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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/23/2014 in all areas

  1. Here's a little North Texas chant we did at the HB tent in Munich.
    6 points
  2. 5 points
  3. I think you all remember that Richard Durrett, who passed away earlier this summer, was my best friend. I gave his eulogy that day and met so many of his peers who just loved him. Max Morgan was one of them. He and Richard were good pals--in some weird way, it gives me great peace to think that Richard and Max are yukking it up together in Heaven looking down on all of us...its been a tough year for the local sports scene, for sure. RIP, boys...
    5 points
  4. I'm always baffled by the criticism of fans on the alumni side. Maybe we should save our message board criticism for the fans NOT in the 10,000 or so empty seats every week. That is what holds back the atmosphere (which is actually pretty good), not the fans that may be a little older and not as vocal anymore. I think we should have a certain reverence for those fans among us who were around the last time we beat a ranked opponent 40 or so years ago.
    5 points
  5. 4 points
  6. You're the hero we need, but not the one we deserve.
    4 points
  7. Being a parent in the stands is a bit trying at times no matter if its Jr High, High School , or D1 Football. And yes, comments from fans about you son can easily set you off, specially when you know he is having a rough go of it. Sitting in the parent section make it easier because everyone knows who is who and tend not go nuts on players performances, except good ones, then it's high fives all around (nod to Chief Warrrant Officer Byrd (US Army Retired) . Sitting in other sections with season tickets is a bit of a hazzard, because you will hear lots of arm chair quarterbacking, and if your son is a quarterback, that can be a problem. I never had that problem, but I know what Derek Thompson's mom and dad went through for three years. Let's just say I am glad my son played Defensive Tackle. Give the guy a break. Unless he is being a total a$$ towards other fans, let him be. When your kids start playing sports, you will understand.
    4 points
  8. Surely no one is surprised that parents root for and defend their kids first and foremost.
    4 points
  9. We should not be apologetic about playing Nicholls...have you seen the cupcakes on other D1 schools? A&M vs. Lamar, etc. A win is a win and a big win at that.
    3 points
  10. Whoever came up with this idea should be shot. Twice. Every single one of these I've been arm twisted into attending has been freaking miserable. Guys sitting around looking at each other like "what the hell are we doing here??" Then forced to watch presents opened and pretending that you actually know what gift your significant other brought to the shower. Such a BEATING!! I always go in hoping a poker table will be set up in the back room with a cooler full of beer. Hasn't happened. Never will.
    3 points
  11. As a student, I actually follow the football team and read up on these forums quite often so I knew the level of competition we faced dropped dramatically between La Tech and Nicholls. I was excited to see Dajon start and show us what he can do because I'm a fan of the dual threat QB and that thrashing was definitely more fun to watch then the lack of offense we showed two weeks ago. I remember hearing students and young alumni chanting Dajon's name at the game, so there is definitely more excitement around campus with him as QB. Also another thing I've noticed on campus this year is that I haven't seen as many students wearing shirts from other colleges as much as I did last year. I suppose they're starting to realize we have an up and coming program and more are decided to jump on board with the team.
    3 points
  12. No....it hasn't been 30 seconds yet.
    3 points
  13. I assume you're talking about the "Above the Rest for Thousands Less" billboard? Again, you guys who are upset about that billboard need to read a little closer, and if you still don't understand, go look up the "Eagle Express Tuition Plan". For your convenience: https://eagleexpress.unt.edu/ Fantastic program that really encourages students to finish their degrees on time, which is a key metric in how Universities are measured these days. This is an initiative of the University (Smatresk, specifically). It's an idea he brought over from UNLV. It worked VERY WELL for him there. Not everything is about UNT Athletics folks.
    3 points
  14. I thought we had recently established that because of DW missing workouts and both scrimmages: 1) He was in a Mac doghouse 2) He was susceptible to injury Did I misunderstand something, or are you just choosing to think DW is above being punished and could not possibly be injured?
    3 points
  15. Lane Kiffin and SMU are a match made in heaven. A coach with a history of rules violation and a school with a history of looking the other way.
    3 points
  16. Anyone making the trip up to Bloomington?? I'll be there plus 2
    3 points
  17. I'm a Decision Sciences major and have been to every game this year. I would say a good 1/3 to 1/2 of all my classes have shown some more interest in the program. People are hearing about DW and things are stirring a bit more, at least as compared to last year in the first 5 games
    2 points
  18. The atmosphere seems about the same as it has been all year. I've seen less other college apparel around the BLB, but I still don't see a lot of green being worn. I'm also the only student in any of my classes that has been to every game so far this season. Part of that is they are upper level so there are more commuters/older students.
    2 points
  19. Actually a pretty nice little Saturday planned, might go to the home depot, maybe get some wallpaper, some flooring stuff like that. Maybe bed, bath, and beyond, I don't know if I'll have time.
    2 points
  20. Wiring a barn in Justin. Then 2 girls at the same time.
    2 points
  21. DW faced far better talent "coming in late to a game" than he did in his lone start. It is good that he performed well against both, but don't try to put the Nichols scrimmage above what he did against FBS competition in a blow out.
    2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. I am likely going up to them mountains in the Boise National Forest and get a cord of wood for fire for the winter. Permits are only $12.50 a cord as opposed to buying a cord from a private vendor for $150-$175. No thanks, I will go do it myself.
    2 points
  24. Thanks to coach Mac and RV getting more involved in the freshman orientation process I think that we are starting to promote that university atmosphere very well, especially when compared to previous years. When I got here in 2000 it was other schools t-shirt fans all over the place and general apathy abounded throughout the campus. As I went through my time on campus, a cringe worthy length of 6.5 years, I saw that begin to change and by the time i left there was plenty of green on campus, though not nearly enough. Getting to where we want to be is a long journey for this school, we have had setbacks galore and watcher other schools "pas us by" more often than we would like to admit. The Green Light to greatness campaign I enjoyed and the Eagle Express program has its merits especially when considering the skyrocketing cost of tuition all over the country. We need to find a way to promote the fact that we are providing such innovative programs to assist in tuition, but when the billboards you see all over the place are for football teams and our "Thousands Less" campaign is mixed in it makes us look chinsy and commuter school-ish. There has to be a better way to get that word out and promote the exceptional university atmosphere that is developing in Denton. Get kids on campus, get them to stay on campus or in Denton, which has been happening more and more, get them to participate and care about the school, make UNT a destination school for more kids and the better the tradition, atmosphere and donors will become. But it takes time.
    2 points
  25. When your offense is generating 3 plays per drive and turning the ball over it is a problem for any defense on the planet, PRO college or pop warner.
    2 points
  26. People who are looking for "value" as the #1 priority in the college they choose don't ever stay involved after graduation.this has been a problem at UNT for decades. And that is what the market slogan appears to target. The actual plan may be great. The marketing campaign is terrible.
    2 points
  27. Cool. We'll see what you do when you 60.
    2 points
  28. I thought this forum had been subbed out.
    2 points
  29. That what happens when you refuse to fire a coach that doesn't deserve to have his job.
    2 points
  30. Loved his voice. Didn't know he was ill. RIP.
    2 points
  31. It used to be much more active, even during football season. The Pit used to loud. We used to win games against D2 schools. We used to have players here for four years. Shhh, the giant is still sleeping
    2 points
  32. Don't forget the revenge factor with IU.
    2 points
  33. The man who greeted viewers with “Hello Dallas-Fort Worth… let's talk sports" has died. Max Morgan started every one of his KDFW sportscasts with that saying, along with a smile and a magnificent baritone voice. For nearly 21 years Morgan was there to cover it all for Channel 4 – two Cowboys Super Bowl wins, a Stars Stanley Cup, a Mavericks title and two trips to the World Series by the Rangers. Morgan had been off the air recently and was admitted last week to a Dallas-area hospital suffering from congestive heart failure. http://www.myfoxdfw.com/story/26598264/fox4-sports-anchorreporter-max-morgan-dies-at-59
    2 points
  34. Always a friend to our program. This post has been promoted to an article
    2 points
  35. Kidsy showing up in the return game is huge. Having that threat back there is going to help us flip the field more often....which is going to lead to more opportunities for the offense. Everyone wants to put the whole team on Dajon, and his development is extremely exciting, but looks like our special teams is starting to round into form.
    2 points
  36. "If you don't go out there comfortable at all, your not going to have a good game." - DW. Take note other QBs.
    2 points
  37. Man, good for you. I tried, but have had some health issues. Reading this whole thing kinda reminds me of the advice Ray Wylie Hubbard's attorney gave him: "I recommend serious drinking".
    2 points
  38. I was talking to another faculty member about the shift away from an alumni driven policy to a student driven policy last week and he made a very astute point. "If we get the students to the game, in an enviroment and atmosphere we can control, it has much farther reaching effects than just one more # on the turnstile for the student side. If you get a student to buy into the benefits of being a student, then they will also hopefully buy into the requirements to stay a student." ie lower drop rates, higher grades, better acceptance and identification with the UNT brand. All of those go hand in hand with the desire for the university to increase our academic reputation. It is a fine line to dance between partying so much that we get the party school monicker and providing school sponsored nonacademic events that enhance the student experience, but the slow march to a better academic standing will be closely tied to keeping and graduating our students in a timely manner (4,5, and 6 year graduation rates) as well as research funding and entrance exam scores. It is important to have the alumni in the stands now, but the students are the long term investment in the program and the university and sometimes that part is forgotten. Athletics is the biggest marketing tool we have and unfortunately it is one of the things we did not pay enough attention to in the past.
    2 points
  39. I was at the La Tech game. The happiest group of guys right now that DW is starting is not the WR corp, it's the defense. They can regroup, rest, get coached up, and not have their psyche crushed from having to play 45 game seconds after they force a punt. Indiana has a solid RB that they use in the passing game. They also have a really good screen game. Offensively they do not scare me at all if we just limit this guy. I really, really hope Skladany plays a lot more press in this game to help limit the screens and be involved in run support.
    2 points
  40. OK, back with a bit of news, Kiev is safe, but not as safe as where my good friends are in Lviv, which he said was "real safe". Basically, the war is still not official, but there's still fighting going on, mostly out East (Lviv is way out West, Kiev in the middle). There are terrorists (Russians with Russian military tech) who are being allowed in a "buffer zone." Both sides are pretty much entrenched and neither side is making any progress. The biggest concern is the Russians cutting of gas supplies during winter, there could be power outages, which could be bad because of the cold climate. A lot of the old buildings in Lviv have wood burning heaters, and Ukrainians have really pulled together during this conflict, so he expects that if power is shut off, people will welcome others into their homes/places of business to keep warm.
    2 points
  41. The hotel was not built in 2007. By 2007 it was a wreck. It also did not have sufficient convention space. I am talking about changes from the time it was built. I'm sorry you were unable to defeat the athletics fee, but really, it's time for you to move on with your life and stop trolling the Mean Green all over the internet.
    2 points
  42. As I've gotten older I try very hard not to say anything on this board that I wouldn't say to that person's face. That goes for the stands, too. I'm far from perfect, but I try. I believe it's possible to be a die hard fan and not say derogatory things about our players.
    2 points
  43. the cadbury is more like an m&m these days and the roll of paper towels was replaced with a kleenex.
    1 point

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