to get beat? Or was this just a dream?

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Says the the politician. ;)

Unfortunately, those of which you speak are a fading minority. Most are up there legislating thier re-election.

Wasn't there a guy back in the 80s who campaigned and won on the promise to be a one term congressman, but then, after drinking from the Washington power pitcher, went back on his promise, seeking re-election only to get beat? Or was this just a dream?

I think a few people campaigned on that promise because term limits was a hot issue in the 80s and 90s.

To be fair, I don't think one term is enough to learn the ropes in Congress. If anyone promises to run for one term, they're basically arriving as a backbencher who has no power to negotiate. Such a candidate wouldn't get my vote because they'd be an ineffective rookie for 2 years.

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I think a few people campaigned on that promise because term limits was a hot issue in the 80s and 90s.

To be fair, I don't think one term is enough to learn the ropes in Congress. If anyone promises to run for one term, they're basically arriving as a backbencher who has no power to negotiate. Such a candidate wouldn't get my vote because they'd be an ineffective rookie for 2 years.

The 1st thing they learn is how to get re-elected, and then they spend 1/4 of thier term campaigning for re-election. I don't want them to have power. Power to do what? Bring home the bacon for special interest groups in thier district? I think this is one of the biggest problems. The founding fathers had a vision of citizen service, where respected community members go to Washington to serve, and then return home to continue thier life, not career politicians whose views change with the latest AP Poll.

This is why I am more in favor of term limits with each pasing day. If there were term limits, thier would be no hierarchy of power because EVERYONE would turn over every 2 years (6 years for Senate).

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The givens:

1) Pelosi is nuttier than a major distribution warehouse for Planter's

2) She will hold on to that seat until such time as her heart stops beating or the world supply of Botox is depleted

The question:

Of all the Democrats from all the States in all the country, why did they pick her to be speaker? Come to think of it, both parties tend to send some far off center loud mouthed bag of wind when they get power in the house. Why would you do that? Are you trying to limit your new found power to one election cycle?

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Very good editorial in the Wall Street Journal this morning about this issue. I will quote from a passasge near the end...it matter not which side of the isle you are on in reviewing this issue...the editorial makes some very valid points for all politicians to remember...I quote:

"Whatever one's politics may be, there has to be some recognition that Washington - the U.S. governement - simply can't function if it is endlessly entangled in the exquisitely argued, one might say absurd, blame-games that she and some Democrats are running against former Bush officials, and that now threaten the political standing of the Speaker herself".

"Barack Obama won the election and as President he now has a governemnt to run. With that responsibility comes the necessity to make difficult decisions, as those he has made on prisioner photos and military tribunals attest. If he is to succeed, he needs a capital city of responsible partners, not a running circus with the Speaker of the House at the center, blamming everyone else as she flees from any responsibility for what she heard or did".

Pretty spot on, isn't it? Republican or democrat, you have to stop and take notice. I would encourage everyone to get this and read it. I have only quoted a very small portion of the end of the editorial. The whole editorial is worth your time to read.

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Pretty spot on, isn't it? Republican or democrat, you have to stop and take notice. I would encourage everyone to get this and read it. I have only quoted a very small portion of the end of the editorial. The whole editorial is worth your time to read.

Looks good to me. I've always held, with the broadest stroke possible, that one side is manipulative while the other is misguided. Nancy Pelosi is a toxic cocktail of both qualities that the bartender keeps forcing down our throats in cheap plastic cups.

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The 1st thing they learn is how to get re-elected, and then they spend 1/4 of thier term campaigning for re-election. I don't want them to have power. Power to do what? Bring home the bacon for special interest groups in thier district? I think this is one of the biggest problems. The founding fathers had a vision of citizen service, where respected community members go to Washington to serve, and then return home to continue thier life, not career politicians whose views change with the latest AP Poll.

This is why I am more in favor of term limits with each pasing day. If thier were term limits, thier would be no hierarchy of power because EVERYONE would turn over every 2 years (6 years for Senate).

completely agree. I thought serving your country, in whatever capacity, was an honor, not a full time career.

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I certainly understand the sentiment, but do you really want Congress run by rookies? Plus, there's the argument that term limits deny voters the right to choose who they believe to be the best candidate.

Dang straight I want congress run by rookies. As a conservative, I want the Fed government to do as little as possible. Plus, could rookies really do worse than what we have seen in the last 20 years? Not only that, but you would see the death of political correctness, as these reps would have nothing to fear by stating what they really believe. I know, what a concept.

The constitutional issue wouldn't be with the voters, it would be with the candidates, I would think.

I would also think, after 4 years in Washington, you are automatically disqualified from being the best candidate.

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You're clearly not a UNT football fan.

Things can ALWAYS get worse.

If congress was a football team, they would get beat 144-0 by my nieces 6 year old pee wee football team. Not even comparable to UNT football.

But your line did make me giggle

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You're clearly not a UNT football fan.

Things can ALWAYS get worse.

---Funny....... that is amazing... I was cleaning out old emails yesterday that I had sent/received after Dodge's first season and one in Jan 2008 was about how terrible the NT football situation was and how many points we had allowed... We both agreed it could not get any worse.... well it did.... last fall we had one less win and we allowed about 30 points more. ...LOL... Clearly you are right... it can get worse... let us hope 2009 is not even worse still.

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I am missing the story I guess. She wasn't lied to...

The way I have read this story in every medium possible.

They told her they had not used water boarding to that point, but it was legal, when she actually bothered to be present herself at that briefing.

5 months later when her peon went to multiple briefings for her because she didn't need to be bothered with it, they told her peon they had used water boarding.

So, any logical thinking person would conclude that the use of water boarding started between the time she went to the first meeting and whenever her she overheard her peon saying they use water boarding.


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Pelosi lied to herself when she told herself she would be good for this country. I can't stand this lady. I can't stand her at all.

Same here. An absolutely disgusting woman. Newt said it best, and I'm paraphrasing, "what you have is a city councilwomen from possibly the most liberal city in the U.S., and now holding the number three position in the United States".

Scary stuff.

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