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Is Vito Reporting From Afar ?


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Is it me, or does there seem to be a lack real information this year. Not much on who is doing what during summer conditioning. Not much on how the strength program is doing & if players are building muscle and stamina. Not much about our quarterbacks and off season pitch and catch with receivers. Just seems there is no real close to the team info from Vito. A lot of opinion, but not much else. Am I wrong ?

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I get the same thing. Seems to me like all we get from him lately (this hasn't always been the case) is him spinning everything he can as negatively as possible. Everyone I've been in contact with who has actual info about how things are going with the team says its night and day better than last year, but you'd never know that from Vito. I love Vito, but I think I'm done with getting my daily dose of doom and gloom for a while. And just for the record, a good coaching staff can make a less than ideal roster better than the undercoached, injury plagued mess we had last year. I'm confident that this year will be an improvement over last year, even if its just by a little bit.

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I don't get how everyone seems to think that Vito is all doom and gloom. He talks up the new coaching staff and how they compare to the last regime. And then he talks about how this team doesn't appear to have as much talent as last years team. Which is true. We lost a lot of key contributors off of last years squad.

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I just see things like him practically giddy about how good Antonio Johnson looks during spring practice, yet he uses his inexperience and the fact that he used to be a tight end every chance he gets when he wants to say how bad UNT will suck this year. It's that kind of spin that I see a lot lately (Johnson is just one example) that drives me nuts. I get not wanting to blow smoke, but when you twist things to make them seem worse, that's just as bad in my opinion. If we don't get at least 4 wins this year, ill come on here and eat my words.

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I just see things like him practically giddy about how good Antonio Johnson looks during spring practice, yet he uses his inexperience and the fact that he used to be a tight end every chance he gets when he wants to say how bad UNT will suck this year. It's that kind of spin that I see a lot lately (Johnson is just one example) that drives me nuts. I get not wanting to blow smoke, but when you twist things to make them seem worse, that's just as bad in my opinion. If we don't get at least 4 wins this year, ill come on here and eat my words.

It doesn't worry you that we have a converted TE who is also a RSfreshman looking to start on the line? Yes, sounded like he did well during Spring ball, but that doesn't mean much. Experience along the line is something that usually leads to solid play on the O side of the ball.

That being said I do think that Antonio will have a good career here at NT

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I agree with what you're saying, and maybe I'm being a bit hard on Vito, but I think if you're wanting to give an objective look at someone like Johnson, you should say something to the effect of "talented but unproven", which would be entirely fair. Instead we get no mention of his ability and an emphasis on his changing positions and being a freshman. I realize that this may seem like I'm making a lot out of a small example. But I'm really sensitive to rhetorical style for a lot of reasons related to my interests and education, and things that may seem minor stand out to me like sore thumbs. Maybe I just need to switch that off when I read Vito.

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I don't get how everyone seems to think that Vito is all doom and gloom.

It's not that he's doom and gloom all the time. It's just that he lets his immaturity give a lot of his blog entries a biased slant. Sometimes he tries to be a Mean Green homer while other times trying too hard to appear not to be.

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I agree with what you're saying, and maybe I'm being a bit hard on Vito, but I think if you're wanting to give an objective look at someone like Johnson, you should say something to the effect of "talented but unproven", which would be entirely fair. Instead we get no mention of his ability and an emphasis on his changing positions and being a freshman. I realize that this may seem like I'm making a lot out of a small example. But I'm really sensitive to rhetorical style for a lot of reasons related to my interests and education, and things that may seem minor stand out to me like sore thumbs. Maybe I just need to switch that off when I read Vito.

"I just see things like him practically giddy about how good Antonio Johnson looks during spring practice, yet he uses his inexperience and the fact that he used to be a tight end" -Pastor Grant

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What is the last story that Vito broke about the team, player(s), etc (other than opinion) that hadn't already appeared in some form on gomeangreen.com or another site ? Recruiting and transfer info seems to hits here first. Info, though not much, on summer workouts and conditioning seems to hit here first. Appears that gomeangreen.com posters break the story and Vito is the echo that follows up. Vito had the run of the place when DD was here. then TD took away his hall pass. I just wonder where he stands with coach Mac and our new group of coaches ?

Edited by MeanGreen61
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What is the last story that Vito broke about the team, player(s), etc (other than opinion) that hadn't already appeared in some form on gomeangreen.com or another site ? Recruiting and transfer info seems to hits here first. Info, though not much, on summer workouts and conditioning seems to hit here first. Appears that gomeangreen.com posters break the story and Vito is the echo that follows up. Vito had the run of the place when DD was here. then TD took away his hall pass. I just wonder where he stands with coach Mac and our new group of coaches ?

The last 3 recruits to verbal were broken by Vito. Tony Mitchell? Although he got blasted for talking that up too much. But you're right for the most part. But that's the way it goes at most schools, big or small.

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Chill out everybody.

The only criticism one could throw out there for Vito is that he restates the record over the past 6 years... It sucks for us to stare reality in the face sometimes. He has just restated reality too much for some of us to not get all worked up.

It is the offseason, so here is your update... one...two...three...

The team is going through conditioning, and according to Dan McCarney, the team has taken to heart the strength and conditioning programs. Everyone is on campus and doing well in the classroom... <insert your random quote that reinforces these statements from players and coaches>

The bonus is that we have 7 commits already. <insert statements about these guys being excited to commit to what looks like the perfect situation for them and how awesome the coaching staff is> <insert statement about how great a find these kids will be and how under rated they are by other schools so far...but expect interest to increase>

Practice is starting soon... <insert state of the union statements as they prepare to begin 2-a-days>

Then if you are Vito, restate the dismal results on the field that we are all too familiar with to get a rise out of us again...

Vito does a solid job of staying on top of what is going on. If there is nothing going on or nothing to report(or is allowed to report *cough* big announcement on the 15th *cough*), then there are no new nuggets for all of us to consume and get excited about.

I appreciate you Vito. Thank you for covering the Mean Green! and yes, I might be brown nosing a bit.

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SHOSS, can't disagree, and I also think the good outweighs the bad with Vito. But off-season is long and I think that its the time when Vito's pessimistic side is most on display, and it is wearing on some people (as is evident in the comments on his blog). Once the season starts we will all have a different tune, but we are out of other things to talk about.

Edited by pastorgrant
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I just see things like him practically giddy about how good Antonio Johnson looks during spring practice, yet he uses his inexperience and the fact that he used to be a tight end every chance he gets when he wants to say how bad UNT will suck this year. It's that kind of spin that I see a lot lately (Johnson is just one example) that drives me nuts. I get not wanting to blow smoke, but when you twist things to make them seem worse, that's just as bad in my opinion. If we don't get at least 4 wins this year, ill come on here and eat my words.

I see it the same way Vito does and I don't think it's spin. I think he is managing expectations of a fan base whose program had almost bottomed out as bad as a program could. We did this to ourselves and we are taking the steps to improve which I can live with.

Did you attend the spring scrimmage? We have serious issues with depth.

As a fan I will be content with 2 wins this year and a caveat that recruiting is going well. That will satisfy me as a fan that the program is going in the right direction. We could very well go 0-12 this year and that wouldn't mean McCarney is doing a poor job unless we saw horrible game planning and game management. We do have some extremely talented players but the lack of depth is an absolute killer.

If we win 4 games this year, Dan McCarney should get coach of the year. Who the heck would we be favored against? FAU? Good thing we get them at home and they are in a program death spiral. Louisiana? They beat us last year at our place. WKU? WKU has been recruiting well, it's only a matter of time before they get better. I sure am glad we get them in Denton.

I only see three games right now that IF we play well, limit turnovers, etc. that we can reasonably expect to win. If we win all of those contest and catch another team on a bad day, we maybe win 4. If McCarney and staff win 4, he is indeed Football Jesus.

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It doesn't worry you that we have a converted TE who is also a RSfreshman looking to start on the line? Yes, sounded like he did well during Spring ball, but that doesn't mean much. Experience along the line is something that usually leads to solid play on the O side of the ball.

That being said I do think that Antonio will have a good career here at NT

Nobody recruited Johnson as a tight end. It is about as important as Kassell being a high school QB. NT lost three three year starters on the OL but not pointed out is that Drake and Santiago were both injured most of last year. NT has five players who have started at least a couple of games in Johnson (the center, Fortenberry, Adedipe, Leppo, and Freeley. Yes NT lost some valuable players but the cupboard is not completely bare. It all how you spend it. Gill was in particular a big lost playing left tackle but he is not irreplaceable.

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I see it the same way Vito does and I don't think it's spin. I think he is managing expectations of a fan base whose program had almost bottomed out as bad as a program could. We did this to ourselves and we are taking the steps to improve which I can live with.

Did you attend the spring scrimmage? We have serious issues with depth.

As a fan I will be content with 2 wins this year and a caveat that recruiting is going well. That will satisfy me as a fan that the program is going in the right direction. We could very well go 0-12 this year and that wouldn't mean McCarney is doing a poor job unless we saw horrible game planning and game management. We do have some extremely talented players but the lack of depth is an absolute killer.

If we win 4 games this year, Dan McCarney should get coach of the year. Who the heck would we be favored against? FAU? Good thing we get them at home and they are in a program death spiral. Louisiana? They beat us last year at our place. WKU? WKU has been recruiting well, it's only a matter of time before they get better. I sure am glad we get them in Denton.

I only see three games right now that IF we play well, limit turnovers, etc. that we can reasonably expect to win. If we win all of those contest and catch another team on a bad day, we maybe win 4. If McCarney and staff win 4, he is indeed Football Jesus.

Vito's job is never to blow sunshine or to manage any one's expectations. He is reported it as he sees it. i don't agree with him or you, I think 4 wins would be disappointing. McCarney will get a lot of time to turn this thing around but if the injured riddled poorly coach team that everyone is lamenting about could get 3 wins last year, I don't see why we should be happy with those results this year. Yes, I know Dodge was gone when the team got better but he was over the development and recruitment of those athletes and Riley who performed outstandingly was injured during most of the run and was slated to be a wr.

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Vito's job is never to blow sunshine or to manage any one's expectations. He is reported it as he sees it. i don't agree with him or you, I think 4 wins would be disappointing. McCarney will get a lot of time to turn this thing around but if the injured riddled poorly coach team that everyone is lamenting about could get 3 wins last year, I don't see why we should be happy with those results this year. Yes, I know Dodge was gone when the team got better but he was over the development and recruitment of those athletes and Riley who performed outstandingly was injured during most of the run and was slated to be a wr.

While we all expect the team to do better now that we have better coaches, o say " if the injured riddled poorly coach team that everyone is lamenting about could get 3 wins last year, I don't see why we should be happy with those results this year" , would only be fair if we were playing the season over with the new coaches and less injuries. Since it's a new year, you cannot look at it that way. The team lost good players, and except for Zach Orr and Olen really have no impact players who played much last year. So I don't see how we can be better than last year. I'd say we'll be worse but better coaching evens that out and we get the same results but it doesn't taste like vomit this time around.

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I see it the same way Vito does and I don't think it's spin. I think he is managing expectations of a fan base whose program had almost bottomed out as bad as a program could. We did this to ourselves and we are taking the steps to improve which I can live with.

Did you attend the spring scrimmage? We have serious issues with depth.

As a fan I will be content with 2 wins this year and a caveat that recruiting is going well. That will satisfy me as a fan that the program is going in the right direction. We could very well go 0-12 this year and that wouldn't mean McCarney is doing a poor job unless we saw horrible game planning and game management. We do have some extremely talented players but the lack of depth is an absolute killer.

If we win 4 games this year, Dan McCarney should get coach of the year. Who the heck would we be favored against? FAU? Good thing we get them at home and they are in a program death spiral. Louisiana? They beat us last year at our place. WKU? WKU has been recruiting well, it's only a matter of time before they get better. I sure am glad we get them in Denton.

I only see three games right now that IF we play well, limit turnovers, etc. that we can reasonably expect to win. If we win all of those contest and catch another team on a bad day, we maybe win 4. If McCarney and staff win 4, he is indeed Football Jesus.

Real high bar you got there.

0-12 is COMPLETELY unacceptable when you play in the Sun Belt Conference!! 2-10 would be a failure of a season. Chico won 2 out of 5 last year with a beat up, rag-tag football team. That is what good coaching gets you in this conference.

Assuming that Coach Mac and his staff is what all of us think they are, this team wins a minimum of 4 games this year. A minimum! If this team goes winless, it's a sign that we made a huge mistake with this coaching hire (and no, I don't think we did).

You do know that a couple of publications have picked us to finish third in conference, right?

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