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This Explains Everyone's Complaints With All The Running.

Green P1

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to me it comes off as a very defeatist attitude, that we got sick of under DD. Why even show up if all your going to do is show-up try 3 series and call it a day. Oh well I am just a cranky alumni I guess.

Go Green beat the Hurricanes.

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to me it comes off as a very defeatist attitude, that we got sick of under DD. Why even show up if all your going to do is show-up try 3 series and call it a day. Oh well I am just a cranky alumni I guess.

Go Green beat the Hurricanes.

I guess I am in the same boat as you are. If we get to the second half and our game plan isn't working, then okay. But 3 series in, on the first game of the season? Oh well.

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Why do I get the feeling that had Dodge just flung it around all game, and KSU beat us as bad or worse than OU did, everyone on this board would be gnashing their teeth and barking about how he should have controlled the clock with the run to keep the score down?

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Well I am unhappy in both situations, but I think I might just be more unhappy that we scrapped our gameplan so early. In fact, if given the choice of playing the gameplan till the final second and getting beat by 69 or scrapping it in the first quarter in the FIRST game to get beat by 39, I will take the 69.

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Well I am unhappy in both situations, but I think I might just be more unhappy that we scrapped our gameplan so early. In fact, if given the choice of playing the gameplan till the final second and getting beat by 69 or scrapping it in the first quarter in the FIRST game to get beat by 39, I will take the 69.

You and me both.

So we stopped when we were down 21-0.

ASU kept at it down 14-3.

I want to know what the exact moment is between down 11 and 21 where you stop. I think it would be the average (down 16), but maybe there is another trigger I'm missing. Can anyone help?

In reality, I am not going to gnash my teeth over this game much, but I think it pokes a big hole in a giant chorus many of you have been singing for 2 years.

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The real question is: How many games does Todd Dodge have to win before the "We never should have fired Darrell Dickey" posts begin?*

I am setting the over/under at 3.

*Don't tell me this can't happen, even the Aggies wanted RC back after the ASU loss.

To be fair, the Aggies have wanted RC back since 2006.

I think you'll see a "why didn't we go after Harbaugh (or any other candidate) harder before you see that. Winning cures everything - Dickey was back to glam-status after beating SMU. If Dodge can handle Tulsa and Rice (or maybe even just one of them and a close loss to the other,) all will be right in the world again.

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I think you'll see a "why didn't we go after Harbaugh (or any other candidate) harder before you see that. Winning cures everything - Dickey was back to glam-status after beating SMU. If Dodge can handle Tulsa and Rice (or maybe even just one of them and a close loss to the other,) all will be right in the world again.

Pshhhh, besides beating USC as a 40 point underdog, what has Harbaugh done that was so great? :rolleyes:

We need to be competitive in these C-USA games, plain and simple. The gap between talent is not that significant.

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Some of you sound like rats getting ready to jump the ship when it is not sinking.

KSU is just one game out of 12.

We all knew how bad the team was when we hired TD and we all knew that it would take more than two years to be competitive.

Be patient.......TD has done a tremendous job of getting excellent recruits committed to NT and our program. Even "IF" NT could have hired the very best coach in D-1 to coach for NT he would have been faced with the same caliber of players that TD has......and.......IMHO, that is not much.

NT does have some excellent players at some positions but not all positions.

TD will right the ship but not last Saturday, maybe not this Saturday and maybe not this year but he will. Be PATIENT!!

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As disturbing as Dodge's off-season remarks were about not realizing how fast and athletic opposing DBs would be, this latest revelation from the mouth of Dodge isn't that alarming. I think he's finally realizing what he has to work with - the same thing Darrell Dickey had: crappy facilities and a lazy athletic department all wrapped in an unheralded conference; none of which attract the best talent to put on the field. So, why get kids beat up on the field when you're getting no help off the field?

Eventually, Dickey got tired of the stonewalling about when the facilities would be upgraded and the stadium would be built and he went negative publicly. Dodge has already fired what I consider to be a warning shot over the bow of the athletic department by publicly stating that he expects the new stadium by 2010. If the athletic department tries to jerk around Dodge the way it did Dickey, expect things to get sour again around the program.

Many of us have been saying for a few years now that the responsibility in any organization lies at the top. There is no "higher up" in an athletic department than the athletic director. So far, even with Dodge on board, we're getting the same performance out of the athletic department: kids not qualifying, kids flunking out, hush-hush about the stadium, cash-for-bash games, fewer home games than away games, etc.

Folks, it didn't fly with Dickey and I'm sure it won't continue to fly with Dodge. Some day, some way, some administration (hello, Ms. President Bataille?) wakes up and realizes the problem isn't on the sidelines but in the offices.

Edited by The Fake Lonnie Finch
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Why do I get the feeling that had Dodge just flung it around all game, and KSU beat us as bad or worse than OU did, everyone on this board would be gnashing their teeth and barking about how he should have controlled the clock with the run to keep the score down?

...ooorrrrr, put a quality product on the field with an offense that can produce some points (I'm sorry...did I just miss the "vaunted" soread offense TD is "famous" for???) and a defense that doesn't leak like a sieve!!! :angry:

If you compare us to other IA (FCS, whatever) programs then we are the worst. Condsider these scores:

1. Jacksonville St, 14 - GT, 41 - Could we produce 14 points against an ACC school! And Jacksonville State is not even a IA school!

2. Vanderbilt, 34 - Miami of Ohio, 13 - Non-BCS team (whom we should DEFINITELY be able to compete against) put up 13 against an SEC school and only allowed 34 points (OK, 34 might be a little high, but still...)

3. Charleston Southern, 7 - Miami, 52 - OK, 52 is a lot of points...but could WE score a touchdown against Miami?? Are you certain about that??? ;)

4. South Dakota State, 17 - Iowa State, 44 - An unknown scoring 17 points against a Big 12 team. DOUBT we could score 17 on ISU!

5. SMU, 27 - Rice, 56 - Man, Rice looked GOOD. Be worried about them...doubt we can hang 27 on them. I am sure we can keep it under 56...right!??? :ph34r:

6. App State, 13 - LSU, 41 - Have we scored 13 combined on LSU ever??? And, please, do not tell me how good ASU is...I hear it every day. They would SPANK us my friends!!!

7. WKU, 13 - Indiana, 31 - Good for them!

8. VA Tech, 22 - ECU, 27 - And VA Tech was ranked 17th in the nation!!! I would LOVE to be to the point where ECU is. They would spank us, too!

9. UNC, 35 - McNeese St, 27 - We don't play McNeese State any time soon do we??? :unsure:

10. W. Illinois, 24 - Arkansas, 28 - What was the score the last time we played Arkansas??? But, we got at least 24 points, rigjht!?!? :o

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UNT was flat run over defensively, too, while having some of its weaknesses exposed. Kansas State threw the ball 42 times. The Mean Green, which lost both of its projected defensive ends before the season started didn't have a sack or even a quarterback hurry. UNT was supposed to find a way to get pressure by rotating players and through some new schemes put in by defensive coordinator Gary DeLoach. That plan didn't work out against the Wildcats.


I guess that doesn't qualify as a hurry?

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Some of you sound like rats getting ready to jump the ship when it is not sinking.

KSU is just one game out of 12.

We all knew how bad the team was when we hired TD and we all knew that it would take more than two years to be competitive.

Be patient.......TD has done a tremendous job of getting excellent recruits committed to NT and our program. Even "IF" NT could have hired the very best coach in D-1 to coach for NT he would have been faced with the same caliber of players that TD has......and.......IMHO, that is not much.

NT does have some excellent players at some positions but not all positions.

TD will right the ship but not last Saturday, maybe not this Saturday and maybe not this year but he will. Be PATIENT!!

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to me it comes off as a very defeatist attitude, that we got sick of under DD. Why even show up if all your going to do is show-up try 3 series and call it a day. Oh well I am just a cranky alumni I guess.

Go Green beat the Hurricanes.

It is one thing when your DD and have been here 7 years and still have to play it safe. Its an entirely differenty deal when you are TD and have been here 1 season and are installing a new defense without having a full set of personel recruited. You need to give any head coach at least 3 seasons to get HIS people in place to run an offense and defense the way he would want it. Remember we have a freshman (of sorts) defensive coordinator as well. If he has to play this way in big games say next year, or god forbid the year after its time for concern, but this year it is excusable. Why blow your whole playbook when your down 21-0 with a very winable game the next week. Save some surprises don't let Tulsa or Rice get a ton of film on how to foil every play and look you have. It is smart what TD did and next year I feel like you will see a totally different outlook at the first game.

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Guest Aquila_Viridis

We have some of the most VIRTUOUS fans!

If in 2015 we are still not competitive, then I will be satisfied if we hire a consultant and form a committee to study the matter and make some recommendations. At least our virtue will be preserved .... and preserved .... and preserved ....

I believe in the 60s they would have staged a sit-in or something. But hey, now we've got this board. The sad thing is that if we tried to stage a march to protest the neglect, there'd probably be about 25 pitiful souls show up. You can blame the chicken or the egg.

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John, I am glad I've had the chance to meet you and hear your opinions in person. It's a little bit more to say than what most people here can claim. So I'd like to say to the others in your defense, because IMO this is getting overblown:

People, Tasty is not a Dodge hater. I think what he's trying to do here is provide some level perspective in relation to Dickey ball. As much as ya'll hated Dickey and think Dodge is football Jesus, Tasty here wants all of you all to treat them the same. Stop denying that Dodge pulled the reigns on this game, because he clearly did. Calling Dodge out does not mean you hate him, it just means you can see the big picture.

I digress...

For some reason, we had TTech's number for years. Not just once, but several times. We beat Baylor, we won a few conference titles and then everyone put up with Dickey's mouth. Then a critical class of kids graduated and everything went downhill. Baylor got the best of us, Tulsa put a whipping like no other, etc...

It just seemed like the wind got knocked out a what was already a very thin situation.

Vito has a new blog up, defending Dodge's decision. I can sympathize with all sides here: the "we played better with less" people, vs. the "this is a building process"

I'm not sure how the situations compare, but Jim Harbaugh was hired at the same time and got 4 wins last year at Stanford (SJSU, USC, Arizona, Cal) and is now 1-0 after week 1's victory over Oregon State. And in case you didn't notice, UCLA first year coach Rick Neuheisal - along with you.might.know.him. Norm Chow - just took down the Vols for a 1-0 Bruins coaching record. Just my opinion, but it is getting harder and harder to stand on the "they need at least 3 years" leg. There's definitely value in having your recruits grow into the two deep and knowing the system, but it's becoming deflated in today's college football market.

All I can say is Todge needs to start getting the Ws, and hope they keep coming as long as he is here (thanks MeanMag).

EDIT: by the beard of Zeus, I have cracked 3K. Somebody get me a couple dogs and an alligator egg. Surely I'm not that boring.

Edited by greenminer
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I'm not sure how the situations compare, but Jim Harbaugh was hired at the same time and got 4 wins last year at Stanford is now 1-0 after week 1's victory over Oregon State.

I see the comparison you're trying to make but it's apples to oranges. Stanford was playing at home against a suspect-looking Oregon State team. Could they have done the same on the road in Manhattan KS? Doubt it. NT beat Oregon State at home too. These early body-bag games are not good for the team's or fan's confidence. It's not worth whatever they paid as I believe we lost a similar amount in future ticket buyers and sponsors after that poor showing. As far as the coach closing the playbook after being down 14-0 that is not acceptable. If we want to be a top division program we have to start acting like it and showing it; giving up should not be in the playbook! :angry:

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As disturbing as Dodge's off-season remarks were about not realizing how fast and athletic opposing DBs would be, this latest revelation from the mouth of Dodge isn't that alarming. I think he's finally realizing what he has to work with - the same thing Darrell Dickey had: crappy facilities and a lazy athletic department all wrapped in an unheralded conference; none of which attract the best talent to put on the field. So, why get kids beat up on the field when you're getting no help off the field?

Eventually, Dickey got tired of the stonewalling about when the facilities would be upgraded and the stadium would be built and he went negative publicly. Dodge has already fired what I consider to be a warning shot over the bow of the athletic department by publicly stating that he expects the new stadium by 2010. If the athletic department tries to jerk around Dodge the way it did Dickey, expect things to get sour again around the program.

Many of us have been saying for a few years now that the responsibility in any organization lies at the top. There is no "higher up" in an athletic department than the athletic director. So far, even with Dodge on board, we're getting the same performance out of the athletic department: kids not qualifying, kids flunking out, hush-hush about the stadium, cash-for-bash games, fewer home games than away games, etc.

Folks, it didn't fly with Dickey and I'm sure it won't continue to fly with Dodge. Some day, some way, some administration (hello, Ms. President Bataille?) wakes up and realizes the problem isn't on the sidelines but in the offices.

So should President Bataille do what might be the inevitable, which is firing Rick Villareal.

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