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Hum... I wonder why she is protesting a CURRENT war at the doorstep of a PAST President? Could it be that her politics won't allow her to protest in Washington D. C., at the door of the man who could end it if he wanted?

Some people will always live in the sixties, but I sure wish they would at least buy a Garman (Sp?).

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Hum... I wonder why she is protesting a CURRENT war at the doorstep of a PAST President? Could it be that her politics won't allow her to protest in Washington D. C., at the door of the man who could end it if he wanted?

Some people will always live in the sixties, but I sure wish they would at least buy a Garman (Sp?).

From the article that you linked:

Anti-war protesters say they want Bush and his administration investigated and prosecuted for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Sheehan also has demonstrated against President Barack Obama because the Democrat has continued the wars the began under Bush.
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What a pitifully ignorant, stupid woman. The fact that she supposedly protested Obama as well when he was one of if not the only member of congress who voted against the surge in an attempt to end and shorten the war say's so. I'm proud of President Bush in how he's taken the heat all these years with class. He wasn't the only one making the decisions in '03 but he's taken all of the heat for those decisions and has never backed down from his stance on what he felt needed to be done to keep this country safe. And keep it safe he did. Because of his policy's our CIA was able to divert two further attacks on our nation. One in L.A. back in '03 and this past year in New York with the attempted Synagogue bombings to speak of just a couple.


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Oh, but did you see that she has a book out...or about to be out? You think that might have just a little bit to do with why this moroon turned back up in public? This fool is not only ignorant, but she has now turned it into a "profit center". You do have to wonder who is bank rolling all this crap for her? MoveOn.org perhaps???? Get a life woman...and get a job! Do something positive for a change...like maybe start a foundation in your son's name to help other families who have lost loved one's in Iraq/Afghanistan. So many ways this idiot could have been a catalyst for good and a help to many others, instead she turns to this stuff and ends up as a "profit center" for herself. Nice. I also hear she wants to run for Congress from california...only in California would she have a chance. The land of LaLa!!!

To quote the immortal Charlie Brown..."Good Grief".

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Oh, but did you see that she has a book out...or about to be out? You think that might have just a little bit to do with why this moroon turned back up in public? This fool is not only ignorant, but she has now turned it into a "profit center". You do have to wonder who is bank rolling all this crap for her? MoveOn.org perhaps???? Get a life woman...and get a job! Do something positive for a change...like maybe start a foundation in your son's name to help other families who have lost loved one's in Iraq/Afghanistan. So many ways this idiot could have been a catalyst for good and a help to many others, instead she turns to this stuff and ends up as a "profit center" for herself. Nice. I also hear she wants to run for Congress from california...only in California would she have a chance. The land of LaLa!!!

To quote the immortal Charlie Brown..."Good Grief".

I'm sure she'll show up on Letterman in the next week or so, then they both can have a Bush Bash and pat each other on the back.

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I am sorry she lost her son and thank him for his service to our country, but last I checked he VOLUNTEERED for to serve, wasn't draft, wasn't dragged to the recruiting office kicking and screaming, nope, he chose to serve. It's funny to me how some want the benefit of being in one of our armed forces, yet don't want to serve for the purpose the armed forces were created in the first place.

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